
The Empress of Tatharia

Nin Naram-Sin (a.k.a. Tanicia)

In the majestic halls of Wyrmborn Palace, a child named Tanicia was born, destined to become the Empress Naram-Sin of Tatharia. Her birth was marked by Celestial signs, and her early years were filled with wonder and curiosity. Under the watchful eye of her grandfather Icaghor, she was encouraged to explore the world, her intellect and character blossoming.   Her education was guided by esteemed scholars, and her mind sharpened as she immersed herself in history, philosophy, and the arts. As Regent Tanicia, she displayed wisdom and strength, her rule marked by fairness and innovation. Her temporary stints as Regent were not mere placeholders; they were opportunities to shape Tatharia's destiny.   The dawn of the Empire came when Tanicia envisioned a beacon of hope and progress. With determination, she declared the beginning of the Empire, taking on the regnal name Naram-Sin, a name synonymous with strength, wisdom, and grace.   Her rule as Empress was marked by accomplishments reflecting her vision and commitment. She centralized power, promoted unity, addressed threats, and fostered economic growth. Her military prowess and diplomatic alliances strengthened Tatharia's position on the global stage.   Yet, her rule was not without failures and criticisms. Her expansionist ambitions led to conflicts, and her aggressive approach to annexation raised ethical questions. Her mental landscape was shaped by loss, responsibility, and ethical dilemmas, forging her into a determined, ambitious, and sometimes ruthless leader.   Empress Naram-Sin's story is a testament to the multifaceted nature of leadership, reflecting both strength and vulnerabilities. Her legacy continues to resonate within the Tatharian Empire, a symbol of vision, determination, and the indomitable Human spirit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Naram-Sin's journey from a curious child to the Empress of Tatharia is a tale of destiny, courage, and intellect. Her early years, shaped by the love and guidance of her parents and the mentorship of Icaghor, laid the foundation for her rule.   Her times as Regent revealed her character, her vision as a leader, and her commitment to her people. Her declaration of the Empire and her adoption of the name Naram-Sin marked a new chapter in Tatharia's history, one that promised hope, progress, and a legacy that would endure.   The story of Naram-Sin is not just the story of an Empress; it is the story of Tatharia itself, a reflection of its values, its aspirations, and its indomitable spirit. Her rule continues to inspire, and her legacy lives on, a testament to the power of vision, determination, and the Human heart.  

Naram-Sin: The Rise of an Empress

Birth and Early Years
  Born to Icaghor's great-great-great-grandson Atark and his wife, Tertinia, in the majestic halls of Wyrmborn Palace, Naram-Sin, originally named Tanicia, was destined for greatness. Her birth was marked by Celestial signs, and the wise seers of Tatharia foresaw a future filled with power and influence.   Her early years were filled with wonder and curiosity. Under the watchful eye of her grandfather Icaghor, young Tanicia was encouraged to explore the world around her. Her parents, Atark and Tertinia, were filled with pride as they watched their daughter's intellect and character blossom.  
Education and Mentorship
  Icaghor, recognizing the potential in Tanicia, took a personal interest in her education. He introduced her to the great libraries of Tatharia, where she immersed herself in history, philosophy, and the arts. Under the guidance of Icaghor and other esteemed scholars, Tanicia's mind sharpened, and her understanding of leadership and governance deepened.   Her parents were overjoyed when she was first selected to temporarily serve as Regent. It was a testament to her abilities and the faith that the people of Tatharia had in her.  
Regent Tanicia: A Leader Emerges
  As Regent Tanicia, she displayed wisdom and strength beyond her years. Her rule was marked by fairness, innovation, and a commitment to the welfare of her people. Her temporary stints as Regent were not merely placeholders; they were opportunities for her to shape Tatharia's destiny.   Her relationship with Icaghor continued to influence her, as she sought to embody his vision for a utopia free of sickness, wounds, and disease. Yet, she was not a mere shadow of her grandfather; she was a force in her own right, with her own ideas and ambitions.  
The Dawn of the Empire
  The time came when Tanicia saw the need for a new era in Tatharia. She envisioned an empire that would stand as a beacon of hope and progress. With determination in her eyes and the legacy of Icaghor in her heart, she declared the beginning of the Empire.   In a symbolic gesture that resonated with the people, she took on the regnal name Naram-Sin, tying her rule to the larger Moon. It was a name that spoke of continuity and a new beginning, a name that would become synonymous with strength, wisdom, and grace.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Naram-Sin's rule as Empress is marked by a series of accomplishments that reflect her vision, leadership, and commitment to her people. Her centralization of power stands out as a defining achievement, while her efforts to promote unity, address threats, and foster economic growth have endeared her to her citizens. Her focus on education and military prowess adds to the rich tapestry of her rule, creating a legacy that continues to resonate within the Tatharian Empire. Her reign is a testament to the transformative power of leadership, vision, and determination.  

