Gnome Species in Rolara | World Anvil


The Call of the Gnomes: Unveiling the Intricate Subspecies of Rolara's Underground Dwellers

In the deeply layered realms of Iamea, three unique strains of gnome-kind eke out existence in the dim glow of luminous fungi and star-forged relics. The Gui, with their demonlike visage, are master engineers, their wiry hands once guiding the mighty Demon Forge. Despite their fearsome appearance, they are a culture of ingenious inventors and builders, their creations ranging from clockwork constructs to potent Warforged samurai.   Sharing the shadowy caverns with the Gui, the Sylvan Gnomes are humble in their Magic, preferring to live in harmony with the underground flora. Their fungal hats serve as conduits for their unique enchantments, binding them to the cavernous ecosystem, enabling them to encourage growth or channel spores into mesmerizing illusions. It's whispered that a Sylvan's hat tells a story of their life, each ring and outgrowth a testament to their experiences.   Hidden deeper still, the Svirfneblin or Deep Gnomes bear the azure hues of the deepest reaches. Their magic is more primal, entwined with the raw forces of the deep earth. They have an uncanny ability to move through stone as if it were water, an invaluable asset in their terrifying home - the Deep Dark.   Their world was irrevocably shaken when the Starfinders ignited the slumbering Demon Forge, pulling the gnomes from obscurity into a struggle for survival against the war-mongering Kimoko. Enslaved and oppressed, a quiet resistance grows, led by figures like Gui elder Tonnel Geargrinder and Sylvan priestess Elivra Sporeweaver, who work behind the scenes to subtly sabotage and undermine the Kimoko rule.   The other races of Rolara hold mixed feelings towards the gnomes. Some, like the dwarves, find camaraderie in their shared love of stone and craftsmanship, while others view the gnome's enslavement as an opportunity. The elves hold a deep resentment for the Kimoko, their forest realms often clashing with their expansive warfare, leading many elven factions to secretly aid the gnomish resistance.   Among all three gnome species, a prophecy persists: "When the Stars once again dance in the night sky, the lost children of Gnomekind shall return, carrying with them the salvation of their brethren." Many interpret this as a reference to the diaspora of gnomes across the cosmos, who escaped the fall of the ancient gnome empire by retreating into the uncharted reaches of Wildspace. This belief fuels the gnomes' enduring hope as they await liberation.   In Rolara, the gnomes are a race bound by their shared past, their indomitable hope, and their diverse magical affinities. Despite their grim circumstances, they remain undeterred, ready to reclaim their place in the world, even if it means reaching for the stars themselves.

Basic Information


Gnomes, as a species, share a hardiness and compact stature that belies their vast subspecies diversities. A typical gnome stands about 3 to 4 feet tall, with a robust, rounded build. They are considerably heavier than their height would suggest, a testament to their dense, muscular frames designed to withstand the rigors of subterranean life. Gnomes have sharp ears and bright, inquisitive eyes, echoing their innate curiosity and connection to the magical world. Beyond these shared traits, each subspecies bears its unique, distinct features.  

Gui (Rock Gnomes)

The Gui are most easily recognized by their wrinkled, earthen skin, often compared to aged leather, and their sharply pointed noses. These traits, combined with their lean, muscular bodies and occasionally pointed teeth, have led to unfortunate comparisons with goblins or demons. However, such misleading appearances mask a patient and gentle nature that prizes knowledge and craftsmanship above all.
Height and Weight
Gui adults average between 3.5 to 4 feet in height and generally weigh between 40 to 60 pounds. Males and females exhibit little size difference, though males often sport thicker beards that they carefully groom and embellish with various trinkets from their craftwork.  
Skin, Hair, and Eye Colors
Gui skin varies in tones of brown and gray, often resembling the color of the rocks they hold dear. Their hair tends to be earthy shades, from deep coal black to iron gray, often streaked with metallic hues. Gui eyes are usually bright and come in a variety of colors, the most common being sparkling amber or clear, crystalline blue.  

Sylvan Gnomes (Forest Gnomes)

The Sylvan Gnomes possess a stocky physique, bearing a layer of pleasant plumpness that, combined with their rosy cheeks and gleaming eyes, lends them an eternally youthful appearance. Their fondness for hats crafted from various fungi and lichens is as much a part of their morphology as any physical feature, enhancing their connection to the underground flora.
Height and Weight
Sylvan Gnomes are slightly shorter than their Gui counterparts, averaging between 3 to 3.5 feet in height. However, their extra padding can see their weight range from 45 to 65 pounds. This extra layer not only serves as insulation against the damp cavern environment but is also a reservoir of nourishment during scarce times.  
Skin, Hair, and Eye Colors
Their skin tone ranges from bark-like browns to mossy greens, with their hair color echoing similar hues. This organic palette allows them to blend into their environment seamlessly. Their eyes are often earthy tones, with greens and browns being most common.  

