Dorsal Tesseract

The Dorsal Tesseract is one of the ten tesseracts which make up the Manifold. Cubes falling within this tesseract are notable for their geological geological stability. This tesseract is considered to lie in the diametrically opposed region of the Manifold to the Ventral Tesseract.


The stability of the Dorsal Tesseract principally manifests as relatively flat terrain features, with small (or even nonexistent) edge and vertex mountains, thin crusts, and a scarcity of heavy metals. As geological activity is limited within the Dorsal Tesseract, erosion is the primary contributor to the creation of terrain features, creating gulches, karst, and the occasional river canyon. In cubes also associated with the Western (wet) Tesseract, flooding is a frequent environmental hazard.   The cubes of the Dorsal Tesseract are connected to adjacent tesseracts through the following inflection layer transits:  
  • Dorsal A to West E
  • Dorsal B to Rostral G
  • Dorsal C to East E
  • Dorsal D to Caudal E
  • Dorsal E to Distal G
  • Dorsal F to South E
  • Dorsal G to Medial E
  • Dorsal H to North E

Fauna & Flora

Because the soil nutrients of the Dorsal Tesseract are seldom refreshed by geophysical activity, plant life has difficulty growing outside of flood plains or the regions near the commissures where runoff accumulates. Trees in this tesseract grow massive root systems to search out deep-lying water and nutrients. Animals living in the Dorsal Tesseract tend to be excellent runners and sprinters to best make use of the wide-open spaces at hand.

Natural Resources

Being relatively poor in flora, fauna, and useful minerals, the most valuable resource the Dorsal tesseract can offer is open space for construction. Structures built on cube layers associated with the Dorsal Tesseract can easily stand the test of time, especially if also associated with Caudal (cold) or Eastern (dry) tesseracts. Research outposts, storehouses, tomb complexes, and monuments are common in Dorsal lands. While the layout of the terrain is conducive to farming, the nutrient-poor soil of the tesseract makes this difficult outside of flood plains.
Alternative Name(s)
Dimensional plane
Location under
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

Articles under Dorsal Tesseract

Cover image: Dorsal Swamp by Artbreeder


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