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The Cradle

Country of the Cradle of Clay

The Cradle is a group of tribes and communities that unite under a single Shaman just north of the Human Empire. This area has dispersed populations that live in communal villages, rural towns, and large ranches that cover acres of rolling hills. Many travelers do not realize they are on the lands of wealthy ranchers or merchants because of how sprawling the landscape is. These open spaces fall under the leadership of established families, with emphasis placed on agriculture and natural magic. The clan that is most recognized boasts a prominent and long-lived line of Shamans that harness the power of the Arcane Geysers. This clan is called the Runestrike Seers, the current head of this clan is Foonro Timblekeen Narveli Runestrike Seer who is well advanced in both age and wisdom. The Grand Elder is known for their intricate storytelling ability and vast memory that contains the stories and clan histories of every elder that came before him. The elders of the Clay Giants are known to have as much oral history in their memories as an ancient Dragon has gathered throughout their lifespan.   Clans in the Cradle rise and fall in prominence due to merit and performance save for the Runestrike Seers who have been the uniting clan of the Cradle for over a thousand years. Their clan has long been the historians that chart seasons, agricultural methods, weather patterns, and larger cycles of the world that go unnoticed by other species. The duties of the Grand Elder involve the preservation of the histories and practices of the peoples that live within the Cradle and those that travel through their lands. Often, even regular clan elders will participate in a ritual with newcomers and travelers that causes them to share stories and histories through a shared visual medium using the smoke from burning Arcane Dust at a low temperature. These visions create a situation where a traveler can withhold information but they cannot present falsehoods. This ritual is highly prized among the Clay Giants because they will not record nor remember a false history.   The Cradle is bordered on the south by the Human Empire, on the north by the Neither Tundra, and on the east by the sea. It extends westward to a great bay that separates it from the Elven Kingdom. They are a major travel destination from the Human Empire and the Dwarven Kingdom because of their expertise in agriculture, animal husbandry, and their numerous exports including Arcane Dust. This item is critical in the refinement of many magical objects including weaponry, armor, scrolls, and potions.   The most common species to see in this area are Clay Giants, Centaurs, Elves, Humans, and Ursakin who live farther to the north. Species that dwell primarily in the water are rare inland due to the cold winters in this part of the world. Despite the long seasons, this area receives strong winter winds and dangerously cold temperatures during parts of the year due to its proximity to the Neither Tundra. They have lax rules on who can travel through the land depending on which clan has a presence in the area. Ranchers are often fine with people passing through as long as they stick to the main roads but have been known to make those that linger move along depending upon their disposition.  

Demographics & Territory

The population of the Cradle is transient and ever-changing during the summer months, with trade and travel flowing rather freely. The Human Empire and the Dwarven Kingdom enjoy nearly unrestricted relations with this culture as ancestral neighbors. The enduring population of the Cradle is made of of 70% Clay Giants, 10% Elves, 10% Centaurs, and the remaining is a mixture of other species including Animal Kingdom races. It was once thought that the Lycanthrope clans still inhabited this area but it has since been difficult to prove. Species is a trait that means little if you belong to one of the clans, especially during the harsh winter months when there is work to be done. Dragons are a common sight in the far north, they have an interest in the Arcane Geysers and in the star reading of the Centaurs.   The Cradle is filled with sprawling rural populations that focus

