Tatharia Capitolina

The Birthplace of Civilization

Tatharia Capitolina, the heart of the Tatharian Empire, is a city of contrasts and harmonies, a testament to the resilience and innovation of its people. Nestled in a valley on the Southern Continent, the city is a beacon of civilization amidst the wild beauty of Rolara, a testament to the indomitable spirit of its founder, Icaghor the Antediluvian.   The city's story begins with Icaghor, a man who survived the ancient floods that washed over the world. Using a boat blessed by divine powers, he found refuge in Tathar, a valley on the Southern Continent. With his wealth and wisdom, he united the various Tathar tribes under his rule, laying the foundations for the city that would become Tatharia Capitolina.   Today, the city is a bustling metropolis, home to a diverse population of around 20,000 citizens. Its streets are a hive of activity, filled with the sounds of merchants hawking their wares, scholars debating in the public squares, and children playing in the parks. The city's architecture is a blend of the old and the new, with grand palaces and public buildings standing alongside humble homes and bustling marketplaces.   Tatharia Capitolina is divided into nine distinct districts, each with its own unique character and charm. From the cultural hub of Little Tathar to the bustling port of Harborside, each district contributes its unique flavor to the city's rich tapestry. The city's infrastructure is well-maintained, with cobblestone roads, a robust irrigation system, and impressive defenses, including stone and impacted dirt walls.   The city is also a center of learning and innovation, with institutions like the Laboratorium and the Librarium contributing to its reputation as a hub of knowledge. The recent unsealing of magic has led to a resurgence in the practice of Arcanography, with scholars and explorers delving into the mysteries of arcane artifacts and ancient lore.   Trade is a vital part of the city's economy, facilitated by the Mercantorum, the largest trade organization in Rolara. Despite its headquarters being in Shamsi-Adad, the Mercantorum's leadership, including its late founder, are Tatharian. The organization holds significant sway in Tatharia Capitolina, with most merchants and merchant groups in the city being members and beholden to the Mercantorum's bylaws.   Despite its bustling activity and vibrant culture, Tatharia Capitolina is also a city of tranquility and contemplation. The city's parks, like Hiddengreen and Beergrove, offer quiet retreats from the hustle and bustle of city life. The Antediluvian Palace, a historic landmark of Tatharia Capitolina, stands as a symbol of the city's resilience and enduring legacy.   In the words of a certain traveler, "Tatharia Capitolina is more than just a city. It's a tapestry of life, a mosaic of experiences, a symphony of stories." Whether you're a scholar seeking knowledge, a merchant seeking fortune, or a traveler seeking adventure, Tatharia Capitolina is a city that promises discovery, opportunity, and a sense of belonging.


Tatharia Capitolina, the capital city of the Tatharian Empire, is a bustling metropolis that is home to a diverse and dynamic population. The city's population is predominantly Human, with a total of approximately 20,000 citizens residing within the city itself. Across the broader realm, the population extends to a further 190,000 individuals.   The city's population is divided into several categories: children, adults, the elderly, the ill or infirm, and known criminals. The urban population is significantly larger than the rural population, with 19,174 individuals residing in the city compared to 164 in the surrounding rural areas.   The city's demographics are also characterized by a high literacy rate of 32%, a gender ratio of 1.09 males per female, and a fertility rate of 5.1 children per family. The average life expectancy in Tatharia Capitolina is 41.2 years, reflecting the city's high standard of living and the effectiveness of its healthcare system, known as the Healing.   The city's population is spread across various districts, each with its own unique characteristics and demographics. For instance, Little Tathar, a village outside the capital city, is entirely populated by ethnically Tathar humans. Uptown, on the other hand, is home to well-to-do merchants, minor nobility, and high-ranking guild members or government officials.   Despite the city's predominantly human population, Tatharia Capitolina is also home to a diverse range of non-human residents. In the Southlane district, for example, half-orcs and halflings can be found among those who work in and around Tatharia but cannot afford to live within the city walls or in Little Tathar.   The demographics of Tatharia Capitolina reflect the city's diversity and dynamism. Its population is a testament to the city's inclusive spirit, its commitment to education and healthcare, and its vibrant urban life. In the following section, we will delve deeper into the city's various guilds and factions, which play a crucial role in shaping the city's social, economic, and political landscape.


