Kalashtar Species in Ekal | World Anvil
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"The kalashtar I've met all have something important: a sense of purpose beyond any one person. They see the world in a way few can fathom, which means we should be listening to everything they have to say." -Medraad Le Fey in a meeting with The Shroud, 899, 4th Cycle
Bonded with a dream-like spirit, the first recorded kalashtar appeared in Myltev in the 870's of the 4th Cycle. Hundreds more cases were reported all over Pescaliat in the following years, leading some scholars to believe that a global disturbance allowed these dream-like spirits to enter the world of Ekal and fuse with mortals. Granted telepathic powers and prophetic dream visions, the kalashtar became persecuted and shunned from many communities for their disturbing abilities. A small community have established themselves in the capital of Avicenna, but hundreds of kalashtar still roam the world alone with no one to help interpret their visions.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

  • The largest group of kalashtar reside in Kanara, the newly rebuilt capital of the human nation Avicenna. Leaders of the anti-occult organization The Shroud protect the kalashtar from outside scrutiny and assist them with interpreting their visions to ensure that none of these dream-like spirits have darker intentions.
  • Around the world mortals have woken up to find themselves kalashtar, frightened by their unexplained telepathic powers and visions. Some try to hide this transformation and go about their daily lives for fear of public opinion, while others feel compelled to travel and see where their visions will take them.
85 yrs.
Proliferation: Very Rare   Stats/Rules: Eberron


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