Jeonbye (JOHN-bay)

Ah! my dearest friend, Lugal Icaghor,   I find myself compelled to share with you the fascinating tales of Jeonbye, a city that has captured my imagination like no other. Nestled in the southern reaches of the island continent Iamea, Jeonbye is a place where tradition and innovation dance in a harmonious ballet. The city itself is a marvel of engineering and artistry, with each district named after a bird, a nod to the thousands of avian species that grace the city with their presence. Ingenious contraptions have been devised to keep the streets clean from their droppings, a testament to the city's innovative spirit.   Fashion in Jeonbye is a blend of elegance and practicality. The hanbok, made of silk and linen, is the garment of choice, and warriors proudly wear sashes to signify their status. The city's guardians are formidable, a force to be reckoned with, ensuring the safety of both residents and visitors alike. The southern port city of Pyong-do, though notorious for its dangers, stands as a bulwark against threats from the sea, ever ready to lend its support to Jeonbye.   The military structure is nothing short of impressive. Walls of wood and stone encircle the city, punctuated by guard towers that keep a vigilant watch. The Supreme Leader, Choi Hong-hi, is a man of extraordinary linguistic talents, earning him the moniker "Lord of Tongues." Under his rule, Jeonbye has flourished, reaching heights of prosperity not seen since the days of the old Hwang-geum Empire.   Ah, but I digress. I could go on for pages about the wonders of Jeonbye, but I shall save some for our next meeting. Until then, I remain,   Your ever-curious friend,


With a bustling population of approximately 60,000 souls, Jeonbye stands as a testament to Human ingenuity and community spirit. This figure places it among the most densely populated centers in the known world, a veritable hive of human activity and culture. The city's inhabitants, while welcoming to foreign traders and travelers, harbor a deep-rooted suspicion towards non-human entities. This sentiment manifests not merely as a cultural quirk but as a collective ethos, shaping laws, customs, and even daily interactions.   Markets teem with exotic goods from far-off lands, and the docks are a cacophony of languages and accents. Yet, the air is tinged with an unspoken understanding: humanity reigns supreme here. Foreigners may find the populace friendly but guarded, their hospitality extended yet circumscribed by an invisible boundary. This boundary is not one of language, creed, or even nationality, but of species. To the people of Jeonbye, the term 'monster' is not confined to the creatures of lore and nightmare but extends to anyone who is not human.   The city's demographics reflect this human-centric worldview. Every district, from the bustling markets to the serene temple grounds, is a celebration of human life in all its diversity and complexity. Yet, it is also a fortress, a stronghold of human civilization in a world teeming with magical and monstrous threats. The walls that protect Jeonbye are not merely physical barriers but ideological ones, erected to safeguard a way of life that its people hold dear.


The governance of Jeonbye is a complex tapestry of tradition, military might, and shrewd diplomacy, all orchestrated under the watchful eye of Supreme Leader Choi Hong-hi. His rule is not that of a tyrant but of a seasoned strategist, keenly aware of the delicate balance that must be maintained to keep the city thriving.  

Laws and Legal System

  Jeonbye operates under a codified legal system, a set of laws known as the "Hong-hi Codex," named after the Supreme Leader himself. This comprehensive document outlines not just criminal offenses but also social conduct, trade regulations, and even spiritual observances. The laws are enforced by a specialized unit known as the "Guardians of the Codex," a force trained in both martial arts and legal interpretation. Their role is not merely punitive but also educational, guiding citizens in the ways of lawful conduct.  


  The city's taxation system is a marvel of efficiency and fairness, designed to distribute the burden across various strata of society. A tiered system is in place, where merchants and landowners contribute a higher percentage, while artisans and laborers are taxed minimally. This revenue fuels not just the city's defenses but also its many public services, from sanitation to education. Special levies are occasionally imposed, particularly during times of war or natural calamity, but these are often met with understanding rather than resentment, a testament to the public's trust in their leadership.  

Administrative Organization

  Jeonbye is divided into several districts, each overseen by a District Magistrate appointed by the Supreme Leader. These magistrates are responsible for the day-to-day administration of their respective areas, from dispute resolution to infrastructure maintenance. They report directly to a central council known as the "Circle of Wisdom," an advisory body that assists the Supreme Leader in policy formulation and decision-making.  

