Agg-ack Yurk game Tradition / Ritual in Didome | World Anvil

Agg-ack Yurk game

Is a sport and a ritualized form of combat. The goal of the game is to get a 60 lbs painted rock back to one's town. No one from you village could be within 30 ft of the person carrying the stone. People will try to grab each others Yurk Chanoth Necklace. If someone grab your necklace and then runs out of sight, they are free to humiliate you by destroying your necklace. What generally would happen is the sides would fight and grab necklaces. Once several were grabbed one person would walk away with them leading the owners of the necklaces away from the stone giving their side an advantage. In the ritual combat version the stone was placed halfway between the villages. The struggle to get the rock was real, people would break bones lose teeth, get cut. The only thing that restrained people was the same and ostracization of killing someone.

Cover image: by Cory Brooke-deBock


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