Svirfneblin (Deep Gnomes)

The Svirfneblin are distinct, their skin a deep blue that seems to shift in hue depending on the light, ranging from sapphire in the glow of luminous fungi to near-black in the Deep Dark. Their eyes are arguably their most striking feature, glowing with an inner light that aids their vision in the dimness of their home.
Height and Weight
Deep Gnomes stand about 3 feet tall, the shortest among the gnomes, and typically weigh between 35 to 50 pounds. Their smaller stature is a trait honed by generations of living in the tight confines of the Deep Dark, allowing them to navigate their treacherous environment with ease.  
Skin, Hair, and Eye Colors
The skin of the Svirfneblin reflects the deep, starless night of the Deep Dark, from midnight blue to a tone so dark it seems as black as the shadows. Their hair, surprisingly, ranges from Silver to pale white, providing a stark contrast to their skin. The Svirfneblin's glowing eyes can be any shade but are most commonly silvery or pale blue, giving them a mysterious and often unsettling appearance to the uninitiated.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

For Gnomes, the art of naming is one treated with both levity and solemnity. Names are badges of honor, given and received with respect and significance. When someone bestows a name upon a gnome, it can often become permanent, a constant reminder of an action performed, a joke shared, or an achievement earned. A gnome may accrue half a dozen or more names over a lifetime, each marking a milestone or memorable moment.   Every gnome receives names from a wide range of sources. A gnome's mother, father, clan elder, aunts, and uncles each contribute a name. Friends and acquaintances offer nicknames, which may or may not stick over time, but those that do hold a special place in a gnome's heart. Gnome names are typically variants on the names of ancestors or distant relatives, a method of preserving history and honoring the achievements of their forebears. However, some names are purely new inventions, reflecting the gnomes' playful and inventive nature.   In situations where etiquette is key, particularly when dealing with other races who may not appreciate the gnome's relaxed approach to naming, a gnome will use no more than three names: a personal name, a clan name, and a nickname. The selection of these names is careful; each must encapsulate the gnome's personality, history, and, most importantly, must be fun to say.  

Gui (Rock Gnomes)

Gui take great pride in their craftsmanship, and their naming traditions reflect this dedication. Each Gui gnome carries a Craft-Name, a title bestowed upon mastering a skill or inventing a significant contraption. They also bear Family-Names, passed down through generations, often associated with a particular skill or craft the family is known for.  
Given Names
Gui gnomes are given a name at birth, usually reflecting the aspirations their parents hold for them. Common Gui given names include "Bolt," "Anvil," "Cog," or "Rivet."  
Upon demonstrating proficiency in a skill or craft, Gui are awarded a Craft-Name. This name could reflect the nature of their work or a particular invention they've created. Examples might include "Gearspinner," "Steamwielder," or "Crystalshaper."  
Family-Names among Gui usually reflect the lineage's long-standing relationship with a particular craft. For example, a family known for their clockwork creations might bear the name "Timekeeper" or "Hourmaster."  

Sylvan Gnomes (Forest Gnomes)

  Sylvan Gnomes hold a deep reverence for their environment, and this respect is mirrored in their names. Sylvan Gnomes earn Nature-Names, titles granted for their symbiotic relationship with the cavernous flora, and they bear Hat-Names, referencing the distinctive fungal hats they wear.  
Given Names
A Sylvan gnome's given name often represents aspects of the underground flora, like "Moss," "Shroom," "Fern," or "Pebble."  
Sylvan Gnomes receive a Nature-Name after achieving a significant bond with the ecosystem, whether by cultivating a rare species or performing a great service to the flora. Names like "Sporecaller," "Myceliumweaver," or "Glowshaper" might be granted.  
Sylvan Gnomes don a fungal hat which grows and changes with their life experiences. Each hat's unique characteristics inspire a Hat-Name like "Ringcap," "Lumengrow," or "Sporerevel."  

Svirfneblin (Deep Gnomes)

For the Svirfneblin, the pursuit of survival in the perilous Deep Dark takes precedence. They earn Deed-Names, titles awarded for acts of bravery or significant accomplishments. They also bear a traditional Clan-Name, signifying their allegiance to their extended families.  
Given Names
A Svirfneblin is gifted a name that often embodies strength and resilience, such as "Flint," "Obsidian," "Boulder," or "Rumble."  
After performing a noteworthy deed, Svirfneblin earn a Deed-Name. This name could commemorate a great feat, a dangerous journey, or a heroic act, such as "Shadowstrider," "Stalactitefall," or "Deepcrawler."  
A Svirfneblin's Clan-Name signifies their familial ties and ancestral lineage. These names often evoke the depths and mysteries of the Deep Dark, like "Gloamheart," "Abyssgaze," or "Cavernwhisper."
Scientific Name
Geographic Distribution
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