Eva-lution Team Adventure One Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Eva-lution Team Adventure One

The new stories of Mitchell and Eva's characters as they look for a way out of the city of Allachi. Mitchell's character works at the Ashevar Millworks as a day laborer, Eva depending on her class and race will be a street urchin or another laborer working at the forgeworks or the Mageware shop. They are often joined by their friend Guilfoyle Elstin, who works at the Mageware shop as well, as a scribe and catalogue. In reality he is the grandson of Lord Hellevos Quail and is not allowed to leave the city.
Let's start with some town stuff as the three head to the bar of their choice after work. From there Guilfoyle or Eva begin to talk about the piece of information they found at the assembly. A magical chalice that produces gold, enough gold per week to buy their way out of Allachi and go wherever they want. This is found in a small book titled "The Journal of Ghethlan Morriwig, Hidden Treasures of the Eigerlands" by the traveling mage known as Ghethlan Morriwig. Those who work at the assembly know him by name and the journal is supposed to be passed up to the academics in the upper offices for analysis. One of the characters nicked it before that could happen. It will only be a matter of time before someone notices though. Days, perhaps a week.
Journal Entry
The Chalice of Faecullen - I glimpsed the battered and tarnished cup while being entertained by strange forest woman known as Korrmirra Gravca. While her minions put together a feast I watched as a bullywug dropped the cup and spilled forth gold coins. With my brilliant erudition and canny conversation I enquired of the cup without revealing that I saw it's contents. My host informed me that the cup was indeed a relic of the Fae realm and was called the Chalice of Faecullen. With that tiny morsel of information I deduced that it was indeed a cup enchanted to produce several hundred gold coins per week. I convey this to the council to put together a small team to extract the cup for study and to keep it out of the hands of any lowlife brigands or scoundrels. I myself could lead a --. The entry continues with a list of supplies the mage would need to undertake the mission.
While at the bar the book will be stolen by a rogue named Mistivook. A Kenku woman whom the team has dealt with before, she often listens in on their conversations and could be a possible fence or informant if anyone is a rogue or part of a thieves guild.
Mistivook will run to the Green shield docks and attempt to enter her guild hall before the characters can catch her. Quick chase sequence in the city streets at night and grab a battle map for an alleyway as the characters face off against a few thugs. Allow for negotiation or combat depending on the players.
From here it should give the players a good idea that the journal must hold good information and that they should attempt the quest to obtain the chalice.

