Great Meadow

The Enchanted Expanse: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Great Meadow

In the heart of the continent of Ofica, where the Tear of Rolara cleaves the land, there lies a realm untouched by the hands of civilization—the Great Meadow. This vast expanse of untamed beauty stretches beyond the horizon, a verdant sea of grass that whispers ancient secrets to the wind. It is a place where the laws of man hold no sway, where the only rule is the unyielding cycle of nature. Travelers from the mountain towns of Elmlock and the bustling cities of the New Jiao Empire must brave this wilderness or navigate its treacherous periphery to reach the heart of the Tear. It is a journey fraught with danger and wonder, a testament to the indomitable spirit of adventure that drives the souls of the brave.   The Great Meadow is a realm of breathtaking contrasts, where the serene beauty of the landscape is matched only by the deadly grace of its inhabitants. Dominating this tableau is the Grassland Surgebeast, a majestic creature that stands as a living monument to the untamed power of the wild. Standing at a towering fifteen feet, its shaggy fur mirrors the hues of the surrounding grasslands, a natural camouflage that belies its imposing stature. Its eyes, glowing with an ethereal blue light, provide a striking contrast, a beacon of otherworldly power in the heart of the wilderness. The Surgebeast's horns, twisted and gnarled like the branches of an ancient tree, enhance its natural camouflage, allowing it to blend seamlessly into its surroundings.   Despite its formidable presence, the Surgebeast moves with a grace that belies its size. It is a silent guardian of the grasslands, a protector of the diverse array of creatures that call the Great Meadow home. From the smallest rodent to the fleet-footed antelope and the cunning wolf, all find shelter in the shadow of the Surgebeast. Its presence, a beacon of protective energy, grants these creatures a half-cover bonus, a shield against the dangers of the wild.   Yet, the Surgebeast is not a creature to be trifled with. It is a force of nature, a living embodiment of the wild magic that permeates the Great Meadow. When provoked, it unleashes a roar that echoes across the plains, a primal call imbued with unpredictable magical energy. This roar can elicit surprising effects, from sudden growth or shrinkage to bursts of speed or strength, a testament to the untamed power of wild magic.   The Great Meadow, with its breathtaking beauty and deadly inhabitants, stands as a testament to the raw, untamed power of nature. It is a realm where the laws of man hold no sway, a place where only the brave or the foolish dare to tread. Yet, for those who dare to brave its dangers, the Great Meadow offers a glimpse into a world untouched by civilization, a reminder of the wild, untamed heart that beats at the core of Ofica. Here, under the watchful gaze of the Surgebeast, life unfolds in all its brutal, beautiful glory, a dance of survival and adaptation that has been played out for millennia. It is a spectacle that captivates the heart and stirs the soul, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the wild.


The Great Meadow, a vast expanse of untamed beauty, stretches across the central plains of Ofica, a verdant tapestry woven from countless blades of grass. The land is remarkably flat, a seemingly endless sea of green that sways gently in the breeze. Yet, this seemingly monotonous landscape is punctuated by fantastic features that lend it an otherworldly charm.   On the southwestern corner of the Great Meadow lies a pristine landlocked freshwater sea, a jewel of nature's creation nestled amidst the grasslands. Known as Arkeia's Bath by the Vek'ktur, this body of water is a testament to the enduring power of nature. Its crystal-clear waters reflect the azure sky above, creating a mirror-like surface that shimmers in the sunlight. The sea is home to a diverse array of aquatic life, from small fish that dart through the water to larger creatures that lurk in its depths. The sea's shores are dotted with clusters of wildflowers, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the surrounding greenery.   However, the Eladrin of the Moonwilde know this freshwater sea by a different name and for a different reason. To them, it is the home of Myth Verendane, an Eladrin city from the Moonwilde that appears on the material plane when both moons are full. On these nights, the Great Meadow is mysteriously the safest, a calm before the storm that belies the true nature of the interplanar settlement.   Myth Verendane is a place of magic and shadows, a city that exists between the planes. Its ethereal beauty is a stark contrast to the raw, untamed wilderness of the Great Meadow. Yet, this beauty hides a darker side. The city is ruled by Lord Vircan, the vampire eladrin, Archfey of Violence. His rule casts a shadow over the city, a stark reminder of the dangers that lurk beneath its surface.   Despite the sense of safety that pervades the Great Meadow on the nights when Myth Verendane appears, it is a false sense of security. The city's presence is a reminder of the unpredictable nature of the wild, a testament to the delicate balance between beauty and danger that defines the Great Meadow.   The Great Meadow, with its flat geography and fantastic features, is a realm of contrasts. It is a place where the serene beauty of the landscape is juxtaposed with the raw power of nature, where the calm surface of Arkeia's Bath belies the dangers that lurk beneath. It is a testament to the enduring power of the wild, a reminder of the untamed heart that beats at the core of Ofica. Here, under the watchful gaze of the Grassland Surgebeast and the shadow of Myth Verendane, life unfolds in all its brutal, beautiful glory.