Military Governance

  The military of Jeonbye is not just a defensive force but an integral part of the city's governance. Led by the Supreme Leader, who holds the dual role of civic leader and military commander, the armed forces are involved in various civic duties, from construction projects to disaster relief. Their presence is a constant reminder of the city's martial heritage and the need for vigilance in a world fraught with dangers both Human and monstrous.   Through this intricate system of laws, taxation, and administrative oversight, Supreme Leader Choi Hong-hi has crafted a governance model that is both robust and flexible, capable of adapting to the ever-changing challenges that come with ruling one of the world's most densely populated human settlements.


Fortified by towering 16-foot wood and stone walls, Jeonbye stands as an unyielding bastion against external threats. Five strategically placed guard towers punctuate these walls, their vigilant sentinels ever watchful for signs of danger. Supreme Leader Choi Hong-hi, a master of languages and military strategy, has cultivated an elite battalion specifically tasked with patrolling and safeguarding the inner sanctum of the city.   Beyond the walls, a single roaming platoon of approximately 50 men and women, the Hyeongsa, traverse the surrounding countryside, offering protection and support to outlying villages. Maritime defenses are equally robust, with four warships perpetually patrolling the waters around the empire. A complex language of signal fires, visible from all directions, allows for rapid communication between scouts and military officers.   Such formidable defenses not only deter potential aggressors but also imbue the citizens with a sense of indomitable security, reinforcing Jeonbye's reputation as a stronghold of stability and power.

Industry & Trade

Currency in Jeonbye is similar to the currency of Tatharia (pp through cp) and uses the same coinage names as in Jiaohai. While Jiaohai and Tatharian coinage is roughly an equal exchange (usually on requiring a small convenience fee), they are favored two to one over that of Jeonbye. That means 2 GP in Tatharia is only worth 1 in Jeonbye. Kimoko money is not legal tender in Jeonbye, worthless essentially.


In a city where the Human spirit soars as high as the birds that grace its skies, the infrastructure of Jeonbye is nothing short of a marvel. Bereft of the arcane mechanisms that power other settlements, the people of this bustling metropolis have turned to their innate ingenuity to build a world that harmonizes with nature rather than dominating it.  

Waterways and Mills

  The city is crisscrossed by a network of canals and waterways, each meticulously designed to serve multiple purposes. Watermills dot these channels, their wheels turning in a perpetual dance that grinds grain, powers looms, and even operates rudimentary irrigation systems. The waterways themselves are a testament to human engineering, their flow controlled by a series of locks and gates that prevent flooding and ensure an even distribution of water.  

Sewage and Sanitation

  Underneath the cobblestone streets lies a complex sewer system, a subterranean labyrinth that channels waste away from the city's homes and marketplaces. Ingenious filtration systems purify the water before it is released back into the natural rivers that surround Jeonbye, ensuring that the city's footprint on the environment is minimal.  

Public Squares and Bird Sanctuaries

  Perhaps the most striking feature of Jeonbye's infrastructure is its consideration for its avian inhabitants. Public squares are not just gathering places for humans but sanctuaries for the myriad bird species that call the city home. Government-provided feeders and perches are strategically placed, turning these squares into bustling hubs of feathered activity. The architecture itself is a paean to this symbiotic relationship; rooftops and ledges are designed with such precision that no bird can perch where its droppings would be unwelcome.  

Roads, Bridges, and Shipyards

  The roads of Jeonbye are more than mere pathways; they are arteries that pulse with the lifeblood of commerce and community. Cobblestone streets are laid out in intricate patterns, their design serving both aesthetic and practical purposes. Bridges arch gracefully over canals, their balustrades adorned with sculptures and reliefs that tell the stories of the city's rich history. Shipyards along the coast are marvels of engineering, capable of constructing vessels that can withstand the harshest of seas, a testament to the city's maritime heritage.  

The Harmony of Design

  In every nail driven, in every stone laid, in every beam hoisted, the people of Jeonbye manifest their indomitable spirit and boundless ingenuity. Yet, it is in their harmonious coexistence with the natural world—exemplified by their reverence for the birds that share their skies—that the true genius of their infrastructure lies.


