Tear of Rolara (/roʊˈlɑːrə/)

The Rift of the Bereft Goddess

Nestled between jagged mountains and crooked cliff faces, the Tear of Rolara stands as a testament to divine power and Celestial grandeur in the world of Rolara. It is a valley of verdant abundance and stark contrasts, a place where the rough-hewn might of stone meets the tender caress of life's green touch. Its northwest corner touches the southeastern edge of the Great Meadow, where a freshwater inland sea, called Arkeia's Bath, is located.   The Tear, a name borne of reverence and awe, mirrors the legend of the earth-mother deity, Mother Rolara herself. It is as if a celestial hand, perhaps that of Mother Rolara, rent the earth asunder, her divine tears sowing seeds of life in the resultant chasm. This rending, both violent and nurturing, is symbolic of the valley's turbulent history and its tranquil present, a place carved by divine might and nurtured by holy sorrow.   The valley's rough, jagged mountains stand tall on one side, a stony testament to Rolara's ancient past. They are monuments of time, their peaks kissing the sky, their slopes a mosaic of mineral veins - a testament to the valley's origin in primeval upheaval. On the other side, crooked cliff faces rise, their irregular contours casting long shadows that play hide and seek with the valley's lush floor.   In this valley, where harsh rock meets nurturing soil, life thrives. The Tear of Rolara is a haven of lush, verdant greenery, a stark contrast to the barren mountains that flank it. Trees, plants, and a cornucopia of flora carpet the valley floor, fed by the tears of Mother Rolara that fall as rain. Their leaves glisten in the twin moonlight, a shimmering sea of emerald and jade, punctuated by blooms of vibrant hues.   Here, amid the divine spectacle, the Vek'ktur have made their home in the Arkeineyan ruins. They live in harmony with the valley, their lives woven into the fabric of the landscape, their footsteps echoing against the mountains, their voices carried on the wind that whispers through the cliffs.   The Tear of Rolara is a place of stark contrasts and harmonious coexistence, a testament to the divine hand that allegedly shaped it, a cradle of life torn from the heart of the earth. It is a place where past and present, divine and mortal, and hardship and prosperity converge, embodying the complex tapestry of life in Rolara.


The Valley

The Tear of Rolara is a rift valley, a geological formation created by the divergence of tectonic plates. The valley floor is a testament to the violent upheaval that birthed it, a scar on the earth's crust that has been healed by the tender caress of life's green touch. The valley's floor is a fertile plain, nourished by the abundant rainfall and the rich alluvial soil deposited by the valley's freshwater inland sea, Arkeia's Bath. This fertile plain is a cornucopia of flora, a lush carpet of greenery that provides a stark contrast to the barren mountains that flank it.  

The Mountains

The mountains that surround the Tear are a stony testament to Rolara's ancient past. These are not just any mountains, but a unique blend of igneous and metamorphic formations, their peaks kissing the sky, their slopes a mosaic of mineral veins. The igneous formations, born of volcanic activity, are a testament to the valley's origin in primeval upheaval. These mountains, with their jagged peaks and steep slopes, are a stark reminder of the violent forces that shaped the Tear. The metamorphic formations, on the other hand, tell a story of transformation, of rock subjected to intense heat and pressure, reshaped into something new and beautiful.  

The Cliffs

On the other side of the valley, crooked cliff faces rise, their irregular contours casting long shadows that play hide and seek with the valley's lush floor. These cliffs, composed of sedimentary rock layers, provide a visual record of the valley's geological history. Each layer represents a different period in the valley's past, a different chapter in its story. The lower layers, the oldest, bear the marks of the valley's violent birth, while the upper layers, the youngest, bear the imprints of the life that has flourished in the valley.  

Arkeia's Bath

The Tear's northwest corner touches the southeastern edge of the Great Meadow, where a freshwater inland sea, called Arkeia's Bath, is located. This body of water, fed by the abundant rainfall and the runoff from the surrounding mountains, is a vital part of the valley's ecosystem. It acts as a natural reservoir, storing water during the rainy season and releasing it during the dry season, ensuring a constant supply of water for the valley's flora and fauna. The sea's bed, rich in sediment, is a fertile breeding ground for aquatic life, contributing to the valley's biodiversity.  

