HwanSa Do

Moonlight bathed the temple grounds in a silvery glow, casting ethereal shadows on the ancient stone walls. Tonight was special—the night of the twin new moons, a Celestial event that beckoned both the living and the dead. Grandmaster Hyeon, the Soul Shepherd, stood at the center of the training circle, her eyes closed in deep meditation. Her title, "Grandmaster of the Celestial Circle, Arbiter of Souls, and Guardian of the Veil between Life and Death," was not just a name but a destiny.   Around her, the HwanSa Disciples moved in a harmonious dance of martial forms, their movements a blend of deadly precision and poetic grace. The air was thick with the scent of incense and the low hum of chanted mantras. Each disciple was a warrior Monk, trained in the mysterious arts of HwanSa Do, their souls attuned to the delicate balance between life and death.   Suddenly, a chilling wind swept through the temple, carrying with it the distant wails of tormented souls. The disciples froze, their senses alert. Grandmaster Hyeon opened her eyes, now glowing with an otherworldly light. "They come," she whispered.   From the shadowy fringes of the temple grounds, malevolent spirits and demonic creatures emerged, drawn by the celestial event and the promise of fresh souls. But they had not reckoned with the guardians of this sacred place. With a wave of her hand, Grandmaster Hyeon summoned her Soulblade, a ceremonial dagger pulsating with divine energy.   "Disciples, to me!" she commanded.   Like a tidal wave, the disciples converged on the invading forces. Soul Arbiters unleashed devastating strikes, their hands glowing with arcane symbols. Guardians of the Veil chanted incantations, sealing rifts in the spiritual fabric of the realm. The battle was a dance, a symphony of martial prowess and spiritual might.   As the last Demon let out a guttural cry and dissolved into a wisp of dark smoke, the disciples returned to their circle, their faces flushed but serene. Grandmaster Hyeon sheathed her Soulblade and looked up at the night sky, where the twin moons had once again emerged, casting their celestial glow on the world below.   "The balance is maintained," she murmured, her eyes reflecting the eternal dance of light and shadow, life and death.   And so, in the hidden sanctuary of HwanSa Do, the disciples returned to their meditations, their souls a little wiser, their resolve a little stronger. For they were the guardians of the Circle of Life, and their vigil was eternal.


In the secluded temple grounds of Jeonbye lies the enigmatic dojang of HwanSa Do, the Circle of Life Way. This martial arts sanctuary, steeped in the lore of Yan and his Jeosung Saja avatars, operates under a meticulously structured hierarchy that reflects its dual focus on martial prowess and spiritual enlightenment.  

The Grandmaster of the Circle

(원의 대사부, Won-ui Daesabu)
  At the pinnacle of the HwanSa Do hierarchy stands the Grandmaster of the Circle. A living embodiment of the style's core tenets, the Grandmaster is the ultimate arbiter of life and death within the organization. They are responsible for the spiritual and martial guidance of all disciples and oversee the most sacred rituals, including the Celestial ceremonies held on the nights of twin new moons.  

The Guardians of the Veil

(장막의 수호자, Jangmak-ui Suhuja)
  Directly beneath the Grandmaster are the Guardians of the Veil, seasoned masters who serve as the dojang's inner council. Tasked with safeguarding the esoteric teachings and techniques of HwanSa Do, they also act as emissaries to the outside world, particularly to the Do Jang of Won Hyeyong and other martial and spiritual organizations within Rolara.  

The Soul Arbiters

(영혼의 중재자, Yeonghon-ui Jungjaeja)
  The Soul Arbiters are senior disciples who have shown exceptional skill in both martial arts and spiritual understanding. They are responsible for training newer disciples and conducting the initial rites of passage. Often, they are the ones who represent HwanSa Do in martial exhibitions and are entrusted with the task of gathering lost souls, much like the Jeosung Saja they emulate.  

The Circle Acolytes

(원의 수행자, Won-ui Suhaengja)
  The Circle Acolytes are the backbone of the organization, disciples who are still in the process of mastering the complex techniques and philosophies of HwanSa Do. They assist in the daily operations of the dojang and are the primary participants in the various rituals and ceremonies.  

The Novices of the Path

(길의 초심자, Gil-ui Chosimja)
  At the base of the hierarchy are the Novices of the Path, newcomers who have been accepted into the dojang but have yet to prove themselves. They undergo rigorous training and must pass a series of tests to ascend to the rank of Circle Acolyte.   Each rank within the HwanSa Do hierarchy is not merely a title but a solemn vow to uphold the principles of life and death, mercy and judgment, as taught by Yan and exemplified by the Jeosung Saja. Through this structured organization, the HwanSa Do maintains its sacred mission, ever vigilant in its role as the arbiter between the mortal realm and the afterlife.


Core Beliefs

  At the heart of HwanSa Do's martial culture lies the concept of "Mercy in Heaven, Mercy in Hell," a guiding principle that encapsulates the duality of their role as arbiters of both life and death. Disciples are taught to wield their martial skills as an extension of their spiritual beliefs, using their knowledge of pressure points to either heal or harm, as the situation demands.  

Rituals and Ceremonies

  Sacred rituals and ceremonies punctuate the training regimen, serving to deepen the disciples' spiritual understanding and reinforce their martial skills. The most revered of these is the Celestial ceremony held on the nights of twin new moons, where disciples demonstrate their martial prowess as an offering to Yan and as a tribute to the spirits of the departed.  