The government of Tatharia Capitolina, the capital city of the Tatharian Empire, is a reflection of the Empire's overall political structure. The city, like the Empire, is under the rule of Empress Naram-sin, who has brought about significant changes in the political landscape.   Empress Naram-sin centralized power by dissolving the traditional councils, the Ensi Ukkin and Tamkar Ukkin, and consolidated their responsibilities under her direct control. This move streamlined the decision-making process, suppressed any opposition from the nobility, and allowed for more efficient governance.   The Empress established the Pantheobule, a council of high priests and priestesses representing the various deities within the Tatharian Pantheon. The Pantheobule's main responsibility is to maintain religious unity and oversee the spiritual well-being of the Empire's citizens. They also serve as advisors to the Empress on matters of faith and morality. This consolidation of religious power under the Pantheobule has promoted a unified belief system and contributed to a stronger national identity.   In response to the threats posed by magical monsters, such as the Draconians led by Aleksandr, Empress Naram-sin bolstered Tatharia's military capabilities and invested in the development of magical defenses. She also pursued diplomatic efforts to form alliances and secure support from neighboring nations, creating a united front against these external threats.   Tatharia Capitolina is divided into various administrative regions, each overseen by a Count or Countess appointed by the Empress. These regional leaders are responsible for managing local affairs, such as law enforcement, infrastructure development, and the collection of tribute. They report directly to the Empress and the High Council.   The government of Tatharia Capitolina, and by extension the Tatharian Empire, is guided by a set of laws divided into three categories: Ningsisa (Justice), Kud (Tribute), and Erim (Troops). These laws play a crucial role in maintaining order, stability, and prosperity within the city and the Empire.   The government of Tatharia Capitolina under Empress Naram-sin is a centralized system that combines political, religious, and military power. This system, designed to ensure the stability and prosperity of the city and the Empire, and to protect its citizens from both internal and external threats, sets the stage for the city's robust infrastructure. The efficient governance and strategic planning of the Tatharian Empire are reflected in the city's well-developed infrastructure, which we will explore in the following section.


The defences of Tatharia Capitolina are a testament to the city's strategic planning and its commitment to the safety and security of its citizens. The city's defences are multi-faceted, combining physical fortifications, strategic geographical positioning, and a formidable military presence.   The city is surrounded by stone and impacted dirt walls, providing a robust physical barrier against potential threats. These walls are meticulously maintained and regularly patrolled by the city's guards, ensuring their integrity and effectiveness. The city's gates are heavily guarded and feature advanced locking mechanisms, further enhancing the city's security.   Tatharia Capitolina's geographical location also contributes to its defences. The city is situated on a coastal marine coastal plain, providing a natural barrier on one side. The city's proximity to the river, while not a deterrent to invaders, is strategically utilized as a well-used trade route, fostering economic prosperity and enabling quick mobilization of resources when needed.   The Tatharian Military plays a crucial role in the city's defences. The military's four branches - the Navy, the Army, the Spelljammers, and the Winged Cavalry - work in unison to protect the city from various threats. The Navy secures the city's waterways, the Army guards the city's walls and patrols its streets, the Spelljammers provide magical defence, and the Winged Cavalry offers aerial surveillance and support.   The city's defences are further bolstered by the Port of Icaghor, the city's primary naval base. The port houses the city's naval fleet and features exceptionally high security, ensuring the city's maritime defences.   The defences of Tatharia Capitolina reflect the city's strategic planning and its commitment to the safety and security of its citizens. They provide a strong deterrent against potential threats and contribute to the city's stability and peace. In the next section, we will explore the city's climate and natural environment, which shape its lifestyle and culture.