The Gateway

Gyeongpo District
Gyeongpo District serves as the first impression of Jeonbye for many travelers. This bustling port area is a blend of commerce and culture, where the scent of saltwater mingles with the aroma of traditional Korean spices. The Harbor Master, an official appointed by the Supreme Leader, oversees the formal aspects of trade and maritime activities. However, the Sujeong Merchant Guild, a collective of influential traders, holds significant sway over the district's economic pulse.  

Spiritual Core

Seongdang District
Seongdang District is the spiritual heart of Jeonbye, a sanctuary of ancient temples and sacred dojangs. Here, the air is thick with the scent of incense and the resonant sounds of spiritual chants. While the Supreme Leader's influence is omnipresent, the district's spiritual leaders, known as the Seonangsin, guide the community's moral and ethical compass.  

Artisan's Haven

Jangsu District
Nestled among narrow lanes and hidden courtyards, Jangsu District is a testament to Jeonbye's artisanal heritage. From intricate pottery to masterful blacksmithing, the district is a hub of creativity and craftsmanship. The Jangsu Craftsmen Council, an assembly of master artisans, sets the standards for quality and trade, while the mentorship between master and apprentice shapes the district's informal power dynamics.  

Seat of Governance

Cheongwadae District
Cheongwadae District stands as a symbol of Jeonbye's governance and authority. Dominated by the grand palace of the Supreme Leader, this district is a restricted area, its entry guarded by the elite Hwarang warriors. Here, the Supreme Leader's word is law, and his circle of advisors, known as the Hyeonmu Council, assists in policy and decision-making.  

The People's Square

Namsan District
Namsan District is the city's communal heart, a bustling plaza where people from all walks of life come to trade, socialize, and celebrate. Though the district falls under the general governance of the city, the Namsan Community Leaders, a group of influential citizens, often hold the power to sway public opinion and even influence city policies.


The Alchemists' Elixirs

  Jeonbye's alchemists have long been the envy of the realm, and their stores of potions, elixirs, and medicinal herbs are a significant asset. These are not merely for healing; some potions have the power to purify water, accelerate crop growth, or even mend broken objects. The alchemists' guild tightly controls these assets, releasing them only in times of great need.  

The Fabric of Community

  The textile mills in the Jangsu District produce more than just everyday garments. They also create special fabrics imbued with natural dyes and intricate patterns that are used in religious and cultural ceremonies. These textiles are stored in vast quantities and are considered an asset not just for their material value but also for their role in preserving Jeonbye's cultural heritage.

Guilds and Factions

The Council of Three Kingdoms

  A coalition of rulers from the three kingdoms under Jeonbye's dominion, this council holds significant sway over the city's political landscape. They convene quarterly to discuss matters of state, trade, and defense, their decisions often shaping the policies enacted by Supreme Leader Choi Hong-hi.  

HwanSa Do

  This revered martial arts dojang serves as both a spiritual sanctuary and a military asset. Its disciples, trained as arbiters of life and death, often collaborate with the city's military forces, especially in matters concerning the safeguarding of the dead and the interment sites.  

The Merchant Guild of Jeonbye

  A powerful economic force, this guild controls much of the trade that flows through the city. Their influence extends to the highest echelons of power, often affecting financial policies and trade agreements.  

The Fisherfolk Union

  Representing the interests of the city's robust fishing community, this union has a voice in matters concerning maritime laws and the protection of fishing grounds. Their cooperation is crucial for the city's food supply and economic stability.  

The Order of the Celestial Scribes

  Scholars and keepers of ancient lore, members of this order are the city's intellectual elite. They maintain the Grand Library of Jeonbye and serve as advisors to the Supreme Leader on matters of history, Magic, and diplomacy.  

The Cult of the Maw

  Though not officially recognized, this malevolent sect has been growing in the shadows. Their dark rituals and allegiance to their Void-dwelling demonic patron Voromos pose a clandestine threat to the city's spiritual well-being.   Each of these factions contributes to the intricate tapestry of Jeonbye's political and financial landscape, their influences weaving together to shape the city's destiny.


