The entirety of the Human-Goner
Fast version: Lead up = Goners mistake the nuclear bomb tests for actual nuclear war in the Cold War and so decide to leave Earthlings to wreck themselves, then put it off longer because the LIR is bullying them. They decide not to wait any longer and land an invasion in 2028, losing half their numbers to space junk around Earth as they didn't expect Earthlings to have satellites or to be in a non-radiated state. Meanwhile Earth is having the Antarctic war, which is basically a theater war that kept almost turning into WW3 so everyone was building up lots of military power from 2022 to 2028.
1st Invasion: Goners fight among themselves cos they don't like their leader and then effortlessly smash through a human force that's encircled their area of infighting. They take Southern Africa, get their language added to google translate, centralize their control and pretend they only want Africa. They take all of Africa but then their hostages (loved ones of politicians etc) are blown up and Africa goes on fire for a bit until the biggest and most badass rebellion, led by General Aramis, is crushed and the survivors forced further underground. Goners go for Asia and Europe at once; can't take Britain because Channel and British Navy wrecking their ships, can't take Denmark because they built a badass wall, can't take Russia because cold, can't take China because tech, can't take India because Red Army tactics. Humanity pushes back and the Middle East is split between Russia, India and China, while Germany and everything east of it up to Russia within Europe is Danish now. The UK gets Europe West of Germany AND ALL OF AFRICA, which at one point requires the conning of the USA. The 5 main nations and their allies basically form 5 super-nations, disguised as federations and alliances. UK -> United Commonwealth, Denmark -> Nordic Union, Russia -> Russian Federation + puppets, China is still China and India -> Indian Republics.
Between: Little space fleet built, huge arms buildup, a Goner-loving terrorist group kidnaps some kids and kills some of them and is hunted to death and everyone is lied to, including Aramis, that Aramis's daughter was among those killed so that she could be kidnapped by the UCW and made into a supersoldier. Goners freaked out by losing to primitives. Colonization of moon and Mars begins, including early terraformation of Mars as a side-effect of a process used for extracting metal from rust and oil, the latter of which is brought from Earth as it's useless now.
2nd Invasion: Goners land in Australia, Madagascar, Antarctica, Siberia, Greenland, Brazil and Northern Mexico. All of these forces, with extreme effort and huge numbers of casualties, are defeated. Small force attacks Martian and moon bases and wins but is destroyed later. 6 Supernations formed.
Between 2nd Invasion and Human Counterattack: 6 Supernations finalized: United States and The Oriental Empire (aka: Japan and its unofficial vassals) formed to join other 4, which all become larger. Huge space-fleet buildup and technological advancment. Mining bases built on Titan, Venus and many other worlds in both the Solar System and worlds beyond it thanks to that juicy Goner tech. A lovely disease is made.
Human Counterattack: Disease used on planets that won't surrender, humans ally with Goner rebels in return that humans stop using disease, humans manipulate Goner rebels and then use the disease on every planet while killing the Goner rebel leader, Goner Empire squished between humans and LIR, humans are already carrying out covert operations to weaken the LIR before the Goner Empire is even defeated yet, Goner Empire finally marked to be ended with death of Emperor, LIR tries to fight humans for refusing to join and for taking territory it feels entitled to on the basis of "look how many of my dudes died and look at the filthy methods you used" but it's a stalemate followed by peace, 6 Nations agree to equally split territory gained by carving up Goner Empire and argue over what that means.
The Lead-Up:
Let's start in 1945. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are subjected to nuclear bombings. Around 300,000 people, almost all civilian, are killed as a means of reducing Allied casualties and ensuring that Japan isn't split between Communist and Capitalist influences like Korea and Vietnam were. Japan refuses to have an official military, despite pressure from the US as it wants strong allies against the USSR and its allies, although a Defense Force currently consisting of 56,000 members was started in 1954.
