
The City of Sh’amsi-Adad was founded in recent memory but has already grown to match the influence, perhaps, of Tatharia. Master Hikmet, the famed trader, is the de facto leader of the city, as its founder. He judges wisely and fairly, and the people are very happy. When he leaves on business trips, his wife handles the affairs in town, usually.   The tall spires and domes are reminiscent of Al-Zaluma, the land Hikmet originated from long ago. The city itself sits on some ancient ruins that have only partially been explored. The architecture and citizenship of the town is varied. While coin speaks the loudest here, the folk are free and restricted by few laws and they like it that way. They defend their freedom and ability to do business bravely.   The streets are often filled with brightly colored streamers and the sounds of many people trying to make their millions of Gold hocking wares loudly everywhere. Hikmet wisely considered that someday there would be many poor here. He stores grain year-round from all over and distributes it at heavily discounted rates for the poor. In return, those poor work hard to be productive citizens, or "worth the grain" as the saying goes.   The city is perfectly situated to trade between all the parts of two continents, is in a very fertile valley and has access to the seas to the west. While not a military power, the guard of the city are fierce and loyal, and are paid for by the citizens.   A few small settlements pay tribute to Hikmet and Sh’amsi-Adad for protection.


The soul of Shamsi-Adad is truly its people, a robust mix of 10,533 souls, each contributing to the vibrant pulse of this thriving city. Predominantly humans, the denizens of Shamsi-Adad are the lifeblood that breathes energy into the cobblestone streets and stone edifices of this bustling city.   The city's heartbeat is its mercantile spirit, reflected in the confident demeanor of its residents. Each citizen, be they traders in the market or fishermen on the docks, carry an air of assurance born of the city's prosperity and the freedom that it promises.   Among the populace, there are distinct groups that paint a vivid portrait of the city's demographic landscape. Children, the hope of Shamsi-Adad's future, number 1,159, their laughter echoing in the air and their games adding color to the city streets. The adults, a robust 8,110, form the backbone of the city, their labor and enterprise driving its growth and prosperity. The elderly, a respectable group of 1,264, are the living testament of the city's history, their wisdom and experience guiding the younger generations. The city's care for its vulnerable is evident in the 1,041 ill and infirm who are not forgotten but are well taken care of. A city of law and order, Shamsi-Adad has only 93 known criminals, a testament to the orderliness and the sense of community that pervades the city​1​.   Distributed between urban and rural sectors, the populace of Shamsi-Adad is cleverly spread. A majority, 7,496, reside in the urban heart of the city, their lives intertwined with the city's vibrant commerce and its myriad of activities. Meanwhile, 3,037 people live in the rural outskirts, their lives closely tied to the fertile land and the blessings of nature that the city enjoys.   The unique composition of Shamsi-Adad's populace is no accident but rather the result of the city's strategic location, thriving trade, and fertile land. The city's founder, Hikmet, anticipated the growth of the city and its varying needs. His judicious planning in storing grain year-round, sold at a discount to the city's poor, has ensured that every citizen contributes productively, earning their 'worth in grain'. This practical wisdom, combined with the city's natural wealth and strategic positioning, has attracted a diverse populace, making Shamsi-Adad a thriving city where every citizen plays a part in its grand narrative.


The governing body of Shamsi-Adad is as unique as its people. At the helm of its leadership is Hikmet, the city's founder and a seasoned trader who hails from the far-off lands of Al-Zaluma. The concept of governance in Shamsi-Adad is not one of bureaucracy and red tape but is deeply intertwined with the spirit of mercantile pragmatism, fairness, and practical wisdom that Hikmet embodies.   His leadership is one not dictated by the heavy hand of authority but is rather an exercise in wisdom and fair judgement. Hikmet understands the pulse of his city and its people, recognizing the importance of freedom and enterprise in its growth. His rule is one of light-touch governance, allowing the free spirit of commerce to breathe life into the city, with only a few laws restricting the activities of its inhabitants. This approach aligns perfectly with the wishes of the city's residents, who are very happy under his stewardship, and fiercely defend their freedom and their right to do business.   However, Hikmet's influence is not limited to the city's economic activities. He also plays a significant role in protecting the city and its surrounding settlements. With a fierce and loyal guard force paid for by the citizens themselves, the city is secure under Hikmet's watch. His influence extends beyond the city walls as nearby settlements pay tribute to Hikmet and Shamsi-Adad for protection, reinforcing the city's position as a beacon of stability in the region.   During Hikmet's absences on business trips, his wife takes over the city's affairs. Her role in the administration speaks to the shared leadership within the city and offers a counterbalance to Hikmet's rule, ensuring continuity and stability in governance. It also signals the city's progressive approach, acknowledging and valuing the capabilities of women in leadership roles.   In Shamsi-Adad, governance is not about power, but about service to its people. This is evident in the city's social welfare measures, such as the distribution of stored grain at heavily discounted rates to the poor. This not only ensures their survival but also encourages them to be productive members of society, echoing the saying that they are "worth the grain".   The government of Shamsi-Adad is a reflection of its people's aspirations and the city's mercantile spirit. With Hikmet's leadership and the shared responsibility of its inhabitants, Shamsi-Adad thrives, embodying a model of governance that is both pragmatic and caring.