Industry & Trade

Tatharia Capitolina, the capital city of the Tatharian Empire, is a bustling hub of industry and trade. The city's economy is diverse and dynamic, reflecting its rich cultural heritage and strategic location.   One of the key industries in Tatharia Capitolina is the practice of Arcanography. With the recent unsealing of magic, the city has become a center for the study and application of this ancient art. The Laboratorium of Tatharia Capitolina, with its grand public library and the birthplace of the Scientific Method, is the primary institution for the training and certification of Arcanographers. These scholars and explorers delve into the mysteries of arcane artifacts, ancient lore, and the newly reawakened magic, contributing to the city's reputation as a center of knowledge and innovation.   The city is also home to a vibrant trade sector, facilitated by the Mercantorum, the largest trade organization in the world of Rolara. Despite its headquarters being in Shamsi-Adad, the Mercantorum's leadership, including its late founder, are Tatharian. The organization holds significant sway in Tatharia Capitolina, with most merchants and merchant groups in the city being members and beholden to the Mercantorum's bylaws.   Trade in Tatharia Capitolina is diverse, with goods ranging from everyday necessities to exotic items from far-off lands. The city's strategic location on a major river makes it a key node in the trade network, facilitating the movement of goods and contributing to its economic prosperity.   However, the rise of Empress Naram-Sin has brought changes to the city's trade dynamics. The Empress's centralization of power has led to concerns within the Mercantorum about their influence being diminished. Despite these concerns, the organization remains a vital part of the city's economic fabric, and its members continue to navigate the shifting political landscape.   In addition to trade, Tatharia Capitolina is also known for its craftsmanship. The city's artisans are renowned for their skill and creativity, producing a wide range of goods from fine jewelry to intricate mechanical devices. These goods are highly sought after, both within the city and beyond, contributing to the city's economic vitality.


The infrastructure of Tatharia Capitolina is a testament to the city's efficient governance and strategic planning. The city's roads are constructed from cobblestones, providing a durable and reliable network for transportation and commerce. The city's irrigation system is primarily based on furrow irrigation, a simple yet effective method that supports the city's agricultural needs.   The city is divided into nine districts, each with its own unique characteristics. The primary building style across these districts is wooden, with secondary styles varying from district to district. The city's infrastructure is well-maintained, with a focus on cleanliness and upkeep, contributing to the city's handsome appearance.   Tatharia Capitolina's defenses include stone and impacted dirt walls, as well as a natural defense provided by a river. The city's strategic location and well-planned defenses ensure its security against potential threats.   The city's infrastructure also includes various assets such as stone quarries, lumber camps, and ore mines. These assets provide the city with essential resources like sandstone, chalk, marble, hickory, and various ores. The city's workforce is employed across these industries, contributing to the city's economic stability and growth.   The city's infrastructure is not just limited to its physical structures. The city's government has also established a system known as the Healing, whereby Tatharia uses levied tribute to fund an organized network of Healers. This system ensures the well-being of the city's citizens and contributes to the city's social infrastructure.   The robust infrastructure of Tatharia Capitolina, from its roads and buildings to its social systems and natural defenses, plays a crucial role in the city's prosperity and stability. It sets the stage for the city's diverse districts, each with its own unique characteristics and contributions to the city's vibrant culture and economy. In the following section, we will delve deeper into the distinct districts of Tatharia Capitolina.


Tatharia Capitolina, a city of diverse cultures and vibrant life, is divided into distinct districts, each contributing its unique flavor to the city's rich tapestry. These districts, ranging from the cultural hub of Little Tathar to the bustling port of Harborside, reflect the city's dynamic population, its economic vitality, and its deep-rooted traditions. Each district has its own character, shaped by its residents, its architecture, and its role within the city. In the following sections, we will delve into the unique aspects of each district, exploring their individual identities and their collective contribution to the city of Tatharia Capitolina.  

Little Tathar

Little Tathar is a quaint village located just outside the capital city. It is a close-knit community predominantly inhabited by ethnically Tathar humans. The village is known for its rich cultural heritage and traditions that have been preserved and passed down through generations. The residents of Little Tathar take great pride in their Tathar roots, and the village often serves as a cultural hub where festivals and traditional events are celebrated.  


