Yenaria Day 2998-3763 - The Middle Yenari Empire of the Shraven Dynasty in Didome | World Anvil

Yenaria Day 2998-3763 - The Middle Yenari Empire of the Shraven Dynasty

There are two major features that define the Middle Yenari Empire. The first is the separation of the leadership of the Barsaminism Emperos and the the Political leadership of the Middle Yenari Empire Gran Guide . The second feature is the long seven hundred day period with little internal or external conflict with the exception of the The 1st Navel war. After the initial rebuilding and unification from the War of the five Emperos the empire had a long unbroken chain of successful Gran Guide . This is not to imply that there was no political maneuvering and conflict, just that the machinations of the nobles rarely lead to full fledged war. For example, after the empire stopped the export of Esse slaves  there were a series of revolts by slaves and cradcressian elites in the 2130s. While this created resentment from the Cradcressians they remained part of the empire until the The 1st Navel war.   The The 1st Navel war was the one exception to the long period of stability. The war started when the city of Delnari suscessed from the Middle Yenari Empire. Delnari was supported by the The United Ire, the nation that developed after the Early Yenari Empire abandoned the island of Shadcress.   Delnari remained a fairly independent city ever since its incorporation in to the Early Yenari Empire in the 4th Brybort War. Due to its initially isolated location, it did not share the same cultural values as other Yenarian cities. In addition it was a important port where river craft could unload their cargo onto larger ocean vessels. This meant that the inhabitants of the city shared a diverse set of views. Many of the Delnarian elite even openly adhered to the Jharette faith, and it was these elites that convinced the The United Ire to support there secessionist demand.   The war lasted 23 days and resulted in Delnari joining the The United Ire. While initially Delnari wanted to become an independent city. At the end of the war the elites decided to offically join the The United Ire as a form of additional protection. It also gave them greater access to trade with The United Ire. The end of the war also gave Delnari complete control of trade on the lower Strepslim. This control of the trade quickly gave Delnari lot of power and fueled the Middle Yenari Empire shift to focusing on matters around the Tresbort Lakes area. These changes were outlined in the The Strepslim Accords.   The The Strepslim Accord prevented the Middle Yenari Empire from accessing the oceans. The furtherest their merchants could reach was the city of Delnari. In response the priestesses of Barsaminism declared the water of the Tresbort Lakes to be scared. In practice this meant that only ships of the Middle Yenari Empire were allowed to be on the lake. In the following days the city of Novus Rel roses as a major trading port in the Fertile Shar. Novus Rel was the only city in the Den Mar that Yenarian ships were allowed to stop at, and even then a Delnari guide had to be aboard each ship.   After being cut off from the Yenishar Territories and the Cradcresse Islands the Middle Yenari Empire turned inwards and focused on internal politics. The only major contact the empire had with locations outside the Tresbort Lakes area came from the Yenishar Coast cities. The cities like Nali and others remained devoted Barsaminists and held the notion of the holy pilgrimage to Nali scared. Yet with the The Strepslim Accord Yenishar ships were banned from the lower Strepslim. What developed was an overland route called the The Spirit Road, a one hundred mile stretch of land that connected a river on the Yenishar Coast to the tributaries of the northern most Tresbort Lake. While the Yenishar Territories was no longer part of the Middle Yenari Empire, the development of The Spirit Road allowed the cities of the Yenishar Coast to maintain their connection to Barsaminism.   During this same time, on the plains of the upper Strepslim the seeds of the Middle Yenari Empire's destruction were brewing. Since sometime after the time of The First Descendants , the Tern Tribes and Bas Tribes had been roaming the plains of the upper Strepslim. They had a nomadic lifestyle hunting and gathering the local flora and fauna. Yet there nomadic life style was based around what ever they could carry on their backs. They lacked any beast of burden to move their belongings.   However, around day 3000 the Bas Tribes near the Noshar Wastes domesticated one of the species of the Dreck . This rapidly transformed how quickly they could move over the plains. In addition, the Dreck could graze on many species that are inedible to the Bas Tribes. Thus giving the Bas Tribes access to more food. Over the next several hundred days the tribes of the upper Strepslim quickly adopted the Dreck. By 3700 it was not uncommon to see villages on the eastern side of the Middle Yenari Empire using Dreck to assist with planting and travel away from the larger river waterways. Yet, this domestication would have destructive consequences for the Middle Yenari Empire.

Cover image: by Cory Brooke-deBock


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