Jiao Language Language in Rolara | World Anvil

Jiao Language (zhueǐ /ʈʂwei̯˧˥/)

The Language of Jiaohai, Kimokotan and Jeonbye - Zhuei

Natively known as: zhueǐ /ʈʂwei̯˧˥/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
faǔ zing ya lo pe pǐn lo faǔ o ūr î wân ya lo haǔ
Pronunciation: /fau̯˧˥ ʦi˧ŋ jɛ˧ lʊ˧ pʰə˧ pʰi˧˥n lʊ˧ fau̯˧˥ o˧ u˥ʐ i˥˩ wa˥˩n jɛ˧ lʊ˧ xau̯˧˥/
Jiao word order: and hat his holding stood he and to the wind his face wet turned  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: f j k kʰ l m n p pʰ s t tʰ w x ŋ ɥ ʂ ʂʰ ʈ ʐ ʦ ʦʰ ʨ ʨʰ
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Retroflex Alveolo-palatal Palatal Velar
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop p pʰ t tʰ ʈ k kʰ
Affricate ʦ ʦʰ ʨ ʨʰ
Fricative f s ʂ ʂʰ ʐ x
Approximant j
Lateral approximant l
Co-articulated phonemes
↓Manner/Place→ Labial-palatal Labial-velar
Approximant ɥ w
Vowel inventory: a ai̯ au̯ ei̯ i o ou̯ u y ə ɛ ɤ ʊ   Diphthongs: ai̯ au̯ ei̯ ou̯   Tones: ˧ ˥ ˧˥ ˨˩˦ ˥˩
Front Central Back
High i y u
Near-high ʊ
High-mid ɤ o
Mid ə
Low-mid ɛ
Low a
Syllable structure: Custom defined
Stress pattern: No stress   Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
w u / C_
p b / !_ʰ
k g / !_ʰ
t d / !_ʰ
ʨʰ q
ʦʰ c
ʈʂʰ ch
ʈʂ zh
ʦ z
ʐ r
ŋk nk
ŋ ng
x h
ʂ sh
ɤ e
ə e
ʊ o
y ü / C_
y yu
j y
ʨ j
ɛ a
˥˩ ̂
˧˥ ̌
˨˩˦ ̀
˥ ̄


  Main word order: (Prepositional phrase) Object Verb Subject. “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into With a key the door opened Mary.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned after the noun.
Adposition: prepositions  


Definite yì /ji˨˩˦/ the
Indefinite jō /ʨo˥/ a/some


Nominative laùng /lau̯˨˩˦ŋ/
Accusative aì /ai̯˨˩˦/
Genitive cho /ʈʂʰo˧/
Dative u /u˧/
Locative līng /li˥ŋ/
Ablative zhē /ʈʂɤ˥/
Instrumental o /ʊ˧/


Animate zhu /ʈʂu˧/
Inanimate jing /ʨi˧ŋ/


Singular mǎng /ma˧˥ŋ/
Plural zī /ʦi˥/
Dual zhaǔng /ʈʂau̯˧˥ŋ/
Trial au /au̯˧/


Definite /a˥/ the
Indefinite o /o˧/ a/some


Nominative ir /i˧ʐ/
Accusative fan /fa˧n/
Genitive bi /pi˧/
Dative bô /po˥˩/
Locative waù /wau̯˨˩˦/
Ablative zhěng /ʈʂə˧˥ŋ/
Instrumental baūn /pau̯˥n/


Animate /i˧˥/
Inanimate chuaǔn /ʈʂʰwau̯˧˥n/


Singular zhâ /ʈʂɛ˥˩/
Plural tǖr /tʰy˥ʐ/
Dual gung /ku˧ŋ/
Trial zhā /ʈʂa˥/

Aspect particles

Perfective /a˨˩˦/
Habitual chuè /ʈʂʰwɤ˨˩˦/
Continuous dīr /ti˥ʐ/
Perfect zêng /ʦɤ˥˩ŋ/

Definiteness particles

Definite chuei /ʈʂʰwei̯˧/
Indefinite zhaī /ʈʂai̯˥/

Case particles

Nominative /i˧˥/
Accusative bī /pi˥/
Genitive deīng /tei̯˥ŋ/
Dative ǒr /ʊ˧˥ʐ/
Locative chǎng /ʈʂʰa˧˥ŋ/
Ablative zhü̂ /ʈʂy˥˩/
Instrumental yeīng /jei̯˥ŋ/

Gender particles

Animate wǔ /wu˧˥/
Inanimate zhung /ʈʂu˧ŋ/

Mood particles

Indicative dè /tə˨˩˦/
Conditional /ɤ˧˥/
Subjunctive wē /wɤ˥/
Imperative fē /fə˥/

Number particles

Singular /a˥˩/
Plural pàn /pʰa˨˩˦n/
Dual dung /tu˧ŋ/
Trial cheìn /ʈʂʰei̯˨˩˦n/

Person particles

1st person dâ /tɛ˥˩/
2nd person chēr /ʈʂʰɤ˥ʐ/
3rd person yǔ /y˧˥/

Tense particles

Remote past tî /tʰi˥˩/
Past mi /mi˧/
Present yî /ji˥˩/
Future bì /pi˨˩˦/
Remote future rǔ /ʐu˧˥/