In 1952, Goner space stations detect 2 bursts of gamma radiation. By this time, they're just beginning their war with the Toppers (top lads in the LIR) and Bulls. A sense of urgency is conveyed to the commanders of the forces of Goners (3-4 foot tall lizard/velociraptor people) invading these 2 species and their solar system with a ring of habitable and thoroughly inhabited worlds, which many attribute as a reason for the poor tactical decisions that allowed the Claws and Toppers to come out on top.
This, over time, leads to the formation of the The LIR or League of Intelligent Races as the Toppers and Claws reach out for allies against the Goner hordes, and are more than successful in finding races like the Sagwalli and Tartles.
The Goners receive more gamma ray bursts from nuclear explosions from Earth. As far as they're concerned, whatever intelligent species inhabits that world is nuking itself into oblivion anyway, and there are bigger fish to fry with the LIR forming.
And so it continues all the way to 2002. The gamma ray bursts fall almost completely silent, with exception to the rare occasion which Goner scientists attribute to recklnessness among survivors with leftover nukes. Even with a war on against the LIR, it's now or never.
As far as the Goner Empire was concerned, victory was certain and it would be at a cheap cost.
The First Invasion:
Earth and the LIR are on opposite ends of the Goner Empire.
The end of the Goner Empire near to the LIR has tight security, thoroughly trains its armies, has a large war-breed (Goners have created many sub-species of themselves using genetic modification, especially for the sake of war) population and maintains its guard forces with up-to-date weaponry.
The end nearest to Earth, however, was far more relaxed, serving mostly in extracting raw materials and making consumer goods to send to the more militant end.
The Goner Empire, not wanting to expend significant resources, decides to leave it to General Grima, who they choose so that the tactical competence of the forces they use against the LIR isn't significantly reduced. He re-activates old colonization ships after it becomes clear that hiring merchants to transport his forces isn't feasible, grabs all of the guard units and then 4 times as many random young male citizens, snags the families of those he's conscripted to help colonize Earth and double as hostages for any rebellious souls, raids old weapon stashes containing extremely outdated Goner equipment specially made for conquering the Bulls (low accuracy, range and a rate of fire equivalent to most WW1 rifles, but can easily shred tanks to bits), and gets down to business to defeat the Hum(an)s.
As they head towards Earth, a system malfunction in the cryosleep systems causes the Goners to wake up mere days before reaching Earth rather than the intended month to come up with strategies, ensure the quality of equipment and, most importantly, scan the planet before invading it.
Rather than stop the fleet of 20 colonization ships, Grima has them press on while he and his lesser generals, also chosen for their lack of competence, talk tactics. Ever seen a bunch of Karens talking about their essential oils and anti-vaxness while their kids are coughing in the background? Yeah anyone who's so much as looked at a strategy game - a mere game rather than the real thing - would get that feeling.
Grima had the ships slam right into lower orbit as part of a plan to intimidate humans in the immediate area and get them to surrender quickly. This goes poorly as Grima didn't anticipate Earth's outermost atmosphere and gravity-thicc areas being loaded with satellites. The colonization ships basically rammed through those and took tonnes of damage and casualties.
1/2 of the soldiers, who previously totalled a billion, died, as did almost all of the civilian colonizers as they were in the same ship, still in cryosleep, when it crashed into the sea just South of South Africa's coast. The other ships landed on that coast or just a little North of it.
This was outrageous to many of the Goners. Their leader had gotten 1/2 of them and their families killed over an assumption. Others were loyal for religious reasons. Infighting broke out, including Grima's death and the splitting of the Goner Horde into various factions under various leaders who eventually reached a peace.
This took a month, in which numerous groups like NATO merged into the Alliance for the Protection of Humanity and built a huge,, heavily staffed and even more heavily fortified encampment around the area the Goners occupied.
The Goners, once they were over their infighting, cut through these human forces like a red-hot katana through butter.
