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Maria Donadieu (Aramis's Mum)

Maria Donadieu

*sniffs* Ahh, if it ain't the smell of learned abusive behaviours.

WARNING: This stuff is pretty messed up. We've got physical abuse, sexual abuse (both of a child), patricide, matricide, bullying, etc. The fact that I came up with it probably means I need to see a therapist but they keep offing themselves halfway through the sessions. If you know anyone going through anything remotely similar to what this character is going through or has put other characters through, including yourself, then report that shit. Everyone matters, including you, and shouldn't be put through any of this stuff. Don't wait for it to reach any of these extremes.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Small build, often undereats.

Body Features

Has some scars from her parent's abusiveness and from fights she got into in the asylums/juvy/prison.

Facial Features

Very attractive, small nose etc. If it turns out I'm some sort of silvertongue and this stuff just magically ends up happening uhhh don't get into sexual relations with this woman.

Identifying Characteristics

Got a load of tattoos when Aramis was an infant.

Apparel & Accessories

Likes to wear very girlish clothing, loose knee length skirts etc.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Her father would often physically and sexually abuse both his daughter and wife, the latter of whom took out her frustrations through cruel punishments for her daughter, who she blamed for how she believed she was trapped in the relationship, such as multiple cases of Maria being locked in a small cabinet which was then turned upside down and left where it was, and would often try to put her daughter in the way of herself and her husband to suffer sexual and physical abuse for her. Low income, Southern France near Monaco. In order to avoid the risk of going to prison for the sexual abuse, her father convinced her that anywhere they took her would be somewhere she'd be killed and fed to dogs, which her mother went along with as she was economically and emotionally reliant on her husband.

Once she was 13, she was more or less aware of her parents lying about the being-fed-to-dogs thing and, thoroughly being a sociopath by this point, she drugged both of her parents and tied them up in their sleep, with her mother being stuffed into the same small cabinet she'd been put into many times already. She castrated her father and watched him bleed to death before addressing her mother, who she left upside-down for several days.

Her mother was able to break out of the cabinet and attempted to break out of the house to escape, but only got about 30 meters from the house before Maria leaped on and slashed her to death with a knife.

That's a yikes from me dawg.

Anyhow, her adventures weren't over as a thing called the police exist. After giving them jam sandwiches laced with various drugs that they, rather stupidly, ate, she was taken in a French police van into a tree. Unfortunately for her, this was not an escape opportunity as she was handcuffed to the inside of the van, which had locked doors, and so was found trying to saw through the handcuffs with a knife she'd hidden up her, uh, behind. Wow what time is it yikes o'clock already?

She was yeeted pretty quickly into an asylum, followed by other asylums, until she was 15 and deemed "sane" (*coughs* she was not sane *coughs*) and thus yeeted into all-female juvenile detention, where she enjoyed both physically and sexually assaulting other inmates, becoming the ringleader of a group of bullies after beating up the previous, 17 years old, ringleader.

When she was 19, having already passed through regular prison in a short bout, she was released into the wilderness of society with no qualifications, no education, social skills that can be summed up as "I punch harder therefore I'm in charge" and no knowledge of recent events, let alone a sexual education including condom use. She conceived General Aramis about 2 months after her release, with no means of contacting the father, who she wasn't even sure of the identity of anyway.

She had Aramis, despite attempts to acquire an abortion failing just as spectacularly as attempts to administer one to herself, and was like "okay wtf do I do with this thing?"

Clearly the answer was to treat it at first like a teddy bear, almost smothering it during its infancy, and then having it double as a punching bag whenever she was having a bad time at her work as a prostitute and cleaner (usually separate) once it hit the age of 7 because it started to do things like have more contingent thoughts and obviously not be a pet.

Aramis's limping was noticed at his ecole (primary/elementary school for my fellow wave-rulers and freedom bois/gorls) and he was put into foster care when he was 10, 2014. The stuff that happened to him is pretty interesting, not least because it included him fighting aliens for the fate of humanity, but this is about Maria Donadieu (Aramis's Mum) not her son. His mother was yeeted back into the asylums from whence she came for 10 years.