Greatest Accomplishment: Centralization of Power

Dissolution of Existing Councils
  Naram-Sin's greatest accomplishment may be the centralization of power within the Tatharian Empire. By dissolving the existing councils and consolidating their responsibilities under her direct control, she streamlined decision-making and suppressed opposition from the nobility.  
  This move allowed her to implement her vision for Tatharia without hindrance. It marked a significant shift in governance, ensuring that the Empire could respond swiftly to challenges and opportunities. It also reinforced her authority, establishing her as a strong and decisive leader.  

Achievements Impacting Positive Reputation

Promotion of Unity and Harmony
  Naram-Sin's efforts to unify the Tatharian Pantheon and strengthen the influence of the deities through the establishment of the Pantheobule played a crucial role in promoting religious unity and harmony.  
Addressing Magical and Supernatural Threats
  Her strategic handling of external threats, such as magical monsters and the Draconians, bolstered Tatharia's military capabilities and invested in magical defenses. This not only protected her citizens but also demonstrated her commitment to their safety.  
Economic Prosperity
  Naram-Sin's focus on economic growth and prosperity contributed to her positive reputation. By fostering trade, encouraging exploration, and supporting merchant guilds, she ensured that the Empire thrived economically, benefiting all citizens.  

Other Notable Achievements

Encouragement of Education and Intellectual Growth
  Following in the footsteps of her grandfather Icaghor, Naram-Sin continued to promote education and intellectual growth within the Empire. Her support for scholars, libraries, and public education reflected her belief in the power of knowledge and its role in shaping a progressive society.  
Military Prowess and Diplomatic Alliances
  Naram-Sin's military achievements, including the organization of specialized roles like arcane archers and mage hunters, showcased her tactical brilliance. Her pursuit of diplomatic alliances further strengthened Tatharia's position on the global stage.

Failures & Embarrassments

Empress Naram-Sin's rule has been marked by both triumphs and failures. Her expansionist ambitions have led to conflicts and challenges that reveal the complexities of leadership on a grand scale. Her reactions to these failures, ranging from determination to pragmatism, characterize her leadership style.   Non-citizens might criticize her for aggressive expansionism, a lack of diplomatic finesse, and an unwillingness to recognize the autonomy and cultural identity of other peoples. These criticisms reflect broader concerns about the ethics of empire-building and the balance between ambition and respect for diversity.  

