Crime and Punishment: Eleni Benacor Report in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

Crime and Punishment: Eleni Benacor

written by Eleni Benacor's player from March 29th through April 10th, 2011

General Summary

The Mismatch is finally ready to fly again, but she has had to stay docked on Procopia for a little while longer. I have finally found a reason to like this planet.


Yeager was being taught how to dance by Danar. I was not anywhere nearby, because it was Capital Season, and why would I be there if I didn't have to be? Actually, I was still saying my good-byes to Simon Tam, who was not so distracted by his work that he couldn't spend a few days with me. On an island called Alphoe.


{apparently, Danar, Yeager and Londo Mollari (lying to the emperor) have been arrested for various strange things that of course they did not do. They are being arrested by Clone Troopers and Procopian security forces. There was an argument over manacle placement. GM says “Hulkbuster restraints”, so it was more than manacles for Yeager. They take all of Yeager's weapons, and place a restraining bolt on his hand, but let him walk out on his own thanks to some fast-talking by Danar.}


{Vanya was at the spaceport with Davish (on #2 completed date which went EXCELLENTLY) when there was a request for assistance. Rico, Jenkins, Sparks, and Paperboy were already there to help out. Several ships had arrived with Refugees from the neutral zone between the Confederacy and the Imperium. Plus from the trade routes through the Galactic Core. Some were wounded. The story was that there were odd things going on – ships exploding for no reason. Shadowy creatures that come after people in the dark and possibly eating them. Spontaneous suicides, and some kind of machines that are lurking around. Jenkins became very worried and said that Vanya and Davish needed to leave as soon as possible. Procopia security moved in, set up 2 E-webs, and some of the Roughnecks aimed their weapons at Vanya! Davish went on the defensive, lightsaber lit and ready. Vanya was arrested. Davish has a warrant out for his arrest. Blasters not on stun that have no stun settings?? They took her weapons and her datapad. Someone has done their homework. They arrested her in the middle of a bunch of innocents, and used her own friends/clones to do it. She's been charged with smuggling, fraud, and conspiracy to commit terrorist activity. High Treason. Vanya gets in touch with Yoda, asking him to take custody of her Roughnecks. Is very good at skirting what's happening to her. She doesn't get another phone call, so she seeks out Anakin through the Force, and sends an image of Jenkins to him}


Simon's and my weekend date on Alphoe Island had just ended. He went to the hospital to check in, and said he would contact me later in the evening. I went to the temple where my small apartment is – not much there, but I figured it was a good place to get used to civilization again. As I walked in, the sisters of battle were on guard, as usual. Two of them nodded to me as I passed, but stayed at their posts. I need to get them to take a joy ride with me in the Mismatch sometime. I bet they'd like to get off planet. Maybe some kind of male stripper cruise...


One said that the RM had something for me, so I went down the main hall. RM Weiscz was in the larger area already, doing what RM's do in their spare time. She greeted me excitedly with news of her research. The samples we had procured from the aberrations (so called man-i-gesserits, by my friends) revealed something shocking - Merged DNA! This was accomplished by a blood transfusion, with added marrow returning to the males' bodies. That such a thing could provide instant training and abilities seems impossible. Where is this marrow coming from? The RM had mixed up several vials of a possible antidote, which she gave to me. Hopefully I will be able to try it out soon.


RM Weisz's News about the 3 clone heir-apparents are another reason for her excitement. Rico's blood samples are surprising. She doesn't trust her findings. The lineage is surprising. I didn't tell her that we had heard he might be related to “Emperor” Alexander Kane and Lod Zorad. I was going to, but didn't want to interrupt. AND Yeager – RM wanted to know what I knew about Han Solo. Yeager's not entirely Mandalorian. Some of his lineage is of the family of Solo. Solo's are the last royal family of Corellia, which means that this Vor business may be just the tip of the knife. Yeager Lexics Solo. I have to get those two together for a beer! RM says that they are either cousins or brothers. While I pondered how much fun it would be to see Yeager hugged by Chewbacca, the Sisters started shouting and shooting at something near the entrance.


Clones at the gate? I leave for a few days and everything goes nuts around here. My Sisters were ready to go into full-out fighter mode, but I got them to stand down for 10 minutes while I got to the bottom of things. RM had accompanied me to the entrance, but did not get involved. Probably for the best. Not good to give women who hate men a reason to shoot them. The lieutenant came forward, but kept two feet out of arms' reach from my techniques. I was in too good a mood for fighting, and just raised my eyebrows at him. He looked tired, and wary. I thought about using the Voice to make him feel better, but everyone was so jumpy, it would have ended in a massacre


Apparently, there was a warrant out for my arrest, but an offer had been made that if I acted as a witness for the prosecution, the charges would be dropped. Intriguing. The arrest warrant included myself (misdemeanors – I drove the ship, I guess?) , Davish Tam, Vanya, Danar, Lexics, and Tsu. The warrant was signed by Lord Bodé Leobund VormecettiHigh Lord of House Vormecetti – hard to not know that name.. those guys have been at the bottom of every pot of nasty we've found ourselves in lately. They seem to be very good at twisting things to their advantage, and I began to wonder if my testimony would still be truth after they were through with it. So, I asked a lot of questions, watching the tired lieutenant get a little less nervous. The Sisters were not exactly standing down, but they weren't shooting anymore. The Jury was to be Gregor and his Council of Counts. The Grand Solicitor was to oversee fairness. Politics, politics. Being found Guilty of high treason would mean execution. Yeager would be special, and get a Military Tribunal for himself.