Voice particles

Active nìn /ni˨˩˦n/
Passive ɥaǔng /ɥau̯˧˥ŋ/


2nd person nà /na˨˩˦/ you, yours, you all, yours (pl)
3rd person lo /lʊ˧/ he, she, him, her, his, hers, it, its, they, them, theirs


Singular yoū /jou̯˥/ I, me, mine, you, yours, he, she, him, her, his, hers, it, its
Plural sha /ʂa˧/ we, us, ours, you all, yours (pl), they, them, theirs
Dual shê /ʂɤ˥˩/
Trial gâ /kɛ˥˩/


Neuter yu /ju˧/
Animate /ɤ˨˩˦/
Inanimate zhuaîn /ʈʂwai̯˥˩n/


Nominative fìn /fi˨˩˦n/ I, you, he, she, it, we, you all, they
Accusative an /ɛ˧n/ me, you, him, her, it, us, you all, them
Genitive chuā /ʈʂʰwa˥/ mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs
Dative sha /ʂɛ˧/ me, you, him, her, it, us, you all, them
Locative hèng /xə˨˩˦ŋ/
Ablative du /tu˧/ me, you, him, her, it, us, you all, them
Instrumental ba /pa˧/

Noun gender

Animate Prefix fɤ˥-
fēshoùng /fɤ˥ʂou̯˨˩˦ŋ/
Inanimate Prefix o˧-
oshoùng /o˧ʂou̯˨˩˦ŋ/

Noun definiteness

Definite No affix
shoùng /ʂou̯˨˩˦ŋ/ the dog
Indefinite Reduplicate last part of last syllable
shoùngoùng /ʂou̯˨˩˦ŋou̯˨˩˦ŋ/ a dog

Noun number

Singular No affix
shoùng /ʂou̯˨˩˦ŋ/ dog
Plural Reduplicate last part of last syllable
shoùngoùng /ʂou̯˨˩˦ŋou̯˨˩˦ŋ/ dogs
Dual If starts with vowel: Prefix ʂ-
Else: Prefix ʂɤ˨˩˦-
shèshoùng /ʂɤ˨˩˦ʂou̯˨˩˦ŋ/ two dogs
Trial If starts with vowel: Prefix ʦ-
Else: Prefix ʦi˧-
zishoùng /ʦi˧ʂou̯˨˩˦ŋ/ three dogs

Verb mood

Indicative No affix
jeì /ʨei̯˨˩˦/ learn
Conditional Prefix o˧-
ojeì /o˧ʨei̯˨˩˦/ would learn
Subjunctive If starts with vowel: Prefix x-
Else: Prefix xa˧-
hajeì /xa˧ʨei̯˨˩˦/ learn
Imperative Prefix ʂei̯˨˩˦-
sheìjeì /ʂei̯˨˩˦ʨei̯˨˩˦/ learn! (command)


  Jiao has a base-20 number system:   1 -
2 - wě
3 - shi
4 - zha
5 - ɥē
6 - sā
7 - jù
8 - ɥō
9 - mǖr
10 - wa
11 - mēn
12 - chuì
13 - shoûr
14 - hōn
15 - yōn
16 - mān
17 - jeī
18 - cheīqǚ
19 - nîn
20 - boūngjeî
(Four) hundred - lō
(Eight) thousand - cō  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Suffix -a˥˩
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix x-
Else: Prefix xi˧˥-
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Prefix ɤ˧-
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix k-
Else: Prefix ky˧-
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -nxou̯˧˥
Else: Suffix -ɛ˧˥nxou̯˧˥
Noun to verb = If starts with vowel: Prefix n-
Else: Prefix no˧-
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Suffix -ei̯˥˩
Tending to = Prefix i˧-
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ŋkwi˧˥
Else: Suffix -ai̯˥ŋkwi˧˥
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Suffix -i˥n
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ŋ
Else: Suffix -ai̯˥ŋ
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = If starts with vowel: Prefix ʈʂ-
Else: Prefix ʈʂy˨˩˦-
Diminutive = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ŋly˨˩˦
Else: Suffix -ɛ˥ŋly˨˩˦
Augmentative = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʐ
Else: Suffix -i˧ʐ

Geographical Distribution

This language and its many varied dialects are used across Ofica and Iamea

The Difficulties of Translation


3096 Words.
Jiao, or more accurately, Zheui is difficult to translate to the common tongues. There is little recognition of gender; instead, sentence structure refers to whether or not the nouns are animate or inanimate, and some of the rules don't apply universally. Further, there are many vastly different words that are expressed with the same syllable, but only tonally different. The language requires context even in reading, and there are tales of Laws being misinterpreted to interesting effect.


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