Vela'Rus Settlement in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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A small village that sits near the edge of the Porskan Crater in the central Eigerlands.  Though the town has been in this locations for millenia in the current age it has become a trading hub for the companies that work the mines in the great Porskan Crater.


The current Governor of Vela'Rus is an East Tellenheim Company officer by the name of Commander Kethlan Chevelle. Though there was an election, the commander won by a landslide leading many to believe that it was fixed.
A powerful dwarven clan known as Raspgrinder, out of Ulirre led a campaign to unseat the Commander but haven't succeeded yet. Led by Lord Tertack Rasperdann they seek to turn trade and tariff's to the dwarves favor and force the cash flow south towards the Ulirre Valley instead of north towards Helletowne and Stoneport.


1. Casbar Vela Manor - The famous Casbar and Vela families were ancient houses that fought in the Elven Human wars of the second age. Their descendants built the famed castle over two thousand years ago at the beginning of the third age. Built from the tan colored stone mined from the crater the castle towers over the rest of the town.
2. Aroki's Tavern and Inn - A short half orc man named Arborsham Aroki runs the largest inn in town. The building itself is your standard thick beamed dark colored wood structure with a wide common room on the first floor and a dark polished bar on the nothern side of the room. The top three levels have dozens of rooms for rent for weary travelers and miners heading to a new shift.
3. Black Lung Bar - Your classic deadwood style frontier tavern built with dark espresso colored poplar.  It is a workers bar and after six pm is filled with an assortment of sweaty, soot ridden, heavy drinkers. The owner is a dwarven man named Totten Woodshaver and he has a thick black beard and a bald head.  His main bartender is a thick shouldered bald human man with a large handlebar moustache called Ivor Knott.
4. Grigori's Forge Works - The owner of the forgeworks is a large minotaur blacksmith named Blackhoof.  His head is bison shaped and he is coated in a dark brown fur.  He stands over 7'5" and has massive shoulders.  His assistant is a fire genasi woman with dark grey skin and bright yellow eyes that seem to glow.  She has red streaks in her dreadlocked black hair.  She goes by Bright Zinge.
5. Manschelbaum General Store - The dwarven manschelbaum family has run this general store for seven centuries.  The interior is wide and spacious but filled with dark brown oaken shelves that reach from floor to ceiling.  Several library style movable ladders slide in between them for reaching things on the top shelves.  The current owner is a dwarven woman with auburn hair named Trinda Frontier.  Her daughter Vela is often there with her halfling husband named Kevin Knotroot. The store has a bit of everything including many oddball items that have been sitting on their shelves for hundreds of years. 
6. Crater Dry Goods - Though they carry many basic mining supplies and hardware this shop also doubles as an appraiser of metals, minerals and gems.  It has quite a bit of security around it and his often accused of being a front for the ETC.  The half elven owner has slick backed black hair and an Inorian accent.  His name is Gul Marvek and he only hires homonculi and golems that have been given some kind of sentience.  One can often see a small scaly figure doing inventory or a hulking clay golem stocking shelves in the back.  
7. Oswin's Farmstead - Still claiming to be independent all these years the Oswin's are a human family that have tending these fields for a millenia.  They supply most of the grain for the entire region and are an important resource for the entire town.  They often use this bargaining chip to get what they want and they have a certain amount of protection due to this.  The matriarch currently is a woman in her 60's called Carol Oswin and her husband is Dergan.  Their three sons do a lot of the supervising work of making sure the farm is producing and their names are Wilco, Rem, and Painter.  The Oswin's hire dozens of farmhands of all different races, many of whom live on the property.
8. Auschwinn Stable - The stable is very large and even has a building for entire coaches.  It was enchanted centuries ago to expand the interior magically by almost two acres. The effect can be quite disorienting if you are not expecting it. 
The owner is an green elven man named Boscobel Auschwinn, who is much more intelligent and cunning than his laid back goofy demeanor would make you think.  This is a great area to gain intelligence or look for secrets.  His stable hands are many but two important ones are the halfling man with black hair named Minto Marlin and the bugbear named Vardy.
9. Tellenheim Miner's Guild - An office building that holds the records of every claim in the Porskan Crater both individual and corporate.  It works in conjunction with the office in Porsk to make sure that everything is on the up and up.  The Guild chairman here is a Gnome named Kiddletook Harl and his first officer is a dwarven woman named Spurla Casbar.
10. Casbar Vela Bank - Still run by the descendants of the great dwarven clan it is considered neutral ground by any faction.   it is probably the most magically infused building in the magic averse town of Vela Rus.  It's protections are many and very secret but most theorize special alarms and defenses that can be most unpleasant.  They keep a wizard on hand but refuse to tell the public which member of the staff and whether they are aligned with the Assembly of the weave.  All of this secrecy helps protect the bank and scare off potential scoundrels.  The current head officer is a human man named Pikel Conrender.  Other staff are a dwarven man named Londan Casbar, a half elven woman named Melia Pontessa, and an earth genasi woman named Cova Mangonel.


The town formed over decades of mining near the edge of the Porskan crater.  Originally just a series of camp,s the dwarves that worked claims for Ulirre built the first established buildings in SF 1100.  As always a basic inn and tavern were set up followed by a few brothels and then permanent houses. 
During the early days the area was a wild frontier near the River of Daggers and the Ashen forest.  Within 50 years however the trading companies and powerful families saw an advantage.  They built warehouses and row houses for their workers to increase production and extraction of the useful metals and minerals that came from the crater.  Once the competition started however things got more dangerous and development sped up.  So did the violence.
By the 1800s mercenaries and rogues were hired to steal goods or destroy property as the trading companies did everything in their power to crush any competition.  Finally in 1856 a dwarven mining clan called Stoneshaper Casbar had had enough.  They armed themselves and took over the town killing or driving out anyone who was aligned with the trading companies or great houses.  After three years of bloody war they were victorious and took over the town.  They built the castle that still bears their name.  They ruled the area and the eastern side of the crater for twenty years. 
After that grace period however the powerful companies struck back leading to a five armies style battle that threatened to destroy everything.  Just as the armies were creating an arms race of powerful wizards and sorcerors that could wield enough power to destroy the entire town a dwarven man sued for peace. 
His name was Wolverhammon Casbar and he is considered the greatest dwarven diplomat of all time.  Dwarves not known for their cool headed debate and understand. He convinced all of the armies to cease hostilities for the good of all.  He succeeded creating a treaty of commerce in the area that saved the town and thousands of lives.
Founding Date
SF3 1123
Inhabitant Demonym
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