Uptown is the district of affluence and influence in Tatharia Capitolina. It is home to the city's well-to-do merchants, minor nobility, high-ranking guild members, and government officials. The district is characterized by its grand architecture, luxurious residences, and high-end shops. Uptown is also known for its vibrant social scene, with numerous upscale restaurants, cafes, and entertainment venues.  


Oldside is a district with a unique charm, home to what is perhaps the world's most unusual open-air market. The market is a bustling hub of activity, where vendors sell a wide variety of goods, from everyday necessities to rare and exotic items. The cost of setting up a shop in Oldside is high, reflecting the district's prime location and the competitive nature of its market. Despite this, the market attracts a multitude of vendors and shoppers, contributing to the district's lively atmosphere.  


Downtown is the heart of Tatharia Capitolina, where the city's common folk, workers, tradesmen, and free citizens reside. This district is a melting pot of cultures and lifestyles, with a sense of community that binds its residents together. Downtown is known for its vibrant street life, with numerous shops, eateries, and public spaces where residents gather.  


Southlane is a district that lies along the southern wall and the South Lane leading away from the city center. It is home to those who work in and around Tatharia but cannot afford to live within the city walls or in Little Tathar. The district is diverse, with a mix of humans, half-orcs, and halflings, despite the city's typical restrictions on non-human residents. Southlane is a testament to Tatharia Capitolina's diversity and inclusivity.  

Scholar's Way

Scholar's Way is a district dedicated to knowledge and learning, located near the Antediluvian Palace. It is home to many prominent scholars, their families, and several military dynasties. The district's centerpiece is the Laboratory, also known as the Librarium, a renowned institution dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. Despite its strict security measures, the Librarium is open to all citizens seeking knowledge.   Adjacent to the Antediluvian Palace within Scholar's Way are two public parks: Hiddengreen and Beergrove. Hiddengreen is a tranquil green space for those seeking a quiet retreat, while Beergrove is a lively beer garden known for its live music and high-quality Tatharian Pickles.  


Harborside is Tatharia Capitolina's bustling port district, serving as the city's gateway for trade and travel. The harbor is open to both citizens and merchants, facilitating a vibrant exchange of goods and ideas. The district is a hive of activity, with ships coming and going at all hours, contributing to the city's dynamic economy.  

The Port of Icaghor

The Port of Icaghor is Tatharia's primary naval base, known for its high security. The port plays a crucial role in the city's defense, housing the city's naval fleet. A large, mysterious building within the port, known to all locals but absent from any map, adds an air of intrigue to the district.  

The Antediluvian Palace

The Antediluvian Palace is a historic landmark of Tatharia Capitolina. The palace was present when Icaghor founded Tatharia, albeit infested with monsters and partially flooded. Over the years, it has been restored to its former glory and now stands as a symbol of Tatharia's resilience and enduring legacy.   Each district of Tatharia Capitolina contributes to the city's rich tapestry, reflecting its diverse population, vibrant culture, and dynamic economy. In the next section, we will explore the city's assets and resources, which play a vital role in its prosperity and growth.