They then proceeded to very quickly seize control of South Africa+Lesotho and large chunks of Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, regularly kidnapping skilled individuals as they did so. They stopped their advance for consolidation of territory.
Goner territory, from when they took it to 4 months into their invasion, was basically an anarchist's wet dream. Although governments basically continued to exist within Goner territory, as all the Goners did was take whatever they wanted, massacre entire armies and seize control of strategic positions such as towns atop hills and kick the humans out of said locations (or just kill them all), massive swathes of land, with people in them, couldn't have laws effectively enforced upon them. Even with that aside, crime was rampant as it became clear that the Goners weren't gonna do anything about shops being looted or banks set aflame.
That was until the Goners, with help from the kidnapped humans, created a translation program to translate the Goner Tongue into English and back again. The messages in English could then just be translated into other languages using Google Translate. The Goners sent out their first communication to the world that can be summed up as such:
"We only want Africa. Those in charge of African nations can live luxuriously if they surrender."
Due to this, more or less every nation on Earth outside of Africa ceased attacking the Goners, while the remaining African nations formed the African Alliance of Human independence and rather fruitlessly tried to fight the Goners. Even when the politicians of nations, such as Angola later on, officially surrendered to the Goners, there was a huge, huge problem of generals taking the military and continuing to fight the Goners anyway.
Aramis, after escaping the first Human vs Goner battle, was actually among the humans that helped make the translation program by deliberately getting himself kidnapped and learning to communicate with Goners. When the program was finished, he used it to have complex conversations with an injured Goner ground-soldier. Due to what he learned of how the Goner Empire operated and the treatment humans could expect under their rule, he decided he would continue fighting Goner-kind, starting with every unarmed Goner except the one he'd spoken to in the building. He gathered up survivors of the first Human vs Goner battle, as well as many paramilitaries and so on, to form an elite rebel group against the Goners.
The Goner conquest and rule over Africa can be considered to be in 2 periods:
1. The "loose" period. The Goners don't really interfere with anything in the territory they rule. The governments of the same nations they conquer are still in place afterwards, but with some of the titles in government changed.
The only major thing they do is the seizing of weapons, drugs, and any meat that they can make edible (after extremely thorough decontamination to get rid of those germs that the Goners have no immunity to), with the drugs being used as a means to buy weapons (mostly to keep them out of rebel hands and force up prices for anyone else who's buying... like the nations they're at war with... although some of the very few especially badass Goners like Limbra use human weapons for their long range, accuracy, fire rate and the sheer dinkle-berrying coolness of it).
MASSIVE swathes of land, containing some cities, turn into an anarchist's wet dream if, for example, a dictator's army, which they need to keep the populace in line, is completely wiped out by a Goner force a twentieth of the size. These become a major source of soldiers for both Aramis's rebellion and the human soldiers that the Goners use against Aramis's army.
There's also the kidnapping of the loved ones of politicians, rulers, generals and even especially influential celebrities to make sure they don't, just for example, use their reach to bolster rebel numbers to a point
2. The "tight" period. This started right as the Goners had all of Africa due to what was only the billionth or so internal takeover among the Goners, with Limbra pulling most of the strings as usual (you may have noticed Limbra's name a lot). This served the purpose of effectively squashing Aramis's rebellion, which the Goners were worried about becoming a serious problem if they messed with supply lines for their invasion of Europe and Asia (they totally lied when they said they only wanted Africa to reduce the forces they face at a time), and making it look like the Goners actually only wanted all of Africa as they were consolidating territory after capturing it.
Firstly: clearing out all wilderness for 500 meters out from almost every city. Just beyond that 500 meters, a "moat" (*coughs* damn boi you'd straight-up die if you fell down one of those that's a goddamn cliff boi *coughs*) was built. Then a wall would be built around the moat. Coastal cities would have the walls built first, still around 520 meters out, then the water would be drained for installing the moat. Ports would be built on the outside, attached to the walls, with all the boats. Any boats going out to see needed permission from the City Commander, and they were only allowed to give permission to fishermen and those carrying out Goner operations, both of whom would usually have a guard pinned to them to prevent any funny business.