It was around 2 years after finding herself back in society in 2024 (she was released in 2024, just to clarify), while she was unaware that her son was fighting in the The Arctic/Antarctic War, and wouldn't have cared if she'd known anyway, that she found herself a sugar daddy. When she was 43, in 2026, she found herself pregnant with said sugar daddy's bad pullout game.

Said pullout game struck again when she was 45 and 46, resulting in her having her last child just as the Goners (3-4 foot tall lizard/velociraptor people) showed up and The entirety of the human-Goner war began - a rather shocking turn of events.

She was enlisted to work in munitions factories, specifically with the parts that kept her away from the gunpowder due to her clinical record, until the Goners started rolling into Spain and her sugar daddy had a heart attack. She ditched him while he was in hospital, taking all the valuables and money with her, and hitched it to England, then Scotland just to be safe, where she did a rather poor job of raising her children, but at least didn't beat them so badly that they struggled to walk.

9 years and 2 husbands, currently with her 4th, later and she got a visit from Aramis. She was quite surprised to find that it was her Aramis that had basically saved humanity from enslavement by the Goners, but took this as a threat more than anything. If he, in his position, revealed how she had abused him as a child, her life was ruined. Her tactic to counter this was pretending not to know Aramis, suggesting that he was suffering from the long-term side-effects of psycho drugs, whenever her husband was around before taking Aramis aside and stating, rather honestly, that she'd never cared about him, never would, and that he should leave before he made her and her children into potential targets for avid Aramis fans with guns. He left her a note that he had written before coming explaining how he hoped her life was a mess and that he hated her, with a tick left in the box of "this is the case" rather than "this is not the case".

1 of her children died fighting the Goners during the 2nd Invasion about 14 years later, and she was convinced Aramis had had them assassinated (this was not the case). Only a year before Aramis's own death to a drug overdose, she died of arsenic poisoning that had been left in her food by an unknown individual... no seriously it could've easily been one of her kids other than Aramis she treated them like crap as well.


Heterosexual. Yes she sexually abused women but that was due to a lack of available men.


*looks left*

*looks right*

I can't find anything.


Prostitute + cleaner followed by being a sugar daddy's gf -> wife -> widow who took all his money and valuables with him as she fled to England.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She, uh, killed her parents real good. Real good at crossing the Channel.

Failures & Embarrassments

Terrible, terrible parenting and just in general terrible to everyone around her as long as she didn't think she could get something from them.

Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics

Very intelligent in all senses other than emotional.

Morality & Philosophy

"Dafuq is morality?"

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Being a remotely good parent or person in general is something she struggles with.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: nice clothing, living luxuriously, drugs, bullying and having power over others.

Dislikes: responsibilities, Aramis, people who don't allow themselves to be bullied or who deflect her attempts (she hates the second one far more as it undermines her).

Virtues & Personality perks

Intelligent? That's kinda it.


Quite germaphobic from her time in the grimy house in Southern France.


Family Ties

The mother of the fucking saviour of humanity... not really any ties though.

Religious Views

Catholic and thoroughly convinced she's going to hell and should thus just enjoy herself while she's around, especially at the expense of others.

Social Aptitude

Very good at acting polite but she's constantly looking for opportunities to bring herself up or the others around her down.


Slightly hoarse voice from all the yelling and crying she's done.

Wealth & Financial state

Owns the house she lives in as well as several others. Tonnes of cash stored up that she just couldn't manage to spend all of before dying.
Current Location
1986 CurlyWurly 2069 CurlyWurly 83 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to highly abusive parents who got married due to her conception.
Circumstances of Death
Surrounded by her surviving children and grandchildren, except those that General Aramis fathered, in a hospital bed. Cause of death: arsenic poisoning.
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
(in her 20s) 97kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
French. Take it or leave it.


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