The Aegis of Silence

Amidst the rugged terrain of the Tear stands the Aegis of Silence, a colossal obelisk hewn from obsidian. This landmark, towering above the valley, is a testament to the arcane mastery of the ancient Arkeineyan civilization. The Aegis is not just a physical structure; it is a living embodiment of enforced tranquility, its presence influencing the valley's climate and ecosystem.  

The Agon-Titan Trails

The Tear is also home to the Agon-Titans, colossal creatures that leave behind trails as they move through the valley. These trails, imprinted with the Celestial energy of the Agon-Titans, have created a network of paths that crisscross the valley. Over time, these trails have influenced the valley's topography, shaping the flow of water and the distribution of flora.

Localized Phenomena


Celestial Rainfall

The Tear, named after the earth-mother deity, Mother Rolara, is believed to be nurtured by her divine tears. This belief is reinforced by the frequent and abundant rainfall in the valley. However, the rainfall in the Tear is unlike any other. As the raindrops fall, they shimmer with a Celestial glow, reflecting the twin moonlight in a mesmerizing display of lights. This phenomenon, known as the Celestial Rainfall, is unique to the Tear and is considered a blessing from Mother Rolara herself.
Celestial Rainfall

Echoing Mountains

The jagged mountains surrounding the Tear are not just a physical barrier but also a sonic one. The unique structure of these mountains causes them to echo the sounds within the valley. The whispers of the wind, the rustling of leaves, the songs of birds, and even the footsteps of the Vek'ktur are amplified and echoed back, creating a symphony of natural sounds that fill the valley. This phenomenon, known as the Echoing Mountains, creates an auditory experience that is both enchanting and eerie.  

Glowing Flora

The flora within the Tear, nourished by the divine tears of Mother Rolara, exhibit a unique characteristic. At night, under the glow of the twin moons, the leaves of the trees and plants start to luminesce. This bioluminescence, combined with the celestial glow of the rainfall, transforms the valley into a glowing Eden, a spectacle that is both breathtaking and mystical.  

Wind Tunnel Effect

The rift gorge that runs through the Tear acts as a natural wind tunnel. The unique topography funnels wind through the valley, creating a constant breeze. However, this is not just an ordinary wind. As it passes through the valley, it picks up the celestial energy imbued in the valley, transforming into a gentle, glowing breeze. This phenomenon, known as the Wind Tunnel Effect, adds to the ethereal beauty of the Tear.  

Agon-Titan Trails

The Agon-Titans, colossal creatures that inhabit the Tear, leave behind trails as they move through the valley. These trails, imprinted with the celestial energy of the Agon-Titans, glow with a faint light. Over time, these trails have created a network of glowing paths crisscrossing the valley, a phenomenon known as the Agon-Titan Trails.


The valley's climate is largely temperate, with moderate temperatures throughout the year. However, the presence of the surrounding mountains and the rift gorge creates a microclimate within the valley, leading to some unusual weather phenomena.   The mountains surrounding the Tear act as a natural barrier, shielding the valley from extreme weather conditions. They trap warm air within the valley, leading to milder winters compared to the surrounding regions. During the summer, the mountains provide shade, keeping the valley relatively cool.   The rift gorge, on the other hand, acts as a natural wind tunnel. The unique topography funnels wind through the valley, leading to breezy conditions throughout the year. This constant airflow helps to moderate the temperature and humidity within the Tear, making it a comfortable habitat for its diverse flora and fauna.   The valley's inland freshwater sea, Arkeia's Bath, also influences the local climate. It acts as a natural heat sink, absorbing heat during the day and releasing it at night. This results in cooler days and warmer nights, further moderating the temperature fluctuations within the Tear.   Rainfall in the Tear is abundant, thanks to the orographic effect caused by the surrounding mountains. As moist air is forced up the mountain slopes, it cools and condenses, leading to frequent rainfall within the valley. This abundant rainfall, combined with the fertile soil of the Tear, contributes to its lush greenery and diverse plant life.

Fauna & Flora


The valley floor is carpeted with a variety of trees and plants. Among them, the Moonwood trees stand out with their luminescent leaves that shimmer in the twin moonlight. The wood from these trees is highly sought after for its unique properties, often used in the crafting of magical artifacts and instruments. The valley is also home to the Moonberry bushes, their berries known for their piquant flavor and used in various Vek'ktur recipes.   The Silverspice plant, with its silver-hued leaves and tart berries, is another notable flora. It's often used as a spice in Vek'ktur cuisine, adding a tangy flavor to their dishes. The medicinal herbs found in the valley, such as the Celestial Blue, are used by the Vek'ktur for their healing properties.  


