UnderWharf Settlement in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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A subterranean area underneath the Zelpis docks in Stoneport.  Several taverns and seedier shops operate there.  Several tunnels lead to the sewer system and a maze of underground tunnels that exist under the city.  Most notably the famous Dark Crystal Tavern can be found in the center of UnderWharf.  The large dull purple crystal in the center of the tavern is not made of moon shard but a substance no one has ever identified.


Technically it is ruled by the laws of Stoneport.  Though enforcement is lacking in this area and the influence of shadier guilds and organizations is strong.


A wide tall cavern has several houses and shops in a central area.  Directly underneath the main docks of Stoneport a wide opening leads to the sea. Many tunnels lead to other areas of the underground.
Underground / Vault
Location under

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