Once a humble fishing village known as Hwang-geum, Jeonbye has evolved into a medium-sized settlement that serves as the capital of a small empire. Its transformation began under the visionary leadership of its first Supreme Leader, who recognized the strategic importance of the settlement's location. Surrounded by natural barriers like the sea and the Dang Caves to the north, the settlement was ripe for expansion and fortification.   Over the centuries, Jeonbye has weathered numerous challenges, from invasions by marauding pirates to internal strife. Yet, each trial has only strengthened its resolve and fortified its defenses. The Council of Three Kingdoms was established to unify the disparate regions under Jeonbye's rule, leading to an era of unprecedented stability and prosperity.   The city reached new heights under the reign of the current Supreme Leader, Choi Hong-hi. A linguist and military strategist, he has significantly strengthened the city's defenses and expanded its cultural influence. Under his rule, Jeonbye has become a stronghold of stability and power, its influence felt across the three kingdoms and beyond.

Points of interest

The Dang Caves

  A labyrinthine network of subterranean chambers to the north of the city, the Dang Caves are more than mere geological formations. They are sanctuaries of hidden knowledge and repositories of arcane artifacts. Once a refuge for the people during times of strife, these caves now serve as a treasure trove for alchemists and scholars, their depths rumored to hold the secrets to life-extending elixirs and soul-binding rituals.  

Martial Dojangs

  Jeonbye is a city that breathes the essence of martial discipline, its pulse synchronized with the rhythmic cadence of combat training echoing from its numerous dojangs. Among them, HwanSa Do stands as a fortress of spiritual enlightenment and martial prowess. These dojangs are not just training grounds; they are the soul of the city, each one contributing to its formidable military strength and spiritual resilience.  

The Enigmatic Bazaar of Twin Moons

  A marketplace like no other, this bazaar materializes only on nights when both moons grace the sky with their fullness. Vendors from realms near and far offer exotic wares—enchanted trinkets, rare spices, and even bottled dreams. The bazaar is not just a hub of commerce but a confluence of cultures and cosmic energies. Those who navigate its labyrinthine stalls might find more than goods; they might discover fragments of forgotten lore or the keys to otherworldly portals.


From the moment I stepped through the gateway, I knew I was in for a treat. The city's architecture is a testament to its rich history, with towering walls and intricate designs that beckon you to explore further. The Dang Caves, a marvel of natural beauty and ancient craftsmanship, were a sight to behold.   The city's dojangs were bustling with energy, each one a sanctuary of discipline and skill. I even had the pleasure of witnessing a HwanSa Do training session, a martial art that blends the spiritual and the physical into a harmonious whole. But what truly captured my heart was the enigmatic bazaar that appears only when both moons are full. Ah, the trinkets, the spices, the stories that filled the air! It was a feast for the senses.   And let's not forget the people—warm, welcoming, and fiercely proud of their heritage. I was treated to a sumptuous feast of local delicacies and had the honor of partaking in a traditional tea ceremony. It was an experience that transcended the boundaries of culture and language, a moment of true connection.   So, if you ever find yourself yearning for adventure, for a place that offers more than just pretty sights, make your way to Jeonbye. Trust me, it's a journey you won't regret.
— a traveler
  Tourism in Jeonbye serves as a significant aspect of the city's cultural and economic landscape. Known as the City of Birds, Jeonbye attracts visitors with its unique blend of architectural innovation and traditional artistry. Each district of the city is named after a different avian species, and the local government has implemented waste management solutions to accommodate the thousands of migratory birds that visit annually.   Fashion also plays a role in the city's appeal, with traditional garments known as hanbok offering a unique blend of elegance and practicality. Local markets abound with artisans and craftsmen who display intricate jewelry and accessories, capturing the essence of Jeonbye's artistic spirit.   The military demonstrations are another point of interest, showcasing the city's formidable guardians trained in ancient martial arts. These public displays serve both as a source of local pride and as a symbol of the city's indomitable spirit.   Spiritual tourists find solace in the city's temples and sacred grounds, which offer a tranquil retreat from the bustling city life. These sites are home to ancient rituals and practices that have been passed down through generations, serving as a living testament to the city's deep-rooted traditions.   Natural wonders also contribute to the city's tourism appeal. The rivers Jade, Emerald, and Sapphire offer opportunities for boating and fishing, while the dramatic tides of the Great East Sea serve as a natural phenomenon that captivates both locals and tourists alike.