Criticisms of Empress Naram-Sin

  1. Annexation Attempt and Rejection
    • Failure: The conflict with the Gemegishkirihallat Tribe began with the Empire's attempt to annex the tribe's territory. The tribe's refusal led to tensions and ultimate rejection of the annexation.
    • Impact: This failure symbolized a limitation to the Empire's expansionist goals and a resistance to its control.
    • Reaction: Naram-Sin's subjugation of Lozen, a significant figure in the tribe, demonstrated her determination to assert control. However, this act further escalated the conflict.
    • Criticism: Non-citizens, especially those valuing autonomy and cultural identity, might criticize this aggressive approach, viewing it as an infringement on the sovereignty of other peoples.
  3. Ongoing Conflict with the Gemegishkirihallat Tribe
    • Failure: The relationship between the Empire and the Gemegishkirihallat Tribe has been marked by more than five years of war, with no clear resolution.
    • Impact: This ongoing conflict drains resources and lives, hindering the Empire's growth and stability.
    • Reaction: Naram-Sin's persistence in this conflict reflects her determination but also raises questions about her ability to negotiate and find peaceful resolutions.
    • Criticism: Non-citizens might view this prolonged conflict as a failure of diplomacy and leadership, questioning the wisdom of engaging in a seemingly unending war.
  4. Diplomatic Relationship with Vek'ktur
    • Failure: While not a direct failure, the Empire's inability to conquer the Vek'ktur, due to their geographical and magical advantage, represents a limitation to its expansionist ambitions.
    • Impact: This situation highlights the constraints of the Empire's power and the challenges of navigating complex geopolitical landscapes.
    • Reaction: Naram-Sin's pragmatic approach, recognizing the futility of hostile maneuvers against the Vek'ktur, shows her astuteness but also a willingness to accept limitations.
    • Criticism: Critics might argue that the Empire's expansionist goals are overly aggressive and that the inability to conquer certain territories reveals weaknesses in its strategies.

Mental Trauma

Empress Naram-Sin's mental landscape is likely shaped by a complex interplay of loss, responsibility, conflict, and ethical dilemmas. These potential traumas may have forged her into a determined, ambitious, and sometimes ruthless leader, driven by a vision for Tatharia but also burdened by the complexities and pressures of rule.   Her leadership reflects both the strength and vulnerabilities shaped by these experiences, painting a portrait of a ruler who is both human and extraordinary. Her story is a testament to the multifaceted nature of leadership and the profound impact that personal experiences and traumas can have on shaping a leader's decisions, character, and legacy.  
  1. Loss of Grandfather Icaghor

    • Evidence: Icaghor was a significant influence on Naram-Sin's life, serving as a mentor and guiding figure. His death would have been a profound loss.
    • Potential Trauma: The loss of a loved one, especially a mentor, can lead to feelings of abandonment, grief, and a burden of responsibility to carry on their legacy. This may have intensified her determination and ambition but also created a sense of isolation and pressure.
  2. Ongoing Conflicts and Wars

    • Evidence: Naram-Sin's rule has been marked by conflicts, such as the ongoing war with the Gemegishkirihallat Tribe and the tensions with the Vek'ktur.
    • Potential Trauma: Prolonged exposure to conflict and war can lead to stress, anxiety, and a sense of failure, especially when resolutions seem elusive. The weight of decisions that affect lives and the constant pressure to succeed may have taken a toll on her mental well-being.
  3. Burden of Leadership and Expectations

    • Evidence: As the Empress of Tatharia, Naram-Sin bears the responsibility for the welfare, prosperity, and expansion of the Empire. Her rule has been marked by bold decisions and significant changes.
    • Potential Trauma: The immense responsibility of leadership, coupled with the expectations to fulfill her vision and the legacy of her grandfather, can lead to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and constant pressure to perform. This may manifest in a relentless pursuit of goals, sometimes at the expense of empathy or flexibility.
  4. Ethical Dilemmas and Moral Ambiguity

    • Evidence: Naram-Sin's expansionist ambitions and aggressive approach to annexation and subjugation have led to ethical questions and conflicts with other cultures and tribes.
    • Potential Trauma: The moral ambiguity and ethical dilemmas associated with empire-building can lead to internal conflicts, guilt, and a struggle to reconcile personal values with political necessities. This may have shaped her leadership style, making her both pragmatic and ruthless.

