
The Mul species, a hybrid progeny of the extinct Dwarf and the abundant Humans, holds a unique place in the diverse tapestry of Rolara's inhabitants. Their story is a testament to an ancient union, a curious intermingling that occurred in the isolated corners of history, resulting in a blend of strength, resilience, and wisdom.   They stand taller than their dwarven ancestors, with the sturdy physique of the earth-forged folk, and yet bear the adventurous spirit and adaptability of their Human lineage. Their eyes, a testament to their dual heritage, glimmer with the wisdom of the mountains and the curiosity of the plains.   However, the Mul themselves bear no knowledge of their ancient, extinct lineage. They consider themselves Human, their culture an amalgamation of traditions shaped by the rugged landscapes they inhabit and the challenges they have faced. The echoes of their dwarven ancestors resonate subtly in their reverence for stone, their craftsmanship, and their peculiar affinity for the earth's secrets. Still, these echoes are heard not as ancestral whispers, but as a part of their human identity, an intrinsic, inseparable aspect of their being.   Unbeknownst to them, and to all mortals, their unique heritage profoundly shapes their culture and identity. It finds expression in the duality they embody – the strength and steadiness of the Dwarves and the adaptability and dynamism of Humans. This influence, though unseen and unknown, guides their footsteps on the paths they tread, between the ruins of the old world and the dawn of the new.   In their unknowing, the Mul stand as a living testament to history, a living bridge between the extinct and the extant, an echo of the past, and a herald of the future. Their story is woven into the very fabric of Rolara, a tale of survival, adaptation, and the enduring mystery of their origins. The Mul, in their unique hybrid nature, are a symbol of Rolara's intertwined past and present, and perhaps, its future.

Basic Information


As you gaze upon a Mul, the first thing you notice is their height - a towering presence that sets them apart from the Human crowds. Their stature, ranging from 6'2" to an imposing 7'6", seems a monument to their hardiness, their frames sculpted by muscle and endurance.   Their skin, much like the alabaster stone found in the northern ranges of Rolara, is a pallid hue, blemished only by the occasional freckle or scar. It appears almost luminous under the ethereal light of Rolara's twin moons, casting an otherworldly glow onto their robust physiques.   The Mul's eyes are perhaps their most striking feature. They bear a unique Silver shade, reminiscent of liquid mercury or the sheen of a polished blade. When illuminated by moonlight, their eyes gleam with an inner fire, reflecting the twinned lunar bodies with startling clarity. There's an intensity in their gaze that holds both the depth of ancient mountain secrets and the fleeting curiosity of the wind-swept plains.   Their heads, following the onset of adolescence, are devoid of any hair growth. The smooth scalps enhance the stark beauty of their features, a testament to their unique heritage, unadorned and unhidden. Some Muls opt for makeup, turning their naked scalps into canvases of personal history, lineage, or aspiration - a wordless chronicle inked in the language of their life's journey. Upon marriage, the females usually have their scalps tattooed to symbolize the permanence of their union.   The Mul's hands, though shaped much like a human's, bear the quiet strength of their dwarven lineage. They're broader, firmer, belying a grip that can shape stone and metal with the same ease as a cordial handshake. When they toil, their palms grow tough, a testament to their tireless labor and unyielding resilience.   Their feet, strong and hardy, mirror the earth-bound determination of the dwarven kin. With soles toughened by countless miles traversed, they stand firm on the rocky crags of mountains and stride unwaveringly on the shifting sands of the plains.   To behold a Mul is to witness the interplay of contrasts - a merging of strength and subtlety, of power and elegance. In them, the unseen legacy of the extinct dwarves and the vibrancy of human life come together, forming a captivating tapestry of resilience, endurance, and mysterious allure.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As a hybrid of humans and dwarves, Muls draw dietary influences from both sides of their lineage. However, given their unique physiology and the demands of their robust bodies, their dietary needs and habits have taken an individualistic turn over generations.   The Mul body, with its muscular build and formidable resilience, requires a high intake of proteins. This need is fulfilled by a diet rich in meat and fish. When hunting or fishing is scarce, they resort to eggs, nuts, and a variety of hardy legumes native to Rolara. The rugged landscapes they inhabit are often abundant with goats and sheep, making cheeses and other dairy products a staple in their diet.   Their dwarven ancestry echoes in their affinity for subterranean foods. Root vegetables like potatoes, radishes, carrots, and hardy fungi form a significant part of their meals. Stews and roasts are common, allowing them to extract and combine flavors from an array of ingredients. These foods not only meet their caloric requirements but are also easily stored for long durations, aligning well with the practical aspects of their lifestyle.   The Muls have also developed a unique palate for minerals, owing to their unique lineage. They are known to consume certain types of clay or mineral-rich stones that are generally indigestible to other races. This unusual dietary trait could be a throwback to their dwarven ancestors, who are known for their deep connection with the earth and its bounties. The minerals may provide certain nutrients that aid the Mul's robust constitution and their remarkable resilience to physical exhaustion.   As for beverages, Muls enjoy hearty ales and robust wines. They inherited from their Human kin a taste for various fermented drinks and from their dwarven kin a capacity for imbibing liters of them in a single sitting. Alcohol serves a social function in Mul culture, much like it does in many others, and shared rounds of drinks are common in their communal gatherings.


