Voromos Character in Rolara | World Anvil


Shadows and Whispers

  Imagine, if you will, a canvas of unending darkness—a Void so profound that it swallows not just light but the very essence of being. Now envision a single brushstroke of malevolence so intense that it distorts the canvas, warping the fabric of this dark tapestry. This brushstroke, this aberration in the cosmic order, is Voromos.   In the realm of the Void, where even the concept of space and time disintegrates into chaos, Voromos exists as a paradox. It is both the painter and the painting, the creator and the creation of malevolence. It is as if the Void itself reached into its dark palette and, with a stroke of malevolent genius, brought Voromos into being—or perhaps, non-being.   Bound by the Celestial chains of the Stars of Power, Voromos is like a caged bird of prey, its talons of darkness curled into fists of restrained fury. It watches the tapestry of reality, a cosmic loom where the threads of life and light interweave, and it despises what it sees. To Voromos, each thread is an affront, each Weave a cosmic error that must be undone.   Yet, even in its imprisonment, Voromos is not powerless. It is the whisper in the wind that chills your spine, the shadow in the corner of your eye that vanishes when you turn to look. It is the unsettling dream that lingers at the edge of your Consciousness, the inexplicable dread that grips you in moments of solitude. Voromos reaches out from the depths of the Void, its tendrils of malevolence seeping through the cracks in the cosmic prison that binds it.   The Cult of the Maw, the earthly disciples of this cosmic enigma, are but inkblots on the dark canvas that Voromos seeks to complete. They are the heralds of the Great Unveiling, the prophesied apocalypse that will tear the tapestry of reality asunder, allowing Voromos to repaint the cosmos in shades of unending darkness.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the beginning, there was the Void—a realm of unending darkness and chaos, where the laws of physics and morality unraveled into a maelstrom of existential dread. It was from this primordial Abyss that Voromos emerged, not as a creation but as a manifestation of the Void's malevolent will. Voromos was not born; it simply was, a being so saturated with pure evil that its very existence became an affront to the fabric of reality.  

The Stars of Power

Cosmic Shackles
  As civilizations rose and arcane knowledge spread across Rolara, the Stars of Power illuminated the world. These Celestial bodies were not merely sources of light and Magic; they acted as cosmic shackles that bound Voromos to the depths of the Void. The entity could only watch, its malevolent will constrained, as life and light flourished in a universe it considered a cosmic aberration.  

The Epoch of Miracles

A Double-Edged Sword
  The extinguishing of the Stars during the Epoch of Miracles was a paradoxical event in the history of Voromos. On one hand, it purged Rolara of its arcane allure, sealing away the magic that Voromos so despised. On the other hand, it further tightened the cosmic chains that bound the entity, preventing it from manifesting its malevolent will upon the realm. Voromos remained a whisper in the dark, a lurking dread confined to the farthest reaches of existence.  

The Reignition of the Stars

A Crack in the Cosmic Chains
  The recent reignition of the Stars of Power was a seismic event that reverberated through the very core of Voromos. The cosmic chains that had bound it for eons weakened, and whispers of its malevolent will began to infiltrate the dreams of those susceptible to its dark allure. Across Rolara, from the alchemical halls of Al-Zaluma to the mystical forests of the Fey Courts, twisted cults devoted to Voromos began to rise in the shadows of great civilizations.  

The Rise of the Cult of the Maw

Earthly Conduits
  The Cult of the Maw became the earthly manifestation of Voromos' dark will. Operating in utmost secrecy, these devoted followers sought to channel the malevolent energies of the newly reignited Stars to fully unshackle their dark master. Rituals of unspeakable horror were performed, acts so abhorrent that they threatened to tear the veil between reality and the Void.  