There were a few options for me: running away – not my style when it's more than my ass on the line. Fighting – the temple and my Sisters and RM were at risk, and I couldn't allow them to come to blows with the government. Not while we are so split apart and in chaos. With all of its faults, Procopia is still the only refuge for RM Weisz at the moment. Taking the deal... I would have, if I'd not been so sure that my testimony would not remain mine. In the end, I went peaceably with the Lieutenant and his Clones. The Sisters seemed to be ok with it, as I was going willingly. RM said she would tell Simon what was going on. I was grateful. The lieutenant, becoming nervous again, asked for my weapons. I didn't have any, and explained that I'd just returned from a date. At first, he didn't believe me, but a serious stare at him for questioning my honesty changed his mind. I started to wonder just who he'd arrested before me. Probably Danar. Poor man.


My one phone call on the very plush and way too accommodating prison transport was to Simon Illyan. I knew that he was normally the one who paid my fees and we had spoken recently about my ship repairs. He's an agreeable type of man, although I will not forget what Dervish told me. Captain Illyan said that, while I would have been invaluable on the outside, I would also be invaluable on the inside. He had done his best to work things to our small group's advantage without actually being seen to do so. The ship will be fully stocked and fueled. He agrees to do his part in the trials, and explain that we were in his service when such things were going on. He also said that he counted on my honesty in the trial. Nice to know that someone has a need for it on this accursed planet.


{And last, they come for Tsu. He's with Padmé when they come to take him. “I want to keep the mystic mob out of this as much as I can”. Eleni: “hahahahahahaha” Padmé is really annoyed with Vor Leobund. Yeager wants to kick him in the dick. Eleni wants to rip off his testicles. Anyway, Tsu is put in manacles and led away. }


The quiet transport ride was over too quickly. We are all in a pickle. The maximum security prison where we were placed was surrounded by press and cambots. We were given our own floor, and while we could speak to each other, and the food was good, I do not do well with the idea of confinement. Simon Illyan came to visit, and brought out a button, setting it down in an empty cell. He counted, I could see his lips trying not to move, and then seemed to relax. The device basically masked our conversation. Perhaps I could get one of those for when Danar and Tsu start arguing. Simon said “the problem at hand is tangential to the refugees.” What Refugees? Apparently there is something big happening off planet. He also said that Danar may not reveal anything that he has done for Simon – as an Intelligence officer. None of us can reveal that we've been doing what we've been doing for Simon Illyan or Imperial Security. My eyebrow grew tired of raising.


Captain Illyan revealed that the Imperium was under attack, and that we would endanger it further if Simon Illyan was implicated in the current mess.

Simon: The Imperium is under attack
Yeager: “Well, let me have my armor and I will kick some ass”.

The enemy is something Simon foresees, but can't exactly do anything about just yet. The danger coming is on Gregor, and Simon can't directly help any of us. Not through lack of trying. He will keep trying. I asked for some explanation of what was going on with our current situation, and he said that Vor Leobund hates us by extension of Tsu and Danar. I have never met this guy, but I will now. Yeager , at the time our charges happened, was considered military property, and so was now charged with misappropriating himself. Simon has asked that we hear the charges, stay firm, and we will get through this. He has faith in our ability to persevere. I have faith that among the 5 of us, we have the means to talk our way out of it, fight our way out of it, and fly our way out of it.


As the 6 of us talked, it became obvious that this was, in large part, about that tomb world in Vormecetti space with the scary bug things, and the evil Sith things, and the obsidian, and the genetically altered monster things, and the world slowly consuming itself and anything that lands on it. Ugh.
Politics suck! But... Who has been behind all of the Vormecetti things? That young girl that I remember from Geidi Prime. The one that has tattoos like Hana, is possessing dishwashers, turning men into abominations, and trying to get rid of Rico. Matres Merglin. I suppose she's not so young anymore.


Simon revealed that Gregor had asked specifically what was going on during that mission, and Londo was trying to protect Danar, which means he lied to his Emperor. So that annoying man with the staff that insisted on putting a huge crate (and spies) on the Mismatch was being nice. Unofficially, Gregor understands. Officially, Londo might die for Danar. I wonder what Danar will do.


Danar tried to get Vanya out of trouble and the force restraints by bringing up her padawanishness. Vanya didn't help his argument by getting herself out of the restraints – very proud of her. I found it odd that Tsu was the only one who was actually brought in with manacles. Not that he's harmless, but that the rest of us were considered so. I decided to let it work to my advantage.


I asked Simon flat out if he wanted me to work for the prosecution or not. Simon said that he would never tell me to lie. He wanted me to tell the truth, and to tell why things were done – not why I personally did them, but why things were done. I agreed that I could do that. (Hopefully, I will remember).


Simon also explained that all of us were to be brought forward together, and a matter of protocol had to be followed. He then refused to tell us who was going to represent us. He wanted it to be a genuine surprise. An Unexpected Vor. I began to feel like that Lieutenant.


