Myth Wnthalas

In the mystical realm of Rolara, a hidden High Elven city named Myth Wnthalas once lay nestled within an enchanted forest, cradled by a valley between two rivers. The god Arturian, provider of protection, guidance, and wisdom, had played a crucial role in the lives of the High Elves.   Myth Wnthalas had been well-protected, employing an array of magical wards and natural barriers, such as the rivers, to deter intruders. The city's political and social structure had been based on a council of wise elders, who bore responsibility for maintaining the peace, ensuring the city's prosperity, and overseeing the martial prowess of its inhabitants.   The High Elves of Myth Wnthalas had been skilled in the art of bladesinging, a graceful and deadly fusion of swordplay and magic. They had also maintained relationships with other gods, such as Banoranthae, the deity of knowledge and secrets, and Mythannara, the goddess of nature and harmony. Engaging in trade with other races and communities throughout Rolara, the High Elves had exchanged their goods and expertise in magic and craftsmanship. They had valued magic highly and had experienced significant changes in their society since the return of magic, including the resurgence of ancient Elven High Magic rituals.   Within the hidden city of Myth Wnthalas, industries and professions had included the production of Starwater, a magical substance crafted from the essence of stars and purified water. Conflicts and disputes within their society had been addressed through a system of mediation and arbitration, overseen by the council of elders. The divine domains and influences of Banoranthae and Mythannara, encompassing knowledge, secrets, nature, and harmony, had shaped the way the High Elves lived and interacted with the world around them. The tales of this enchanting city live on, as the legacy of the High Elves continues to inspire wonder and awe in the hearts of those who hear their stories.


Nestled within the heart of the enchanted forest, the city of Myth Wnthalas unfolds like a living tapestry woven from the threads of nature, Magic, and High Elven craftsmanship. The city is divided into eight distinct yet harmonious districts, each reflecting a unique facet of High Elven society.   At the city's heart lies Sylvarinbaeth, the Council District. This is the city's political and administrative core, where the grand council chambers stand as a testament to the wisdom and unity of the High Elves. Radiating out from this central point, the other districts unfold, each with its unique character and charm.   To the north of Sylvarinbaeth, the lofty towers and spires of the Gweithysbaeth, the Scholars' Quarter, reach skyward. This district, home to the city's intellectual elite, is a place of knowledge and learning, where scholars and mages delve into the mysteries of the universe.   East of the Scholars' Quarter, the Cilhudolbaeth, or Artisans' Enclave, buzzes with creative energy. Here, the city's artisans ply their crafts, their workshops filled with the sound of hammer and chisel, the smell of paint and wood, and the sight of beautiful creations taking shape.   South of the Artisans' Enclave, the bustling Mawrshnokbaeth, or Market District, unfolds. This district, with its open-air markets and trading posts, is a hub of commerce, where goods from all corners of the city and beyond are bought and sold.   West of the Market District, the serene Aradeorbaeth, or Divine Quarter, offers a place of tranquility and reverence. Here, majestic temples and shrines stand amidst tranquil gardens, their marble facades gleaming in the sunlight.   To the south of the Divine Quarter and the Council District, the Daewrbaeth, or Residential District, stretches out. This district, with its harmonious homes and community gardens, is where the city's inhabitants reside, their lives woven together in a tapestry of shared experiences.   West of the Residential District, the sturdy walls and towers of the Anlwitshbaeth, or Defense District, stand guard. This district, home to the city's guards and warriors, is a testament to the High Elves' commitment to the safety and security of Myth Wnthalas.   Finally, to the north of the Defense District and the Council District, the Mawrshnokbaeth, or Nature District, unfolds. This district, with its ancient trees and minimal architecture, is a place of tranquility and reverence for nature, where the city's druids and nature enthusiasts gather.   Thus, the city of Myth Wnthalas, with its eight distinct districts, stands as a testament to the High Elves' resilience, wisdom, and their unwavering pursuit of harmony and beauty in all aspects of life.  