Nextly: Forcing tonnes of people into these cities. Most of those who weren't sent in were farmers or miners, from whom a loved one would be taken and used as both a hostage and factory worker. Mines would often have camps built in and around them, complete with walls, electrified fences, moats or other means of preventing escape, and then people from these cities would be transported there and forced to mine for various metals. Meanwhile, factories were built in the cities for people to be put to work in making things for the Goners, from luxury goods to parts for the repairing of their ships to "puzzle piece" weapons (weapons deliberately made with different components to be put together by the soldiers themselves, so that rebels in the factories could never steal a full weapon).
Finally: human recruitment. 90% of everything here was carried out by humans, from building the walls to helping in forcing people into the cities to maintaining a semblance of order within those cities to crushing Aramis's rebellion.
Anyhow, Aramis was leading a rebellion the entire time but had a serious problem.
Madbouly was only on a slightly lower level than Aramis in terms of tactical thinking and was offered a chance to join the Goners by the Goners.
Why did the Goners offer this? Because they had Madbouly's entire family. His wife and infant daughter, his parents and his siblings. Even his cat.
Aramis made a plan to use Madbouly as a nuclear suicide bomber on a major Goner base in North Africa to provide a distraction for the rescue of Madbouly's family, but Madbouly figured out that the rescuing Madbouly's family thing just wasn't gonna happen and Aramis was simply making use of the situation to take out a Goner base and potential threat, Madbouly, in one.
Madbouly made sure he would get neither and swallowed a robotic bomb disarmer he stole off of Tekkie, whose nickname says it all, to disarm the nuclear bomb as he approached the Goner base and swapped to the Goner side.
Over the course of 6 months, he used his knowledge of Aramis, his own intelligence and the greater resources at his disposal to lead the war against Aramis's rebellion, for which he used both human and Goner soldiers, the former of which were motivated by their loved ones being put in the same base as those of the politicians and generals (oh yeah they were all in the same base... like that could go wrong).
The military application of humans by the Goners was basically a pyramid scheme based on the kidnapping of families, privileges, and the Goners believing that humans are better at spotting traitor humans than Goners, which is true but not as true as the Goners thought it was. They also start conscripting child soldiers from the vast pool of orphans and make use of explosive nanobots to maintain a constant "obey or die" threat over their human fighters.
Much like other pyramid schemes, the ramifications of this would become a bigger pain in the ass over time.
However, Amira blew up the base where the Goners were keeping the hostages and made one Goner ship irreparable while the other's repair was set back by a full year, becoming a huge problem for the Goners.
Madbouly, with his family dead and knowing that he'd betrayed his friends, proceeded to reactivate the nuke, still inside of him, and blow up the base that was originally intended for him to blow up.
Limbra is killed in a 1v2 fight with Aramis and Inyoni.
This was a major blow to the Goners, but Madbouly had reduced the rebellion to the point of being so pathetic that they no longer needed to worry about it. Even with the number of ships they could've used reduced to one and them having to wait to use it, one thing was very clear:
They couldn't wait any longer. The world's militaries were building up far too much and their technology was advancing massively due to attempts to replicate and find counters to Goner equipment. The time in which Goner soldiers could sit back and live semi-luxuriously off the back off Goner technology and human efforts in Africa had run out.
They used "dummy" ships with human crews to make the European Navy think that the Goners were going to land in Italy, resulting in the navies of nations especially close to and including Italy splitting off from the main fleet and making it easier for the Goners to get past. These crews toss open barrels of ink and slow-sinking junk onto the ocean as they move to prevent the effective use of submarines.