In the ever-changing landscape of the world, Shamsi-Adad stands steadfast, prepared to face both magical and mundane threats. The city's defenses are an amalgam of natural features, strategic architecture, and the unyielding spirit of its citizens.  

Natural Defenses

The city's location in a depressional valley provides a natural defensive advantage. The terrain itself is a deterrent for invading forces, making large-scale assaults difficult. The River, flowing with fresh water from the Great Lake, forms an additional natural barrier on one side, complicating any hostile advance. It's not just the river's width and depth that present challenges, but also the aquatic life it harbors, adding an unpredictable element to the defense.  

Architectural Defenses

The stone walls that encircle Shamsi-Adad are a testament to its architectural might and strategic planning. Imposing and sturdy, these walls are designed to withstand both physical and magical attacks. Moreover, the city's layout, with its varied districts, allows for a flexible defense strategy, enabling the city to respond effectively to threats from different directions.  

Military Preparedness

In District 1, also known as the "Guardian's Quarter," resides the city's military force. With a population of 150, this district is dedicated to the city's defense. The military personnel, fiercely loyal to the city and its leader, Hikmet, are always on high alert, ready to protect their city and its people.  

Magical Defenses

While not explicitly mentioned in the source article, it's reasonable to infer that a city as prosperous and advanced as Shamsi-Adad would have some form of magical defenses in place. This could range from protective wards and barriers to trained magic-users who specialize in defensive magic. These defenses would be designed to counteract magical threats, such as spells, curses, and magical creatures.  

Citizen Militia

The citizens of Shamsi-Adad, proud and free, are an integral part of the city's defense. They are ready to defend their freedom and their right to conduct business bravely. This civic spirit transforms the city's population into a formidable citizen militia, ready to stand alongside the regular military forces in times of crisis.   Thus, Shamsi-Adad's defenses are multi-faceted, combining natural and architectural barriers, a dedicated military force, inferred magical protections, and the resolve of its citizens to ensure the city's safety and prosperity.

Industry & Trade

Shamsi-Adad pulsates with the vibrant energy of a bustling mercantile city, teeming with traders, merchants, and craftsmen alike. Its location, nestled perfectly to trade between two continents and near the seas to the west, has made it a crucial hub for commerce and industry.  


The city's fertile valley, blessed with warm temperate grassland climate, supports a thriving agricultural sector. Grain cultivation is a significant part of this, with crops like Kiwicha, Quinoa, and Triticale being grown during the warm and cool seasons. These grains not only feed the city's population but also form a vital part of its exports​1​. Besides grains, the city also grows a variety of vegetables, including lettuce, pumpkin, and cabbage, and produces oil from Safflower crops.  

Livestock and Fishing

Shamsi-Adad boasts a vibrant livestock sector, with Border Leicester sheep being a prominent breed. The meat, wool, and milk products derived from these sheep contribute to the city's economy. Moreover, the city's proximity to the Great Lake and the River has given rise to a successful fishing industry, with species like Bass, Smelt, Clams, and Catfish being commonly caught.  

Manufacturing and Crafts

As a city that values freedom and enterprise, Shamsi-Adad is a haven for skilled craftsmen. The city's architecture, marked by stone, marble, and clay lined fiber constructions, suggests a strong presence of masons, carpenters, and artists, who contribute to both the local economy and the city's aesthetic allure.  

