New Jiao Empire

The Rise of the Fenghuang: From the Ashes of the Old, Emerges the New

The New Jiao Empire, a symbol of unity and resilience, stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of its people. Born from the ashes of the Kingdom of Jiaohai and the Jiao Alliance, the empire is the brainchild of Xun Wu, the Inheritor, who rose to prominence after the Zuiqiang Xingkong Wushu Dasai tournament.   Xun Wu, an Aasimar of unknown parentage, entered the tournament with the simple goal of becoming the champion. However, destiny had grander plans for him. His leadership skills and his ability to rally people around him did not go unnoticed. Despite losing the tournament to Wang Jing, Xun Wu was recognized as a leader by the Kings of the Alliance.   In the aftermath of the chaos unleashed by Menace's transformation into the Hun Dun, Xun Wu revealed his parentage and declared himself the Emperor of the New Jiao Empire. His vision for the empire was to model it on the principles of the old Jiao Empire, but with a renewed focus on unity and strength.   Under Xun Wu's leadership, the New Jiao Empire has become a beacon of hope for its people. It represents a new beginning, a chance to rebuild and create a society that values unity, strength, and resilience. The empire continues to grow and evolve under Xun Wu's guidance, embodying the spirit of the phoenix that rises from the ashes, stronger and more vibrant than ever before.


The Imperial Bureaucracy

The Imperial Bureaucracy is the administrative backbone of the Empire. It is a vast network of officials and clerks responsible for implementing the policies of the Emperor and the Imperial Court. The Bureaucracy is divided into several departments, each focusing on a specific area of governance such as finance, agriculture, or public works.  

The Imperial Army

The Imperial Army is the primary military force of the Empire. It is responsible for defending the Empire from external threats and maintaining internal security. The Army is divided into several legions, each led by a General appointed by the Emperor.  

The Scholarly Class

The Scholarly Class plays a crucial role in the Empire. Scholars are responsible for education, research, and advising the Imperial Court. They are respected figures in society and often hold positions of power within the Imperial Bureaucracy.  

Political Structure

The Imperial Court

At the top of the political structure is the Emperor, the supreme ruler of the empire. The Emperor's authority is absolute, but they are guided by a council of advisors known as the Imperial Court. The Court is composed of high-ranking officials, nobles, and scholars, each specializing in different aspects of governance.  

Provincial Governors

The Empire is divided into provinces, each governed by a Provincial Governor. These governors are appointed by the Emperor and are responsible for the administration of their respective provinces. They have the authority to enforce imperial laws, collect taxes, and maintain order within their jurisdictions.  

Local Administrations

Each province is further divided into cities, towns, and villages, each with its own local administration. These local administrations are responsible for the day-to-day governance of their communities, including law enforcement, public services, and local economic development.   The New Jiao Empire's political and organizational structure is a complex system that has evolved over centuries. It balances the needs of its diverse population with the demands of governing a vast empire, ensuring stability and prosperity for its people.


The New Jiao Empire was founded in the year 0 A.N.J. (After New Jiao), marking the beginning of a new era. The Empire was established by the Jiao people, who were previously scattered across different regions and were united under a single banner.   The formation of the New Jiao Empire was a significant event in the history of Rolara. It brought together various Jiao communities, leading to the development of a unified culture and society. The Empire's establishment also led to significant advancements in various fields, including technology, arts, and sciences.   In the early years of the Empire, the Jiao people faced numerous challenges. They had to navigate through political instability, economic hardships, and external threats. However, under the leadership of the Emperor, the Empire managed to overcome these challenges and embarked on a path of growth and prosperity.   Over the years, the New Jiao Empire expanded its territories, establishing its dominance over various regions. The Empire's influence extended beyond its borders, impacting the political and cultural landscape of Rolara.   The New Jiao Empire continues to play a significant role in the present day, shaping the course of history in Rolara. The Empire's legacy is evident in various aspects of society, including its legal system, cultural practices, and architectural styles.

Demography and Population

Empire rules much of the Mythic Land of Jiao, the urban areas densely populated regions, with the majority of its population residing in the capital city of Jiaohai. The city is home to over 1.2 million people, making it one of the most populous cities in the region.   The population of the New Jiao Empire is diverse, with a mix of different ethnic groups and cultures. The majority of the population is of Jiaohai origin, but there are also significant communities of foreigners and immigrants, contributing to the rich cultural tapestry of the empire.   The population growth rate in the New Jiao Empire is relatively high, with a birth rate of 2.1 children per woman. This has led to a young population, with a median age of 25.6 years. The population is also highly urbanized, with over 80% of the population living in urban areas.   The New Jiao Empire has a high literacy rate, with over 95% of the population being literate. Education is highly valued in the empire, and there are numerous schools and universities throughout the region, providing opportunities for higher education.   The population of the New Jiao Empire is predominantly religious, with the majority of the population practicing the state religion. However, there is also a significant number of people who practice other religions or who are non-religious.


