Pherozite (/ˈfɛroʊzaɪt/)

The Magnetic Lifeline of Rolara

In the world of Rolara, in the void left by the Extinguishment of the Stars of Power, emerged an alternative to Aetherite Crystals — a wondrous resource named Pherozite. Derived from the ancient Ferrowood Trees that have dotted the land since time immemorial, Pherozite has served as the lifeline of humanity throughout the age of low-magic.   Ferrowood trees, mysterious in their origins, thrive in the Ironbark Forests, located on each of the continents of Rolara. These trees, unlike their more mundane counterparts, sport bark as gray as beaten iron and leaves shimmering with metallic hues, a testament to their metallic sap. As the heartwood ages, it hardens into an almost metallic state and acquires magnetic properties.   The extraction process of Pherozite is fascinatingly complex. A Ferrowood tree must be warmed carefully over a slow, smoky fire. This induces the magnetic sap to liquefy and trickle towards the heat. Skilled extractors then employ lodestones to draw the sap out from the tree, gently coaxing it into collection vessels.   Once harvested, the sap undergoes a multi-phase refining process. Initially, the raw sap is cooled, causing it to crystallize into the form known as Crystal Pherozite. These luminous shards are potent conduits for mechanical force and can be used in simple contraptions.   The second phase involves slow reheating of the crystals until they melt back into a liquid, which is then purified and allowed to cool again slowly, creating Liquid Pherozite. This liquid form has extraordinary lubricative properties, making it crucial for more complex machinery.   The final phase involves stretching the liquid form into thin strands while it's in a semi-solid state, solidifying it into Pherozite Wire, an excellent conductor of physical force, used in more complex machinery like clocks, complex locks, and sophisticated aqueducts.   Despite Pherozite's remarkable properties, widespread usage is a challenge. Ferrowood trees are scarce, and the extraction process risks igniting the sap, making extraction a hazardous profession. Furthermore, only the Master Smiths of Rolara, who have passed down the knowledge of Pherozite extraction through generations, possess the expertise to refine this resource. These factors make Pherozite highly valuable, resulting in ongoing efforts to cultivate more Ferrowood trees and improve sap extraction methods.   In the world of Rolara, Pherozite has given humans a beacon of hope and a way to progress in the darkness of a low-magic era. But as with all powerful resources, it is a double-edged sword, offering the promise of advancement but threatening disaster if mishandled.


Material Characteristics

Pherozite, in all its forms, is a sight to behold.   The raw sap, freshly extracted from the Ferrowood tree, is a molten, lustrous Silver that flows like a metallic stream of mercury. It holds an eerie glow, reflecting light in the peculiarly cool way only metal can.   Crystal Pherozite, formed through the first phase of refining, is reminiscent of irregularly shaped shards of pure silver. These crystals hold a soft inner radiance, a glinting echo of the tree's life force within their core.   Liquid Pherozite, the result of the second phase of refinement, maintains its silver color, but instead of a molten consistency, it transforms into a silky, almost liquid mercury-like substance. It reflects the light, creating a rippling sheen that mesmerizes the observer.   Finally, the Pherozite Wire, drawn from semi-solid liquid Pherozite, has the color of antiqued silver and a texture much like fine metallic thread. It retains a subtle shimmer, catching the light just so. Despite its delicate appearance, it exudes a sense of strength, a testament to its unique nature.   Each form of Pherozite, with its unique characteristics, holds an elegance and an understated power that demands respect and marvel. To a first-time observer, it might seem like a beautiful oddity from an artist's fantastical dreams, combining the strength and lustre of precious metal with the malleability and fluidity of a living element.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Pherozite, derived from the Ferrowood trees of Rolara, possesses a unique amalgamation of physical and chemical properties that set it apart from other resources.  

Physical Properties:

  1. Magnetism: Pherozite holds strong magnetic properties, which play a significant role in its extraction and function within machinery.
  2. Temperature: In its natural, unrefined state, Pherozite sap is warm to the touch, a result of the heat extraction process. Refined forms retain a neutral temperature unless manipulated.
  3. State: Pherozite can exist in three different states — crystal (solid), liquid, and wire (elongated solid) — depending on the phase of refinement it has undergone.
  4. Color: Pherozite exhibits a lustrous Silver hue in all its states, reflecting light in a captivating way.

Chemical Properties:

  1. Reactivity: Pherozite is generally stable but reacts violently with certain magical elements, which remains a subject of study.
  2. Flammability: While not spontaneously combustible, Pherozite is highly flammable when exposed to high heat or fire, posing a significant risk during the extraction process.
  3. pH Level: Pherozite is slightly acidic, though this does not significantly impact its interactions with other substances or its utility in machinery.
  4. Solubility: Pherozite is insoluble in water and most organic solvents, contributing to its durability and longevity in mechanical applications.
  It is the combination of these properties that make Pherozite a vital component in Rolara's machinery and an intriguing area of study for its scientists and alchemists.


Pherozite, while a standalone resource in itself, has found its use in various compounds and concoctions within Rolara due to its unique properties.   In the realm of metallurgy, Pherozite is used to create the sought-after alloy known as Ferrosilver. When combined with traditional iron under carefully controlled heat, the magnetic properties of Pherozite permeate the iron, resulting in a lightweight yet robust metal that retains the magnetic properties. Ferrosilver has found applications in creating precision tools, high-quality locks, and components of complex machinery.   From a chemical perspective, Pherozite's slight acidity and heat-resistance have made it an active ingredient in Fire Resilient Coatings. Alchemists and artisans combine it with fire-resistant minerals and a binder to create a protective layering for buildings and materials, reducing the risk of fire damage.   In the culinary arts, Crystal Pherozite is occasionally grated into a fine powder and used sparingly in high-end dishes for the rich and adventurous. The metallic tang of Pherozite is said to accentuate the flavors of certain exotic spices, making it a rare and prestigious ingredient. However, due to its high value and rarity, its use in gastronomy is a luxury few can afford.   Finally, in the field of medicine, Liquid Pherozite is used in the production of certain salves and potions. When mixed with medicinal herbs, it is believed to enhance the potency of these mixtures, though scientific validation of these effects is still under exploration.   Pherozite's multifaceted utility makes it an invaluable resource, contributing to its high demand and revered status in the society of Rolara.

