Bard Profession in Rolara | World Anvil


The chamber was awash in the golden glow of flickering candlelight, casting ethereal shadows on the faces of young courtières, their eyes wide with anticipation. Tiberius, a figure unassuming in stature but magnetic in presence, stepped into the center of the room. His balding pate and pale, sickly visage seemed to vanish, replaced by an aura of undeniable charisma.   With a flourish, he unfurled an ancient scroll, its parchment tinged with the patina of age. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice a mellifluous timbre that filled the room, "I present to you a tale as old as time, yet as relevant as the morning sun."   As Tiberius recited lines of poetic verse, his words wove an intricate tapestry of emotion and intellect. Though he lacked the Talent and the Gift, his Art was undeniable. Each phrase was a brushstroke, each pause a moment for the audience to catch their breath, captivated by the unfolding drama.   The room was spellbound, not by Magic, but by the sheer force of Tiberius's storytelling. When he reached the tale's poignant climax, a hushed silence fell. It was as if the very air held its breath, waiting for the denouement.   "And so, dear friends," Tiberius concluded, rolling the scroll and tucking it under his arm, "we learn that even in the darkest of times, the Human spirit prevails. For in stories, as in life, we find our true selves."   The chamber erupted in applause, the young courtières' faces flushed with emotion, their hearts touched by the Bard's Art. Tiberius bowed, his small, mousy demeanor transformed, if only for a moment, into that of a giant among men.



In the realm of Rolara, the path to becoming a Bard is a harmonious blend of innate ability, cultivated skill, and mystical connection. Three distinct traits serve as the cornerstones of this vocation: the Gift, Talent, and Art.  
  1. The Gift: This is an innate connection to the Weave, the cosmic tapestry of primal, arcane, and divine energies that permeate the universe. Bards with the Gift channel these energies through their music, making their melodies and harmonies conduits for magical power.
  3. Talent: This refers to a natural aptitude for music, encompassing traits such as perfect pitch, keen rhythm, and an intuitive understanding of melody and harmony. Talent allows Bards to create music that resonates with the energies of the Weave.
  5. Art: This is the scholarly aspect of the profession, encompassing the science, history, and practical skills of music. Bards with Art use their knowledge to craft songs that channel the energies of the Weave into their performances.
  While it is possible for a Bard to ascend from level 1 to 20 without the Gift, such individuals would rely heavily on their Talent and Art to interact with the Weave. Their Magic would be more subtle but no less potent, a testament to the power of music.   The journey to becoming a Bard begins with the recognition of one or more of these traits and embarks on a lifelong quest to master their craft and unlock the secrets of the Weave. Those with Talent often start with an intuitive understanding of music, those with Art delve into study and practice, and those with the Gift embark on a spiritual journey to control and direct their innate magic.

Career Progression

The trail a Bard treks is a journey of self-discovery, a voyage through the realms of music and Magic. It begins with the recognition of Talent or Art, or the awakening of the Gift. A novice Bard, regardless of their starting point, embarks on a lifelong quest to master their craft and unlock the secrets of the Weave.   For those with Talent, the journey often begins with an intuitive understanding of music. They possess an innate ability to create melodies and harmonies that resonate with the energies of the Weave. As they progress, they learn to refine their natural abilities, their music becoming more complex and their connection to the Weave more profound.   For those with Art, the journey is one of study and practice. They delve into the science and history of music, learning to play instruments, compose songs, and perform with skill and precision. As they master their craft, they learn to channel the energies of the Weave through their music, their performances becoming magical experiences that resonate with the universe's essence.   For those with the Gift, the journey is a spiritual one. They are born with a connection to the Weave, their music infused with magic from the very beginning. As they grow, they learn to control and direct this magic, their songs becoming spells that can heal, inspire, protect, or harm.   Regardless of their starting point, all Bards strive to achieve a balance between Talent, Art, and the Gift. They seek to create music that is not just beautiful, but magical, their performances a testament to the power of the Weave and the beauty of the universe.

