Armen Sasounyan

As the current leader of the House of Sasounyan, Armen carries the weight of his lineage with grace and a keen sense of duty. Born in 1502 PE, he is a Half-Elf of 24 winters, known for his sharp mind and charismatic leadership. Armen inherited his position at a young age, after the untimely death of his parents, and has since worked tirelessly to uphold the financial and political legacy of the house.   Armen is a visionary, always looking for ways to innovate and improve the operations of the family business. He is a shrewd negotiator with strong ties to the Mercantorum of Tatharia Regnum and the Tatharian Empire, just as his ancestors before him. Despite the pressure of his responsibilities, Armen never forgets the core values of the House of Sasounyan, emphasizing integrity, hard work, and loyalty.   Although Armen never had the visions that haunted some of his distant relatives, he is deeply curious about the supernatural. He is aware of the mystical legacy intertwined with his family and keeps a keen eye on the unfolding mysteries surrounding the Aermond Royal Family. Armen stands ready to guide his house through any challenges the future may hold, ever the beacon of resilience and ambition.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Armen Sasounyan

First Cousin, once removed (Trivial)

Towards Queen Seraphine



Queen Seraphine

First Cousin, once removed (Trivial)

Towards Armen Sasounyan




They are aware of each other's existence due to letter-writing and careful study of genealogy as part of their upbringing, but ultimately they've never met, never expect to, nor have they any inkling as to the personality or appearance of the other beyond a handful of formal letters.

Neutral Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
1502 PE 25 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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