Quick Facts

Population Breakdown
Clay Giants
Other Races
Other Information
Common Flora
Cradled Wheat
Common Fauna
around ranching or geyser collectors in one way or another. Settlements are generally centered around the grand house of a Clan Elder or a prominent family in an area. It is more correct to say that Clay Giant 'towns' are really just large estates and manors that have leased land to businesses. The Cradle is geographically positioned just south of the Neither Tundra, it touches the coast with its eastern edge and nearly reaches Lake Idryl with its western. The southern border touches both the Human Empire and the Great Furnaces from which they often cut timber. Despite the large amount of land, the Cradle enjoys a quieter life and smaller concentrations of population than its neighboring countries do. Despite having a coastline, they have little interest in naval ventures due to the jagged cliffs on the eastern side of the continent, necessitating most goods be shipped over land with some exotic items coming by sea through the use of pulley systems and cliffside settlements.   Taxes are not levied or annexed centrally in the Cradle. Power is held in the large ranches and homesteads that permeate the area. Some clans tax others or lease them land in exchange for a percentage of their yield from crops, ranching, or other ventures. Others become workers on these estates that can range for miles upon miles of open land and earn a good living, some taking up residence under the roof of a clan permanently. The uniting clan, the Runestrikers have dominion over laws that apply throughout their entire country and over work efforts. They can call upon a percentage of labor from an estate in an area or within the entire Cradle to make projects happen that benefit the whole of their society or summon Warriors and unite them under a common cause. Law is enforced through the honor of Clan Elders and their influence with a sophisticated system of courts, rankings, and affluence based upon the history and merit of a clan's accomplishments.  
Insignia of the Cradle
Insignia of the Cradle by Crest via Armoria, created by RiverFang
The symbol of the Cradle is the heated iron shoe. Much of their culture and commerce revolves around the herds and animals that they have raised over the vast years in the north. When the Removal of the Weak occurred among the hierarchy of Giants, the Clay Giants were initially branded as a target of oppression among their stronger kin. Despite having a high intellect, their status fell to that of Trolls and Ogres in the hierarchy which remains a source of contention. When the Clay Giants carved out their own expertise in the world, they always displayed their symbol as a heated iron shoe to symbolize the ire and drive that they felt to become something more after being trampled upon. The holes symbolize the 8 prominent clans that helped to tame the wild north and create the borders that are known today. The Runestrike Seers are not counted among these and are instead said to be the shoe itself that binds the clans together. This symbol can commonly be found on currency, chests, crates, and other surfaces that can be carved or engraved when it leaves their country as an export.


Every Clay Giant sees themselves as a protector and a Warrior of their Clan. This is a great pride that has been instilled in their people since ancient times. There is no standing military in the Cradle, instead, there are functional fighting forces that are employed or trained throughout the Cradle at the expense or favor of influential clans. The more tactically minded Clan Elders often take great care to focus on their fighting forces, ensuring a great deal of training in mounted combat that makes use of the sprawling landscape in the Cradle. The largest fighting force belongs to the Runestrikers because it levies a portion of all forces employed to influential clans on a rotational basis to allow for cross-training and understanding of the myriad of relations across the country.   Each fighting force is specialized to the needs of the clan that employs them, ranging from purely Clay Giant clansmen to a mixture of mercenaries and assorted species that make their home on one of the larger ranches. Despite this, there are a few similarities across these forces including a focus on mounted combat and ambush tactics. These forces are generally led by a Shaman or a tactician who is empowered with divine magic. They often specialize in large-scale battlefield influences including terrain and weather manipulation or curses and blessings that affect wide but specific populations. They are known for meticulous planning and logistical supply of their forces that enable long, dug-in conflicts especially when it comes to defending or delaying attackers in a given area.  