Trade and Commerce

Trade is the lifeblood of Shamsi-Adad. The city's founder, Master Hikmet, a famed trader himself, has ensured that the city thrives on commerce. The streets of Shamsi-Adad are a constant chorus of haggling voices and clinking coins, as the city's merchants and traders ply their wares. Importantly, the city's advantageous position on major trade routes enhances its import-export activities, allowing it to trade goods with regions across two continents and beyond the seas.


Shamsi-Adad, a testament to the harmonious marriage of Human ingenuity and natural bounty, features a sophisticated infrastructure that caters to its diverse populace and supports its thriving commerce. The city's location, nestled in a fertile valley and cradled by the Great Lake and its tributaries, is ingeniously utilized, blending the city's architectural marvels with the surrounding natural beauty.   The city's streets are a labyrinth of cobblestone roads, which the locals fondly refer to as "Hikmet's Veins" in honor of the city's founder. These roads, reminiscent of a sprawling network of veins, carry the city's lifeblood – its people and commerce, connecting the city's vibrant districts and facilitating trade.   The city is divided into five distinct districts, each reflecting its purpose and character. The first, known as "Shu-Tabi" or the Military District, is the city's shield, housing its loyal and fierce guards. The River District, or "Nahar-Bayt," is a bustling hub where locals gather to trade and barter, its energy mirroring the constantly flowing river it sits beside. The Docks, known colloquially as "Marid-Kasr," are a hive of activity, as goods from far and wide are unloaded and traded. The Merchant District, fondly known as "Tujjar-Saha," is the heart of the city's commerce, a testament to the city's mercantile spirit. Lastly, the Administrative District, or "Idara-Mahal," is the city's brain, where governance and administrative decisions are made, orchestrating the city's symphony of daily life.   One of Shamsi-Adad's significant infrastructural marvels is its irrigation system. Known locally as the "Surge of Life" or "Tufan-Alhayat," the system ingeniously utilizes the city's surrounding water bodies to nourish the fertile land. The four major rivers feeding into the Great Lake and the world's largest river leading away from it to the southern ocean, provide a constant supply of fresh water, making the city a verdant oasis and contributing to its agricultural prosperity.   The city's buildings, mainly constructed from stone and adorned with marble and clay-lined fiber, add to its distinct aesthetic. The ornate architecture, combined with the city's natural landscape, creates a cityscape that is as practical as it is beautiful. From the tall spires and domes reminiscent of Al-Zaluma, to the disorderly but well-maintained homes, Shamsi-Adad's infrastructure reflects its people's character – strong, resilient, and vibrant.   In Shamsi-Adad, infrastructure is not merely about buildings and roads; it's about creating spaces that reflect the city's soul and serve its people's needs. Its infrastructure, a blend of Sumerian and Arabic influences, is a testament to the city's heritage and its ambitious spirit.


Shu-Tabi: The Military District

The district known as Shu-Tabi is the city's bulwark, home to its stalwart and loyal guards. The architecture here is solid and imposing, with the primary building style being marble, signifying strength and durability. Despite its militaristic purpose, the district is immaculately clean and well-maintained, reflecting the discipline and orderliness of the city's protective force. While it houses a modest population of 150, its significance in safeguarding the city's peace and prosperity is immense.  

Nahar-Bayt: The River District

Nestled alongside one of the city's life-giving rivers, Nahar-Bayt is a testament to Shamsi-Adad's symbiosis with its natural environment. The district's primary building style is stone, a nod to the rugged beauty of the riverbanks. This district teems with life and energy, but it also exhibits a certain disorderliness reflective of the vibrant chaos of life by the river. With a population of 150, Nahar-Bayt is a bustling center of trade and social interaction.  

Marid-Kasr: The Docks

Marid-Kasr, the Docks, is an important hub of activity in Shamsi-Adad. With a population of 1124, it's here that goods from across the two continents and beyond find their way into the city. Despite its significant role in the city's commerce, the district's upkeep is somewhat neglected, contributing to its rugged charm. Its primary building style is stone, just like in Nahar-Bayt, signifying its close connection to the river and the sea.  