Localized Phenomena

The Mythek Vortex, also known as the Crimson Vortex, is a spectral anomaly born from the ignited Stars of Power. These vortices are capricious and terrifying, appearing and vanishing with the unpredictability of a fever dream. The first of these vortices was birthed in the quaint village of Three Falls, nestled in the bosom of west central Ofica, upon the lofty heights of Mount Origin. The vortex is a maelstrom of fine particles and light, a swirling tempest of crimson that carries the seeds of the Crimson Crying, a dreaded affliction that paints the eyes of its victims a bloody hue and instills a fear so profound it can warp the mind into monstrous forms. Exposure to this eerie light and wind is a gamble with fate, a dance with the unknown that can either leave one unscathed or transform them into a creature of nightmares.   The manifestation of the Mythek Vortex is a spectacle of otherworldly terror and awe. It appears without warning, a sudden maelstrom of swirling particles and light that paints the world in hues of crimson. The light that emanates from the vortex is not of this world. It is a crimson glow that seems to pulse with an eerie life of its own, casting long, monstrous shadows that twist and writhe like tortured spirits. This light is the harbinger of the Crimson Crying, the spectral disease that marks those who have been exposed for too long. Accompanying the light is a wind that carries the fine particles of the vortex. It is a gale that whispers of ancient secrets and forgotten horrors, a breeze that chills the soul and stirs the primal fears that dwell in the hearts of all creatures.   Despite its magical nature, the Mythek Vortex is unable to form within the Great Meadow. The reason for this lies in the unique metaphysical properties of the Great Meadow itself. The Meadow, despite its vast expanse and untamed beauty, is a place of balance and harmony. The energies that flow through it, from the smallest blade of grass to the towering Surgebeast, are in perfect equilibrium. This balance, this harmony, acts as a natural barrier against the chaotic energies of the Mythek Vortex.   Furthermore, the Great Meadow lacks the specific conditions that seem to attract the Mythek Vortex. Unlike Mount Origin or clusters of Aetherite Crystals, the Meadow does not possess any significant metaphysical significance or inherent magic that resonates with the frequency of the vortex. The absence of these conditions, combined with the Meadow's natural balance, makes it an inhospitable environment for the formation of a Mythek Vortex.   In essence, the Great Meadow acts as a sanctuary, a haven safe from the terrifying beauty of the Mythek Vortex. It is a testament to the enduring power of nature, a reminder of the delicate balance that underpins the world of Rolara. Here, under the watchful gaze of the Surgebeast and the shadow of Myth Verendane, life unfolds in all its brutal, beautiful glory, untouched by the spectral horror of the Crimson Vortex.