Muls, in the strange, ancient loom of Rolara's time, are woven from an exceptional thread, spun from the resilience of dwarves and the spirit of humans. They possess an individualistic nature that belies an inherent curiosity and a distinct, undercurrent of solidarity born from their unique heritage.   Unlike the boisterous dwarves of yore, Muls are more likely to express their thoughts in measured tones, their words often carrying the weight of contemplation. This isn't to say they are without humor or joy, quite the contrary. Muls value laughter and camaraderie, though they may not always seek to be the center of attention. A Mul's wit is often delivered with the sharpness of a finely honed blade and the precision of an expertly crafted clockwork mechanism. A lighthearted jab or a teasing jest serves not only to amuse but also to knit their society closer, to remind each other of shared histories and common bonds.   In their interactions, Muls are as steadfast as the mountains, as enduring as the earth. A Mul's loyalty is not easily earned, yet once given, it's as enduring as bedrock. They hold a sense of honor, inherited from both dwarven and Human lineage, as unyielding as iron and as precious as Gold. They believe in actions over words, in deeds that outshine the most eloquent of speeches. The truth of a promise, in the eyes of a Mul, lies not in the moment it's spoken, but in the trials and tribulations that follow.   Yet, Muls are no strangers to the dynamism of change, the ebb and flow of Rolara's shifting fortunes. Much like the humans, they have a remarkable capacity to adapt, to face the winds of change with a determined set to their jaw and a gleam in their silver-hued eyes. They weather storms and bask in the sun with equal grace, their hearts echoing with the rhythms of the ever-changing world.   Amidst all this, the Muls carry an intrinsic, unspoken bond with one another. They may not have the collective Consciousness of the elves, or the rigid hierarchy of the old dwarven clans, but a shared glance, a subtle nod, a firm handshake among Muls carries a wealth of understanding. Uniting in times of hardship and standing by each other when Rolara's twin moons shine their brightest, they form an enduring tapestry of companionship.   To understand a Mul's psyche is to journey through the depths of a mountain and the expanses of a bustling city, to taste the richness of the earth and feel the pulse of life. In their words and silences, their smiles and frowns, their quiet determination and boisterous laughter, Muls echo the vibrant chords of Rolara - a symphony of strength, resilience, and enduring camaraderie.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

