Descendants of Dragons Myth in Isekai | World Anvil

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Descendants of Dragons

The Descendants of Dragons are a rare breed among the world of Isekai, at one point in time they were nearly as plentiful as the Elder Races but constant warring among themselves thinned their numbers dramatically. These creatures fell into three distinct categories with an incredible amount of variety mixed in between them all. These creatures are likened to a spark or a robust flower by the gods, despite their incredible aptitude they do not retain the long lives of their ancestors and live a mortal existence alongside the other races of the world. While not absent from the world they reside primarily on the Southern Continent of Isekai and appear on the Northern Continent only as travelers or small communities. The main categories of draconic descendants are called:   Metallic Dragonborn
Chromatic Dragonborn
Dragonkin   These races retain natural gifts associated with their draconic lineage with at least 12 varieties within each race that each sport differing features based upon their direct lineage. For each Metallic Dragonborn, there is the possibility to be descended from any of the 12 Metallic Dragons subspecies and the same can be said for the Chromatic Dragonborn as their lineage can come from any of the 12 Chromatic Dragon subspecies. The Dragonkin are an entirely different species than the first two which arguably have a shared heritage betwixt the draconic god Kallex and the demonic entity that gave life to and inhabited his shadow, Xellak. Dragonkin have the ability to be descended from any known Metallic or Chromatic Dragon subspecies.   While Dragonborn have hardly ever been worshiped, even during the early days of their appearance, the same cannot be said for Dragonkin which still hold a place as Myth in many areas of Isekai due to their rarity. Lastly, it should be noted that the descendants of dragons share no heritage with Lizardfolk nor with creatures of Fey descent despite any similarities that may exist between examples of these species.


Of the three races, it is believed that Metallic Dragonborn came into the world first, followed by Chromatic Dragonborn and then finally Dragonkin appeared in the world much later. The date that the first Dragonborn appeared in history about 10,000 years after the appearance of the Elder Races around the year 190,000 I.M. but aside from this, scholars seem to disagree on most details. This Dragonborn was of the Metallic variety and sported bronze scales, this person grew to some influence on the Southern Continent and was known to have advanced physical abilities and a natural talent for magic that rivaled that of an actual dragon.   Dragonborn are the result of the mingled bloodlines of Humans and Dragons generally. Due to being beings of incredible magical power, dragons have the ability to polymorph for practically unlimited amounts of time and pass themselves off as any other race to live among them. In this manner, Dragonborn of the Metallic and Chromatic variety came into being. Some cults and sects worshiped dragons, some were brought under their rule, others found themselves living in fear and subjugation for as valiant and majestic as Metallic Dragons are their counterparts the Chromatic Dragons are just as evil and cruel. Needless to say, the existence of an entirely new race was not received well by all, some welcomed them as amazing people of Isekai gifted with magic while some feared and shunned their existence. Along with this, the preconceived notions of other races encouraged the ostracizing of Chromatic Dragonborn regardless of the fact that they held no predisposition to evil and Metallic Dragonborn held no inherent goodness beyond that of any other race.   The characteristics of Dragonborn made them naturally gifted in many areas to include physical combat and natural magic. While taking after the stature and general build of the non-draconic lineage their features will be exaggerated, even females having an extra foot of height and an incredible muscular structure. Their draconic lineage dictates the color of their scales, the shape of their face, breath weapon, claws, and elemental resistances as every Metallic and Chromatic Dragon resists the energy of their own breath weapon. Draconic lineage is a dominant trait, so it becomes the sole mystical factor in the traits of an individual regardless of what their non-draconic lineage stemmed from. In addition, it should be noted that only the Elder Races have demonstrated the ability to mingle with the lineage of dragons and produce Dragonborn. In almost all cases offspring between a Dragon and any species aside from Elves, Humans, and Dwarfs is impossible. Even secondary offspring between that of a Dragonborn and another race aside from Elves, Humans, and Dwarfs are also considered impossible and offspring between Dragonborn and one of the Elder Races will always produce Dragonborn.   Dragonkin are the result of the mingled bloodlines of unknown species and Dragons, likely to be the rarest of creatures in the world and thought to be myth by most. Any accounts of their existence taken seriously record them as beings on par with a demi-god through the use of their natural talents. These people were said to have appeared to be physically identical to Humans or Elves but with a physiology that was a perfect conduit for draconic energy. Much in the same way that a Steel Dragon harnesses all their power in whatever form that they may choose a Dragonkin can also learn to access draconic might, a unique power that grants them the abilities of their draconic lineage without the need to change shape. Other information suggests that they are shapeshifters with power beyond that of a druid and can learn to take the form of a full draconic body. Conflicting ideas over the details of their existence and their capabilities have classified them as either extinct or myth from ancient times but their first mention in history was around the year 150,000 I.M. where they receive note in the histories of various cultures briefly and sporadically until the year 40,000 I.M. when all mention of them ceases.   While the offspring of Dragons and other races are not strictly prohibited by most cultures it is considered unfavorable among Metallic Dragons and makes the appearance of any first-generation Dragonborn an incredible rarity.

Historical Basis

The existence and origin of Dragonborn find a mark in the history of the Elder Races. Their existence has long been accepted though some preconceived notions and judgment about the race exist in various cultures. Primarily, Dragonborn are more plentiful on the Southern Continent and their histories often reflect a blending of the various lineages that they have come from. The origins of Draconic Descendants are considered fact among scholars and there is little to argue aside from the exact date of their emergence as opposed to the argument over the existence of Dragonkin whether historical or modern.


The origins of Dragonborn are widespread and known to all civilizations, even those residing under the seas. The only difference to be found in cultures is whether they believe in the existence of Dragonkin or not and from what type of lineage that they came from.
Date of Setting
190,000 I.M.


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