Payment & Reimbursement

Bards are far more than mere minstrels or artisans; they are the weavers of the very fabric of society, their melodies and harmonies resonating with the arcane energies of the Weave. As such, their contributions are not merely aesthetic but profoundly functional, serving as conduits between the mundane and the magical. Their roles are manifold: storytellers, historians, and even mediators between the corporeal and the ethereal.   Given the magnitude of their responsibilities and the rarity of their skills, Bards are often rewarded handsomely for their services. Material compensation varies depending on the nature of their tasks and the depth of their connection to the Weave. In times of peace, their performances may garner them Gold and precious gemstones, tokens of the joy and comfort they bring to the populace. These are not mere trinkets but symbols of the people's gratitude, often imbued with minor enchantments to protect or aid the Bard in their journey.   In times of war, their rewards are even more substantial. Bards who rally troops with their rousing anthems or protect the innocent with their powerful spells may receive armaments of rare make, enchanted to resonate with their unique connection to the Weave. Such rewards are not merely material but also deeply symbolic, often crafted by master artisans who themselves have a deep understanding of the Weave.   However, it should be noted that the most esteemed Bards often find their greatest rewards in the form of ancient artifacts or relics, objects of immense power that resonate with the energies of the Weave. These are not mere payments but pacts, binding the Bard to a greater destiny and imbuing their future compositions with untold potential.

Other Benefits

  1. Social Credibility: In a realm where the Weave's energies are as palpable as the wind and as vital as the sun, a Bard's ability to tap into these forces grants them an elevated social standing. They are not merely entertainers but keepers of lore, mediators between the seen and the unseen, and interpreters of the world's hidden languages. Their words carry weight in councils and their presence is often sought at significant social events, not merely as performers but as honored guests and advisors.
  3. Fame: The songs of Bards are not confined to the halls in which they are sung; they reverberate through the collective Consciousness of Rolara. A well-composed ballad can become an anthem of an era, a lullaby passed down through generations, or a rallying cry in times of war. The Bards who compose these timeless pieces often achieve a level of fame that transcends borders and social classes, their names whispered with reverence and awe.
  5. Recognition: Beyond the immediate circles of their influence, accomplished Bards may receive formal recognition from institutions of power. Whether it be an invitation to the royal court, an honorary title bestowed by a scholarly academy, or even canonization into religious texts, these honors serve to immortalize the Bard's contributions to society. Such recognition often comes with its own set of privileges, including access to restricted knowledge, rare artifacts, or even audiences with beings of significant magical or divine import.
  7. Spiritual Fulfillment: Though not a 'benefit' in the conventional sense, it is worth noting that many Bards find their deepest rewards in the spiritual connections they forge through their art. The act of channeling the Weave's energies into song provides a sense of unity with the cosmos, a fulfillment that many consider priceless.



In Rolara, Bards play a crucial role in society. They are not just musicians, but storytellers, historians, and Magic users. Their songs tell the stories of heroes and villains, of love and loss, of triumph and tragedy. They preserve the history of Rolara, their music a living record of the world's past.   Bards also serve as mediators between the mundane and the magical. Through their music, they tap into the primal, arcane, and divine energies of the Weave, bringing magic into the everyday lives of the people of Rolara. They heal the sick with their soothing melodies, inspire courage with their rousing anthems, and protect the innocent with their powerful spells.   In times of peace, Bards bring joy and entertainment, their performances a source of comfort and inspiration. In times of war, they rally the troops with their songs, their music a beacon of hope in the darkest hours. In all things, Bards serve as a reminder of the power of music and the magic of the Weave, their lives a testament to the beauty and wonder of Rolara.

Social Status

Within the societal tapestry of Rolara, Bards occupy a position of unique reverence and respect. Far from being considered a lower "caste" occupation, the Bardic profession is often held in high esteem, akin to scholars, high priests, or even royalty in certain circles. Their ability to tap into the Weave and channel its energies into song or story grants them an almost mystical status, elevating them beyond mere entertainers to become revered keepers of lore and tradition.   Esteemed as storytellers and historians, Bards serve as living repositories of Rolara's rich past. Their songs and tales encapsulate the heroics of yesteryears, the tragedies of ancient conflicts, and the hopes for a brighter future. In this role, they become the collective memory of the realm, their words shaping the very perception of history and identity.   Moreover, Bards often serve as mediators between the mundane and the magical. Their melodies can heal the sick, inspire courage, and protect the innocent, making them invaluable in both times of peace and conflict. During wars, their anthems rally the troops, their music serving as a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. In periods of tranquility, their performances bring joy and inspiration, uplifting the spirits of the populace.   Yet, it is not merely their skills that earn them such a distinguished place in society but also their moral and ethical standing. A Bard's life is often seen as a testament to the harmonious balance between talent, art, and the mystical Gift. This balance, hard-won through years of practice and self-discovery, grants them an air of wisdom and integrity that few other professions can claim.
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