

Total Population: 14158
Primary Race: Human
General Attitude: Guarded and Curious


  • Children: 4106
  • Adults: 8778
  • Elderly: 1274
  • Ill/Infirm: 1384
  • Known Criminals: 142
  • Urban Population: 10698
  • Rural Population: 3460


Road Construction: Cobblestone Roads
Main Irrigation: Surge Irrigation
Number of Districts: 7


Overall Architecture

  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Marble
  • Aesthetics: Tasteful
  • Cleanliness: Disorderly
  • Upkeep: Handsom


District 1

  • Type: Residential
  • Population: 7078
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Ornate
  • Cleanliness: dirty
  • Upkeep: Impeccable

District 2

  • Type: Coastal
  • Population: 449
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Ornate
  • Cleanliness: Disorderly
  • Upkeep: neglected

District 3

  • Type: Oderiferous Business
  • Population: 1106
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Normal
  • Cleanliness: dirty
  • Upkeep: neglected

District 4

  • Type: Market
  • Population: 184
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Basic
  • Cleanliness: Tidy
  • Upkeep: Handsom

District 5

  • Type: Docks
  • Population: 572
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Tasteful
  • Cleanliness: Disorderly
  • Upkeep: Handsom

District 6

  • Type: Merchant
  • Population: 963
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Functional
  • Cleanliness: dirty
  • Upkeep: Well-Kept

District 7

  • Type: Administration
  • Population: 346
  • Primary Building Style: Marble
  • Secondary Building Styles: Stone
  • Aesthetics: Luxurious
  • Cleanliness: Orderly
  • Upkeep: Well-appointed


Walls: Stone and Mortar Wall
Natural Defences: Narrow River and Cuesta

Points of Interest

Special Features

  • Cavern Ruins: 2.56 miles northwest
  • War Memorial: 1.08 miles south
  • Cuesta: 3.29 miles north
  • Rock Slide: 2.18 miles northeast


Slope Plains
Elevation: 715 feet above sea level
Distance from the Marine Coast: 392.64 miles
Ground Cover: 60%

Water Features

Narrow River

  • Salinity: fresh
  • Depth: 16 feet
  • Width: 92 feet
  • Navigable: Yes
  • Aquatic Animals: Clams and Trout
  • Large Lake

    • Salinity: fresh
    • Depth: 243 feet
    • Navigable: Yes
    • Aquatic Animals: Catfish and Clams


    Warm Temperate Grassland
    Avg. Annual Temperature: 57F
    Avg. Annual Precipitation: 30.83 in
    Avg. Annual Snowfall: 7 feet
    Seasons: Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring
    Prevailing Winds: southwest to northeast

    Natural Resources


    • Igneous: Basalt
    • Metamorphic: Quartzite
    • Sedimentary: Caliche and Serpentine


    • Minerals: Sodium
    • Metals: Manganese


    • Precious: Sapphire


    • Warm Seasons: Kiwicha
    • Cool Seasons: Barley and Oats
    • Food: Barley, Oats, and Kiwicha
    • Animal Feed: Barley and Oats


    • Root: Beets
    • Cruciferous: Cabbage
    • Stem: Celery

    Utility Crops

    • Fiber: Jute


    Stone Quarries


    • Gathers Quartzite
    • 166 workers


    • Gathers Caliche
    • 127 workers

    Flora and Fauna

    • Livestock: Chickens, Askanian (Sheep), and Bargur(Cattle)
    • Prey: Armadillo, Dromedary, and Deer
    • Predators: coyote, Sidewinder, and Kit Fox
    • Aquatic: Trout, Clams, Catfish, and Clams
    • Grass: Feather Reed, Deergrass, and Pampas Grass
    • Shrubs: Lentil Plant, Sagebrush, Strawberry Bush, Raspberry Bush, and Barberry
    • Moss: Baby Tooth Moss

Fast Facts

  • Age: 178 years
  • Total Population: 14158
  • Residential Buildings: 987
  • Districts: 7
  • Population Density: high (Avg 14.35 people per residence)
  • Land Area: 158.21 miles2
  • Farmland: 72.78 miles2
  • Settlement Proper: 0.27 miles2
  • Attitude: Guarded and Curious
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank

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