Tujjar-Saha: The Merchant District

Home to 375 residents, Tujjar-Saha, or the Merchant District, is the economic heart of Shamsi-Adad. The district's buildings are primarily stone, embodying the city's resilience and stability. The district is tastefully designed, with a touch of disorderliness that adds to its vibrant character. This is where the city's trade pulse beats the loudest, with merchants offering an array of goods and services, embodying the city's mercantile spirit.  

Idara-Mahal: The Administrative District

The Idara-Mahal, or the Administrative District, with its population of 375, is where the city's governance and administrative decisions are made. The district's primary building style is stone, signifying solidity and permanence, with secondary accents of marble, reflecting its importance and prestige. The district is orderly and well-appointed, mirroring the structured nature of the work conducted here. This is the city's brain, orchestrating the city's symphony of daily life.


Shamsi-Adad, the pearl nestled in the valley, is a city rich in assets, both tangible and intangible. Its wealth is not merely measured by its troves of Gold or expansive marketplaces, but also by its abundant natural resources and the industrious spirit of its people.  

Agrarian Treasures

The fertile valley that cradles Shamsi-Adad is a generous provider, yielding an abundance of grains and vegetables each season. In warm seasons, the fields are awash with golden kiwicha, while cool seasons see a carpet of quinoa and triticale. Lettuce, pumpkin, and cabbage are grown in plenty, adding to the city's bounty. The safflower fields, with their bright yellow blooms, not only add a dash of color but also provide valuable oil, a much-needed utility crop.  

Livestock and Aquatic Wealth

The city's wealth is also reflected in its livestock, with Border Leicester sheep being a common sight. The Great Lake and the river, both teeming with aquatic life such as clams, catfish, bass, and smelt, are sources of nutritious food and economic wealth. The city's connectivity to these water bodies also provides an added advantage for trade and transport.  

Flora and Fauna

Shamsi-Adad's assets also include its diverse flora and fauna. Tall fescue grass, tufted hair grass, and grey fescue grass cover the landscape, while blueberry bush, sagebrush, and strawberry bush add to its verdant appeal. The peat moss and haircap moss, apart from their ecological value, also have uses in various industries. The city's fauna, including wild rabbit, armadillo, and antelope, contribute to its rich biodiversity.  

Stored Wealth

The city's wealth is also represented in the accumulated stores of grain, a testament to Master Hikmet's foresight. These stores, collected from all over, are distributed at heavily discounted rates for the poor, ensuring that no citizen of Shamsi-Adad goes hungry. The grain stores also serve as an insurance against poor harvests and economic downturns, solidifying the city's resilience and its commitment to the well-being of its people.  

Architectural Assets

Shamsi-Adad's architectural marvels also contribute to its wealth. The tall spires and domes, reminiscent of Al-Zaluma, the land of Hikmet's origin, stand as symbols of the city's prosperity and grandeur. These structures, primarily built from stone, marble, and clay-lined fiber, showcase the city's aesthetics while also serving functional purposes.   Thus, the assets of Shamsi-Adad are a combination of its natural resources, Human ingenuity, and strategic planning, making it a truly prosperous city.

Points of interest

Babilu-Ruins (City Ruins)

Situated a short journey to the northwest lies what the locals affectionately call the Babilu-Ruins. The name "Babilu" is a hybrid of Zaluman and Tatharian, translating roughly to "Gate of the Gods." These ancient city ruins carry a deep history, echoing tales of long-lost civilizations and their arcane wisdom. Archeologists from all corners of the world journey here, seeking to unlock the mysteries of the past.  

Kepur-Tar (Tar Pits)

To the northeast, one finds the Kepur-Tar, a place of natural wonder and danger. The name merges the Tatharian word "Kepur" (meaning "deep") and the Zaluman word "Tar." This location is renowned for its tar pits, trapping unsuspecting creatures for millennia and preserving them with grim efficiency. This area serves as both a cautionary tale of nature's unpredictability and a rich source of paleontological treasures.  

Jazirat-Tilwah (Floating Islands)

Venture southeast, and you'll witness the marvel of the Jazirat-Tilwah or the "Islands of Ascension." These floating landmasses, a spectacle of nature's whimsy, hover eerily over the landscape. Their origin is shrouded in mystery, inspiring numerous local legends of ancient magics. Despite the danger inherent in reaching them, these islands attract daring explorers and thrill-seeking adventurers.  