Sylvarinbaeth (Council District)

  At the heart of Myth Wnthalas, the Sylvarinbaeth, or Council District, stands as a testament to the wisdom and unity of the High Elves. The district is dominated by the grand council chambers, a magnificent edifice of marble, its surface etched with intricate carvings that chronicle the history of the High Elves. The buildings here are ancient, their weathered facades speaking of centuries of governance and decision-making. Yet, new structures have been added over time, their designs harmoniously blending with the old, embodying the High Elves' respect for tradition and their adaptability to change. The district is home to the city's leaders, esteemed council members, and their families, living in elegant residences that mirror the grandeur of the council chambers.  

Gweithysbaeth (Scholars' Quarter)

  The Gweithysbaeth, or Scholars' Quarter, is a district of knowledge and learning. It is a place where the city's intellectual elite gather, their minds engaged in the pursuit of wisdom. The district is characterized by lofty towers and spires, their architecture mimicking the graceful branches of the ancient trees. These structures, crafted from enchanted wood and crystal, house libraries, research institutions, and arcane academies. The district is a blend of the old and the new, with ancient texts and artifacts housed within its institutions, and new knowledge continually being added.  

Cilhudolbaeth (Artisans' Enclave)

  The Cilhudolbaeth, or Artisans' Enclave, is a district of creativity and craftsmanship. It is home to the city's artisans, their hands skilled in various crafts, their minds filled with imaginative ideas. The district is a tapestry of diverse architectural styles, each building a unique expression of its creator's artistic vision. Crafted from a blend of wood, stone, and crystal, these structures house workshops, studios, and galleries, their interiors filled with the creations of the city's artisans. The district is a blend of the old and the new, with ancient workshops standing alongside newly established studios.  

Mawrshnokbaeth (Market District)

  The Mawrshnokbaeth, or Market District, is a bustling hub of trade and commerce. It is a place where merchants and traders gather, their stalls filled with a variety of goods, from local produce to exotic wares. The district is characterized by open-air markets and trading posts, their architecture functional and robust. The worn cobblestone streets and the ancient trading posts speak of the district's age, but new stalls and shops are constantly being added, reflecting the city's thriving economy.  

Aradeorbaeth (Divine Quarter)

  The Aradeorbaeth, or Divine Quarter, is a district of reverence and worship. It is a place where the city's priests and devotees gather, their hearts filled with devotion to the gods. The district is characterized by serene temples and shrines, their architecture majestic and awe-inspiring. Crafted from marble and adorned with divine symbols, these structures stand as a testament to the High Elves' deep reverence for the divine. The district is a blend of the old and the new, with ancient temples standing alongside newly erected shrines.  

Daewrbaeth (Residential District)

  The Daewrbaeth, or Residential District, is a district of homes and hearths. It is a place where the city's inhabitants reside, their lives intertwined in a tapestry of community and shared experiences. The district is characterized by harmonious and balanced architecture, with homes designed to incorporate natural light, ventilation, and elements of the surrounding environment. The district is a blend of the old and the new, with ancient dwellings built upon the foundations of even older structures, and new homes continually being constructed.  

Anlwitshbaeth (Defense District)

  The Anlwitshbaeth, or Defense District, is a district of protection and vigilance. It is a place where the city's guards and warriors gather, their minds focused on the safety and security of Myth Wnthalas. The district is characterized by sturdy walls, towers, and barracks, their architecture imposing and formidable. The district is a blend of the old and the new, with weathered walls and ancient watchtowers standing alongside newly added defenses.  

Mawræbaeth (Nature District)

  The Mawræbaeth, or Nature District, is a district of tranquility and reverence for nature. It is a place where the city's druids and nature enthusiasts gather, their hearts filled with love for the natural world. The district is characterized by minimal architecture, with structures designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding forest. The district is a blend of the old and the new, with ancient trees and worn paths standing alongside newly nurtured growth.