The Goners had almost no warships of their own and their fleet consisted of civilian vessels, operated by civilians at plasma-rifle-point. To prevent an absolute massacre, ships containing just a single human captain and an especially brave self-sacrificing Goner were used to distract the fleets while speedboats were used to deploy Goners onto ships to capture them, meanwhile the rest of the Goner forces were transported past the battle and onto Spain, having come from Morocco.
Only about a third of the ships the Goners capture actually stay in Goner hands, leaving them with a fleet containing 15,000 ships, but the core element of providing a huge distraction and getting at least some ships is a success. Meanwhile, 50 million Goners are in Europe.
They successfully smack into Russia, but can't cross the English Channel and can't get past a giant wall that Denmark built with funding from all the Scandinavian nations. They can't go far in Russia due to the extreme cold and strong resistance.
The Battle of the Channel is a huge disaster. The Goners transport ships by truck between rivers in France, leading to plenty of destruction of ships and trucks by understandably angry French resistors with rocket launchers, so that they can gather ships on the French side of the Channel because ships they try to bring around by sea keep getting destroyed because Aramis just won't die and is in the British military now and the ships already in France aren't numerous enough because France gave them all to the UK and the UK blows up and steals lots of ships along the Northern French coast.
Meanwhile, the UK has a population boom due to refugees, especially from France, which just means a larger pool to recruit from for the military and more workers in munitions factories, while said recruits and workers are housed in the homes of people that the British government has said "hey if you house them we'll reward you after we win the war also it's a nice thing to do", or didn't live in homes at all. On top of that the majority of the European Navy has joined them.
The Goners launch their distraction ships, first, then their warships and speedboats just behind them. The transport ships are to go around the battle, on both sides, to land on UK soil and capture Tealand.
Aramis and the other British admirals see this jazz coming and just grin in one magical word: maintaining radio contact with submarines and just telling them where the things are rather than going off of radar. As much as what little fighting there is is utterly awesome, as some Goner transport ships end up going right into the midst of the British ships and try to fight their way out with guns so near-suicidal human soldiers have to go in and attach explosives to the ships either above water and being fired upon by the Goners or under the water and trying to not die while in water made too dirty by Goners dumping stuff in for them to see.
Denmark's wall has AI-controlled hyper-accurate machine-gun sniper machines that force the Goners to have their kinetic shielding on the entire time as they approach the wall, causing them to have very little left for shielding them against bullets once they're in range of the rows upon rows of human snipers from across Europe, with most of them being German.
Mother Russia must fight on 2 fronts against the Goner horrors, and it's by the time Russia is being hit that the Goners have repaired a ship and are ready to start dropping nukes, acquired through them being confiscated by the Goners, with it. Russian soldiers use specially made planes like so: crash plane into the alien space ship -> it's made of Goner kinetic shielding and has a pod for you to slam in -> you're meant to fight your way through the ship -> oh no you're outnumbered and can't win that's so awful but what if we told you that one of you is a nuclear suicide bomber?
Russia is cold and the Goners are cold-blooded. Russia's defenders had a good time destroying the heaters that the Goners were using.
In the meantime, the Goners cross the Suez Canal, despite the USA reinforcing the hell out of it to defend the oi- I mean, nations of the Middle East (*carefully checks around for the CIA while clutching banana knife*) - and invade Asia. They're able to push a bit into China, India and Russia through there, but this doesn't last long.
After several months of a bloody stalemate, the Goners go for a hard push against China, Russia and India simultaneously, hoping to take control of Asia before their casualty counts mount up beyond what can be controlled. At this point, most of their forces consisted of conscripted humans, who were generally each more concerned with ensuring their personal survival than ensuring victories.
This push is met with a rather extreme response. A nuclear response, in fact.
Nukes were being launched quite regularly during this war. Berlin, for example, was turned to dust by the Goners when a vast European force gathered there with the intention of using the city's buildings to surround and massacre Goner forces.