Martial Techniques

  While the mechanics of combat are left to the interpretation of individual disciples and their Dungeon Masters, the culture emphasizes the importance of intention behind each strike and stance. Techniques are often named after celestial bodies, natural phenomena, or aspects of the afterlife, imbuing each movement with symbolic meaning.  

Ethical Code

  An ethical code, known as "Yan's Precepts," governs the actions of all disciples. This code stresses the importance of mercy, judgment, and balance, guiding disciples in their interactions both within the dojang and in the broader world of Rolara. Violations of this code are considered grave offenses, subject to both martial and spiritual penalties.  

Relationship with the Community

  Though the dojang is often shrouded in mystery and regarded with a sense of awe by the people of Jeonbye, it also serves as a beacon of hope and spiritual guidance. On special occasions, the disciples open their doors to the community, offering healing services and spiritual counsel, further solidifying their role as merciful arbiters between the realms of the living and the dead.   Through this intricate tapestry of martial discipline and spiritual devotion, the culture of HwanSa Do shapes its disciples into warriors of mercy, ever vigilant in their sacred duty to guide souls along the paths of both life and death.


As custodians of the dead, these merciful monks are entrusted with invaluable assets that extend beyond mere Gold and Silver.  

Precious Metals and Offerings

  Within the labyrinthine catacombs beneath the dojang lie the interred remains of Jeonbye's departed. Alongside these remains are often offerings of silver and gold, left by grieving families as tributes to their loved ones and to Yan. These precious metals serve a dual purpose: as a material asset and as a spiritual conduit, amplifying the dojang's protective enchantments.  

Buildings and Fortifications

  The temple grounds are a sprawling complex of ancient stone structures, each serving a distinct purpose. The central temple houses the Grandmaster's chambers and the inner sanctum for the most sacred rituals. Surrounding it are fortified training halls, meditation chambers, and the mausoleums where the dead are prepared for their journey to the afterlife. Each building is fortified with arcane sigils and wards, designed to repel intruders and malevolent spirits.  

Troops and Disciples

  The HwanSa Disciples are not just spiritual warriors; they are also a formidable fighting force trained to defend their sacred grounds. Ranks of Soul Arbiters and Guardians of the Veil serve as the dojang's elite troops, skilled in both martial combat and arcane arts. Their primary duty is to protect the temple grounds and the interred remains from monsters and evil beings.  

Equipment and Weapons

  While the disciples primarily rely on their martial skills, they are also equipped with an array of specialized weapons and armor. These are often enchanted with protective spells and are made from materials that are especially effective against the undead and other supernatural entities. The most treasured of these are the "Soulblades," ceremonial daggers imbued with the essence of Yan himself.  

Other Assets

  Beyond material wealth, the dojang possesses an extensive library of ancient scrolls and tomes, detailing esoteric martial techniques and arcane rituals. These texts are considered invaluable, not just for their content but for the spiritual power they hold.


The annals of HwanSa Do are etched not just in scrolls and tomes but in the very fabric of Jeonbye's spiritual landscape. Below is an outline of the most pivotal events that have shaped this enigmatic dojang and its role as the custodian of the dead and arbiter of souls.  
  • The Celestial Wrestling Match
    The mythic wrestling match between Zhenwu, the god of martial arts, and Death itself takes place in Jeonbye. Zhenwu's victory serves as the divine catalyst for the founding of HwanSa Do on the very ground where the match occurred.
  • Founding of HwanSa Do
    Guided by the Celestial event, the first Grandmaster establishes the dojang, laying down the foundational principles and rituals that would define HwanSa Do for generations to come.
  • The First Interment
    The dojang takes on its role as the custodian of the dead, conducting the first ceremonial interment in its newly sanctified catacombs. This event solidifies the dojang's role in Jeonbye and begins its long-standing tradition as the primary location for the interment of the dead.
  • The Night of Wailing Shadows
    A horde of malevolent spirits and monsters attempt to breach the dojang's defenses to desecrate the interred remains and steal the precious offerings. The disciples successfully repel the invasion, but the event serves as a grim reminder of the constant threats they face.
  • The Codification of Yan's Precepts
    The ethical code governing the actions and responsibilities of the HwanSa Disciples is formally codified, becoming an integral part of the dojang's culture and training regimen.
  • The Forging of the First Soulblade
    A ceremonial dagger imbued with the essence of Yan is forged, marking the beginning of a new tradition within the dojang. These Soulblades become treasured assets, wielded only by the most senior disciples.
  • The Twin Eclipses
    A celestial event occurs, aligning with the re-ignition of the Stars of Power. The dojang's protective enchantments are strengthened, and a new wave of disciples join, sensing the surge of spiritual energy.
  • The Rise of the Guardians of the Veil
    The inner council of seasoned masters is formally established, taking on the title of the Guardians of the Veil. They become the dojang's emissaries to the outside world and the keepers of its most esoteric teachings.
  • The Present Day
    HwanSa Do continues to thrive as a sanctuary of martial and spiritual enlightenment, ever vigilant in its role as the guardian of Jeonbye's spiritual and material wealth.

"천도 복수, 지옥도 복수"
(Cheondo Boksu, Jiokdo Boksu, "Mercy in Heaven, Mercy in Hell")

Alternative Names
The Path of Yan's Mercy, Jeosung Saja's Dance
Training Level
Veterancy Level
HwanSa Disciples
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Professions
Related Species


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