Chg/central human gov't. "where we at and how we at here?" Hey, Ireland. You're America now.
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Hey, Ireland. You're America now.

Political event

7/7 14:00


Okay so the USA owns Mexico, Canada, most of Central America (a working progress) and half of South America. Thing is: everywhere except Mid/Eastern Canada and the North and Western USA in that territory had destructive Goner forces rolling through it and that included the destruction of many homes where people lived and businesses where they worked. This meant that these 2 destruction-free locations were flooded with people that moved in and this shot up property prices in the area.

At this time, Ireland was a little worried about the UK turning into the United Commonwealth, not least because of the whites of its eyes turning black as it kept nagging Ireland with the words "join us, Ireland. Together we will sip endless tea". So Ireland was like "'ight, Ima get myself a population boost" and declared that any US citizen who had at least one great great grandparent that was born in Ireland was entitled to Irish citizenship.

And in flooded the Americans, tripling the population of Ireland while looking to avoid the massive property prices of the USA. Ireland had already prepared for this move and so there were plenty of low-quality houses to go around when the Americans arrived. The USA's eyes watered with what it viewed as a betrayal and so it pulled the ultimate pro-gamer move:

"If most Irish people are American then Ireland is American therefore be USA Ireland right now or I'll cry". This could've led to war but a middle way was made by the UCW's tomfoolery.

"Hehe. What if we do an election where those in Ireland choose between Ireland being Irish, British or American?" This happened. The thing was that Northern Ireland had become part of the rest of Ireland and so there were fears that they would tip the vote to British dominance of Ireland, especially with everyone else being split between USA and Ireland. Ultimately, the USA won because of "I'd rather it be American than British and am assuming all these new/all these other Americans are gonna vote for America despite wanting it to be Irish". And so the USA got a bit bigger.

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