In the vibrant tapestry of Rolara, the naming traditions of the Muls stand out with their simplicity and profound resonance. Their names, much like their identities, are derived from the world around them, reflecting the harmonious blend of nature and culture.   A Mul's name is a triad - a personal name, a family name, and a 'heart' name.   The personal name is usually given by the parents at birth, often inspired by the circumstances of the birth or a characteristic the parents wish to imbue in their child. These names are borrowed from the natural elements or attributes of strength and resilience - names like 'Rock', 'Iron', 'Thunder', 'Swift', or 'Fierce' are common. The personal name, direct and practical, is the one most commonly used in daily interactions.   The family name, in turn, is a mark of their lineage and often a testament to a significant event or achievement in their family history. These names are enduring, passed down from generation to generation, carrying the weight of ancestral legacy and honor. Family names often incorporate the landscape's features, honoring the symbiotic relationship the Muls have with the land - names such as 'Highcliff', 'Stonewalker', 'Riverforge', or 'Windchaser'.   Lastly, the 'heart' name is a deeply personal and spiritual aspect of a Mul's identity. It is a name that a Mul chooses for themselves upon reaching maturity, reflecting their individual spirit, experiences, or aspirations. The heart name is shared only with those closest to the Mul, a profound symbol of trust and intimacy. Names like 'Enduring Flame', 'Eagle's Gaze', or 'Mountain's Breath' depict the Mul's innermost self, a poetic expression of their soul's essence.   While the pronunciation and dialectical variations may differ across the Tear of Rolara, the underlying ethos of these naming traditions remains the same. Each name serves as a potent testament to a Mul's journey, their roots in the past, their connection with the present, and their aspirations for the future. A Mul's name, in essence, is a reflection of their spirit, as enduring as the mountains, as dynamic as the winds, and as profound as the depths of Rolara's vast landscapes.

Beauty Ideals

Within the stark, rugged landscapes of the Tear of Rolara, the Muls have sculpted their own distinct vision of beauty, a testament to their enduring spirit and their deep-rooted connection with the land and its elements.   The Muls, men and women alike, prize strength and resilience as the ultimate manifestations of beauty. Their ideals, however, extend beyond the mere physical. They believe in an intrinsic beauty that arises from strength of character, of heart, of spirit. They admire the beauty of determination etched on a face, the allure of resilience reflected in a gaze, the grace of wisdom spoken through actions.   The bare scalps of the Mul men are seen as a canvas, a vast landscape mirroring the land they walk upon. They adorn these with makeup, creating intricate patterns and symbols that depict personal achievements, trials overcome, and stories that form their identities. This makeup, made from natural pigments sourced from Rolara's vast landscapes, serves not just as an adornment but a narrative, each stroke telling a tale of strength, endurance, and resilience. The design and application vary with each individual, a reflection of their unique journey and personal expression.   Mul women, on the other hand, celebrate the transition into marital life with an exquisite tradition of tattooing their bare heads. These tattoos, each a carefully crafted masterpiece, symbolize the union of two spirits, two strengths, and two stories. Tattooing, a time-honored craft, requires an experienced hand and an understanding heart to Weave the tale of love, companionship, and shared dreams into a lasting tapestry of ink on skin.   The design of the tattoos often incorporate symbols significant to both the bride and groom, binding their unique narratives into a shared saga. The application process, a ritualistic celebration of commitment and love, is both a personal journey and a communal event. The completion of the tattoos symbolizes the woman's transition into married life, her scalp now a testament to the love she shares with her partner and the new path they undertake together.   In these practices, the Muls underline their unique perception of beauty, one deeply intertwined with their enduring spirit and communal culture. It's a beauty that celebrates strength, resilience, shared histories, and the individual's journey - a testament to their unique place in the grand tapestry of Rolara.

Gender Ideals

In the egalitarian societies of the Muls, the concept of gender transcends stereotypical norms, instead, anchoring itself in the profound respect for the biological aspects of sex. The Muls, in their pragmatic understanding of the world, perceive the distinct strengths of each sex as complementary components of their society, each equally valuable and indispensable.   In the harsh and unpredictable landscapes of Rolara, survival necessitates a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities each individual can effectively fulfill. The Muls recognize and respect the unique strengths and capabilities associated with each sex, using these natural attributes for the betterment of their communities.   Women, with their ability to bear and nurture new life, are regarded with profound respect, their role in the continuity of the Mul lineage acknowledged and celebrated. They are the hearth-keepers, the life-givers, their strength and resilience the bedrock upon which Mul society thrives.   Men, on the other hand, are revered for their physical prowess, their roles as defenders and providers, ensuring the safety and sustenance of their communities. Their strength, both physical and mental, serves as a bulwark against the challenges that Rolara presents.   The respect for biological sex does not, however, restrict or constrain individual choices and roles. The Muls recognize the fluidity of personal identity and the spectrum of individual strengths that might not align with the traditional expectations of one's sex. Each Mul is free to chart their own course, to contribute to their society in the manner best suited to their skills and desires. As long as one is fulfilling their responsibilities and contributing to the community, they are accorded respect and acceptance, irrespective of their alignment with traditional sex roles.   This ethos stems from their foundational belief in the integral role every individual plays in the survival and prosperity of their society. By recognizing and respecting the unique strengths inherent in each sex, while simultaneously allowing the freedom for individual expression and choice, the Muls create a harmonious blend of tradition and progression, strength and adaptability, survival and growth. It's a philosophy as enduring as the mountains they inhabit and as dynamic as the winds they chase, a testament to their pragmatic wisdom and their unwavering spirit.