Someone guessed Admral d'Arcy, but Simon explained that he was on the front lines.


SO... we were told to sit in the way too accommodating cells and go through with this.. and chin-up.. and be annoyed for however long it takes.


The lieutenant returned, still looking frazzled, and escorted us to the trial. Tsu made a big deal in front of the press. Yeager shouted “No comment! I'm not Heir apparent, I'm just property.” Vanya and I walked along, staying out of that mess.


Even though we were all to be present at the trial, we were placed in separate holding areas. Vanya, Danar and Tsu were put in a box on the floor before the council, because they were the ones in the biggest trouble. Yeager and I were directed to a cell to the side of the room because we were antecedents. Some of the counts seemed to be on our side, some did not. Many were giving Tsu a death glare. I decided that I was apparently “evidence” or something. At the least, a witness.


The House VorCadriaan lady was nice to Tsu. Yeager remarked that she was hot. She wanted to play with Yeager. VorCadriaan was all about her upcoming party. Still. Even though he and Tsu were on trial. She expected them to be fashionably late. Stupid STUPID Vor people.
She did have the good dress on, so Yeager got a LITTLE distracted. In the back of the room through the entrance doors, in walked Davish, dressed in formal wear and not alone. I thought that freaked-out Lieutenant said that he was on the arrest warrant? Another Crimson Knight was with him – tall, 6'2, red ponytail, red armor. No nonsense. Behind him walked a man in a plain bluish-gray uniform with a pleasant smile. Bald with a goatee. It was Emperor Kane – part father to Dervish, father to Rico, and user of others' honor to his own nefarious gain. I do not like him. It was obvious that he was getting something out of this trial, and so I decided that he had now set us up TWICE. He was certainly pleased to be there. The cameras loved him. Leobund Vormecetti was there. Hiding behind their ceremony and position. They are twisted little raisins. They hate Tsu. Everyone stood as Gregor arrived. Kane was the last to stand, but managed to not look like an ass and acted like he cared. Now standing, I paced.. I was in a cage. Yeager refused to sit.


The charges, like Simon had warned us, had to do with the stuff that happened on the Tomb world. They left out amazingly little. Recordings of the scientists are to be shown. Blah blah. Then came the Choosing of the Prosecution. Gregor picked several counts to assist him: A member of House Vorreena, a member of House Vorbarnaba, and Vorhalas “because we wish to have clear vision”. Vor Leobund pops out that he wishes to clear the air – Count Vorboccioni wished to have him represent us, but now he says no in a very flowery and stupid Vor way. Good.


Tsu wished to validate a point of order: The emperor (Kane) IS the equivalent of a Count there. Yeager asked a point of order: what were the rules on Trial by Combat. Aral Vorkosigan chuckled. I waved and told him he was looking much better. Yeager wanted the rules of the trial by combat explained. Gregor smirked. Leobund was horrified. Vorhalas said he can answer. The rules are slightly different from his time. The guy looked at Yeager and smiled, and said “to the one who is accused, yet strangely also evidence, there are rules for trial by combat. There is the duel, recently viewed in a negative light, pistols at dawn, knife, but hand-to-hand is too base, and forbidden.” WHAT? Too base? It is by far the most eloquent and refined method of dispatching an opponent! Maybe they had not yet seen the “training” videos that Yeager has floating around out there. We were outside the grounds of accepted practice because of the whole evidence AND accused, so he would need a second. Yeager did challenge the court for the duel, and everyone seems to be ok with it. He named me as his second. I had no problem with that. VorLeobund has an idea for his own second– weaselly man. Ok, raisin, if that's the way you want it. I knew I could take everyone in this roo- ok maybe not him.. or him.. or … I started measuring people.


So, Tsu's lady friend offered someone to be our counsel. She named Emperor Kane. WHAT? Simon definitely got his surprise from us. Vanya said no, rather emphatically. I said no. Yeager looked struck, Danar and Tsu were strangely silent. Kane said that he would accept, but realized we would not let him, so he named... a count of a lost house (Kane really likes the dramatic pauses).. A figure in a black cloak.. Count Dragomir VorHarkonnen. Not exactly a step up. Dragomir says “if they are willing, I would be willing to represent them.” Ok, so I remembered him from helping him get off Procopia a while back – he wasn't that bad. He didn't seem like his brother, much. I have never had more than proximal involvement with the Emperor or the Darths – ok, so I did help kill his brother, but I was, at that point, more of a pilot. No grudge or ancient feud, or even much foreknowledge of them. Harkonnens, on the other hand, are not to be trusted by even one hair on their shocking carrotheads. Even if he does smile like that.


{Vanya speaks to Dragomir during a 5 minute break. She is ok with him helping us. He has said that it is to his advantage to help us. He is playing a long game. Danar asks many questions. Tsu is happy to befuddle the trial, because it will allow his friend to keep working at recognition of sentience for the Clones – she's working hard at that.}


He talked to the others as a five minute break was called, and eventually ambled down to the evidence/witness cell. I asked why. He said we have a common enemy. Yeager asked him who VorLeobund would pick for me to fight. Dragomir thought a moment, then pointed to a 7 foot tall guy standing behind Aral Vorkosigan. There's a darkness about him. Konstantine Bothari. (OMG) “He likes knives.” great. I can disable with a knife. It's one of the BASER ways of fighting, but ok. (this is the guy in Cordelia's Honor that was the psychopath she helped, and he's scary big and dark, as Dragomir enjoyed saying. But! Eleni doesn't know that) I looked him over, already finding points to start on. He did not look easy, but I could probably win. If not, I knew a certain Doc that would keep me company as I bobbed up and down in bacta.