Guilds and Factions

Myth Wnthalas was home to a diverse array of guilds and factions, each playing a vital role in the city's vibrant and harmonious society. These organizations spanned various crafts, disciplines, and interests, catering to the unique skills and passions of the High Elves who called Myth Wnthalas their home.  
  1. The Artisans' Guild: Comprising skilled craftsmen, this guild was responsible for the creation and preservation of the city's exquisite architecture, art, and craftsmanship. Members included woodworkers, stone carvers, jewelers, and other artisans who contributed to the city's beauty and functionality.
  3. The Mages' Circle: This faction consisted of powerful spellcasters, researchers, and scholars who delved into the mysteries of the arcane. Tasked with advancing magical knowledge and practice, the Mages' Circle played a crucial role in maintaining the city's magical defenses and nurturing the High Elves' innate connection to the Weave.
  5. The Bladesingers' Academy: Dedicated to the art of bladesinging, this academy trained and mentored the city's warriors, passing down the techniques and traditions of their unique martial art. Led by esteemed masters, the academy ensured that the legacy of the bladesingers remained strong and vibrant.
  7. The Silverleaf Rangers: This faction of skilled scouts, archers, and survivalists protected the borders of Myth Wnthalas and the enchanted forest. As stewards of the land, the Silverleaf Rangers maintained a harmonious relationship with the surrounding wildlife and monitored the activities of potential threats. Thelindor serves as their proud & wise leader, Grand Warden of the Silverleaf Rangers
  9. The Order of the Moondreamer: This spiritual order, named in honor of the city's founder Genro Moondreamer, was dedicated to the worship and guidance of the gods Arturian, Banoranthae, and Mythannara. The order's priests and priestesses tended to the spiritual needs of the city, maintaining temples and sacred spaces while providing guidance and solace to the people of Myth Wnthalas.
  11. The Council of Elders: The ruling body of Myth Wnthalas, this council was composed of wise and experienced leaders from various factions and guilds. Tasked with overseeing the city's governance, the council ensured that the diverse interests of Myth Wnthalas were represented and that harmony and balance were maintained.
  13. The Starwater Alchemists: This specialized guild focused on the creation and refinement of Starwater, a magical substance with numerous applications in trade, combat, and other areas. These skilled alchemists played a significant role in the city's economy and its relationships with other communities in Rolara.
  Each guild and faction in Myth Wnthalas contributed to the city's success and harmony, providing vital services and supporting the diverse talents and interests of its inhabitants. Together, they wove a rich tapestry of High Elven society, exemplifying the strength, beauty, and wisdom of their ancient culture.


The architecture of Myth Wnthalas was a breathtaking blend of High Elven craftsmanship, reverence for nature, and the harmonious balance of magic. Buildings within the city were designed to coexist seamlessly with their surroundings, utilizing the enchanted forest's natural beauty to create a wondrous, living tapestry.  
  The city's structures were predominantly crafted from the finest wood, harvested with care and respect for the trees that formed the backbone of their enchanted home. Stone and crystal, imbued with magic, were also incorporated to provide strength, stability, and a touch of ethereal beauty. The architectural style favored elegant, sweeping lines, mimicking the gentle curves of the surrounding rivers and the graceful branches of the ancient trees.   Towers and spires soared skyward, their graceful forms reaching for the heavens like the boughs of the forest canopy. These lofty structures housed the city's scholars, mages, and artisans, providing them with inspiring spaces in which to study, create, and Weave their magic.   At the heart of the city stood the council chambers, a magnificent edifice that embodied the wisdom and unity of Myth Wnthalas. Crafted from marble and adorned with intricate carvings that told the history of the High Elves, this grand structure served as both a symbol of governance and a testament to their harmonious way of life.   Public spaces were designed to encourage a sense of community and shared experience. The plazas, gardens, and walkways were carefully landscaped with a variety of flora, fostering a sense of unity between the High Elves and the natural world they cherished.   Within the residences of Myth Wnthalas, the emphasis on harmony and balance continued. Homes were designed to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing, incorporating natural light, ventilation, and elements of the surrounding environment. Each dwelling was a unique expression of its inhabitants' personalities, crafted with love and care by the skilled artisans who called the city home.   In every aspect of its design, the architecture of Myth Wnthalas was a reflection of the High Elves' values, their connection to nature, and their deep reverence for the gods who had guided them to this enchanted refuge. The city stood as a monument to their resilience, their wisdom, and their unwavering pursuit of harmony and beauty in all aspects of life.


  • Myth Wnthalas
    Myth Wnthalas, the heart of High Elven civilization, is a city where nature, Magic, and craftsmanship intertwine in a harmonious dance. Nestled within an enchanted forest, the city unfolds in eight distinct districts, each a testament to a unique facet of Elven society.
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
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