Russia, in all its glory, made use of its old Cold War and The Arctic/Antarctic War nuclear supplies (the Antarctic war prompted many nations, especially those partaking in it, to build up vast nuclear arsenals in case things spilled over from the freezing continent. Furthermore, in-universe every country kept far more nukes from the Cold War than they admit) to make "hallways".
These hallways were basically gaps in vast swathes of radioactive land that Goner forces went through, encouraged by Russia's President falsely declaring a state of emergency by pretending that Russia has run out of nukes, which were perfect for being certain that the Goners would not merely be hit with the radiation but the blasts themselves. Survivors were mopped up by lead-armoured soldiers, most of whom were diagnosed with cancer within 5 years of their first battles.
China, having not been so nuke-obsessed in the Cold War, didn't have enough nukes for this nuke-heavy tactic, simply trying their best to make sure nukes exploded in the midst of vast Goner forces, and did the next best thing: they made very thorough use of robots, a fair portion of which were bought from Japan, both Koreas and the nations of Indochina, which also supplied troops, to add to their post-population-control forces. The AIs for the bots, of bloody course, were largely based off of those taken from video-games and even had some copied and pasted code. Russia and India looked at China with the good ol' "wtf are you up to why didn't we get blueprints for these what the cinnamon toast fuck are you up to you Commie scum?"
India, having been in possession of a fertility rate of 6.7 and increasing since 2016 (consider this an alternate but extremely similar timeline), just looked at the Goners and chuckled in the fact that they didn't have enough ammo. So many deaths. Oh and they launched a few nukes too.
The 3 mega-nations launched a counterattack and took unofficial but very visible control over the areas they pushed the Goners out of. Russia controlled the top half of the Middle East, including Kazakhstan, and a tiny bit of Eastern Europe. India got Pakistan (... I don't think that's gonna go very well once the common threat is gone) and the Arabic Peninsula. China got everything between those 2.
So, the Goners were pushed out of Asia, and meanwhile in Europe the following happened:
- Aramis planned an invasion into Europe with the Scandinavian Union (Denmark+Scandinavia+Iceland+Greenland) which included the mass conscription of refugees. Due to the thorough training of commanders in tactical warfare, the entirety of what remained of Aramis's African forces adding themselves to those of the UK, weapons being supplied from the USA, the use of nuclear bombs, mass use of psycho drugs, far more thorough air superiority than Russia, India or China, the Goners losing so many of their forces in Asia, and the sense of confidence that Aramis imbued in the soldiers on this offensive simply through his reputation and overly calm demeanor, this was a washout.
The Scandinavian Union found itself unable to continue due to resource and manpower limitations after capturing the Eastern and Central Europe, including Turkey, although what they pulled off for what they had was incredible. This was perfect for the UK.
Suddenly, Africa was all that remained. Aramis and the UK generals agreed on a plan to make sure all of it fell into UK hands.
As they advanced down, they encouraged the USA, which had been attacking Southern Africa since Goner forces crossed the Suez Canal, to push harder and promised it puppet-style power over the region if it defeated the Goners there. The same promise was made to India regarding the East Coast of Africa.
The UK knew this was too tall of a task for either, deliberately and massively under-exaggerating the figures regarding how difficult this would be.
The UK, meanwhile, capitalized on how distracted the Goners were to advance into Southern Africa, eventually cutting India off by taking all of the East Coast, and then promising on a joint attack on South Africa, particularly a major fortress the Goners built.
The UK was a no-show. US forces, having built their plan around a UK presence, were massacred and forced to retreat with heavy casualties. The UK went in and took South Africa, complete with all the fortresses that the USA had so kindly softened up for them.
During this, the leader of the Goners, having to do so quickly as he's pressed for time, sends a signal to the Empire containing all information regarding the war and a anecdote before being killed:
They have basic space-faring technology, far more advanced artificial intelligence than us, are incredibly cunning and resilient, and will undoubtedly have technology at almost our level when a second wave is sent in. The second wave must make the first look utterly pathetic.