Tatharia Capitolina, the capital city of the Tatharian Empire, boasts a wealth of assets that contribute to its prosperity and stability. One of the city's most significant assets is its strategic reserves of grains and other wealth. These reserves are carefully managed and stored for lean years, ensuring that the city can provide for its people even in times of scarcity or hardship. This foresight and provision have fostered a deep sense of security and trust among the city's citizens.   Another remarkable asset of Tatharia Capitolina is its system of social support. In times of hardship, the city provides its citizens with free healing, food, and coin. This system, known as the Healing, is funded by the tribute collected from the city's citizens and is administered by a network of Healers. The Healing not only ensures the well-being of the city's citizens but also fosters a strong sense of community and mutual support.   This provision of support in times of need has engendered a strong sense of nationalistic pride among the city's citizens. Being Tatharian is not just about living within the city's walls; it is about being part of a community that cares for its members and stands together in times of adversity. This pride is a powerful asset, strengthening the city's social fabric and contributing to its resilience.   The Tatharian Military is another significant asset of Tatharia Capitolina. The military is a diverse and formidable force, designed to protect the city and the empire from various threats. It consists of four main branches: the Navy, the Army, the Spelljammers, and the Winged Cavalry. Each branch plays a vital role in defending the city and is led by a unique military leader.   The Navy, led by the Admiral of the Azure Fleet, protects the empire's waterways and secures trade routes. The Army, commanded by the Supreme Stratarch of the Tatharian Legions, is the empire's primary land-based fighting force. The Spelljammers, under the guidance of the Archmage of the Arcane Vanguard, are an elite group of mages trained to combat magical threats. The Winged Cavalry, led by the Sky Lord of the Soaring Phalanx, provides air support and engages in aerial warfare.   These assets, from the city's strategic reserves and social support system to its powerful military, play a crucial role in Tatharia Capitolina's prosperity and stability. They reflect the city's strength, resilience, and commitment to the well-being of its citizens. In the next section, we will explore the city's natural resources, which provide the foundation for its wealth and prosperity.

Guilds and Factions

With its diverse population and dynamic economy, Tatharia is home to a variety of guilds and factions. These organizations play a crucial role in the city's social, economic, and political landscape, shaping its culture and contributing to its vibrancy.  

The Laboratorium

The Laboratorium is a renowned institution dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and learning. It is the birthplace of the Scientific Method in Rolara and is home to the Librarium, a grand public library filled with books and scrolls on a wide range of subjects. The Laboratorium is not just a place of study; it is a hub of intellectual activity, where scholars, researchers, and students come together to explore the mysteries of the world.  

The Mercantorum

The Mercantorum is the largest trade organization in the world of Rolara. Despite its headquarters being in Shamsi-Adad, the Mercantorum's leadership, including its late founder, are Tatharian. The organization holds significant sway in Tatharia Capitolina, with most merchants and merchant groups in the city being members and beholden to the Mercantorum's bylaws. The Mercantorum plays a crucial role in the city's economy, regulating trade practices and ensuring fair competition.  

The Artisans' Guild

The Artisans' Guild is a collective of craftsmen and women who are renowned for their skill and creativity. The guild represents a wide range of crafts, from blacksmithing and carpentry to jewelry making and tailoring. The Artisans' Guild ensures the quality of goods produced by its members, sets standards for craftsmanship, and provides training and support for aspiring artisans.  

The Healers' Network

The Healers' Network is a group of healers who administer the city's healthcare system, known as the Healing. The network ensures the well-being of the city's citizens, providing free healing, food, and coin in times of hardship. The Healers' Network is a testament to the city's commitment to the welfare of its citizens and contributes to its strong sense of community.  

The Spelljammers

The Spelljammers are an elite group of mages trained to combat magical threats. They are a faction within the Tatharian Military and are under the guidance of the Archmage of the Arcane Vanguard. The Spelljammers play a crucial role in the city's defences, providing magical protection and contributing to its security.   The guilds and factions of Tatharia Capitolina are a testament to the city's vibrant and dynamic nature. They play a crucial role in shaping the city's social, economic, and political landscape, contributing to its culture, economy, and security. These organizations, with their diverse interests and objectives, are a reflection of the city's rich history. To fully appreciate the city's present, it is essential to delve into its past. In the following section, we will explore the history of Tatharia Capitolina, tracing its journey from its founding to its current status as the capital of the Tatharian Empire.