Fauna & Flora

The Great Meadow, a vast expanse of untamed beauty, is a living testament to the power and diversity of nature. Its flora and fauna, shaped by the unique magical energies that permeate the region, form a complex and vibrant ecosystem that is as fascinating as it is beautiful.   The flora of the Great Meadow is dominated by a sea of grass that stretches as far as the eye can see. This grass, known as the Meadow's Veil, is a hardy species that thrives in the region's unique magical environment. Its blades, a vibrant green that shimmers with a subtle magical aura, are capable of photosynthesizing not only sunlight but also the ambient magical energy. This adaptation allows the Meadow's Veil to grow taller and denser than typical grasses, creating a lush, verdant landscape that defines the Great Meadow.   Scattered throughout the Meadow's Veil are clusters of Starbloom flowers. These delicate blossoms, with their luminescent petals, bloom only under the light of the full moons. Their nectar, a sweet, glowing liquid, is a source of nourishment for many of the Meadow's creatures and is said to possess mild healing properties.   The Great Meadow is also home to the Whispering Willows, a species of tree that grows along the shores of Arkeia's Bath. These trees, with their Silver bark and leaves that shimmer with a soft, ethereal light, are named for the gentle rustling sound they make when the wind blows through their branches. This sound, eerily reminiscent of hushed voices, has given rise to many local legends and folklore.   The fauna of the Great Meadow is as diverse and fascinating as its flora. The most dominant creature is the Grassland Surgebeast, a majestic creature that stands at a towering fifteen feet. Its shaggy fur mirrors the hues of the surrounding grasslands, a natural camouflage that belies its imposing stature. Its eyes, glowing with an ethereal blue light, provide a striking contrast, a beacon of otherworldly power in the heart of the wilderness. The Surgebeast's horns, twisted and gnarled like the branches of an ancient tree, enhance its natural camouflage, allowing it to blend seamlessly into its surroundings.   Accompanying the Surgebeast is a diverse array of grassland creatures. The Swiftfoot Hares, with their oversized ears and powerful hind legs, dart through the Meadow's Veil, their movements a blur of speed and agility. The Meadow Antelopes, graceful and fleet-footed, graze on the lush grass, their keen senses alert to any signs of danger. The Meadow Wolves, with their silver fur and piercing blue eyes, prowl the grasslands, their pack mentality and cunning making them formidable predators.   The Great Meadow is also home to a variety of bird species. The Skydancer Falcons, with their broad wings and sharp talons, soar above the grasslands, their keen eyes scanning the ground for prey. The Meadowlark Sparrows, with their vibrant plumage and melodious songs, flit from flower to flower, their sweet melodies a constant soundtrack in the Meadow.   The flora and fauna of the Great Meadow exist in a delicate balance, each species playing a crucial role in the ecosystem. The Meadow's Veil provides food and shelter for many creatures, while the Starbloom flowers attract a variety of insects and birds with their nectar. The Whispering Willows, with their sturdy branches, provide nesting sites for the Meadow's bird species.   The Surgebeast, despite its imposing presence, acts as a protector of the grasslands, its presence deterring many potential predators. The Swiftfoot Hares and Meadow Antelopes, while prey for the Meadow Wolves and Skydancer Falcons, play a crucial role in maintaining the health of the Meadow's Veil through their grazing. The Meadow Wolves, in turn, help control the population of these herbivores, preventing overgrazing and ensuring the continued health of the grasslands.   The Great Meadow, with its unique magical environment, has given rise to a diverse and vibrant ecosystem. Its flora and fauna, shaped by the region's magical energies, exist in a delicate balance, each species playing a crucial role in maintaining the health and vitality of the Meadow. It is a testament to the power and diversity of nature, a living tapestry of life that unfolds in all its brutal, beautiful glory under the watchful gaze of the Surgebeast and the shadow of Myth Verendane.

Natural Resources

The Great Meadow, a vast expanse of untamed beauty, is rich in natural resources that have shaped the lives of the creatures that call it home. However, it is worth noting that these resources are primarily organic in nature, with a distinct lack of minable resources such as ores or Aetherite Crystals.   The most abundant resource in the Great Meadow is the Meadow's Veil, the sea of grass that dominates the landscape. This hardy grass, capable of photosynthesizing both sunlight and ambient magical energy, forms the basis of the Meadow's food chain. Herbivores such as the Swiftfoot Hares and Meadow Antelopes graze on the lush grass, while predators like the Meadow Wolves rely on these herbivores for sustenance. The grass also provides cover for smaller creatures, offering them protection from predators.   The Starbloom flowers, with their luminescent petals and sweet, glowing nectar, are another valuable resource. Their nectar is a source of nourishment for many of the Meadow's insects and birds, and is said to possess mild healing properties. The flowers themselves, with their ethereal glow, are often sought after for their aesthetic value.   The Whispering Willows that grow along the shores of Arkeia's Bath provide timber, a valuable resource for any creatures capable of crafting or building. Their sturdy branches and trunks can be used to construct shelters or tools, while their leaves can be used for bedding or insulation.   Arkeia's Bath itself is a vital resource. This pristine freshwater sea provides a source of water for the Meadow's inhabitants, and its diverse aquatic life forms an important part of the local food chain. The sea's shores, with their clusters of wildflowers, also provide a habitat for a variety of insects and birds.   Despite its wealth of organic resources, the Great Meadow is notably lacking in minable resources. The region's flat geography and magical nature mean that ores and Aetherite Crystals, common in other parts of Ofica, are absent here. This lack of minable resources has shaped the way life has evolved in the Meadow. Without access to metals or magical crystals, the creatures of the Meadow have adapted to rely on the resources available to them, leading to a lifestyle that is in harmony with the natural environment.   In essence, the Great Meadow is a testament to the power of adaptation and the bounty of nature. Its inhabitants, shaped by the resources available to them, have developed a way of life that is in tune with the rhythms of the Meadow. Despite the lack of minable resources, the Meadow thrives, a testament to the enduring power of nature and the resilience of life.