Majmu-Ambar (Amber Encased Creatures)

Further to the south lies Majmu-Ambar, known for its remarkable amber deposits, which have entrapped creatures for countless generations. The name is an amalgamation of Zaluman "Majmu" (collection) and "Ambar" (amber). The place stands as a testament to nature's capacity to create wonders through the ages. Scholars and collectors prize these artifacts, each piece providing a window into a forgotten world, frozen in time.


Perched at an elevation of 502 feet above sea level, Shamsi-Adad resides in a remarkable depressional valley, offering a terrain of striking beauty and great strategic significance. This unique geography shapes the city's natural resources, climate, and lifestyle of its inhabitants.  

The Valley

Shamsi-Adad's setting in a depressional valley creates a landscape that is both picturesque and practical. The valley's fertile soil, fed by the waters of the Great Lake and the River, makes the land extremely conducive to agriculture. This geography has facilitated the city's thriving grain cultivation, vegetable farming, and livestock rearing industries.  

Proximity to Water Bodies

The city's position near the Great Lake and the River provides it with numerous advantages. It ensures a steady supply of freshwater, supports a prosperous fishing industry, and offers natural defenses. Furthermore, the River's navigability allows for easy trade and transportation, making Shamsi-Adad a vital hub of commerce.  


Shamsi-Adad enjoys a warm temperate grassland climate, with an average annual temperature of 57°F. The city experiences moderate annual precipitation, with the rainshadow effect of the valley influencing the weather patterns. The climate, characterized by four distinct seasons - summer, winter, fall, and spring - further enhances the city's agricultural potential.  

Natural Wonders

Beyond its practical benefits, Shamsi-Adad's geography also boasts a fair share of wonder and whimsy. The city lies near a range of intriguing natural features, including ancient city ruins to the northwest, tar pits to the northeast, floating islands to the southeast, and amber-encased creatures to the south. These remarkable features add an element of fantastical charm to the city's landscape, contributing to its allure and mystique.

Natural Resources

Shamsi-Adad is a city whose wealth is not confined to its bustling markets and the treasures held within its storied walls. The land around it teems with natural resources, generously offering bounties that serve as the lifeblood of the city's economy, food supply, and indeed its very existence.   The fields around Shamsi-Adad are a patchwork of grain, their colors shifting with the seasons. In the warm seasons, they are ablaze with the golden hue of Kiwicha, a grain prized for its hardiness and nutritional value. As the cool seasons set in, the fields transform into a sea of Quinoa and Triticale, grains known for their versatility in the culinary world, as well as their nutritional benefits. These grains not only feed the people but serve as important export commodities that contribute significantly to the city's wealth.   The city's gardens and farms are equally bountiful, home to a variety of vegetables that range from leafy lettuces to marrow-rich pumpkins and cruciferous cabbages. In addition, the city cultivates safflower, a utility crop known for its oil which has various uses, from culinary to cosmetic and medicinal applications. These vegetables and oil crops, apart from meeting local demand, also find their way into the trade routes that Shamsi-Adad is a part of, thus contributing to the city's economic robustness.   Shamsi-Adad's natural wealth extends beyond its plant life. The fields around the city are dotted with Border Leicester sheep, a breed known for its wool and meat. The surrounding wilderness offers its own bounty in the form of wild rabbits, armadillos, and antelopes that serve as game. But these lands are not without their dangers, being home to formidable predators such as lions and cougars. The city's waters, too, teem with life, including bass, smelt, clams, and catfish, all of which are integral to the city's food supply. Moreover, the city's surroundings are rich with diverse flora, from tall fescue grass, tufted hair grass, and grey fescue grass, to shrubs like the blueberry bush, sagebrush, and strawberry bush, and mosses like peat moss and haircap moss. These natural assets not only contribute to Shamsi-Adad's stunning beauty but are also valuable resources in their own right, used in various crafts and trades within the city.   In Shamsi-Adad, the line between city and nature is blurred. Its people live in harmony with the land, drawing sustenance and wealth from its bounties. The city's natural resources are not just assets to be exploited, but a shared heritage to be cherished, a testament to the prosperity and abundance that can be achieved when humans work in harmony with nature.
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