The Tear of Rolara is teeming with a variety of fauna. The most notable among them are the Agon-Titans, colossal creatures of strength and endurance. These beings, while not sapient, have been guided by the Vek'ktur to perform feats of strength, aiding in land clearing and resource gathering.   The valley is also home to smaller creatures, such as the Glowmoth, known for its bioluminescent wings. These creatures are often used by the Vek'ktur as natural light sources. The valley's freshwater inland sea, Arkeia's Bath, is teeming with a variety of fish and aquatic creatures, providing a rich source of food for the Vek'ktur.  

Vek'ktur Interaction

The Vek'ktur, the inhabitants of the Tear, have developed a harmonious relationship with the valley's flora and fauna. They utilize the resources provided by the environment in a sustainable manner, ensuring the preservation of the ecosystem.   In their cuisine, the Vek'ktur incorporate various plants and animals found in the valley. Moonberries and Silverspice are used in many recipes, adding unique flavors to their dishes. Fish from Arkeia's Bath are a staple in their diet, often prepared in a variety of ways.   The Vek'ktur also use the flora and fauna for crafting and building. Moonwood is used in the construction of their homes and crafting of tools, while the hide and bones of the Agon-Titans are used to craft armor and weapons.

Natural Resources

The surrounding mountains, with their mosaic of mineral veins, are a testament to the valley's origin in primeval upheaval and a source of valuable minerals and ores.   Integral to the maintenance and harvesting of these resources are the Agon-Titans, colossal creatures of strength and endurance. These beings, while not sapient, have been guided by the resourceful societies of Rolara to perform feats of strength unattainable for most mortal beings. They have been used for land clearing, their mighty fists capable of toppling even the stoutest of trees and shattering the hardest of boulders.   Upon their natural end, the bodies of the Agon-Titans become valuable resources themselves. Their hide, when cured properly, becomes an unparalleled material for crafting armor and shields, offering exceptional protection against physical and magical attacks. Their bones, dense and enduring, are often used in the crafting of tools and weapons. Their petrified fists, symbols of power and resilience, are cherished as trophies, repurposed into hammerheads, or turned into powerful talismans believed to bestow their bearers with increased strength and fortitude.   Even in death, the Agon-Titans contribute to the culinary sphere of Rolara. Certain parts of their anatomy, such as the aged heart and belly, are prepared as delicacies for feasts and ceremonies of significant importance. These dishes are believed to invigorate and fortify those who consume them.


This verdant valley, nestled between jagged mountains and crooked cliff faces, is believed to be the handiwork of the earth-mother deity, Mother Rolara herself. Legend has it that the valley was formed when Mother Rolara rent the earth asunder, her divine tears sowing the seeds of life in the resultant chasm.   This act of creation, both violent and nurturing, is emblematic of the valley's turbulent history and its tranquil present. The jagged mountains that stand tall on one side of the valley are monuments of time, their peaks kissing the sky, their slopes a mosaic of mineral veins - a testament to the valley's origin in primeval upheaval. On the other side, crooked cliff faces rise, their irregular contours casting long shadows that play hide and seek with the valley's lush floor.   Over the centuries, the Tear of Rolara has been a haven of lush, verdant greenery, a stark contrast to the barren mountains that flank it. Trees, plants, and a cornucopia of flora carpet the valley floor, fed by the tears of Mother Rolara that fall as rain. Their leaves glisten in the twin moonlight, a shimmering sea of emerald and jade, punctuated by blooms of vibrant hues.   The valley has been home to the Vek'ktur, who have made their home in the Arkeineyan ruins. They live in harmony with the valley, their lives woven into the fabric of the landscape, their footsteps echoing against the mountains, their voices carried on the wind that whispers through the cliffs.   The Tear of Rolara is a place of stark contrasts and harmonious coexistence, a testament to the divine hand that allegedly shaped it, a cradle of life torn from the heart of the earth. It is a place where past and present, divine and mortal, and hardship and prosperity converge, embodying the complex tapestry of life in Rolara. Its history is a testament to the enduring power of nature and the resilience of life, a narrative etched in stone and nurtured by divine sorrow.
Gorge / Rift
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