
n the hidden recesses of the Tatharian Empire's swamp, where the muck clings to the roots of ancient trees and the air is filled with the symphony of croaking frogs, there resides a figure of grace and mystery. Pondskipper, a Grung ranger of metallic blue and Gold skin, her bulbous yellow eyes reflecting the wisdom of the wild and the secrets of a life filled with adventure and intrigue.   Her earliest days are a blur, marked by loss and a mysterious blue egg, segmented like snake scales. A relic from her past, a symbol of obedience, and a harbinger of her destiny. The egg, later revealed to be that of a mighty drake named Cliffjumper, became both her dearest friend and greatest ally.   Pondskipper's life took a turn when she encountered Samael, a Human Druid with dirty blonde hair and robes of green, conversing with a squirrel as if it were the most natural thing in the world. His eyes, keen and observant, found hers, and his smile, warm and inviting, broke through her defenses. From that moment, a bond was forged, a friendship blossomed, and Pondskipper found herself growing up amidst the formation of the Order of the Branch and Bramble.   Her skin, shimmering like the surface of a tranquil pond under the moonlight, became a symbol of her connection to the swamp. Her eyes, wide and unblinking, saw the world with a clarity that few possessed. Trained in the art of stealth and precision, she honed her skills with the Shroud, the enigmatic branch of the Order. Her natural Magic, a gift nurtured by the swamp itself, became a tool, a weapon, and a means of communion with the wild.   But it was Cliffjumper, the drake that emerged from the blue egg, that truly defined her. Fierce and loyal, prideful yet loving, he became an extension of Pondskipper herself. Together, they soared through the skies, explored the hidden corners of Rolara, and stood as guardians of the balance between man and nature.   Pondskipper's story is one of resilience, growth, and the unbreakable bond between a Grung and her drake. In her metallic skin and yellow eyes lies the essence of the swamp, the wisdom of the Order, and the heart of a true adventurer. Her name echoes in the songs of the wild, a tribute to a ranger who dared to dream, to explore, and to become a legend in her own right.



Friend (Important)

Towards Pondskipper




Friend (Important)

Towards Lozen




The Unspoken Bond


Lozen and Pondskipper's Complex Relationship

  In the aftermath of their daring escape, Lozen and Pondskipper found themselves bound by more than just shared adversity. A deep respect had formed between them, a foundation upon which further complexities could be built. Lozen, a warrior of indomitable spirit but limited vocabulary for her own emotional landscape, found herself in a unique situation. She could feel love, a deep emotional connection with others, but lacked a physical attraction, a nuance she couldn't easily express.   Pondskipper, on the other hand, felt a growing romantic and physical attraction towards Lozen. The Grung was drawn to the Human's strength, resilience, and the unspoken depths of her character. Yet, Pondskipper was aware that this attraction could not be physically consummated, a realization that added a layer of poignant complexity to her feelings.   Lozen, sensing a deeper connection but not fully grasping its nature, offered her strength to Pondskipper's party as a token of her gratitude and friendship. She saw it as a path to return to her people, to the tribe that roamed the lands she longed for. Pondskipper, touched by the offer, reciprocated with a promise of potential healing. She remembered her mentor, Samael, a mage of incredible power who could regenerate even lost limbs under the right circumstances.   The agreement to seek out Samael for healing became a symbolic pact between them, a mutual commitment to each other's well-being and future. It was an unspoken acknowledgment of the complex emotional terrain they were navigating, a landscape filled with the peaks and valleys of friendship, respect, and unrequited love.   As they set out on their journey, both Lozen and Pondskipper were acutely aware that they were stepping into uncharted emotional territory. Yet, they moved forward, each driven by their own complex motivations and bound by a friendship that was becoming as intricate as it was deep. The road ahead was uncertain, but the promise of discovery—of themselves and each other—made every step worth taking.

Neutral Good
Current Location
Bulbous and Bright Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gold with Metallic Blue Patterns
40 lbs
Aligned Organization


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