Plot points/Scenes

In the City of Allachi -
Mitchell your character works in the Assembly Mageware.  This is a large building that operates under the auspices of the Assembly of the Weave.  The well known academy and organization that polices all magic in your world.  They have decreed that only book bound wizards are allowed to use magic on the continent.  All others are to be registered and cut off from magic or reeducated in the ways of wizardry, not sorcery or the unclean ways of warlocks.  Your job at the Assembly Mageware is to disenchant small baubles and items that come into the workshop.  Your good friend Guilfoyle works in the offices down the hall as a scribe and researcher. 
Eva your character is currently living at the temple of Eigeralon.  You brought here as a child after being found out in the woods nearby alone and frightened.  For the last ten years you have been raised by a friendly Firbolg man named Luveriian Cho. He is studying to become a cleric of Eigeralon, currently he just runs the parish here and does all the services.  He allows you to converse with your nature spirits as long as no one in the city notices.  He is a tad overprotective and frowns on your jaunts to the city taverns to hang out with your friends.
At the office 
Mitchell/Character Name you sit in your small office surrounded by tools of your trade.  Everything from small rock hammers, thin wiry tweezers and small enchanting stones, even hundreds of jars of spell components.  You sit at your work bench until your immediate supervisor Adept Jean-Luc Addermire walks in to your office "Have you finished disenchanting those golem stones yet?  Don't forget your review is coming up, I don't want to write you up for bad habits this week."  He is an older human man with thinning grey hair and the standard magenta colored vestments of his rank and station.  After you talk for a minute you the adept leaves and walks down the hall.  A moment later a head peeks in from the doorway.  A black haired young human man looks in and smiles.  "Hey! ready for a break? I have something interesting to show you and Eva/Character name." 
Eva/character name you are in the temple of Eigeralon polishing two dozen brass braziers with a grey compound and several rags.  Your guardian Luveriian Cho walks in to check on your progress.  He is a very tall Firbolg man with a calm demeanor.  He has a big wide pink nose and large brown eyes.  His fluffy brown hair is pulled back in tight weave so that it stays off of his crisp white robe and red vest bearing the symbol of the god Eigeralon.  He holds up a large white flower with it's root dangling below his hand.  "Young lady, what did I say about growing flowers in between the pews?  No I said that it would damage the stone flooring which I can't afford to replace right now."  He smiles though and says "You can finish those chores in the morning, for now go off and have fun with your friends.  Just remember no taverns and don't be out later than 10!"
[DM Note: From here the two can decide which tavern is their favorite and where they regularly meet up with Guilfoyle.  Impossible Bat, Sabra's Djinn, or the Three skulls are the options. As they enter describe the building and the atmosphere.  At the table in the corner, their table sits Guilfoyle with a smirk as he clutches a velvet bag and a pint of Blue moose Ale.] 
"How was work today everyone?" As you both answer he quickly interrupts "Don't care, this is more important!"  He dumps the book out of the bag onto the table.  It is a leather bound journal that looks to be weather treated with oil.  The pages inside are a little beaten but not torn or missing.  It is tied with a leather cord around it.   He pushes it towards M/C and says "take a look."
As you hold the small book you see that it is titled "The Journal of Ghethlan Morriwig, Hidden Treasures of the Eigerlands" by the traveling mage known as Ghethlan Morriwig. Those who work at the assembly know him by name and the journal is supposed to be passed up to the academics in the upper offices for analysis. Guilfoyle must have nicked it before that could happen. It will only be a matter of time before someone notices though. Days, perhaps a week.  He downplays any danger that they are in though "Don't worry about it take a look at the section I bookmarked."
The Journal 
The Chalice of Faecullen - "I glimpsed the battered and tarnished cup while being entertained by a strange forest woman known as Korrmirra Gravca. While her minions put together a feast I watched as a bullywug dropped the cup and spilled forth gold coins. With my brilliant erudition and canny conversation I enquired of the cup without revealing that I saw it's contents. My host informed me that the cup was indeed a relic of the Fae realm and was called the Chalice of Faecullen. With that tiny morsel of information I deduced that it was indeed a cup enchanted to produce several hundred gold coins per week. I convey this to the council to put together a small team to extract the cup for study and to keep it out of the hands of any lowlife brigands or scoundrels. I myself could lead a --" The entry continues with a list of supplies the mage would need to undertake the mission.
 If Mitchell and Eva seem reluctant, Guilfoyle will try to talk them into undertaking the mission. "Look, the three of us have said for years that we want to see the world, to go on an adventure! This is our chance, to outrun our grungy lives here and create new ones anywhere in the world!"As the three of you discuss the idea in detail roll perception checks [DC 13].  On a success one of you sees a small feathered hand slide the book silently behind Guilfoyle's arm and disappear.  Guilfoyle seems none the wiser!  On a fail you all look down a moment later and see that the book is missing.

On the road to Ashe
If Mitchell and Eva seem reluctant, Guilfoyle will try to talk them into undertaking the mission. "Look, the three of us have said for years that we want to see the world, to go on an adventure! This is our chance, to outrun our grungy lives here and create new ones anywhere in the world!"
The team should go to different shops or contacts to supply themselves with transportation, food, water, weapons, and camping gear to undertake the six day journey to the town of Ashe. If they go on foot it is closer to 10 days, horse or carriage can do it in six. They could also find or charter a boat to get there in three on the river of daggers.
During this journey they will be approached by brigands who are just looking to rob them and a group of soldiers who have been sent by Guilfoyle's family to bring him back to Allachi. Guilfoyle will have to reveal that he is not just another street laborer but actually the grandson of Lord Hellevos Quail. His real name is Prince Adama Guilfoyle Yarvin Quail the son of the baron and baroness who oversee the Labor district.
The soldiers are four well dressed folks from the city guard of Allachi. They wear the gold and dark brown tunics and capes of the guard and are equipped with crossbows and short swords. They wear chainmail under their tunics giving them an AC of 15. They are led by a half orc woman named Britt Larkin. The others are a human man named Tomlinson, a dwarven woman named Valia, and a brown skinned human woman named Rellis.
The bandits are three rough and tumble characters. Led by a Tiefling woman named Aquilla who has teal skin and curled horns that are dark grey, her eyes are bright yellow with black irises. The second is a goblin man named Corker, and the third is an earth genasi man named Grinlock. They operate on the banks of the River of Daggers near a small town called Rethamon.
If by river they can also encounter Giant Crabs, Mud Mephits, and Kuo-Toa. All of which would make for fun combat on a boat. The boat can be damaged too.
The town of Ashe


The town of Ashe
As you walk into the town you see hard packed dirt streets and the bustle of hundreds of laborers, hunters, and shopkeeps moving about. People on horses walk freely through the streets as well as people pushing carts of animal skins or lumber some being pulled by large goats or even husky warthogs. Not things you would see in the city of Allachi. What would you like to do?
[DM Note: The best way to look for the chalice would be to obtain a guide to go into the forest. Most townsfolk will warn against going at all considering their experience level and age. If they do insist however they will have to wait until first thing in the morning.  They only person willing to undergo this mission is a young ranger named Cavill Storvant, the young son of the folks who own the stable.]
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