Yenaria Day 3764-3863: The Delfic alliance and the Yenari Empire in Didome | World Anvil

Yenaria Day 3764-3863: The Delfic alliance and the Yenari Empire

The 2nd navel war, also called The Marble War, was mainly fought between the The Yenishar Associated Cities and the The United Ire. However early in the war, the The United Ire fleet was recalled from Delnari leaving a large United Ire army trying to restore order in the rebellious city of Delnari. The Middle Yenari Empire saw an oppurtunity to retake control of the Strepslim by recapturing Delnari. The empire quick regained Delnari and started preparing to aid the The Yenishar Associated Cities in the war.   However two things happened at once, the Delfi leading the Northern Tresbort Cities declared Independence, and the Tern Bas led by Kallis Ternvic sweep in from the plains of the upper Strepslim. The city of Yeni fell within a day and the Tern Bas continued capturing costal cities. Due to Nil's defensive location they did not seige it. Instead they crossed the Strepslim and moved towards Delnari. The city quickly agreed to join the Tern Bas for independence in trading and access to Lake Resbort. Seeing the brutality of the Tern Bas the Delfian cities realized the mistake they made in declaring independence, and with the Tern Bas poised to cross the Den Shar and attack Delfi the cities formed theUnited Delfic Alliance to oppose the Tern Bas.   The attack on Delfi never came because the Tern Bas army became mired in the Den Shar and suffered massive losses. However, rumorcirculated that Kallis Ternvic met with the Denites and came to a mutual understanding. With the Tern Bas army devastated, Kallis Ternvic lacked the strength to keep attacking The United Delfic Alliance. Instead, he took his remaining army and begain to seige Nil.   With Delnari rebuilding its navy, the Barsamin Empero and Gran Min fled the city by ship to the very far northern city of Nali. Soon after the city surrendered to Kallis Ternvic. Instead of sacking the city, Kallis Ternvic order the city to be completely spared and simply took over the administration of the city. He said allowed the Barsaminic priestesses to remain in the Barsama Star. Their was an unstated assumption that priestesses had to remain positive about the Tern Bas and Kallis Ternvic. This act of mercy greatly helped Kallis Ternvic maintain control over his newly conquered domain.   With most of the southern Yenari Empire under his control Kallis Ternvic starts administering his empire and putting down unrest and descent. During this time he expands the Yenari Empire through the whole Fertile Shar. He has his ambitions set on conquering Delfi, yet the Barsaminic priestesses in Nali are sympathetic to him, they insist Delfi must remain free and open to everyone. Kallis Ternvic abides by the priestesses wishes partly because he has an unexpected time conquring the people of the Vorden Mountians.   While Kallis Ternvic is expanding his territory, he insists that the Barsamin Empero and Gran Min are welcome to return to Nil. Yet they keep refusing to do so, and thus undermining the supportive proclamations of the Priestesses in the Barsama Star. In 3810 in either a cynical effort to convince the Barsamin Empero or a guienune show of faith, Kallis Ternvic converts to Barsaminism. This show of devotion convinces the Barsamin Empero to return to the Barsama Star. However, during their journey both the Gran Min and Barsamin Empero died from an mysterious illness.   The religious elite in Nali claim they were poisons and elect an new Barsamin Empero. However, in an unorthodox move, perhaps under political pressure, the priestesses of Nil elect Deemor Darmin a male relative from the Darmin family as Barsamin Empero. This act upsets the balance of power and the Nali religious elite start advocating for a crusade to retake the southern lands. The United Delfic Alliance agrees to join and they launch the Yeni Crusade in 3822. The plan was to liberate Yeni causing instability in the empire hopefully causing it to rebel and thus being able to retake Nil without having to enter the city under arms. The crusade goes horribly and the United Delfic Alliance end up fighting to stop Kallis Ternvic from capturing Delfi.   In 3849 Kallis Ternvic dies of old age and his son Kallus Ternvic becomes Gran Guide . However, immediately it is clear that his hold of the empire is tenuious at best. The United Delfic Alliance and Nali launch the Nill Crusade. Despite the prohibition against arms in the city, this time they sail straight for Nil. However, the city welcomes them with open arms, and the Barsamin Empero Deemor Darmin is sent into exile in the Strepslim plains. The crusade rages on for many days with no one side able to claim decisive victory.

Cover image: by Cory Brooke-deBock


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