Porsk Settlement in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Porsk is a busy river town and known for it's trade and fishing.  It is situated on the River of Daggers and sees an enormous amount of boat traffic coming from Helletowne and sailing on to the Forest Realms.


The town is under the rule of House Quail and has been for almost 400 years. At this point the rule is almost ceremonial like many of the cities and towns of the Eigerlands. The current head of the house in Porsk is the Baroness Gillian Offerdahl Quail. She is an older human woman but fiercely intelligent. Her current goal is to fend off the takeover of the main government by a group of dwarven ministers from Stoneport.  She also has taken a strange man as her Paramour by the name Ionn Castaliogne.
The main administrators of the town are the council of Elders. A millenia old organization that has changed into an elected series of ministers. The current council is made up of five local officials. Gaspar Render, Celia Blomkampf, Vickel Rumpus, Naspo Rahm, and Colkuchek Bom. They are all currently being feted by a dwarven delegation from Stoneport to rewrite the town charter and remove any allegiance to the Five Houses of Penthos. They seek better trade deals and to cut out the city of Penthos from the Eigerlands.


1. Vulkellich Manor - An ancient mansion that is said to have been built during the second age by the ancient House Vulkellich. These days it is used as a museum and is loosely associated with the assembly of the Weave. They sell tickets to the museum as a way to make a little extra money. Their is an office for the assembly on the ground floor. The mages who staff it are considered exiles or screw ups who pissed off a higher officer.
2. The Bronze Dragon Tooth Inn - This three story building is built of dark red bricks with the bottom floor being the main tavern. The front doors are in between two painted dragons snarling at each other, a red and a bronze. Inside the common room hangs a large skull that looks like it could be from a dragon. It could also be a Wyvern or even an oversized drake. Only an expert would see a difference. The owner is Maizlin Caracelli an older human man. the bartender is usually a dwarven woman by the name of Wendolin Gwar.
3. River's Edge Tavern - A rival tavern to the Brass Dragon, the building is smaller and only two floors. It is built of a dark thick wood that looks like standard driftwood. A sturdy structure with a very nautical theme for the common room. A large painting of a Dragon turtle upending a large freighter is displayed predominantly behind the bar. The owner is a dwarven man with black hair and a black beard by the name of Bichous Riff. The main bartender is a green elven man by the name of Mel Grattem.
4. Blue Jetsam Inn - A large wooden building built with enormous beams of Ashen Forest timber that measure over 3' wide.  The common room is a large open space measuring over 300 ft square, and seats 150 patrons comfortably.  A square bar sits in the middle of the room surrounded by dozens of rectangular tables that are well worn buy often reconditioned with oils and varnish.  The jetsam caters to sailors mostly and the decor consists of hundreds of river boat devices and pieces.  Some of which are enchanted to move slowly or project watery scenes.  A porthole that shows you the River of daggers during a storm or a compass that moves all the time.  The owner is a water genasi woman named Latifer Orca, her bartender is a hobogoblin man named Grendel Wrex with ruddy dark skin and a shaved head.  The barback and server is a halfling man named Dida Fruzz.  
5. House Quail Manor - The Quails have taken the ancient building known as the Greykeep Orrery.  It used to be a convent for a collection of friars who worshipped Corsun.  They used the orrery to predict weather events and cosmological events.  This was in the second age the knowledge of how to do all of these things is lost. [DM Note: Dave's character may be able to figure this out in the future.] The bedrooms and offices in the last few thousand years have been consistently upgraded for comfort and opulence as many ruling organizations have used the old orrery for a governmental hub. 
6. Temple of Eigeralon - A large but bare bones temple to the god Eigeralon.  It is a place of worship but also has a training chamber so that acolytes and clerics can continue their weapon training.  Many members of the EMP stop here to either train or rest on their travels.  The current master is a cleric known as Vuncle Resemeer, a large half orc man.  The acolytes are a human woman named Sharoval Tate and a half elven man named Borvinius.
7. Church of Hellenox - A dour but ancient dark grey building houses the church of Hellenox.  The priestess here is a willowy old elven woman named Tiralee'Ae Yus.  It is said that she is over 400 years old.  Her current acolyte is a dwarven woman named Kielle Westfall.  