Geology & Geography

Pherozite is found exclusively in the sap of the ancient Ferrowood trees that grow in the Ironbark Forests, which dot the heartlands of Rolara. These trees, with their gray bark as hard as iron and leaves of shimmering metallic hues, are as remarkable as the valuable resource they produce.   However, despite the wide distribution of Ferrowood trees, domesticating and cultivating them has proven to be an immense challenge, a riddle that has eluded even the most seasoned botanists of Rolara. The reason lies in the trees' exceptional adaptation to their natural environment and their arcane life cycle.   Ferrowood trees, it seems, are incredibly sensitive to the unique mixture of minerals found only in the soils of the Ironbark Forests, a peculiar blend of iron-rich compounds and other trace elements. This distinct soil composition, coupled with the unique microclimate of the forests, has resulted in an environment that the Ferrowood trees have evolved to thrive in over centuries. Attempting to replicate these conditions outside the Ironbark Forests has met with limited success.   Furthermore, the trees have a long maturation period, taking decades, if not centuries, to reach an age where they begin to produce Pherozite sap. This slow growth rate makes the prospect of cultivating Ferrowood trees a long-term investment with uncertain success.   Moreover, Ferrowood trees have a complex symbiotic relationship with a species of bioluminescent fungi known as Starshroom. This fungi, which thrives on the bark of Ferrowood trees, is thought to contribute to the tree's magnetic sap production. Starshroom, however, are extremely light-sensitive, dying quickly when exposed to light levels above those found in the depths of the Ironbark Forests.   These factors combined – the unique soil and climate requirements, the long maturation period, and the symbiotic relationship with Starshroom fungi – make the domestication of Ferrowood trees a difficult and unpredictable venture. The rarity and immense value of Pherozite, however, continue to fuel efforts to overcome these challenges, offering a tantalizing promise of progress and prosperity.

History & Usage


Pherozite, through the ages, has seen a dynamic shift in perception and usage, with its existence intricately tied to the historical, cultural, and technological development of Rolara.   Before the Extinguishment of the Stars of Power, Pherozite was viewed as a curious but relatively unimportant oddity. Magic was the dominant force that powered the civilization, and the metallic sap of the Ferrowood Trees held more aesthetic value than practical use.   However, after the Extinguishment, when magic became a scarce resource, Pherozite's true value was discovered. Initially used as a simple means of transferring mechanical force in rudimentary machines, Pherozite soon proved crucial in building more complex contrivances.   In a world now teeming with dangerous beasts and lacking any standardized writing system, the knowledge and use of Pherozite remained localized for a time, confined primarily to the regions surrounding the Ironbark Forests. The secrets of its extraction and refinement were closely guarded by the Master Smiths, who passed down this wisdom orally through generations.   However, the necessity of survival and advancement led to the gradual dissemination of Pherozite knowledge. Traders, wandering scholars, and daring adventurers played a significant role in this. These intrepid individuals braved the dangers of Rolara, exchanging goods and sharing knowledge in whispers and coded language, using symbols and diagrams that could be interpreted by those already in the know.   Over time, Pherozite found its way into the larger cities, where it was used in constructing locks, water mills, and aqueducts. It became the lifeblood of humanity's fight against the darkness, offering a semblance of progress in a low-magic era.   In more recent years, with the understanding of Aetherite Crystals, Pherozite has begun to find a role in this new era of magic-infused technology. There's a resurgence of interest in the material, with scholars keen to explore the potential synergy between Pherozite and Aetherite.   Despite its changing roles, Pherozite remains an invaluable resource, a beacon of hope, a testament to Human ingenuity, and a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

The process of refining Pherozite indeed produces byproducts, although their utility depends largely on the phase of refinement and the skills of the refiners.   During the initial extraction of the Pherozite sap from the Ferrowood Trees, a residual substance known as Ferro-resin is often left behind. This resin, thick and tar-like, holds minimal magnetic properties but has proven useful as a potent adhesive. Craftsmen often use Ferro-resin in the creation of sturdy furniture and durable weapons. Alchemists also use it as a binding agent in certain concoctions.   The refinement process that leads to Crystal Pherozite results in the formation of Pherozite dust, a fine, silver-grey powder. This dust, while less potent than the crystal form, is used by scribes in the making of Magnetic Ink. When written on parchment, the ink can interact with Pherozite wire to create secure documents that can only be read when the wire is applied in the correct manner.   The transformation from Crystal Pherozite to Liquid Pherozite also results in a less potent substance known as Slag Pherozite. While it lacks the strength of the liquid form, it retains enough magnetic properties to be used in the creation of minor tools or trinkets.   Finally, the drawing of Pherozite Wire often leaves behind Pherozite shavings. These shavings are usually melted down and reused in the wire-drawing process. However, skilled artisans have used them to craft delicate jewelry, harnessing the subtle magnetism to create pieces that can be linked or separated at will.   While Pherozite refinement does generate byproducts, the resourcefulness of Rolara's inhabitants ensures that very little goes to waste. From practical applications to artistic endeavors, these byproducts have found their own unique niches in the world of Rolara.
Organic Semiconductor
1 fluid Oz. = 125 GP
Earthy Aroma
Metallic Tang
Lustrous Silver
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