So, Yeager, Vanya, Tsu and I voted yes for Dragomir, and Danar asked Vanya's opinion. Vanya thought Dragomir would be a gentleman until he was at risk of being hurt. Danar was in. Tsu made a big deal about telling the Emperor “his” vote. He said... he will follow the sentiment of his fellow Sentient {looks at Yeager} … Jedi Ysadora.


Ok, so the challenge was thrown down on VorLeobund. He accepted, then Yeager told Leobund that he would pick Bothari, so now VorLeobund could not pick Bothari because that would be giving in to “property” or some kind of nonsense. So now Dragomir's help didn't actually help at all. I know why Yeager did it, though. He doesn't like politics either.


Tsu made a point of order, Leobund said “Pack it in. Haven't you had enough camera time...” and “Oh, Sod off!” So, Bothari's out of the question. I was looking around the gallery, trying to figure out who Vorlowjack might pick, when a woman walked in, wearing a brick-red body suit, and she accepted on Leobund's behalf. She was a Vorhejeron. This was one woman that Yeager hadn't met. I hadn't met her either.


So .. now I was to fight a Nightsister – but she was first an Emperor's Hand. Dragomir, being helpful again, said the hands were an amusing diversion. I didn't know exactly what that meant for my chances. I was not afraid, despite Vanya's whispering for me not to be afraid, only dismayed that I had known exactly how to deal with Bothari, but now was faced with someone more formidable. One of her kind had gotten into my mental defenses, and I did not wish that to happen again, for everyone's sake.


I did get to wear my armor. Had to go back to the Mismatch to get it. The cams all swarmed around me because I said “I don't have my armor with me because I was on a date” and now it's all over the news. {Simon has heard it, and dropped some things in surprise.} Yeager wasn't allowed to go with me. I explained to R5 what's going on, told him not to storm the building to get me unless he heard from me first, and then put the armor on. I made sure it was worthy of representing Yeager, its maker.


When it was time for the combat to start, I had deja vu. Vanya had put some Force splinky on me and I was better able to be dextrous.


We all were taken to a ballroom. Tsu, Danar, Vanya and Yeager were all kept together. Ellaine Vorhejeron (the nightsister) was there with VorLeobund. They brought out two very old knives, very sharp. She picked the one in front of me. I picked the one in front of her.


Long blades, swirled texture to the metal. Blood groove in the blade. Handles are made of bone.
We fought. Everyone but Yeager suddenly remembered the memory of a woman laughing. “this is such a lovely little game. Do you really think that it would be that easy that your pet would be so clever to use this as a means to get out. Surely you can do better than that.” Was that meant for me? I was fighting, and it was really distracting. I kept almost hitting my opponent. Again with the memory in my head, the woman said: “were you particular about any of those other ones, or does it matter if I pick one to keep? I like the feisty one, D'Arcy. I think I'll keep him.” There was then a memory of D'Arcy going hand to hand with a Nightsister I had not seen before but I did recognize. She's got D'Arcy. And his Alliance cruiser. Ok, that one was definitely for me. More disembodied Laughing as Tsu and Danar try to tell the Emperor what is happening, “Oh how cute. You are going to tell the boy king. They keep him on a tight leash. Probably better that way.” Again, I miss, but I have not been hit, either. Something is off. The taunting should be coming from my opponent, not from the air.


The fight is stopped. At that moment, there are explosions as men in black armor on ziplines come down into the arena. Peacekeepers? As more men come through the windows, a gentleman moved up close and said something to a guy, who suddenly went into convulsions. Ah.. Merglin's work.. that shed definitive light on the voice and the laugh. She was at it again. I suddenly wondered if the dishwasher really meant something to her.


Meanwhile, the nightsister stopped playing fairly, and tried to stab me. I ducked under and nerve pinched her, straddling her so I could use the knife to draw “first blood”. Barbaric. Luckily, the cam bots around had a good view of my scalpel-thin cut, and the resultant drop of blood. I used the Voice to get her to tell me everything. Sketchy, this woman was nothing more than a vessel. Merglin sent her to fight me, and she was speaking through her to get to me. How many followers has this woman made? Vorhejeron starts having seizures. She was on a prison ship, in orbit in Procopia. Visited by Merglin. Offered to show her a way home, and she mindreamed her. I say “she doesn't own you, push her out” there's a little blood from her nose – this is much like the dishwasher guy. Unfortunately, this woman's spent much of her life being used this way. She's not winning.


The guys in the black armor are probably clones, from what Vanya said. Gregor seemed pissed, was ordering the guys in black captured. “I wanna talk to them”. Davish gave Vanya her lightsaber. Vanya asked Gregor if he wanted to take out the mani-gesserit, but his bodyguard said no. Some of the guards were fighting the guys, some were running.. most were grabbing weapons and trying to return fire.