The vast expanse of the Great Meadow is where the laws of men and elves hold little sway. There exists a breed of individuals who thrive in the lawlessness of this land. These are the outlaws of the Meadow, a motley collection of cutthroats, outsiders, and criminals who have found a home amidst the untamed beauty of the grasslands.   These brigands do not gather in towns or settlements, for such places are anathema to their way of life. Instead, they roam the landscape in bands, their presence marked by the distinctive flowers they wear in their hair or on their clothing. These flowers, plucked from the Meadow's Veil, serve as a symbol of their allegiance to the wild, a badge of honor that sets them apart from the civilized folk of Rolara's Tear.   Their lives are a constant dance with danger, a game of cat and mouse with the forces of law and order. They prey on the unwary and the weak, their sharp eyes always on the lookout for their next mark. Their targets are as varied as the Meadow itself, ranging from lone travelers to caravans of merchants, but their most infamous exploits involve the Agon-Titans.   Every spring, when the Vek'ktur bring their Agon-Titans out of Rolara's Tear for feeding and mating, the outlaws see an opportunity. These mighty creatures, with their immense strength and elemental power, are a prize worth risking everything for. The outlaws, skilled in stealth and cunning, attempt to rustle these beasts, their audacious plans often leading to chaotic encounters that echo across the Meadow.


Oho! Yes, the Great Meadow, a vast expanse of untamed beauty, where the laws of man and Elf hold little sway. It's a place where one can disappear, blend into the verdant sea of grass, and become a mere whisper on the wind. And should one, perhaps, draw the unwanted attention of the Lady of Pain, it's a place where one can lay low, hidden amidst the wild and the lawless.   Now, blending in with the brigands of the Meadow, that's an art unto itself. You see, these outlaws, they're a motley crew, a collection of cutthroats, outsiders, and criminals who've found a home amidst the untamed beauty of the grasslands. They don't gather in towns or settlements, no, such places are anathema to their way of life. They roam the landscape in bands, their presence marked by the distinctive flowers they wear in their hair or on their clothing.   So, if you wish to blend in, you must adopt their ways, their symbols. Pluck a flower from the Meadow's Veil, wear it in your hair or on your clothing. It's a badge of honor, a symbol of your allegiance to the wild. But remember, it's not just about the flower. It's about the attitude, the swagger. You must become one with the Meadow, embrace the lawlessness, the freedom.   Learn their ways, their language. Listen to their stories, share a few of your own. Be wary, but not too wary. Show respect, but not subservience. Be strong, but not threatening. It's a delicate dance, a game of shadows and subtlety.   And remember, always keep an eye on the horizon. The Meadow is a place of beauty, but it's also a place of danger. The brigands, they're not the only threat. There are the Grassland Surgebeasts, the Swiftfoot Hares, the Meadow Wolves. And then there are the Agon-Titans, those mighty creatures that the brigands so covet.   So, tread carefully, my friend. The Great Meadow is a place of contrasts, a realm where beauty and danger walk hand in hand. But if you can navigate its perils, if you can blend in with its inhabitants, then you might just find a place to lay low, a worthy sanctuary from the gaze of the Lady of Pain.
— the traveler
Alternative Name(s)
Surgebeast Plains, The Floral Expanse
Location under
Inhabiting Species


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Jul 9, 2023 05:57

Great and thorough, with a real eye to detail. I want a Surgebeast pal! :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jul 9, 2023 09:13 by Jordan Beasley

Thanks! It's on D& as a homebrewed creature.

From the desk of Mr. Beasley   Worldbuilder|Author|Dungeon Master