
This young nation calls itself the "newest and greatest empire in the universe," and the young emperor has the fervent dedication of his people. Despite calling itself an empire, it consists of one major city and 5 strongholds across the continent. Because its currency is so new, most other cities, or kingdoms, will only take trade bars minted in Jiaohai if they have to deal with Kimo merchants or the Imperial government. Jeonbye will not accept their currency. Kyotan is currently accepting foreign currencies in the capital city to facilitate trade with other lands.  



The 5 clans, Wolf, Dragon, Owlbear, Viper, and Oni, had been viciously fighting over control of the Ruby Fortress on Mount Urashima, a place of legendary power. 5 years ago, the Leader of the Dragon Clan was victorious but did not expel the other clans. Instead, he united them, and proclaimed himself the first Dragon Emperor of Kimokotan, and calls all the people the Kimo (the Golden Folk). At first, many resisted, but his military cleverness and diplomatic cunning allied the strongest and defeated the weak.   With an abundance of veteran warriors with nowhere to direct their aggression and violence, the emperor has led the Kimo against Jeonbye to the South with the goal of conquering the entire continent, a philosophy called the "The Destiny of Kimokotan". This philosophy has largely won over military leadership who seek glory, and the reformed army of conscripted soldiers has adopted the phrase as an unofficial motto or oath.  

Invasions of Jeonbye

While the individual clans had occasionally incurred into the southern end of the continent, no major organized invasion had been experienced. The Dragon Emperor brought the 5 clans to war on the land and on the sea. Despite Jeonbye's advanced wealth, larger military and navy, experience with international affairs, and the so-called dedication of their warriors, Kimokotan has not seen defeat.   When the Dragon Emperor left on a trip for several months, a coup was attempted by the treacherous former leader of the Viper clan, whose name was wiped from history by the Dragon Emperor. Though the rebellion was ultimately crushed, there was a temporary truce between the nations.  

Cities & Locations


Situated on a central plane, the capital city is the political center of control for the Dragon Emperor. His palace here is situated in the center of a city divided into 4 concentric, circular districts, or Walls.   The First Wall protects the Imperial Palace. This is where the Entire Dragon Clan resides, as well as the chieftains of each of the other 4 clans and most of their offspring. The Second Wall protects the administrative government buildings, military headquarters, government worker housing, and civil servant housing. These two districts are closely modeled after the capital city of Jiaohai.   The Third Wall denotes an area of residences for court nobles, samurai, and their servants. The Fourth Wall surrounds a variety of markets, bazaars, trade hubs, and neighborhoods that have begun to develop their own identities.   There is a major temple dedicated to the study of the Way of Kano. Beyond that, there are many schools and styles of martial arts to be learned from the warrior clans of Kimokotan. It is said, that in secret, deadlier and subtler arts are taught to ninja spies.  


Bunroku is the legendary city that was said to surround the Ruby Fortress on Mount Urashima. Though ruins have been found in the area, none have been confirmed as the city itself. There is a settlement near the Ruby Fortress, whose red walls stand out starkly against the mountain backdrop, that calls itself Bunroku.   The original Bunroku was said to have been the capital of an ancient and all-powerful divine kingdom, and the 5 clans all claim to be descended from the Imperial royal family of legend. Today, the settlement is a small farming village that supports the troops stationed at the mysterious fortress. Nearby are also amazing sources of cedar, pine, bamboo, and with many military patrols and training exercises, monsters are scarce these days.   Ruby Fortress The Ruby Fortress is said to be a source of immense power. Incredibly important a symbol of the divine right to rule, the Dragon Clan holds the fortress with 15,000 foot-soldiers garrisoned throughout the countryside or in the compound at any given time.   Though not much is known about the inside of the Fortress, each clan has its own version of the legend surrounding its origin and eventual abandonment.   Nearby are highly acclaimed hot springs visited by the affluent from all over the world. It has been under Viper control for several generations but has always been a neutral area. The waters are said to promote peace and wellness.  


The Kimo Pass is the only land route other than the Imperial Road that is regularly patrolled by the military. It is considered exceptionally safe to travel for merchants. The wise sage Genbudo has a mansion along the road that many stop by in hopes of gaining his counsel. Some say that he gives advice from behind a screen, and hasn't been seen in three generations. Others have said that he isn't from this world, but from another one much like this one. Other rumors may abound.

Foreign Relations

The War of Dragons started nine months after the Dragon Emperor was coronated.
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Market economy
Because its currency is so new, most other cities, or kingdoms, will only take trade bars minted in Jiaohai if they have to deal with Kimoko merchants or the Imperial government. Jeonbye will not accept their currency. The Palace is currently accepting foreign currencies in the capital city to facilitate trade with other lands.
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Related Species

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