The laws are created by the Emperor and his council of advisors, which includes representatives from various sectors of society such as commerce, religion, and the military. The laws are then ratified by the Emperor and become official imperial decrees.   The laws of the New Jiao Empire are documented in a series of scrolls known as the "Imperial Codex". This Codex is stored in the Imperial Library in the capital city of Jiaohai and copies are distributed to all major cities and towns in the empire. The Codex is updated regularly to reflect new laws and amendments.   The enforcement of the law is the responsibility of the Imperial Guard, a highly trained force of soldiers and magic users who serve the Emperor. The Imperial Guard is responsible for maintaining order, investigating crimes, and apprehending criminals. They are known for their strict adherence to the law and their unwavering loyalty to the Emperor.   Punishments for breaking the law in the New Jiao Empire vary depending on the severity of the crime. Minor offenses such as theft or public disorder may result in fines or short jail terms, while serious crimes such as murder or treason can result in long prison sentences or even execution. Magic users who misuse their powers can face additional penalties, including the removal of their magical abilities.   Despite the strict enforcement of the law, the New Jiao Empire recognizes the importance of justice and fairness. The legal system allows for trials where the accused can defend themselves, and there are laws in place to protect the rights of individuals. However, in these tumultuous times with the return of magic, the law is constantly evolving to adapt to new challenges and realities.   The law in the New Jiao Empire is not easily escapable, but it is not inflexible either. The Emperor and his council are aware that the law must adapt to the changing times, especially with the return of magic. As such, they are always open to revising and amending the laws to better serve the people of the empire and maintain order and justice.  

The Iron Certificate Inked in Red: A Legacy of Protection

Drawing inspiration from the historical chronicle of General Zhao Kuangyin and the Xiong Dynasty, Emperor Xun Wu introduced a unique legal instrument known as the "Iron Certificate Inked in Red" to the New Jiao Empire. This certificate, a beautifully crafted iron scroll inscribed with red ink, is a symbol of the Emperor's personal protection and grants its holder immunity from prosecution under the laws of the Empire.   The first of these certificates was issued by Emperor Xun Wu to his mother, Lady Wu. This was a deeply symbolic act, reflecting not only the Emperor's personal love and respect for his mother but also his commitment to the principles of justice and mercy. The Iron Certificate Inked in Red is a powerful reminder of the Emperor's authority, but it also serves as a check on that authority, a promise that it will not be used unjustly.   The issuance of an Iron Certificate Inked in Red is a rare event, reserved for those whom the Emperor trusts implicitly. It is a sign of the Emperor's personal favor, and it carries significant weight in the Empire's legal system. However, the certificate does not place its holder above the law entirely. It protects them from prosecution, but it does not absolve them of their responsibility to act in accordance with the law. If a holder of an Iron Certificate were to abuse this privilege, they would face severe consequences, including the potential revocation of the certificate.   The Iron Certificate Inked in Red is a testament to the complexity and nuance of the New Jiao Empire's legal system. It is a symbol of the balance between authority and accountability, between the power of the Emperor and the rights of the people. It is a reminder that in the New Jiao Empire, justice is not just a concept, but a living, evolving entity that adapts to the needs of its people.
Geopolitical, Empire
Predecessor Organization
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
The New Jiao Empire, under the guidance of Xun Wu and the innovative mind of previous King of Jiaohai, Lang Wen, has established a paper money system, replacing the traditional use of valuable metals as currency. This revolutionary change was implemented to centralize the valuable metals in the capital, providing resources for artificers to conduct their research.   The paper money system is divided into five denominations, each corresponding to a traditional metal used in currency:  
  • Chuanli (Copper):

    The lowest denomination in the new system, Chuanli is commonly used for everyday small transactions.
  • Shuibi (Silver):

    Worth ten Chuanli, Shuibi is often used in larger purchases and trade.
  • Guanjin (Gold):

    Equivalent to ten Shuibi or a hundred Chuanli, Guanjin is a significant denomination used in substantial transactions.
  • Eryin (Electrum):

    A higher value currency, Eryin is worth five Guanjin, fifty Shuibi, or five hundred Chuanli.
  • Piaoyin (Platinum):

    The highest denomination in the New Jiao Empire, Piaoyin is worth ten Guanjin, a hundred Shuibi, or a thousand Chuanli. It is rarely used in everyday transactions and is more commonly used in large scale trade and governmental transactions.
  This new system has streamlined commerce throughout the empire, making transactions easier and more efficient. It also symbolizes the innovative spirit of the New Jiao Empire, always looking forward and adapting to meet the needs of its people.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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