Ruined Temple of Banor

The Echoes of Banor's Legacy: A Symphony in Stone and Silence

Resting amidst the lush landscapes of Tatharia Capitolina, the holy temple of Banor, the god of civilization and agriculture, once rose in majestic splendor. This grand edifice, now standing in ruins, was a marvel of architecture. Its vast, cream-colored facade, built from quarried stones polished to a mirrored sheen, showcased intricate engravings of bountiful fields and burgeoning cities – an homage to Banor’s spheres of influence. Towering spires soared skyward, punctuating the horizon, each capped with a gilded likeness of the deity. Within its expansive grounds, verdant gardens thrived, offering serene alcoves for contemplation amidst the natural abundance of Banor's gifts.   During the temple's zenith, grand festivals marked the agricultural calendar. Vibrant hues of ceremonial banners rippled in the breeze, and the melodious lilt of sacred hymns echoed against the temple's marble walls. A symphony of fragrant incenses mingled with the tantalizing aroma of bountiful feasts prepared in honor of Banor. Laughter filled the air, weaving tales of joyous merriment, as the congregation reveled in the divine favor.   However, the hubris of a young priest would lead to the temple's undoing. An ambitious attempt to create a potent mead, intended to impress visiting princesses, resulted in a catastrophic explosion. The once grand edifice was devastated in the inferno, its polished stone cracked and blackened, while the once-gilded spires lay strewn across the grounds. The verdant gardens, now a wasteland of ash and debris, bore little resemblance to their former lush grandeur. The explosion's shockwave shattered nearby structures, leaving a jarring scar in the otherwise peaceful landscape.   This disaster was seen as a sign of divine disfavor, a foreboding omen foretelling the departure of the land's blessings. The temple's ruin became a stark contrast to its earlier glory and a reminder of unchecked ambition. A sense of betrayal and loss enveloped the community, the mirthful laughter of festivals replaced by hushed whispers and superstitious murmurs.   The catastrophic event ignited a debate within the populace, challenging the balance between the teachings of Banor – respect for tradition, cultivation, and natural growth – and the allure of progress and technology. Tales began to circulate, some depicting the young priest as a tragic hero seduced by ambition, others portraying him as a warning against straying from the path of humble devotion.   Today, the remnants of the temple stand as a testament to its fall from grace, each scorched stone whispering the tale of its lost grandeur. As the sun dips below the horizon, casting long shadows across the ruins, one can almost hear the echoes of festivals past and the solemn silence that followed the disastrous explosion. Even in its ruined state, the temple retains an eerie beauty, a monument to the fleeting nature of divine favor and the resilience of a community navigating the tides of faith, progress, and tradition.

Purpose / Function

Situated in the heart of Tatharia Capitolina, the sacred ground upon which the temple of Banor was erected was chosen through divine providence. Legend tells of a farmer's plow striking an inexplicably large, hidden stone that bore an image of Banor. Seemingly carved by unseen hands, this was interpreted as a divine message, designating the site for the temple's construction. Thus, in 1142, construction began amidst the fertile fields, under the aegis of the harmonious convergence of Human, Halfling, and Half-Orc cooperation.   Designed with input from Lugal Icaghor, who suggested an inclusive approach, the temple was grand enough to accommodate the lofty height of the half-orcs and intimate enough for the shorter stature of the halflings. Broad aisles and spacious chambers allowed for comfortable coexistence, reflecting the underlying principles of Banor – unity, cohabitation, and mutual respect.   Over its 210 years of glory, the temple underwent numerous repairs and restorations. The first major repair occurred in 1187, when an unexpected winter storm caused significant damage to the roof and the tallest spire. It was during this period of repair that the intricate frescoes depicting Banor's blessings of agricultural prosperity and urban order were added to the temple's inner dome, further enhancing its beauty.   In 1259, a minor earthquake necessitated another round of significant repairs. The temple’s foundation was fortified, the cracked facade restored, and the gardens replanted with resilient flora, symbolizing the congregation’s unwavering resolve in the face of adversity. In addition, a series of underground chambers were constructed to serve as a sanctuary during any future natural disasters.   The final significant renovation occurred in 1331, when an influx of worshippers and a period of economic prosperity allowed for the embellishment of the temple. Gold leaf was applied to the statues of Banor, the gardens were expanded, and a grand library was added to house sacred texts and manuscripts detailing the centuries-old history of Tatharia Capitolina and the worship of Banor.   Despite these renovations and the care taken to maintain the temple, its fate was sealed in 1352, when it met its disastrous end. Over time, the vibrant echoes of worship and celebration gave way to a solemn silence, and the magnificent structure that had once united different races under Banor's teachings was reduced to ruins. The temple's story, however, continues to resonate, its legacy immortalized in the hearts of the people it once served, a poignant reminder of a shared past and a beacon of hope for a harmonious future.


As the city of Tatharia Capitolina expanded over the first century of the temple's existence, farmlands once adjacent to the temple were gradually replaced by the growing urban sprawl. This urban shift triggered a series of alterations to the temple that mirrored the evolving dynamics of the city and its relationship with Banor.   Early in the temple's life, its immediate surroundings included vast, verdant farmlands, placing the divine in the heart of the agricultural fields it blessed. However, as the city pushed these farmlands farther away, the temple's role as the physical and spiritual center of agriculture began to fade. In response, the temple was adapted to maintain its relevance to the worshippers who now largely resided in an urban environment.   One of the significant alterations involved the creation of a symbolic ‘Living Farm’ within the temple grounds. This space was designed to preserve the connection between Banor, the worshippers, and the essence of agriculture. It was filled with plants, grain, and flowering trees, becoming a microcosm of a farm. A team of dedicated Halfling gardeners, known for their affinity with nature, maintained this farm, bringing life to the rituals that were held in honor of harvests and sowing seasons.   The reintroduction of writing in Tatharia in 1170 also had a profound impact on the temple's structure and rituals. As writing was not initially a part of Tatharia’s culture when the temple was built, there were no areas designated for the storage or study of written materials. However, as literacy began to spread, an 'Oral Gallery' was established. This gallery was a circular stone hall where trained oral historians, or 'Word Keepers', could recite the tales of Banor, the history of Tatharia Capitolina, and the wisdom of past generations. Seats were carved into the walls of this chamber, providing a space for congregants to gather, listen, and learn.   Lastly, as Tatharia evolved into a bustling metropolis, the temple became an oasis of calm amidst the city's growing chaos. A ring of peaceful gardens and reflection pools was added to the outer temple grounds, creating a buffer zone between the city's bustle and the temple's serenity. These gardens, filled with the harmonious songs of sacred birds and the gentle rustle of leaves, offered a space for worshippers to find tranquillity before entering the main temple.   Thus, the temple of Banor, though steadfast in its spiritual role, continually adapted to the changing socio-cultural fabric of Tatharia Capitolina. These alterations were a testament to the temple’s ability to reflect the shifting dynamics between urban growth and agricultural heritage, a delicate balance that was at the heart of Banor's teachings.
Founding Date
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