Personality Characteristics


Ambition for Global Expansion

  Naram-Sin's ambition transcends mere territorial conquest. It's a manifestation of a profound vision that intertwines compassion, responsibility, and pragmatism. Her goal is not to dominate but to heal, not to subjugate but to uplift.  
Desire to Heal
  The core of Naram-Sin's ambition lies in her desire to heal. This is not a superficial aspiration but a deeply ingrained value shaped by Tatharia's unique culture and history.  
  • Rooted in Tatharia's Legacy: Tatharia's commitment to healing, as instituted by Icaghor, has created a society where well-being is a fundamental right. Naram-Sin's upbringing in this environment has instilled in her a moral obligation to extend this right to the world.
  • Quests for Healing Artifacts: For DMs, this motivation can lead to intricate quests to discover ancient healing artifacts, lost tomes of medical wisdom, or rare medicinal herbs. These quests can involve unraveling ancient mysteries, forging alliances with reclusive healers, or battling forces that hoard these healing secrets for nefarious purposes.
  • Diplomatic Missions: Naram-Sin's vision may also lead to diplomatic missions where players must negotiate with other realms to share Tatharia's healing practices. These missions can be fraught with political intrigue, cultural clashes, and moral dilemmas, providing rich storytelling opportunities.
Expansion by Force
  Naram-Sin's willingness to use force is not a contradiction to her healing ambition but a complex and pragmatic strategy to achieve her noble goal.  
  • Calculated Strategy: Her decision to use force is not impulsive but carefully calculated. It reflects an understanding that ideals alone may not overcome the world's complexities. Her military training and tactical acumen enable her to navigate these complexities with precision and effectiveness.
  • Campaigns of Conquest: In a world where not all realms may share Tatharia's values, Naram-Sin's expansion by force can lead to epic campaigns of conquest. These campaigns can be rich in strategy, alliances, betrayals, and moral choices. Players may find themselves leading armies, besieging fortresses, or engaging in covert operations to secure victory.
  • Balance of Power and Compassion: Naram-Sin's use of force is tempered by her compassion and vision. Her conquests are not about subjugation but about creating a global network of healing. This balance between power and compassion can create nuanced scenarios where players must make difficult decisions that weigh military necessity against humanitarian values.

    Love for Tatharia

      Her profound love for her homeland is not just patriotic fervor; it's a connection to the land, its people, and its ideals.  
    Vision of Utopia
      Naram-Sin's vision of a utopia free of sickness resonates with Tatharia's core values. This vision can be a central theme in campaigns, driving players to undertake quests that align with this utopian ideal, such as eradicating a plague or forging alliances with other healing-focused civilizations.  

    Complex Relationship with Icaghor

      The multifaceted relationship with her adoptive grandfather, Icaghor, adds depth and complexity to her character.  
    Respect and Affection
      Her respect for Icaghor's wisdom and her affection for him as a family member have shaped her worldview. This emotional connection can be a source of internal conflict in stories, especially if players encounter situations that challenge Naram-Sin's beliefs or force her to choose between her ambitions and her loyalty to Icaghor's legacy.  
    Tension and Ambition
      The tension between her respect for Icaghor and her own ambitions creates a dynamic character struggle. This internal conflict can be a rich source of storytelling, with players caught in political intrigues, moral dilemmas, or quests that force Naram-Sin to reconcile these conflicting aspects of her character.  