Courtship Ideals

The courtship rituals among the Muls, much like the rest of their culture, blend practicality with the poignant subtleties of emotion. They view courtship as an act of mutual understanding, a journey where two individuals explore their compatibility, not just as life partners, but also as contributors to their society.   Courtship often begins with a subtle exchange of favors or tasks. A Mul might offer to assist their intended in their work or share in the completion of a challenging task. This mutual assistance serves as an expression of interest, and importantly, a display of one's capability and reliability as a potential partner. It isn't uncommon for a Mul woman to test her suitor's strength and resilience, just as it's normal for a Mul man to appreciate the practical skills and wisdom of his potential mate.   The exchange of tokens, crafted from materials of the Rolara landscape, is also integral to Mul courtship. These tokens, often incorporating symbols that resonate with both individuals, serve as tangible reminders of their shared experiences and mutual intentions. They're not mere gifts; they are narratives, each carved or shaped mark telling a tale of their shared journey.   As the courtship progresses, the couple begins to share more of their personal stories, their aspirations, and their 'heart' names - a deeply personal aspect of their identity. The sharing of the 'heart' name is seen as a significant milestone in their courtship, an indication of profound trust and burgeoning love.   Public acceptance of the relationship usually culminates in the woman receiving the tattoos symbolizing her impending marital status, an event celebrated by their community. The application process, often performed by a skilled artisan respected by both families, is both a personal and communal celebration, marking the woman's transition from her familial life to a shared life with her partner.   These courtship ideals reflect the Mul's approach to life - practical, forthright, and underpinned by a deep respect for individual strengths and shared responsibilities. Each step in the courtship process is a testament to their understanding of partnership, of the unity of two distinct strengths, two stories, two hearts, merging into one. It's a journey not just of love, but also of shared dreams, shared strengths, and shared lives.

Relationship Ideals

In the Mul society, relationships, especially those of life partners, are viewed as an enduring partnership of equals, each contributing their distinct strengths to create a harmonious blend of resilience and adaptability.   Mutual respect is the cornerstone of their relationship ideals. Recognizing and appreciating the strengths and capabilities of one's partner is deeply ingrained in their cultural ethos. They believe that every individual, irrespective of their sex, has a unique set of strengths and skills to offer, and understanding these strengths forms the basis of their relationships.   Shared responsibility is another fundamental aspect of Mul relationships. They understand that the survival and prosperity of their families and their community depend on the combined efforts of each individual. Therefore, tasks and responsibilities in their relationships are shared, each partner contributing in their areas of strength. From the daily chores to the larger challenges, the Muls view every task as a shared responsibility.   Communication, both verbal and non-verbal, plays a crucial role in their relationships. The Muls value honesty and forthrightness, believing that a clear understanding of each other's thoughts, feelings, and expectations strengthens their bond. They also pay heed to the silent language of actions, understanding that deeds often speak louder than words.   Finally, the Muls believe in the sanctity of commitment. When a Mul chooses a partner, they commit to them wholly, their loyalty as unwavering as the mountains they inhabit. This commitment extends beyond the personal realm to their shared responsibilities towards their community. A Mul's word, once given, is seldom broken.   In essence, Mul relationships are a testament to their enduring spirit and pragmatic wisdom, each bond forged in the crucible of shared experiences, mutual respect, and unwavering commitment. Their relationships, much like the Muls themselves, embody a harmony of strength and adaptability, a union of two spirits walking together, facing whatever challenges Rolara might present, united in their shared journey.