Danar became convinced, after several coincidental “force-user” type things, that he was a newly born jedi.


Tsu fought the aberration men with the camera droids, siccing them on the guy. Davish said “Baron Fell's brother – Baron Fell is the most deadly pilot in the empire.”, meaning the aberration. So … killing him would most likely be bad.


Merglin forced her way into my mind “Oh, that's how it's going to be. Remember the pain box, daughter” then she sent a whole lot of searing, burning pain at me. Struggling, I said, through clenched teeth, “I do, but I'm not an animal.. I've already proven that.”


Yeager called the Roughnecks, while fighting someone who had attacked him.
Tsu ran forward to protect the Emperor, and got burned in the side – it hurt. Danar had his gun taken away from him by a guy pretending to be a jedi. The gun was spun around and aimed at him, but Danar smacked the gun away and it flew away from both of them. It did hit the guy's face.


I tried to push Merglen out again, but the pain from the box memory didn't help, and I wasn't able to do it. While I fought her, I noticed that Something was building inside Elaine – a frantic, desperate build-up of power. I decided to try something else, because lightning was manifesting on her hands, and the whole thing was getting too dangerous.


Tsu made a huge feedback “grenade” that was very loud, and he threw it in the midst of the drones. Feedback loop. No one could hear anything.


Danar was doing a great job fighting, and trying out his new jedi powers. The sound bothered him. Oh well.


I was busy dealing with mental combat. I have very little willpower, apparently. Must work on that. She ordered me to back away, and I instinctively did! So disgraceful. It was time to put her on ice until RM can help me free Elaine.


Dragomir found something interesting to stalk – the male aberration that was Fell's brother.


Yeager was fighting. The guy punched him across the jaw.


Tsu was safe with the press corps.


Danar's guy turned to try to punch, and Danar ended up messing him up badly.


I knocked Elaine out using some nerve pinches, and she slumped, eyes closed. Then the eyes opened again, although I knew she was not conscious. It's Merglen. She said “This is not over!” all manic and angry, and then she closed her eyes again, and Ellaine was ok. At least she was hogtied, Thanks to Yeager. I need more training in this stuff.


Davish and Dragomir were doing a great job fighting, but not each other, and Dragomir was enjoying getting to scare people.


Yeager was, of course, kicking ass and being a great fighter.


Tsu was having a really fun time, and had more opponents down than anyone due to his sound bomb.


I put Elaine safely in the cell, then headed over to Vanya in time to watch the aberration slide down the wall, thanks to Dragomir. As I approached, Dragomir walked by and said “you're welcome.”. Impressive, but Vanya could have done it. Then I found the Lieutenant and asked for my stuff. He found the box and brought it to me. We were talking a little bit. Tsu pointed him out to Gregor and Gregor wanted to meet him. I rushed over to the male aberration, and opened up a stimpack, getting out one of the vials. The antidote worked! He came to, and said that the last thing he remembered, he was unloading cargo, having taken a job to get out of his brothers' hair. He had signed up with a free-trader to come this way – running various supplies. Trying to make money. He was unloading on a small station near a planet with lots of gravestones. There was a woman with a tattoo on her face. Merglen is everywhere.


I called my Simon so that Fell's brother can get his 17 broken bones treated– he was somewhere very windy from the phone's reception? I asked what he was doing, and he said "They said this was the fastest waaa!! - " So I looked up. “They” repelled him on a zipline to get him down in a hurry. He looked rather freaked out. I went over quickly to check on him. Rico offered him a stim-pack. Cute, Rico. I so need to have a talk with these guys

Part 2

I have won Yeager's and my own freedom from the fight in the ballroom with Ellaine Vorhejeron.


((Danar's cousins have arrived in system. They are mercenaries, and are probably hired by the government.


Danar, Khun, and Vanya are aboard a prison ship in orbit around Procopia for their own safety. It is maximum security. The ship's named the Nocturne, a Nebulon B – not new. Heavily armored.


The trio is in an empty cell block – G, which has been moderately cleaned. The main thing that caught Danar's attention was, scratched out on his cell, was the name Vorharkonnen – Feyd. Aha AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. Feyd's old cell. Gregor feels it's too risky to leave the three of them on the planet.


They are kept from the general population because there are a lot of people who would REALLY like to “speak” to Vanya, Danar and Khun. Danar tries really hard to talk the guard into changing reality, but it doesn't work. There is a library cart, so they aren't insufferably bored.


Khun is approached by a guard and asked if he wants reading material. He selects Teen Beat.


The Straw Hat Gang is also on the ship. Danar is incensed at the indignity of it all. Simon tells them they are doing an EXCELLENT job, and he knows he can all count on you. He has not heard from the Jedi masters. ))


Now that I and Yeager are exonerated, we are witnesses for the prosecution and character witnesses for the defense. Dragomir's idea. I wonder if anyone's told him that I cannot lie.