    Personal Tastes and Disguises: A Deeper Exploration

      Naram-Sin's love for simple pleasures and her habit of visiting Beergrove in disguise are not mere quirks; they are windows into her soul, revealing a complex and multifaceted character. Let's delve into these aspects, weaving a narrative that uncovers the deeper motivations behind her actions.  
    Beergrove: A Hub of Culture and Secrecy
      Nestled close to her palace grounds, Beergrove is more than a bustling marketplace; it's a vibrant hub of Tatharian culture, alive with music, laughter, and the tantalizing aroma of street food. Among the crowd, Naram-Sin finds solace and anonymity, a rare respite from the weight of her crown.   The secret passage leading from her palace to Beergrove is not merely a convenient route; it's a symbol of her longing for connection and her need to escape the confines of power. Here, she can lose herself in the crowd, savoring Tatharian Pickles, a humble yet flavorful delicacy that reminds her of simpler times.  
    A Source of Intelligence
      Her visits to Beergrove are not solely for pleasure. Mingling with the common folk, overhearing conversations, and observing the pulse of her empire, Naram-Sin gathers valuable intelligence. This information guides her decisions, keeping her attuned to the needs and sentiments of her people.   An example of this can be seen in her relationship with a street vendor named Thalric, a wise and observant man who has become an unwitting confidant. Through casual conversations, Thalric provides insights into the daily struggles and joys of the common people, helping Naram-Sin to govern with empathy and understanding.  
    Romantic Trysts and a Loveless Marriage
      Trapped in a loveless political marriage, Naram-Sin's heart yearns for genuine connection and romance. Unlike foreign rulers who might entertain affairs or harems, she seeks authenticity and intimacy in her romantic pursuits.   Her alter ego allows her to explore love and passion without the constraints of her royal identity. In the shadows of Beergrove, she has found solace in the arms of a mysterious Bard named Ashur, a man who sees her not as an empress but as a woman with desires and dreams. Their secret romance is a dance of longing and fulfillment, a testament to Naram-Sin's humanity and her need for genuine connection.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    The Art of War: Naram-Sin's Military Genius

      In the grand halls of Tatharia's war chambers, the Empress Naram-Sin stands as a beacon of tactical brilliance. Her eyes, sharp and calculating, dance over maps and battle plans, seeing not just the present but the potential futures of warfare. Her mind is a labyrinth of strategies, each corridor leading to a new possibility, each turn a new opportunity.  
    Savvy: The Tactician's Mind
      Naram-Sin's military acumen is not just a skill; it's an art form. She understands the ebb and flow of battle, the rhythm of soldiers' feet, the song of clashing swords. Her strategies are not mere plans; they are symphonies composed with precision and grace.  
    • Understanding Terrain: She reads the landscape like an open book, using mountains, rivers, and forests to her advantage.
    • Psychological Warfare: Her ability to get into the minds of her enemies, predicting their moves, and using their fears against them is unparalleled.
    • Innovation: She's not afraid to employ unconventional tactics, using Magic, technology, and unexpected maneuvers to outwit her foes.
    • Leadership: Her presence on the battlefield inspires her troops, her words a rallying cry that ignites their spirits.
    Ineptitude: The Violent Storm
      But within this brilliant mind lies a tempest, a violent nature that sometimes rages out of control. It's a fire that fuels her, but it's also a fire that can consume her.  
    • Impulsiveness: At times, her passion and anger can outpace her reason. A well-laid plan can be thrown into chaos by a sudden, impulsive decision.
    • Brutality: Her violence is not just physical; it's a force of nature. It can lead to unnecessary cruelty, alienating allies, and sowing dissent among her ranks.
    • Obsession with Victory: Her desire to win, to conquer, can become an obsession. It can blind her to the bigger picture, leading her down paths that may not align with her ultimate goals.



    Royal Heir (Important)

    Towards Icaghor




    Adoptive father (Vital)

    Towards Naram-Sin




    Though philosophy has had them at odds, Icaghor is largely proud of Tanicia's character and motivations. And though her ambitions and the whispers of evil from throughout the court have shifted her to foul moods of Icaghor, she loves and respects him deeply.

    Nicknames & Petnames

    Icaghor calls her the "Greater Moon here with us" in reference to her beauty and compassion. He also calls her the Sword of Tatharia, for her violent streak.   She calls Icaghor "Grandfather the Ancient" when alone, to tease him. When she was a child, she called him "Poppy"

    Commonalities & Shared Interests

    They both love Tatharia and envision a utopia free of sickness, wounds, and disease.

    Legal Status

    Occasionally Nin Regent

    Lawful Neutral
    Current Status
    Ruling the Empire
    Current Location
    Year of Birth
    1489 PE 38 Years old
    Parents (Adopting)
    Current Residence
    Wyrmborn Palace
    Large, round, brown eyes
    Long, braided platinum blonde
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Dark olive, sun-kissed
    160 lbs
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    By the Grace of the Moon!
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations

    Articles under Naram-Sin


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