Common Dress Code

The Muls' attire reflects their culture's practicality and their aesthetic sensibilities. In a land where survival hinges on adaptation, the Muls dress with a keen understanding of their environment, their clothing crafted to offer protection, ease of movement, and a subtle aesthetic appeal.   A typical Mul's attire is dominated by fabrics spun from the fibrous plants of Rolara's landscape. These materials, known for their durability and resistance to Rolara's unpredictable weather, form the core of their clothing. Tunics, trousers, and cloaks form the staples, with additional layers added or removed based on the season and the tasks at hand. The design is intentionally simplistic and practical, allowing freedom of movement and durability in the face of daily rigors.   Colors of Mul clothing mirror the hues of their landscape - the tans and browns of the earth, the grays of the mountains, the blues and greens of Rolara's waters and vegetation. The Muls believe in living in harmony with their surroundings, and this belief is reflected in their choice of colors.   For footwear, the Muls favor sturdy boots crafted from the hides of Rolara's hardy beasts. These boots are designed for the harsh terrain, offering protection and grip while traversing the rugged landscapes.   Despite their focus on practicality, the Muls do not ignore aesthetics. Their attire is often adorned with intricate embroidery or beadwork, each pattern telling a tale or symbolizing a personal trait or achievement. These adornments, though subtle, add a layer of individuality and artistic expression to their clothing.   Similarly, accessories crafted from stone, bone, or wood are common. These may include bracelets, necklaces, or decorative fastenings for their cloaks, often carved with personal symbols or ancestral motifs.   Furthermore, the head, a significant part of Mul identity, is often adorned with unique pieces of jewelry. Men might wear bands or caps crafted from metal or leather, often decorated with small tokens or amulets. Women, especially those married, might wear elaborate circlets or headpieces, accentuating their tattooed scalps.   In their dress code, the Muls reflect their pragmatic approach to life, their deep-rooted connection with their landscape, and their intrinsic need for personal expression. It is a harmony of function and form, of survival and identity, a testament to their enduring spirit and their creative resilience.

Common Taboos

In the labyrinthine corridors of Mul culture, where the echoes of the past and the whispers of the present intertwine, certain actions are regarded with a profound sense of aversion, a chilling shiver that runs through the core of their collective Consciousness. Such behaviors, spoken in hushed tones or left unspoken altogether, are like discordant notes in the harmonious symphony of their existence, dissonant and jarring.   To betray a trust, for instance, is an affront to their very essence. A Mul's word, once given, is as solid and unyielding as the mountain stone. To break it is akin to shattering the very bedrock of their character, a transgression more grievous than any conceivable wrongdoing. Betrayal is a tear in the fabric of their society, a chasm that cuts deeper than the sharp edge of a finely honed blade. It is an act so heinous, it can turn the Silver gleam in a Mul's eyes into a cold, hardened steel.   The Muls, with their innate affinity for the earth and its bounties, regard the wanton destruction of nature with a similar degree of revulsion. The rugged landscapes they inhabit, the towering mountains and the verdant plains, are more than just their home - they are a part of their identity, an extension of their being. To harm these sacred spaces is to wound the Muls themselves, to violate the silent pact they hold with the land that nurtures and sustains them.   Another action that sends a ripple of disquiet through the Mul community is the flaunting of wealth. In their society, the true measure of a Mul's worth lies not in the shimmering Gold they possess, but in the strength of their character, the depth of their wisdom, and the breadth of their deeds. To parade one's riches is seen as an affront to these core values, an ostentatious display that belittles the true virtues they hold dear.   These unwritten laws, these unspoken prohibitions, are as much a part of the Muls as their sturdy bodies and adventurous spirits. They are the silent guardians of their culture, the invisible threads that bind their society together. A Mul, in his wisdom, understands that it is not the darkness of the forbidden that gives these principles their power, but the illuminating light of honor, respect, and solidarity that they stand for. And in the grand tapestry of their existence, it is these principles that guide their steps, helping them navigate the intricate labyrinth of their lives.