Back on Procopia,


I've been talking to RM Weiscz about Merglin and what she did, and we had a nice conversation over lunch. She gave me more teaching about the Voice. Not just certain words, but song can also be used – hymns. She remembers Merglin. Friendly but it left her feeling very cold. RM says she recalls Merglin had made two long-term acquaintances that she corresponded with – one of which, she doesn't know the name of. Coruscant was where they had headed. The family name – Vorrutyer. High placed male of that house. I remember there was a scandal with House Vorrutyer before Tapani seceded. Vorrutyer doesn't like Vanya or Khun. Dislike of both of these people points to trouble.


After one of my training sessions with RM, I checked on my ship – still there. The sisters had had a plan on breaking me out during my unfortunate incarceration, but they are ok (although sad) with shelving it for now. I'm sure there will be other times to use it. The ship's ok. R5's fine. He gave me a message about an incoming call. There's a picture – Miles Vorkosigan. He's related to Aral, and Danar. I take the call, of course.


He wants to meet, at the ship. He's bringing coffee. The man is excitable. VERY.


I've become used to Danar, who is who he is, and Khun, who has a janus-like ability. Miles is very different. Short, head too big for the body, has a smile- must be always smiling. … What's going on in there.


He's used his shield belt to seal up the bags of Kaf (coffee) for freshness. I Invited him in, then made coffee. Lil' fireplug. He thought I was smart to be on both sides of the trial. He has another option. Go to the outer planets, but stay in-system. He would clear it with planetary flight control. At some point, as he was rattling off what systems we would be going to, he lost me. I couldn't keep up with his talk, even with my memories. I ask him to point to where the system is. We're going to hyperspace out to the 6th planet's 3rd moon. We're going to meet people that I already know. No, he wont' tell me who. He must talk to Illyan a lot. It's a surprise. Joy. Evidence to the defense. R5 doesn't know about the little guy. He scans him a few times.


Miles is talking about other things: the trial, the charges. He doesn't like Vormecetti. “the universe needs idiots too. But we can fix that.”


En route, Miles says: Danar and Khun and Vanya are offplanet. He tells me about where they are. We're dropping out of hyperspace to a huge gas giant, and points. He has a bad feeling about them now. Yeager is visiting with Vorhalas. I'm considered a flight risk. These people don't know me at all. He has someone who will make an appearance as ME – to look like me... so that people think I'm still at the coordinates. I talk to him about the lying part, and he says it's “exaggeration”.


He feels like something bad is going on. We're going to break them out. I fly. I land. He's not talking. He's thinking.


Incoming call:


Davish. And Simon. Not their ideas. Miles is very excited, and says “I've GOT A FLEET!” and there's a whole fleet. They don't know him as Miles. They know him as Admiral Naismith. We're going to take the Nocturne, infiltrate it, and free our friends. Simon (Really?) will be flying the “other” ship. There's another ship. Simon will be flying another ship. I am saying this over again because I do not recall that he's that great a pilot. Or any kind of a pilot. A friend of Miles' borrowed it. Named the Black Magic. Nathan Zachary.


Davish will be running flight control and holographic projections of more of Miles' “FLEET”, to make sure the sensor pings are accurate. Security protocols will be to bring our ship in. Something's going to go wrong. I say 'well you've brought the Tams here, so I guess it's been okay'd by them'.


Davish is wearing a smuggler's outfit. No armor. Heavy blaster pistol. He's lounging. He's got it alllll under control.


Running down the basic premise of this plan, it goes like this: We get the supplies in, break the three out, and then get them out. Miles just KNEW he had to do this when he was watching the trial by combat. It all just sort of came together, and it will WORK. He knows it will!


Tall, dark, curly, athletic, Elli Quinn. (Zoe from Firefly). She looks the most reasonable of all of them.


We dock at the ship. Elli says that she saw the Admiral told us of his plans. She feels that his plans have merit. They do work. The admiral has two modes – off and fast forward. “Forward Momentum”.


The Black Magic. I will have to coach Simon on how to fly it. I didn't think he knew. This is because of the whole pesky “lying” part of Miles' plan. Two yokes. Swantech TL 1800 transport supply ship. Front firing laser canons (can be linked) and canon system designed by the company that designed the TIE interceptor. The computer system is unreliable. R5 is coming with us. This is going to not be pretty.


Miles has returned in a gray uniform. He's now Admiral Naismith. Different personality, and accent, just like Khun. He's in there, I know it.. it looks a lot like abomination, though. Chilling.


So... Simon Tam as Pilot, which might work if he doesn't lose his nerve. He's got the pre-flight checks down, anyway.


Davish Tam to be accurately faking sensor pings, so it looks like we're under attack and in need of shelter


Me – I am co-pilot, and will help fly to the Nocturne.


Admiral Naismith – will be fighting off the fake attackers with his FLEET.


Elli – will probably help with that.


Simon and I are to deliver the supplies, slip out, break into the prison, subdue any guards, unlock the doors, Get Danar, Vanya and Khun into empty boxes, and wheel them back through the supply storage area to the ship. Hopefully Danar and Khun will be up for the “hiding” part. Sometimes, especially recently, they've been rather loud.


(Vanya has the impending sense of “something is coming”. It is probably that picture of Davish lounging in piratey attire that I just sent to her PDA. Got to get Simon piratey attire. Just for fun. Especially if he keeps popping up in these missions.)