Architectural Style

  The architecture of Jeonbye is a harmonious blend of practicality and aesthetic elegance, reflecting its rich cultural tapestry and martial heritage. Buildings often feature multi-tiered, pagoda-like roofs adorned with intricate wooden carvings and talismanic symbols. The layout of structures pays homage to principles of sacred geometry, designed to channel both spiritual and natural energies efficiently.  

Building Materials

  The primary materials used for construction in Jeonbye are locally sourced granite and cedarwood. Granite, known for its durability and natural beauty, forms the foundation and walls of many structures, including the city's formidable defensive fortifications. Cedarwood, valued for its resilience and aromatic qualities, is commonly used for roofing and interior structures.  

Traditional Adornments

  In Jeonbye, the art of adornment is not merely decorative but symbolic. Buildings often feature whitewashed walls, serving as a canvas for intricate murals that depict scenes from local folklore or martial epics. Roofs are traditionally ocean blue, a nod to the city's maritime heritage and a symbol of protection. Doors are often brightly colored, with hues like red and Gold predominating, signifying good fortune and divine favor. Additionally, it's common to see small shrines or altars near entrances, where residents can offer prayers or sacrifices to local deities or ancestral spirits.


Terrain and Topography

  Jeonbye is uniquely situated in a river delta, where the mighty river descending from the Kimoko Mountain Range diverges into three distinct tributaries: the Jade, Emerald, and Sapphire rivers. The terrain is a complex interplay of flatlands and gentle rolling hills, offering both fertile soil for agriculture and strategic vantage points for defense.  

Proximity to Water Bodies

  The city's location at the confluence of these rivers provides abundant access to fresh water, a crucial resource for both daily life and agricultural endeavors. Additionally, Jeonbye is bordered by the sea to its south, further enriching its maritime capabilities and cultural ties to the ocean.  

Natural Beauty and Views

  The southern plains of Jeonbye are punctuated by rocky cliffs that form the foothills of the Kimoko mountain range. These cliffs serve as natural fortifications but also contribute to the area's scenic beauty. The views from these heights are breathtaking, offering panoramic vistas of the river delta, the sprawling city, and the distant, shimmering sea. The rivers themselves, named for precious stones, reflect the colors of their namesakes under the sunlight, adding to the area's natural allure.  

Additional Features

  The presence of the Kimoko mountain range to the north not only provides a stunning backdrop but also influences the local climate, contributing to the area's relatively mild weather and seasonal winds. The mountains are also a source of valuable minerals and herbs, further enhancing Jeonbye's natural wealth.


Temperature and Weather Patterns

  Jeonbye experiences a temperate climate, characterized by mild temperatures and moderate rainfall. The city enjoys cool breezes for most of the year, owing to its proximity to both the sea and the Kimoko Mountain Range. However, it is not entirely free from extreme weather events; occasional hail storms do occur, although they are relatively rare.  

Seasonal Variability

  The climate is generally stable but does exhibit some seasonal variations. Summers are warm but not excessively hot, thanks to the maritime influence. Winters are cool but not freezing, with the Kimoko mountains acting as a natural barrier against harsher northern winds.  

Influence of the Rainforest Jungle

  The presence of a rainforest jungle to the northeast, on the other side of the small continent of Iamea, has a noticeable impact on Jeonbye's climate. The jungle acts as a natural humidifier, contributing to the area's moderate rainfall and influencing local flora and fauna. This rainforest also serves as a buffer against more extreme weather patterns, helping to maintain the city's relatively mild climate.  

Additional Considerations

  The rivers—Jade, Emerald, and Sapphire—also play a role in the local climate. Their waters have a moderating effect on temperatures, making the immediate areas around them more hospitable. Moreover, the rivers serve as conduits for seasonal fish migrations, which has both ecological and economic implications for the city.
1Every 2 levels after level 4, a monk can return to the Do Jang to earn a new dan. Monks can only call themselves masters if they have students.
2To become Grand Master, you must defeat and kill the current grandmaster as a Senior Master or higher. Doing so before achieving that rank may be viewed as highly dishonorable and may cause the students to seek revenge
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City of Birds
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