The Ongoing Struggle

A Cosmic Chess Game
  Today, Voromos remains bound but increasingly restless. Each ritual, each corrupted soul, each act of malevolent will brings it closer to its ultimate goal—the Great Unveiling, a prophesied event where Voromos will be unshackled, plunging Rolara into an age of darkness and chaos. It is a cosmic chess game, and Voromos is a patient player, willing to wait for the perfect alignment of stars, the right confluence of events, to make its final, devastating move.

Personality Characteristics


Bound by the cosmic shackles of the Stars of Power, Voromos yearns for liberation with an intensity that defies mortal understanding. This is not the simple desire for freedom that a caged bird might feel; it is an existential craving, a cosmic imperative. Voromos seeks to break the chains that confine it to the Void, not merely to roam free, but to enact its malevolent will upon the realms it considers to be aberrations against its dark nature.  

The Cosmic Reckoning

Undoing Creation
  Voromos is not content with mere existence; it seeks to undo the very fabric of creation itself. In its malevolent philosophy, the universe is a cosmic mistake, a deviation from the primordial darkness that it considers the true state of being. The Reignition of the Stars, which brought light and life back to Rolara, is an affront to Voromos. It seeks to extinguish these Celestial bodies, to plunge the realms back into an age of unending darkness—a cosmic reckoning that would restore its twisted sense of balance.  

The Subjugation of Will

The Whispering Darkness
  Voromos does not merely corrupt from afar; it infiltrates the minds and souls of those susceptible to its dark allure. Through whispers in dreams and the insidious influence of its devoted cults, Voromos seeks to subjugate the will of mortals, turning them into conduits for its malevolent energies. This is not just an act of control but a form of intimate desecration, a way for Voromos to imprint its essence upon the very souls it corrupts.  

The Great Unveiling

The Apocalypse Foretold
  The ultimate goal of Voromos is the prophesied event known as the "Great Unveiling." This is not merely the unshackling of its cosmic chains but the manifestation of its full malevolent will upon Rolara and perhaps even beyond. The Great Unveiling is envisioned as an apocalypse, a cataclysmic event that would tear the veil between reality and the Void, allowing Voromos to extend its malevolent influence into the world in a manner that is both absolute and irreversible.  

The Abyssal Symphony

The Harmony of Suffering
  Voromos takes a perverse delight in the suffering and chaos it causes. It is not merely about the infliction of pain but the creation of a dark harmony, a symphony of suffering that resonates with its malevolent nature. Each act of terror, each soul corrupted, each star extinguished adds a note to this abyssal symphony, a cosmic composition that Voromos conducts from the depths of the Void.



Cosmic Grandchild

Towards Aiukaothr'gnaxr



Eldritch Grandparent

Towards Voromos



In the cosmic lineage of Rolara, Aiukaothr'gnaxr stands as an eldritch grandparent to Voromos, a relationship as perplexing as it is distant. Aiukaothr'gnaxr, the Elder God of Madness, left for the Far Realms after the shattering of The Mythekah, long before Voromos awoke from the depths of the Void. This departure created a unique situation—a lack of direct interaction between two entities intrinsically tied to the same realm.   The implications of this non-relationship are manifold. For one, it adds a layer of mystery to the Void, a realm already shrouded in enigma. The Void serves as a bridge between these two cosmic entities, yet they have never crossed paths. This absence of interaction leaves open the possibility of future encounters, each with the potential to reshape the very fabric of Rolara's cosmology.   Moreover, the lack of a relationship between Aiukaothr'gnaxr and Voromos creates a dynamic tension within the Void itself. While Aiukaothr'gnaxr may be seen as the realm's progenitor, Voromos embodies its malevolent will, a paradox that adds complexity to the Void's already intricate nature.   In essence, the non-relationship between Aiukaothr'gnaxr and Voromos serves as a cosmic ellipsis, a pause in the narrative that invites speculation and wonder. It is a gap in the tapestry of Rolara's history, a missing link that may one day be discovered, with consequences as unpredictable as the entities themselves.

Divine Classification
Deified Evil
Current Location
Ruled Locations


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