Foreign Relations

The Cradle has strong diplomatic ties with the Human Empire, the Elven Kingdom, and the Dwarven Kingdom. Often functioning as a northern crossroads, the Cradle has cultivated a strong trade market with the countries around it. Their farther-reaching relations include the Fairy King's Wood, Coastland, and some ocean-based settlements off the eastern coast of the mainland. They do not often send envoys to lands more distant than these as their specialties tend to have greater application on the Northern Continent itself. Their strongest relation is the Human Empire which has been their historical ally in conflicts with Giants from the north.   Most trade conducted by the Cradle takes place overland instead of using the Great Tunnel due to its geographic location. That combined with the stature of most Clay Giants means that most trade takes place traditionally through the use of caravans on the surface of the continent. If trade goes further than what can be accomplished feasibly, they will exercise trade deals with the Human Empire which has a much wider web of trade transportation.   The Cradle sends envoys to various countries that rotate on a five-year basis. These are considered diplomatic pilgrimages that enhance the relations between the Cradle and other nations. These diplomats are generally the heirs to large ranches or up-and-coming Clan Elders who need to learn about the wider world. These Clay Giants learn about new technologies, wider diplomatic webs beyond their country, and how they can improve their own country. The areas that have constant, rotating diplomatic pilgrimages are the Human Empire, the Elven Kingdom, the Dwarven Kingdom, and Coastland. They have not spread strong ties further south or across the sea to the Southern Continent because of the distance and logistical challenges involved but they are still involved in the wider global economy as the only exporter of Arcane Dust in the world. The Fairy King has recently petitioned to have his country included in such pilgrimages as well in order to allow Clay Giants access to study the ecology and possible agricultural opportunities in the Wandering Forest. The Geas that the Fairy King enacts over his land have also been a subject of interest to the Runestrikers due to how it holds sway over a large area all at once.
The Cradle does not have a seat on the High Council of the Arcane because their focus on magic is generally turned towards nature, the divine, and widespread atmospheric control. Despite this, they are considered the authority in their field when it comes to battlefield magic that determines not only the conditions but also the pace of battle as it unfolds over a large area. The study of magic is not common, often reserved for those aspiring to become Shamans or community leaders after a tradition in their clan. The most commonly saturated knowledge in the Cradle involves handling mounts and detailed knowledge of weather conditions along with their impacts on various activities.  

Government Bodies

There are three levels of government in the Cradle, they are tiered from lowest to highest.  


Those who own a sizeable amount of land, enough to graze and maintain two thousand Tatanka, are considered to have immediate authority over their land and those who live on it. Land ownership is an indicator of status, though the amount of land is the deciding factor for self-governance. Those that own less land will fall under the leadership of their Clan Elders or family elders more directly while those that meet the requirement can enforce the laws of the land and claim a banner for their own fighting forces. These Ranchers are able to carry out every penalty and judgment of the law as it concerns their land and those on it up to the point of capital punishment, which is deferred to Clan Elders and their higher court systems.   Ranchers are not able to enter into formal contracts with organizations or other countries without the approval of their Clan Elder. It is heavily emphasized that they are able to speak for no one but themselves when they travel abroad. In conflicts, their fighting forces may be summoned by Clan Elders or they may be allotted tasks to assist in the improvement of the country by Clan Elders. Ranchers have the ability to lease parts of their land and levy taxes in accordance with the laws of their clan.  

Clan Elders

For those that are at the head of a minor or major clan, there is no requirement to own a certain amount of land but it is often an expectation that they own the most influential ranch in their clan. There are many clans and several branches that exist throughout the Cradle, all of them have someone who is acknowledged as an elder whether it be patriarch or matriarch. They are responsible for overseeing the activities of all ranchers and estates that fall under their family name. These elders can enforce laws and hold court hearings, the level of court is dictated by the amount of power and affluence awarded to them by the Runestrike Seers which can range from lower courts that handle offenses up to those deserving capital punishment among their citizens to higher courts that deal with international affairs and punishments for those that do not belong to their country. Clan Elders can levy special instructions about how fighting forces are trained and direct the priorities of ranches and estates that directly belong to their clan.   This status is often seen as equal to those who become diplomats for the country because Clan Elders can enter into deals with organizations and entities outside of the country, while they cannot make promises on behalf of other clans, they can freely support agreements within their level of influence without oversight. In conflicts, they are often logistical hubs that can account for large formations of organized fighting forces and run many battlefield logistics even if they are incapable of taking to the battlefield themselves. Clan Elders have the ability to alter leases, contracts, and change taxes as long as they do not clash with overarching laws of the country.  