Simon says a woman showed up, and she had a man with her. Special dish request. Makings for a souffle. “her lord count especially liked her cuisine, and liked it spicy.” Khun? D'Arcy and Merglin? Not sure.


I look in the crates – perishables. There are some large enough for the three of them. Opening the large crate – boxes upon boxes of different things. Silverware. Table decorations made from veggies, in a suspension container. Something about the radish roses is off. Possibly fake. Looking further into the box. Napkin holders are wire-wrapped, decorative. Everything has a wire-wrapped theme to the décor. A small crate – tropical fruit theme. Pineapples to be cut. I cut it open. It tinks. Grenade in the pineapple. I go back to the cockpit. We agree that Simon will be Simon, and say his name. And we'll go through with this, and really we just have to go along.


He lied SO Badly to the command... {grin} He messed up on the name of the ship, then fast-talked his way out, saying he wanted to name the ship Petunia. Anyway, we're cleared to parking orbit, and will be given orders to land in about 5 standard minutes.


(Vanya farsees and finds scary bugs from Tor Ceti in the med lab. They can see force users).


(Question – HOW.. if Simon Illyan says that Danar and the others are where they need to be.. HOW can he not have fixed this before the worms ever got there? Hellwalruses take time to grow. )


(Khun hacked the ebook reader, the firewall blocking them from getting info off of the cellblock, gets over to another part of the network, the alarm klaxons sound for a fire, the forcefields drop. Khun's smiling.)


Simon and I see a Nightsisters' ship and fighters coming out of hyperspace. Simon contacts the command, who tells us to come in fast and hot, while I checked to make sure the Nightsister's ship is not real. It's not – Davish has a sick sense of humor - and Simon plays the part of a panicked pilot really well. We land with a few bumps.


(Danar sees that the captain is Simon, and assumes it's got something to do with me. Because I wouldn't want him to lie).


We talk to Khun, and he asks about pineapples. So it was his idea. He says there's a Hellwalrus in medlab, who likes pineapples. Simon: Do Hellwalruses like Pineapples? Eleni: They like “our” pineapples. Simon: OH!


Two levels down to the medlab deck. I do not have my armor. This is going to hurt. I'm running like hell, and I have a basket full of pineapples and radishes. Simon's going to the Maximum security wing to clear out anyone still there. He said to be careful. I said, “You, too”. -smile-


that Admiral Naismith is really good at the innuendo.


The Straw Hat pirates have started to take over part of the ship. Great.


I run into Vanya in the elevator with Lieutenant Aaron Hawk, who seems surprised to see me. I gave him a pineapple grenade. He seems ok with us helping.


We get out of the lift, and see a prisoner rifling through a guard's pockets. Hawk takes charge of that.


The prisoner looks up, and the Force starts tapping at Vanya. I have a sense that he looks human, but there's something in the back of my head that screams that something is really wrong with whatever it is. We tell Hawk to step back, and the prisoner hunches, his skin changing and his mouth opening wider than normal. A set of large mandibles come out, purplish in color. He was “doing something” to the guard's body. When did these prisoners get put here - how long have they been here?


The prisoner attacks Lieutenant Hawk, and aims for his helmet. Hawk throws himself on the floor firing his carbine at the fire suppression on the ceiling. The metal shrapnel hits the thing, and splats him on the ground. Vanya decides the knees have to go. She's also shiny, which provides the distraction I need.


I kicked the thing in the head, and it tried to block. It tried to use standard military hand-to-hand combat defense. I told Vanya it might be human after all. The jaw, as it cracks, has an odd “not-bone” sound.. Hawk sticks the thing to the wall, and gives me an extra gooey disk.


A shrieking of metal, and a door at the end of the hallway. A prisoner comes through with bloody cut marks on his arm. He's slammed against the wall. Another prisoner comes out, and grabs him, latching on.. a worm comes out and latches on. Eleni: Oh, so that's how it works. Vanya: that is incredibly gross.


Two 8 foot worms are coming at us, one from the ceiling and one from a door.


Vanya takes the one on Hawk, I run down the hallway to take the one with the prisoner.


I do not have my armor. {annoyed sigh} I have learned my lesson.


The worm clawed and grabbed me, and infected me with the venom. I will NOT lose my hair. I will not be afraid. I will face my fear, and let it flow through me. I have a chance to survive. I contacted Simon, and asked him if he had anything that could stop the worms, as they are infecting people right this second. There was the sound of blaster fire over the commlink before he said he was on the way. He sounded hurried.


Danar has a memory of him being so close to Merglin. The rest of us remember her laughing and her saying “Bon Voyage” in a snippy kind of way. So.. she knew we would all be on this ship. Why is she always a step ahead?


Danar rationalizes that he doesn't remember her because she was a commoner, and not at the right station, and the sex wasn't good enough to remember her. I really hope she gets a mad-on for him instead. He has ear plugs.


Khun – Automatic emergency preflight that suddenly turned on. Vanya pokes him “We don't want to go. Stop it”. Danar finds that the hyperdrive is being activated. No answer to the C&C. Danar grabs a carbine and heads off, beside Tsu, for the bridge.


A worm in the bridge, a worm in engineering. The infected prisoners are heading for the prison riot.