It would.
The First Invasion Is Defeated.
Between the 1st and 2nd Invasions:
This spans 15 years:
Every nation that the UK (although, in truth, the majority of soldiers the UK used were non-British) pushed the Goners out of is subjected to national debt to the UK that averaged in the dozen-digits... the majority of these nations were never rich in the first place and much of the infrastructure was destroyed by the fighting.
An alternative to this crushing debt is proposed: join a new union called the United Commonwealth, which the UK would have control over. Aramis, due to his Frenchness, was able to use his political sway to give France some power as well, although his reasons for this were less the patriotic than the "I need to get as many controls on this as I can before we get unnecessary human rights abuses". The UCW would have the leaders from every member nation vote on various issues, for which there was no limit. The UK and France, if they agreed together, could veto any decision.
The Scandinavian Union, already a federation, simply adds the nations it freed to its ranks. Domestic and civilian matters are handled very democratically, and usually just by the nations most affected by them, but there is a merged military.
Russia makes puppet states of the nations it occupies. The installed dictators, who also form the Federation of Russian Liberation with Russia, just do whatever Russia says.
China is like "tf is with these formalities" and just declares that the territory it took is now part of China.
India forms the Indian Republics... how subtle.
Everyone militarizes like crazy and agrees to not continue the Antarctic Wars, with everyone just having to put up with the segments of the chilly land they had when the Human-Goner war started. Vast armies are trained. Kids are sent to camps and shooting ranges to make soldiers out of them in advance.
The majority of surviving Goners are in UCW territory. Here, they're interrogated for every bit of information possible and then brainwashed into loyalty to the UCW so that they may make war with their fellow Goners when they show up.
The scientific community went mad with Goner tech and the information about more advanced technologies gained from interrogating and hiring Goners. Engineers formulated incredible plasma + bullet weaponry and figured out kinetic shielding slightly more advanced than what the Goner Empire had.
Most interesting here is the formation of the first truly operational space military, containing 200 warships by the time the Goners show up a second time. This is a combined military force from many nations, although the UCW, USA and China are the biggest contributors.
Mining stations are built on the moon, especially for the Helium 3 that is so useful for fusion. It's also the home of the base where the space fleet is kept. Skyhooks are used in addition to kinetic technology for the deployment of ships.
Colonization of Mars begins. Oil, now made otherwise worthless by fusion, is mixed with the rust that covers much of the planet's surface and burned. The carbon and hydrogen displace the metal to bond with the oxygen, getting pure metals, used for, and, even more importantly, the carbon dioxide and water needed for colonization. The first settlers live in bunkers, shielded from radiation and storms by thick layers of dirt over their bunkers while they farm crops and slowly terraform the planet. This is largely a private affair, by companies, at this point which pay the colonists to stay there for 10 years or so at a time in order to get the pure metals... oh yeah that terraforming? It's just a byproduct that will be helpful in a few decades time.
General Aramis and Inyoni have 4 kids, consisting of an eldest girl and her 3 younger triplet siblings, consisting of 2 boys and a girl. The eldest girl is extremely intelligent - brilliant memory, quick learner, extremely inventive and creative - and has brilliant reflexes due to traces of psycho drugs passing through Inyoni's umbilical cord, although this didn't happen with the younger children as all traces were removed by then.
The eldest girl, 8 at the time, is kidnapped, along with the children of many major UCW leaders, by a terrorist organization consisting of those who were brainwashed by the Goners during the war, who are a major problem for the UCW. Aramis and Inyoni personally partake in the campaign to destroy the organisation.
Of the 49 children kidnapped, 6 are found dead and 42 are found alive, although most of those had serious injuries and were malnourished. The skin of one child was removed and then her body brutally cut up, with blood-splatter-based evidence suggesting she was still alive after being skinned and during some of her being cut up. Aramis and Inyoni are told that this child, who could only be identified with her DNA, was their daughter and had been killed because of that. The story states that the missing girl is the Prime Minister's of the UK's daughter.