Grand Elder

The head of the Runestrike Seers Clan is often referred to as the Grand Elder, they have all the qualifications and experience of a regular Clan Elder but they are tasked with looking after the country as a whole. Much of the Runestrike Seers Clan is devoted to treating the entire country as if it were part of their clan and advising the elders. This position passes to the most qualified member of the family upon the passing of the current Grand Elder. Some Clay Giants have been appointed to this position during the prime of their life though none have taken it as a youth. As the uniting member of all clans, the Grand Elder has dominion over laws and courts that preside throughout the Cradle and can change them through organized processes and councils convened with the major Clan Elders. They can also direct a percentage of labor and materials from the estates within the land for projects and efforts that benefit the whole of the country such as roads, dams, defenses, diplomatic pilgrimages, and fighting forces during times of conflict.   The Grand Elder also sets the merit and precedence of other clans, judging their level of influence by their accomplishments and historical merit. Moving up or down in station in the Cradle is not an easy task as it often takes many generations of consistent growth or success for a clan to gain recognition beyond economic success. The Grand Elder also stands as an appeal of last resort in extreme court cases of high controversy and is the only one with the authority to meet leaders of foreign countries and make agreements on behalf of the Cradle.
Founding Date
195,000 IM
Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Items
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


This area worships Rerena as its primary deity as the goddess of agriculture, it is said she has acted as their patron deity since the Removal of the Weak. It is said that the first Runestrike Seer met with Rerena and acted as a Shaman of her religion, where the Clay Giants cultivated an immense amount of wisdom in how to care for crops and animals. Other popular deities in the area include Ygg, Dern, and Lycana who are often worshipped as adjacent deities that deal with harvest and nature. The Pantheon of Life is considered to be the most important one in this area due to the ancestral ties of the Clay Giants. Small temples in this area will be exclusively dedicated to Rerena and cared for by an appointment family member of a Clan Elder who has an interest in divine study while large temples are dedicated more broadly to the Pantheon of Life with an area set aside for the worship of Dern due to the relation that the Cradle has with the Human Empire. Small temples are found on most estates while Clan Elders maintain temples on their larger ranches as a general rule. The iconography of Rerena or other Pantheon of Life deities is displayed often as a muted or background design, often in faded colors or as pieces of other tapestries and artwork that include the Tatanka and native landscapes.


The specific currency used within the Standard Metal Value system for the Cradle is called Shoes. Instead of being shaped like a round or edged coin, these are actually small shoes made of various metals. The Clay Giants are also the only country that makes an oversized coin due to their stature which have been divided into two denominations, small Shoes that are the same weight and approximate size as a coin from other countries and regular Shoes that are ten times the weight of a small one. These regular Shoes have the weight to equal ten coins from their neighboring countries.   These coins are common to find in countries throughout the Northern Continent, most prominently in the Human Empire and more recently common in Coastland. The coins are not widely collected, despite having a unique shape they do not display dates or craftsmanship marks. The reason is that any clan can mint their own coins from metal in their possession, so in the effort of favoring no clan there are no identifying marks. It is not uncommon for denominations of high value to be blessed by a divine magic practitioner and hung over the inside of a door to the main house of a clan. This coin is often a gift to mark a meeting between two important friends or a promise between two people. Breaking that relation or promise is said to result in cracking the coin in half and causing misfortune to befall the clan for a season while maintaining it is said to bring prosperity and good luck.

Character flag image: Banner of the Cradle by Crest via Armoria, created by RiverFang

Intense Magic

... 1 IM

The world was defined by expansive magic that dominated all parts of life before the Eldritch War erased peoples and places from history.

  • 901,000 IM
    Creation of the Divine Races

    Soon after the Pantheons of Isekai first found the world, they chose to create children to be the keepers of wisdom. First would come the Ancient Fey, brought forth by the goddess Lycana, children of nature that would call every inch of Isekai their home. Next came the Djinn, children of Olik, made to understand all things from the depths of the world to the heavens and any other realm that their paths may cross. Then came the Sphinxes, children of Sotark and Ivala, keepers of all wisdom and understanding. Finally the Metallic Dragons were created by Kallex in his image to be the protectors of this world and the destroyers of evil. Each of the Divine Races were created as keepers and protectors, their near-immortality marking them as nearly gods.

  • 800,000 IM
    Birth of the First Fey Descendants

    As the Divine Races became settled in their roles, some decided to bring forth their own children to populate the land. The Giants were the first, descendants of the Ancient Fey, but far larger and greedier than their ancestors. These large people roamed where they pleased, seeking power and stature in any way necessary.