Vanya: You (Eleni) get unbit. Then go shut the engines down. There's a hellwalrus in there.

So I swing up, give a nerve punch to the thing trying to kill me, and tried to use the Voice, but Merglin used the Voice, saying “cease”, so I did. This is really not going well.


SIMON TAM punched a worm in the face! He cracked its jaw, and then explained “acupressure class”. Then made a pained sound as his hand REALLY hurt. He asked where “the others” were, and said he had to get to the medlab. He can use a sedative that is toxic to the worms, and make them hybernate.


(The hyperdrive coordinates are set to send the whole ship into the Shindra's Veil Nebula (on border between Alliance and Empire)).


I found the pineapple I'd already cut open, armed the grenade, and shoved it in the worm's maw.
Merglin tells me of all the good times she's had with Danar, and his duty and his family, and is laughing. She's in his head. His service record. Then she starts talking about this lovely man named Simon Illyan. I think at her, and say “this is you next” bug guts splatter all over, so now I am covered in bug guts. Ew. I'm angry, and probably dying at the moment, and I'm going to find her and rip her heart out. That's how I feel right now.


Simon runs across the bridge towards Danar, who is being bitten by a worm. Simon knows all about how much electricity Danar can handle because he did the study, and tells Danar all about the efficacy and percentage chance of not being harmed, etc. He's so cute. :)


R5 is helping Khun get the hyperdrive out of the ship. It seems to have worked...


Vanya does a Qui-Gon and slices the worm all the way down. Woo! I need one of those knives


Merglin played with the entire bridge crew, and they killed each other.


Hawk talks me out of going to Engineering – I'd need a space suit. So, we take the almost infected prisoner and the infected one with the goo on him up to the bridge, which Hawk says is the safest place.


Hawk is now a Field Commander. Yay for him. He almost asked me about the pineapple bombs, but didn't get a chance because of Khun. Hawk seems to be really annoyed with the promotion. Hawk is in late 20's, early 30's, short-cut blond hair. Blue eyes. Emotionless look on his face.


Simon took the wrong turn, went down, and there was a lunatic screaming about wanting to get at Vorpaderan. He gassed a bunch of prisoners. Wow. He's like all heroic. I told him knowing anatomy would come in handy in a fight. I guess he knows now. But the electricity.. wow. He promised he's going to take care of my nasty yellow-ichor poisonous genetics-altering wound. I don't want to be bald. It's not just about being bald, but that's a big part.


Khun figured out a way to get the remaining crew to Miles' FLEET, and R5 helped manuever the ship so it won't crash. Simon Illyan moved the three to somewhere secure on planet. The mercs left.


By the time we get to the surface, Razak is greeting us. Simon and I are mercenaries. He's a doctor-mercenary. I'm a smuggler-mercenary. Padmé walks up “Manacles are not really necessary.” it all worked, she says. ok. It all worked. I don't think they had planned on Merglin, though.


Padmé says Gregor had an idea. Watching while one of his personal guards (Roughnecks) out of uniform, was enjoying Kaf and a sweetcake, and was treated rather badly because he was a clone. He was turned away from the first place he went to.


“The vor look down on his people”(khun)
“The vor look down on all people equally!” (danar)


Gregor told the Regent (Aral), and they all did that political thing and managed to get it brought up in front of the Council of Counts. Blah blah blah. Anyway, it worked, and the clones are now declared “not property”. Vormecetti came out with very detailed info. Illyan says the events on the prison ship were unexpected. It was not part of their plan.


The destination we were headed to - “a very interesting place”. A signal was being sent secretly, by a young lady, to only be opened by Danar. Daughter of a Vor house, and wishes in Danar's name and honor, to get important information out about prisoners in a secret base. Jenna - Niece of guy that got us all arrested. She says “I have found the lab. I don't know how much longer before they discover me. The person running the labs' name is Preena. There's only one that knows I'm here, and she's been helping as best she can. She's a prisoner, too. She's not sure the other prisoners are stable.” “i found cells that have three nightsisters – clan soka. Three mandalorians from Dyer clan. Clan Dyer are mandalorians, and break out routinely. 10 alliance personnel, but she can't get near them. 2, which are kept away from everyone else. K7 unit. 1 cell she can't get close to – guarded and secured, a force cell. “Donor Prime” someone called him Sarge. Taun We is also there. She's sending partial schematics of a base on a moon on one of the outer planets. Oh, and there are some vor working with her – she's seen one before – no name. Picture. It's Themian Vorhejeron.


Vanya: “That boy just never did drink the bright juice.”


next to him is Victor Vorkerellin. They are dressed in aberration armor, and dragging Tik Sandrell, who is dressed in Alliance uniform, away. Poor guy. Good for him about the Alliance, though. Vanya “he probably stole it”. I don't think so.


Razak says we need the head of clan Dyer to help us with the mandalorians.


Khun says the worm creatures that came from the ship came from a House Vormecetti research facility. The charges have been dropped. In light of their heroic efforts.


Vanya “Come and get your shoulder looked at by Dr. Tam” Eleni (trying to keep her place in line to speak to Simon Illyan “he already looked at it” Vanya: “come and let him look at it again” Eleni: {pause} “ok!”

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5 experience points
Report Date
29 Mar 2014


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