The history of Tatharia Capitolina is a tale of resilience, innovation, and the indomitable spirit of its people. The city's story begins with its founder, Icaghor the Antediluvian, a man whose life was as extraordinary as the city he would come to establish.   Icaghor was an inspired sailor who used a boat blessed by divine powers to survive the ancient floods that washed over the world. He found refuge in Tathar, a valley on the Southern Continent, where he decided to settle. Using his wealth and wisdom, he united the various Tathar tribes under his rule, creating a sense of unity and shared identity among the people.   Shortly after his ascension to power, Icaghor began the Healing, a process that saw his kingdom sending healers to far-flung corners of the valley. This initiative not only improved the health and wellbeing of the people but also served to unite them further under Icaghor's benevolent rule.   For over 400 years, Tatharia was ruled by this man, Lord Icaghor. Within the city, he was revered as a nigh-immortal God-king and a recluse, his long life and wisdom inspiring awe and respect among the citizens. Outside of the capital, especially farther away, the understanding of Icaghor became somewhat distorted. The name 'Icaghor' was often mistakenly treated as a noble title, with few realizing that 'the' Icaghor of Tatharia was the same man who had united the lands all those centuries ago.   Despite the misconceptions surrounding his identity, Icaghor's legacy lived on. His policies of unity, healing, and education laid the foundations for the thriving city that Tatharia Capitolina is today. His influence can still be felt in the city's institutions, its culture, and the spirit of its people.   The history of Tatharia Capitolina is a testament to the city's resilience, innovation, and the indomitable spirit of its people. From its founding by Icaghor to its current status as the capital of the Tatharian Empire, the city has continued to evolve and adapt, reflecting the changing times and the enduring spirit of its people. In the next section, we will explore the city's culture and lifestyle, which are shaped by its rich history and diverse population.

Points of interest

Tatharia Capitolina, as the heart of the Tatharian Empire, is surrounded by a multitude of fascinating points of interest that reflect the rich history, culture, and natural beauty of the region.   To the north of the city lies the Antediluvian Palace, a majestic structure that predates the founding of Tatharia. Once infested with monsters and half-flooded, the palace has been restored to its former glory and serves as a symbol of the city's resilience and determination. The palace is a must-visit for anyone interested in the history and architecture of the Tatharian Empire.   Just outside the city, the village of Little Tathar offers a glimpse into the lives of the ethnically Tathar humans. This quaint village, with its traditional houses and friendly locals, provides a stark contrast to the bustling city life of Tatharia Capitolina and is a favorite among those seeking a quieter, more rural experience.   For those interested in commerce and trade, the Port of Icaghor to the east of the city is a hub of activity. As the strongest naval base of Tatharia, the port is a testament to the city's maritime prowess. The port is also home to a large building that, while forbidden from being drawn onto any map, is well-known among the locals and adds an air of mystery to the area.   To the south of the city, along the southern wall and the South Lane, are homes for those who work in and around Tatharia but cannot afford to move within the city walls or to Little Tathar. This area, known as Southlane, is a vibrant and diverse community that adds to the city's cultural richness.   Finally, within the city itself, the Scholar's Way district is a hub of intellectual activity. Home to many prominent scholars and their families, as well as several military dynasties, Scholar's Way is the location of the Laboratorium, also known as the Librarium. This institute, dedicated to studying, learning, and recording knowledge onto books and scrolls, is a testament to the city's commitment to education and intellectual pursuits.


Now, if you ask me what draws me to this city, I'd say it's the allure of the unexpected, the promise of discovery. You see, Tatharia Capitolina is a city of contrasts, a city where every corner holds a new surprise, a new story. And as a traveler, a seeker of stories, how could I resist such a place?   Take the Beergrove, for instance. Now, there's a spot that warms the cockles of my heart. A 24/7 beer garden with live music, nestled amidst the hustle and bustle of the city. And the pickles, oh, the pickles! The famous Tatharian Pickles, a delicacy that tickles the palate and stirs the soul. I've tasted many a pickle in my travels across the multiverse, but none quite like these. They're a testament to the city's culinary prowess, a symbol of its vibrant culture.   And then there's the Laboratorium, the heart of the city's intellectual life. A place where scholars and arcanographers delve into the mysteries of the universe, where knowledge is pursued with a fervor that's both inspiring and humbling. It's a beacon of enlightenment in a world often shrouded in darkness, a testament to the city's commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.   So, you see, Tatharia Capitolina is more than just a city. It's a tapestry of life, a mosaic of experiences, a symphony of stories. And for a traveler like me, it's a destination that promises adventure, discovery, and perhaps, a bit of self-discovery as well.
— a traveler
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