    Neither Tundra
    Additional timelines
  • 775,000 IM
    Evolution of the Giants

    The descendants of the Ancient Fey, the Giants took to changing and adapting to better fit their environments. As the years passed and the large race wandered, soon eight groups of Giants appeared.   The Cloud Giants preferred tall peaks, their homes amongst the clouds. Fire Giants made their homes where the earth was hot, spouting molten rock or burning water. Hill Giants called the rolling hills of the world home, digging huts in the dirt. Ice Giants preferred the farmost northern and southern reaches, thriving in the snow and ice. Stone Giants enjoyed the silence of deep mountains and the underground, surrounding themselves with miles of rock. Giants of Storm, Clay, and Leaf made their homes anywhere, often wandering as the need arose.

    Neither Tundra
    Additional timelines
  • 727,000 IM
    Hierarchy of the Giants
    Cultural event

    All Giants longed for power and stature, no matter where they called home or which group they were apart of. Soon after their evolution, the Giants began fighting constantly, hoping to establish some type of hierarchy that would prove which of the groups was best suited to lead the race.

  • 503,000 IM
    Challenge of the Lake
    Cultural event

    Once the many races of Giants established themselves across the world, many began to fight amongst themselves. It was determined that a challenge would be held to establish a Hierarchy upon which the Kingdom of Giants would be built.   The strongest of each race of Giants traveled to Lake Idryl where the challenge was to skip a large piece of shale across the surface of the lake for the longest distance. Each representative of the eight races of Giants attempted the challenge, with clear winners and losers being determined.   The Hierarchy was established with Storm Giants residing above Cloud Giants, Cloud Giants above Fire Giants, Fire Giants above Ice Giants, Ice Giants above Stone Giants, Stone Giants above Hill Giants, and Hill Giants above all other kin, the Clay Giants and the Leaf Giants.

    Lake Idryl
  • 202,000 IM
    First Appearance of the Giant Language
    Cultural event

    Several hundred years before the Elder Races first stepped foot on the world, instances of a somewhat archaic and simple language could be found in places that Giants inhabitted. This was the first appearance of the Giant language, but the script would change over time after the Giants met the Dwarves.

    Neither Tundra
    Additional timelines
  • 200,000 IM
    Creation of the Elder Races

    Millennia after the first child of the Pantheons of Isekai entered the world, some of the gods wished for more children, ones that would be mortal and live short lives compared to the Divine Races. These children would spread across the world, questing for magic and knowledge with their insatiable curiosity. First came the Elves, children of Lycana like the Ancient Fey before them, born from nature and serving the goddess as stewards. Next can the Humans, short-lived lives created by Dern with reaching potentials and unending curiousity. Last were the Dwarves, born from the forge of Crommel to be stout and hardworking, not nearly as soft as the other Elder Races. The creation of the Elder Races marked the beginning of mortal races, the Descendants of Dragons, the Animal Kingdom, and all other reasonable races that populated the world of Isekai.

  • 200,000 IM
    Challenge of Dern
    Military action

    The Giants wandered much of the world, but the appearance of the Elder Races would drive them from many of their ancestral homelands. When the god Dern chose to create his children, the Humans, in the Great Plains, the Giants challenged him.   It is said that the god's wrath was kindled, the sun grew in size and ferocity until the ground lit aflame. With the god's show of prowess, the Giants chose not to fight the god and instead retreated from the Great Plains.

    Great Plains
    Additional timelines
  • 200,000 IM
    Removal of the Weak
    Cultural event

    After the Challenge of Dern and the hierarchy set at the Challenge of the Lake, many of the Giants realized that those at the bottom of the hierarchy, the Clay Giants and the Leaf Giants, were not strong enough to be considered as part of the Kingdom of Giants. As part of an event that would become known as the Removal of the Weak, the Clay Giants and Leaf Giants were banished from the Kingdom of Giants and left to wander the world without a home.

