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Windred Ozlow

A female kalashtar and member of the Gilded Hecat Guild. Raised by lighthouse-keepers on the coasts of Avicenna, Windred had long been fascinated by the stars and their celestial mysteries. Called forth by strange signs and visions, she traveled west towards Bahamut to join the GHG and befriended the bugbear pirate Argus along the way.   Windred is insatiably curious, forever pursuing knowledge in all shapes and forms. She has a particular interest in the Gith, inspired by her githyanki traveling companion and necromancer Zan'kiri. Through her adventuring she became the Shroud's foremost expert on gith culture and their abilities. Windred adores coffee, her family of lighthouse keepers, potion-making, and books, but loathes chaotic yuan-ti bards, overly ambitious and offensive tiefling inventors, and not knowing what you’re thinking.   In the fall of 918 after a (somewhat?) successful mission in the aqueducts of the Treeleaf Union, Craghan's threats escalated to a new level of violence, egged on by Windred’s Shroud dissertation topic and traveling companion, Zan’kiri. Windred traveled with Zan’kiri, Bubbles, Ysmyrelda Starr, Reetma, Xa'kara Reid and Teherse'singh for several years and together with their help managed to defeat Craghan once and for all in the skies above the Koulan Forests. In return for their sacrfices, she committed to helping them each with their own paths.   She currently runs a tavern/Shroud base in Anthep with her husband Reetma Ozlow and four children.  

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

It’s a strange sight to see so much ink on a young person; tattoos of dark stars and the silhouettes of crescent moons cover the arms, chest, and even the face of young kalashtar and Shroud agent, Windred Ozlow. When she sends out radiant beams of energy, the tattoos light up with a white-blue brilliance, a love letter to the night sky she draws her magic from.

However, it’s hard to ignore the ugly scrawlings that mar Windred’s carefully curated collection of ink- in addition to the stars and moons, a mad Githzerai named Craghan Navierre added his own cruel love letter, with possessive tattooed threats that demand Windred to allow him to sever her from her Quori spirit, Cheyeashtai. These markings started to quickly fade after Craghan was killed in 919. 

Special abilities

  • Druid, Circle of the Stars

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like many kalashtar in the 4th Cycle's tenth century, Windred found safety in The Shroud from a young age. For some the kalashtar were seen as aberrations to be feared and shunned, but at Shroud HQ in Avicenna they found a welcoming community and a place to test their telepathic powers to their full potential. Windred's parents were some of the Shroud's earliest recruits in Lyman, her mother Nerissa being the first kalashtar in the family before passing the quori bond onto her daughter. Ever seeking knowledge and insight about what lay beyond Ekal's borders, Windred soon abandoned her small fishing village to pore through the vast tomes of Gameria's National Archives.   It was here that, for better and for worse, Windred had fateful encounters with two men that would change the course of her life: Craghan Navierre and Argus. The githzerai Craghan cursed her with some magic enchantment that allowed him to send her messages via tattoos on her body. The first few tattoos were vague, one-word directives to join the GHG in Dhrylonis, orders she decided to heed to learn what Craghan had planned. While in town she also ran into Argus, a weathered old pirate also searching for knowledge in Dhyrlonis (but of a more draconic variety).

Together they chartered a boat for Southern Pescat, but it wasn't until they arrived in the region that Craghan's true motives revealed themselves. Through some twisted logic he believed that Windred's quori Cheyeashtai was a parasite, convinced that it was his duty to save her from the otherworldly being. The tattoos became more and more deranged, sometimes turning painful when Zan'kiri would try communicating with him via tattoo.

During the Fortunate Five's adventures through the Treeleaf Union Windred grew in power and learned new tricks to combat this terrifying gith, but even after weeks of adventuring the messages grew more threatening and specific. Craghan was planning something, something that Windred intended to stop at all costs. Even after Argus fell to the powerful Gray Hat Windred continued her pursuit of knowledge about Craghan's plans, joining the FF on their long-term contract with Chusei University in Sanjuro City where headmistress Kyoko Hara revealed vital information about Windred's first encounter with Craghan. It turns out the two had run into each other back when she was just fourteen, the githzerai believing Windred to be her mother. Refusing to accept that so much time had passed, he blamed the discrepancy on her quori spirit and made it his mission to find a way to 'free' Windred from her quori Cheyeashtai.   By the spring of 919 his plans were starting to come to fruition, his spells managing to disable Windred's quori connection while increasing in duration and frequency. Windred racked up multiple victories against enemies as varied as Ownka Ramm and Bianca Avon, even managing to bring one of her allies back to life after a particularly deadly encounter. Later that same spring she hunted down Craghan in a floating lighthouse when the githzerai cast a spell to sever Windred's connection to her quori spirit. She managed to rescue a fellow kalashtar by the name of Inaba in the process, reviving Xa'kara after they were killed by Craghan but unfortunately Loopmottin could not be rescued by the arcane explosion of Craghan's lighthouse.    After the FF's contract ended with Chusei University Windred traveled to the desert city of Anthep to establish a new Shroud base/tavern there. It was here that she started to implement some of the reforms she'd been advocating for within the organization, like more personal mentorship programs to train new members like Xue Trill. In the fall of 921 she reunited with the FF to banish the archdemon Gray Hat once and for all, after which her and Reetma started dating and married later that same year.    Windred has focused on raising her children running the Ruby Eye tavern in the years since, but in her free time she continues to explore her relationship with Cheyeashtai and test the limits of their powers. The quori has told her stories of celestial transformations, and Windred wants to be the first Ekalian to test these stories for herself.


Family Ties

  • Zan'kiri is the so-called 'lichfather' to her children


Windred Ozlow


Towards Reetma Ozlow

Reetma Ozlow


Towards Windred Ozlow

Year of Birth
894 41 Years old
Reetma Ozlow (spouse)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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