Old Finnar Ethnicity in Didome | World Anvil

Old Finnar

The Old Finnar people had many of the ways of the Old Din Yurkish ethnicity. However they held several traditions and beliefs that were different. 1st the Old Finnar were a costal fishing people and revered what the sea could bring them. Many of their cultures and traditions center around the sea and ocean.   2nd the Old Finnar people valued human dignity and the right of people to hold elections. However, the leaders of their villages and cities were elected elders of at least 100 days or more, and they ruled for life or until the stepped down. After their death or abdication a new election would be held. This put them at odds with the spread of Yahism which focused on the right of anyone to run for election and fixed terms. This meant the the Old Finnar never truly adopted Yahlahism. When they came under the control of a Yahlahism controlled empire. A schism developed and the form of Lahism quickly developed. Similar to Yahlahism, but they did not believe in a hereditary Din Yurk that god spoke to directly.   For many days the Schism existed between the Old Finnar and the Old Din Yurkish people. However, in 3624 when the Old Wenish people were decimated by the slim bass and had to rebuild their society in the fear of another invasion. They distanced themselves from the pacifism of the Din Yurk and adopted Lahism.

Cover image: by Cory Brooke-deBock


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