  • 195,000 IM
    Settlement of the Cradle
    Population Migration / Travel

    After centuries of wandering the Northern Continent, the Clay Giants finally found a home to call their own. North of the home of the Humans, the Clay Giants established there home in the hills between the Humans and the Giants. This new home would be called the Cradle of Clay, a land of rolling hills, lush plains, and the magical Arcane Geysers.

    Cradle of Clay
  • 194,975 IM to 194,970 IM
    Building of the Arena at the Hills of Vollan
    Construction beginning/end

    The Hills of Vollan were first found by one of the traveling Shamans due to their beauty, but this area would soon become important to all who called the Cradle of Clay home. Over the course of five years, an arena was built into the side of hills to hold the Vollan Rue, a competition held every three years that showcased growth and progression for those that participated.

    Hills of Vollan
  • 194,900 IM
    First Relations
    Diplomatic action

    Once the Clay Giants had made a home for themselves in the Cradle of Clay, they worked to establish relations with their neighbors to the south in the Human Empire. Early relations between the groups were somewhat strained due to the events of the Challenge of Dern, but Humans soon realized that the Clay Giants had little in common with the Giants who once tried to invade the Great Plains.

    Cradle of Clay
    Additional timelines
  • 181,700 IM
    The Great Fire
    Disaster / Destruction

    Due to a heavy lightning storm in the summer, the Cradle of Clay was set ablaze. This fire burned for months, encompassing all land in the Cradle of Clay west of the Snowrun River. To the north, the fire slowly stopped as it reached the frozen edges of the Neither Tundra, but the southern border was not as lucky.   Without the aid of the Human Empire, the fire would have continued into the Traveler's Grass of the Great Plains. The Empire supplied tools and manpower that when paired with the Clay Giants' knowledge of the terrain and weather, allowed the fire to be suppressed quickly, before it spread beyond the Cradle of Clay.

    Cradle of Clay
  • 180,000 IM
    Domestication of the Black Stout
    Geological / environmental event

    Many wild herds roamed the Cradle of Clay, including a breed of cattle that would be named the Black Stout. After many years, the Clay Giants successfully domesticated these cattle to be used for a variety of things in their villages. Most villages now keep a small herd of Black Stout.

    Cradle of Clay
  • 165,000 IM
    Domestication of the Tante
    Geological / environmental event

    Another of the wild herds that roamed the Cradle of Clay were the Tante. These large beasts were little more than oversized cattle with thicker fur and greater survival rates during the colder months. As these animals required less constant care than the Black Stout and could roam more freely without free of predators, the Clay Giants eventually domesticated these creatures to be used in the far northern villages.

    Cradle of Clay
  • 160,000 IM to 159,700 IM
    Axiom's Gaze
    Diplomatic action

    The Centaurs ended their long pilgrimage of following the stars from the Fairy King's Wood to the Cradle of Clay and make favorable relations with the Shaman of the Cradle. They are inducted as official residents of the area and begin construction on Axiom's Gaze, a large stone formation that assists in the observation of stars in the open air. Construction of the structure persists for 300 years and stands to commemorate the alliance made by these two races.

    Cradle of Clay
  • 152,000 IM
    First Appearance of the Tatanka
    Geological / environmental event

    After breeding the wild Tante for centuries, the Clay Giants eventually established a smaller breed of the creatures known as Tatanka. These cow-like creatures had thick fur and hides, thrived in the colder temperatures of the northern, and required little supervision. While the ancient Tante often stood nine feet at the shoulder, the newly bred Tatanka were only five and a half to six feet tall at the shoulder.

    Cradle of Clay
  • 148,000 IM
    Export of Arcane Dust Begins
    Diplomatic action

    While the Clay Giants had found the Arcane Geysers in the early days of their settlement of the Cradle of Clay, it was many centuries before the properties of Arcane Dust became known to the wider world. With great demand, the Clay Giants began exporting Arcane Dust across Vóreios, often to magic academies. Over the following centuries, this exportation would expand to other areas and peoples.