The saga of the Muls unfolds like an epic poem, filled with valor and strength, echoed in the silent stones of Rolara's highlands and the whispers of the winds that rush across its lowlands. It is a tale that stretches back into the hazy vistas of antiquity, its beginnings buried deep within the unfathomable folds of time.   The genesis of the Muls remains shrouded in the mists of the past, a time when humans and dwarves first crossed paths in the secluded corners of history. While the dwarves were masters of stone and earth, delving deep into the bosom of Rolara, the humans were seekers of the horizon, their hearts pulsing with the rhythm of the vast plains and the boundless skies. In these encounters, in these minglings, something extraordinary happened. A new lineage was born - the Muls, a synthesis of strength and spirit, resilience, and adaptability.   As generations turned like the pages of a monumental tome, the Muls grew in number and stature, inhabiting the junctions of mountains and plains, shaping the landscapes and, in turn, being shaped by them. Their societies were hewn from the bedrock of practicality and survival, their cultures echoing the pragmatism of their dwarven ancestors and the dynamism of their Human kin. They became renowned for their resilience and tenacity, for their capacity to endure and outlast the harshest trials Rolara could throw at them.   However, the echo of their dwarven lineage began to fade over time. The grand halls and towering arches of the deep places grew silent, the resonant hymns of stone and hammer ceased. The dwarves gradually slipped into the realm of extinction, leaving behind only the vestiges of their grandeur, their legacy preserved in the enduring strength of the Muls.   Unaware of their unique heritage, the Muls continued to carve their place in the annals of Rolara. Their presence felt across the Tear, their communities thriving amidst the rugged landscapes and the vast plains. Their tale is one of endurance, of an unyielding spirit, a testament to the intrinsic strength and resilience woven into their very being. Through the twin moons' cycles, through the rise and fall of suns, they stand firm, their legacy echoing the might of mountains and the endless expanse of the plains.   In the grand tapestry of Rolara's history, the Muls are a potent thread, their narrative intertwining with the world's destiny. Unseen and unknown, their unique heritage shapes the ebb and flow of their story, a living testament to the robust, enduring strength of their extinct kin and the spirited dynamism of their human lineage. As the future unfolds, the Muls remain an integral part of Rolara's saga - an enduring legacy, an echo of the past, and a harbinger of what is yet to come.  


There are distant echoes of the vanished dwarven language in which the term 'Mulduhrin' resonates. A compound of two words, 'mul', which signifies 'legacy' or 'strength', and 'duhrin', roughly translating to 'child' or 'offspring'. Over the eons, this term has been simplified and reformed, distilled to a single syllable - 'Mul'. A word that carries the weight of ancient legacy and strength, encapsulating the spirit of a race known for their resilience and fortitude.   Yet, as is the nature of language and its evolution, pronunciation varies, colored by the local dialects and speech patterns within the Mul communities scattered across the Tear of Rolara. In some circles, it is softened to 'mool', the vowels rounded and extended in a melodic chant. In others, it is clipped to a more curt 'mull', the word articulated in a manner that somehow feels sturdy, like the individuals it represents.   Sages, with their ever-attentive ears turned to the whispers of the past, often champion 'mull' as the closest pronunciation to its original dwarven root. They argue it embodies the rich history and unyielding strength of the term, aligning more closely with the dwarven tongue’s robust articulation.   However, amidst this academic discourse, the Mul themselves remain largely indifferent. Unaware of their unique heritage, they simply consider themselves to be an ethnic group of pale-skinned humans. The nuances of their name, the hidden history embedded within its syllables, remain veiled. The name 'Mul', be it 'mool' or 'mull', is but a title that reflects their shared identity, their united strength, and enduring legacy on the vast canvas of Rolara. Even bereft of its origins, the name stands as a testament to their endurance, their resilience, their presence – a legacy of strength under the twin moons of Rolara.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
6'4'' - 7'6''
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


Author's Notes

I've ported the species to 5e on D&Dbeyond using my own unique vision. Mad respect to the original creators of the Dark Sun campaign setting. I hope my adapation does them justice, and I hope it makes Berserker feasible.

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