UnderWharf (Stoneport) Settlement in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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UnderWharf (Stoneport)

Underwharf is a large cavern underneath the docks of Stoneport.  Several shops and taverns can be found down there and there is little guard presence.


The section of the city built in a large cavern under the Zelpis Docks. Largely left alone by guard patrols, the shadier element of Stoneport lurks in it’s shops and taverns. Adventure Team Bugbear has a headquarters built out of a large Stein that starts in the UnderWharf. The top floor peeks out into the city above.
The Dark Crystal Tavern- Owner is Janna Coralline, a female Genasi. This large tavern has been built around a mysterious piece of Crystal that has floated unmoving in the same spot for centuries. No one has ever seen it budge. The Crystal itself is worthless, everytime someone carves a piece off the piece turns to dust and the crystal heals itself.
As Vom Fass enters the tavern have him roll a 1d6. The effects are, the crystal changes color, the crystal shifts 1 inch causing a mild panic, The crystal hums briefly, the crystal glows brightly for 30 seconds, The crystal creates an illusory Vom Fass at every table, Or on a six the crystal changes all the ale in the tavern to Syrup. Janna may pull a knife on the players is the effect is too wild. Just out of fear not really threatening.
Golsten Stein PACT HQ for adventure Team Bugbear
Jaguar One - Private Detective
Hestellin Hideout - This dark building houses several members of the Abyssal Knife and has a secret entrance to the underground tunnels.
Holken Arcanist - Run by Jazen Holken a human man in his 60’s.
Trianox Artificer - A magic shop and arcane tinkerer run by a Green elf woman by the name of Tristar Yew. She hates the bureaucracy and dwarven ministers of the city and works hard to keep Underwharf free of their influence. She also hates Yadia Ewerspike from the Scintila shop. She will happily inform the players of Ewerspike’s duplicity.
Horta Herbalist - An old elven druid named Borolo has been in this building for 75 years. Too old to roam the lands he always is in desperate want of new plants and anything natural. He worships Makalua’a the Nature god. His building is teeming with plants which has pots and planters all over the place.
Ancano Smithy - run by Duergar named Mochel Ancano. An old adventurer who broke away from the underdark a century ago. Crescent Tooth Books - Run by a Halfling named Quentin Bolepage. *Researching certain books will reveal secret underground caverns and compounds.
Volkinne Meeting House - An abandoned building full of broken furniture and torn cloth. Occasionally used for Thieves drops or a secret meeting between shady officials.
Seaworthy Flower - Brothel
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