
The Moon was once the only natural satellite to cross Rolara's night skies since time immemorial. From the ground, the surface of the moon was visible on clear nights, especially from higher elevations. Keen eyed astronomers could see massive canyons and wide plains of white. The surface is dotted with impact craters.   Like the moon of Earth, Luna, this moon is tidally locked. This means there is a side that is never viewable from Rolara's surface. Since the Extinguishment of the Stars of Power, there have been two moons visible in the skies. Therefore, the word moon sometimes refers to the larger moon, and sometimes it refers to the crystal sphere of the Moonwilde.   The sight of the Crystal Sphere of the Moonwilde crossing the heavens led the superstitious mortals of Rolara to war. As their magic waned, and the heavens changed, they could only assume the world was ending. Many cultures have risen and fallen again in the interceding centuries, and each called the moons by different names.   One common thread is that many cultures use a word for the Larger, natural Moon can be traced back to ancient sources where the word means simply "moon". By contrast, the words used for the Moonwilde often can be traced back to words meaning "crystal, trickery, or mirror". That there is more variation in the etymology of names for the smaller moon appears to support the theory that it is older, despite records found in situ that describe its appearance all being found among artifacts that are more than 1500 years old.

Localized Phenomena


The gravity of the moon is similar to Rolara's in that it pulls from all directions towards the center of mass, but the gravity isn't as strong. It also isn't weightlessness, as experienced in Wildspace.
  Creatures and objects weigh only 1/4th what they weighed on Rolara, which is considered 'normal gravity'. For example, a creature that weighed 150 lbs on the ground weighs only 37.5 lbs. For a DM that wants a simple rule for handling strength scores and encumbrance on the Moon, use this formula:
Strength * 120 = push/drag/carry limit

  This represents four times what a character can normally carry on the ground. Characters or creatures with a feature that allows them to double their push/drag/carry limit still double the total after using the formula above, as normal.
  It isn't unreasonable for players on the moon to carry boulders larger than they are.

Speed and Movement

The reduced gravity also changes speed. Characters moving on the move have their speed reduced by half. This includes all natural movement speeds, except for flight and burrowing. For natural flight (such as with wings), the moon's thin atmosphere cannot support small or larger winged creatures. Burrowing speeds are doubled instead, as the weight and pressure under ground is also reduced by relative amounts.
    Magical movement speeds such as magical flight or additions and modifications to speed, as long as they caused by a spell or other magical effect, are not affected by gravity. When a player casts the fly spell on themselves, they gain a magical flying speed of 60 feet as normal.

Jumping and Landing

A character with a Strength of 12 or more who jumps can choose to jump the normal height or distance allowed or to jump farther, up to twice the height or twice the distance. A character with a lower score can only jump the normal distance.
  Creatures that are Huge or Smaller descend harmlessly to ground as long as the descend or fall from a height of less than 500 feet.    

Impeded Attacks

When making a melee attack with a weapon, a creature that doesn’t have a flying or swimming speed (either naturally or provided by magic) has disadvantage on the attack roll unless the weapon deals piercing damage. This is the same as attacking in a weightless environment.
Alternative Name(s)
Yue, Nanna, Maan, Måne
Planetoid / Moon
Location under


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