8. The Fractured Wall - The wall is an ancient remnant of what the are used to be in the second age.  It is said that in the last shatterfall the mighty city that once stood here was destroyed by the meteors and was never rebuilt. 
9. Southern Star Docks - A series of long docks and a wide dockyard that is actually an independent shipping company.  It mainly works with the mines to send raw materials all over the continent. They rarely compete with the ETC or the RHC so they are able to operate freely.  The current dock manager is a grizzled old dwarf with an eyepatch named Logain Draveyhr.  He keeps a goliath man named Yofurt to keep people in line and to punish cheats.  
10. Wallachia Warehouses - These warehouses are owned and rented out by the Wallachia family.  An old human line of dockworkers who saved up enough money to build enormous structures to house goods and material while it is sorted and shipped off as cargo.  The matriarch of the current line is Paoly Rimble Wallachia.  An older human woman with warhammer at her side.  She used to be an adventurer before she came back to run the business when her dad died.  Her son Knack is often seen doing most of the grunt work and supervising the dozens of workers that they hire. 
11. Vulken Bridge - An ancient bridge that was constructed during the second age.  It is said that it was enchanted to only falter when Vulkellich manor does.
12. Mariners Alliance Guild - The main organization that handles labor disputes and business matters like setting interest rates or shipping rates.  The guild goes back hundreds of years and is an important tool in maintaining peace amongst the thousands of ships and companies that come through Porsk every month.  The current guildmaster is one Corsair Qwellin a human man of fifty.  He has a metal arm and carries a scimitar.  His secretary of labor is a dwarven woman named Nanchia and the communications secretary is a steely eyed halfling woman named Fela Hatch.
13. Dagger Eye Tower - The current barracks for the well trained guard of Porsk.
14. Lifeblood Well - A vital fixture in the town of Porsk it has held fresh, never contaminated water for over a thousand years.  Most townsfolk assume it was enchanted by some benevolent wizard centuries ago.  The Assembly of the weave attempts to take credit for the achievement almost annually. 
15. Blomkampf House - The great manor house of the Blomkampf's. It is always decorated and for the season and well maintained.  The vanity of the dwarven family is well known throughout town.
16. Thistledown Alchemy - A potion shop run by the strange halfling woman known as Riddlerich Thistledown.  She often remarks that she was polymorphed by a dragon into her current form.  She claims to be half giant adventurer named Griffonclaw and that she stood over 18 feet tall. Of course that lore would make her over three hundred years old and few believe it these days.  She often drifts off into muddled thoughts and stories.  
17. Yaddle Magicks - This strange house is quite large and is a small warehouse of weird treasures.  It looks a lot like a large antiques store and is packed to the gills with all manner of old furniture and strange devices.  The owner is a  goblin woman by the name of Endira Yaddle.  
18. Kova Blacksmith - Run by a minotaur woman named Roughshod Kova. 
19. Orkobold's Weapons - A dealer of fine and enchanted weapons of all types.  He is very interested in the unique or rare weapons that adventurers come across and will pay well for them.  His name is Monty Orkobold and he is a half elven half earth genasi man with short dull green crystals encrusting the top of his head.  
20. Ducellat's Jewelry - Owned and operated by the stout but clever dwarven man named Poris Ducellat.  This jewelry store is well guarded and trapped.  It is also incredibly knowledgeable on all manner of jewels, minerals, and valuable crystals.  One can often find the intelligent homonculus known as Exetellia as the manager.  She looks like a gargoyle statue come to life a blue stone with small heavy wings on her back.
21. Porsk Shield Guard


Porsk used to be a walled settlement with a population that by and large lived in the outlying hamlets, farms, and estates, rather than within the town proper. As such, the streets of Porsk were not densely populated. The town was significantly refurbished during the 13th century when many of its 40-odd wooden structures were remade in stone by the dwarves of Clan Kwaresh. Even after this improvement, Porsk's roads were unpaved and several of its buildings were ramshackle in appearance even a century later.
Only one of the town's massive protective walls remains today and it is highly damaged.  The riverside harbor is protected by centuries of wreckage from many river battles waged in ancient wars.  A group of divers often team up with water breathing individuals to go mudlarking in the fast moving river to uncover artifacts and antiques.  Though this wreckage looks intimidating on the map their is plenty of room for skilled sailors to move through the gaps.

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