Earth Geographic Location in CHG/Central Human Gov't. "Where we at and how we at here?" | World Anvil
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Ah, yes, the cradle of humanity which also happens to be where almost all life within an unknown (with estimates constantly increasing as human explorers go ever further into the void) number of light years of Loki can trace its ancestry back to.

Rather than focusing on the fact that it shares a Life Ring with 87 other planets, shares a solar system with 2 Life Rings other than its own the fact that the solar system is also home to countless space habitats, the presence of a Dyson Sphere around the sun or how ridiculously well-defended this system is, we're gonna be focusing on the planet itself - NOT the fact that it technically has 4 moons now.


Differences between 2894 Earth and 2019 Earth (to know all about 2894 Earth, refer to a geography book and, unless the list states that the thing has changed, it's probably the same):

Almost all of the planet's surface is green belts (and most of the population was deported) so nature has actually flourished quite a bit.

No more fossil fuels being burnt + a "partial terraforming" by cleaning the atmosphere and replanting the Amazon Rain-forest = nice nice cleaner air and no global warming problems (tho the CHG could deal with those easily because crazy tech).

All of that radiation in Russia West of Kazakhstan from that time the Russians decided to pull a sneaky during the First Goner Invasion of Earth? Pffft... never heard of it.

Most small settlements that were on Earth, assuming they weren't destroyed by one of many previous wars, have basically been turned into museums.

"Here's the plan: we build a mile-tall statue of Atlas holding up the Earth - IN THE MIDDLE OF NEW ATLANTIS!"

Sahara Desert? Green? What?

Europe and Africa are separate continents again and the graves of the idiots who built the Atlantropa damns have probably been torn up countless times.

Arctic exists again and the Antarctic has ice again.

Maldives are bigger than they ever were.

Dunkin Donuts.

Fauna & Flora

Most of the animals that went extinct in the past have been brought back from the dead using bio-engineering. A pretty similar thing applies to all the animals that were on the verge of it. Specifically the ones we knew about (RIP countless species of insects that go extinct every single day that nobody even knew existed and aquatic species that died out due to water pollution before we even knew you existed either. Press F in comments to pay respects). The same was tried with plants but not taken as far. In cases where there just wasn't enough DNA left in centuries old rugs and whatnot to fully complete an animal, the things were rebuilt with "okay so the odds of the DNA being the same are astronomically small buuut we still end up with what is the same creature... except for those blue eyes they didn't have those before". Aside from that, cases where natural niches weren't being filled (possibly due to undiscovered species going extinct) were filled with bio-engineered species that were also made to look as "I totally belong in this environment" as possible.

Finally, we have escaped pets and lab monstrosities that are actively hunted for their negative effects on the ecosystem.

Natural Resources

Oof. Most of it is kinda gone. Those oil fields didn't get refilled, iron ore wasn't put back in the ground (unless for the purpose of them trees on top because Mission 1 by the CHG for Earth was making it as fabulous as possible) and so on. In other words the place is great for if you want a nice view or to have a secret farm away from everyone but you're sure as hell not getting many natural resources outta this bad boy.


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