    Cradle of Clay
  • 139,000 IM
    Naming of a New Shaman
    Cultural event

    Erbus Ticktin Fallounic was a well-known Shaman that became the leader of the Cradle. His beliefs changed how tribes and those living in the Cradle of Clay were organized as well as what duties the Cradle fulfilled as a governing body.

    Cradle of Clay
  • 50,000 IM
    Silence of the Gods
    Era beginning/end

    The Pantheons of Isekai had been a large part of the world for millennia, giving aid and their guidance. It is unknown why, but the gods suddenly withdrew from the world, watching Isekai and its peoples from afar. Many believe that a disagreement between the gods caused this withdrawal, while others believe that the lack of the gods' presence is punishment for some great slight against the gods.

  • 5000 IM
    Line of the Tundra
    Military action

    The Elven Kingdom, along with the Clay Giants and the Humans, drew a line that the Giants could not cross. This line would confine the Giants to the Neither Tundra and the frozen northern reaches of Vóreios.   The Line of the Tundra would eventually cause small skirmishes and a war that the Elves, Humans, and Clay Giants fought together to keep the Giants out of their homelands.

    Neither Tundra
  • 4000 IM to 3500 IM
    Giant Wars
    Military: War

    After nearly a millennia of being forced into the northern reaches of Vóreios, the Giants chose to expand southward again, setting fire to the Elven Forest and crossing part of the Spine of Kallex. While the Giants did not stay long in the mountains as they feared the ancient Dragons, a war was begun between the Giants, the Elves, the Humans, and the Clay Giants as all worked to secure their territories from the enemy.

    Neither Tundra
  • 3500 IM
    Krojak's End
    Military action

    After 500 years of skirmishes and small battles, the Giant Wars would finally come to an end at Krojak's End. The prince of the Cloud Giants, Krojak, led a campaign against the northern border of the Elven Forest that raged throughout the winter. Many lost their lives, eventually leading to the Knights of Yggdrasil making a last stand.   The leader of the Knights of Yggdrasil made a stand against the Giant prince using a blade enchanted by the Elven King. With a powerful blow, the Elf struck down the Giant, essentially ending the Giant Wars. Since this victory, the Giants have not strayed far out of the Neither Tundra, but it is said that eventually they will attempt to spread across the world again.

    Krojak's End

Eldritch Aftermath

1 EA and beyond

From the beginning of the Eldritch War, through its end and beyond in time, Isekai was irrevocably changed as the Eldritch beings decimated thousands of years of history.

  • 1 EA

    100 EA

    Eldritch War
    Era beginning/end

    A Warlock who longed for power reached too far into the dark magics of the world, allowing Eldritch beings to enter the planes of Isekai to wreak havoc. For 100 years, the peoples of Isekai battled these creatures, eventually sealing them away, but not before great destruction was inflicted upon the world. Entire races were lost, once verdant and fertile places were turned into Deadzones, and the monsters of the world became more adventurous.

  • 1 EA
    First Appearance of the Black Children
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Creatures and horrors appeared after the end of the Eldritch War, remnants of the dark magic that had blanketed the world for a century. One of the many phenomena that came from the war were the Black Children, a myth of men that had gained unspeakable powers, things that seemed impossible even with magic. Most believed the Black Children to be nothing more than a fairy tale to raise the spirits of children, but no one was quite sure whether the myths were true.

  • 27 EA

    Founding of STORY
    Cultural event

    As the beginning of the Eldritch War brought with it the decimation of people and places, the Clay Giants and their Shamans saw a need to preserve the histories of people told through oral traditions, not written on a page. Amongst the tribes of the Cradle, a historical society of sorts, known as Story Telling of Olden Rarities of Yesteryear, was formed as a way to begin preserving these oral traditions. Eventually, the society would expand to have all Giantkin that had been expelled from the Kingdom of Giants and would preserve stories for all on the Northern Continent.

    Cradle of Clay


Author's Notes

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Nov 16, 2023 19:18 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The Cradle is one of my favourite places to read about in Isekai, and this was no exception. Nice to get some more overall knowledge about it.

Nov 17, 2023 02:06

Love the layout!

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