In truth, the Prime Minister's daughter was the one who was skinned and hacked apart. Aramis and Inyoni were lied to because their daughter had actually escaped from the terrorists, only to be captured by the UCW's military police. She is put onto a supersoldier program with several hundred other children, with Aramis and Inyoni having no idea as they mourn over the pieces of the Prime Minister's daughter, due to both her brilliant genes and her enhanced mental capability.
Other supersoldier programs do exist, but the one Aramis and Inyoni's daughter is on creates the most proficient fighters.
There is a ridiculous population boom due to the availability of food and housing that comes with the new Goner technology... many countries passing laws and taxes to force up the population helps too, such as how the UCW has a 30% income tax - in addition to the regular income taxes - on anyone who is unmarried and then an equally additional 20% tax on married couples without kids at the same time as crop growth being partially nationalized - with families being given free food.
Mental health is a huge problem for the nations that participated in the war, being every nation that could actually transport troops to fight (I get that we've mainly been talking about 6 nations in particular, especially a certain UCW, due to their larger parts but others did participate). Solutions vary, with the UCW's being "HEY GUYS IF YOU HAVE KIDS YOU'LL BE HAPPY" and the Indian Republic's being "WTF IS THIS MENTAL HEALTH STUFF BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY GUYS YOU SHOULD HAVE EVEN MORE KIDS"... okay those aren't solutions at all they're a means of making at least 2 generations of unhappy families in which the population grows like crazy and people turn to the military just to get away from their famili- OHHHHH.
How ridiculous is this population boom, you may ask? Well, the human population went from 12.2 billion in January 2028 to 53.9 billion in January 2049.
Meanwhile, among the Goners:
Losing to primitives, even if none of the regular citizens were allowed to know the details, is not a good image for the Empire. They decide this just won't do and gather up a second force. The Goner Emperor comes out to reassure the people:
"These primitives aren't a serious concern, but their feats are impressive. I have spoken to the gods and they have told me that these primitives are an especially special gift, for we shall breed and use them for what they're best at - war - against the LIR and ensure our victory over those heretical scum."
This caused quite a shock for a lot of Goners. Normally, only Goners could serve in the military. The idea of using the very race that was able to best them was a success in reassuring them, but also paved the way for it to be politically viable to use other conquered races as soldiers in war.
"As they are such a special gift, the war to subjugate them will not be a simple war but a High Crusade, containing members of every Goner subspecies in its ranks. Furthermore, as this race will be put to military use, we shall use the other races we have subjugated for this crusade."
Even with 99% of the war effort being focused on dealing with the LIR, the force raised over the course of 11 years (the signal arrived in 2) numbered 32 billion and really did contain members of every subspecies and enslaved species in the Goner Empire.
The Second Human-Goner War:
There's a space battle between the humans and the aliens. Human forces slingshot around Mars from different angles and unleash volley after volley of nuclear missiles, mostly operating by fusion, into the Goner ships while moon bases fire on the Goner ships with lasers. This surprise attack, while effective, isn't enough and the Goners come out on top.
The Goners are disheartened to learn that they can't land in many areas of Earth due to their anti-space-ship defenses and so land in the following locations:
1. Siberia: These ones split the party by sending a portion of their forces to Alaska.
They attack Manchuria, Mongolia, both Koreas and Russia quite ruthlessly. Russia manages to make a Maginot Line 2 that forces these forces to focus on dealing with China.
This and the Australian force cripple China, forcing it to look at Japan's vast, vast hordes of robotniks and drones and go "pretty please?", to which Japan responds with "hmmmmm maybe if you agree to these conditions *whips out list of conditions that basically add up to "I own you"*".
China is eventually forced to cave and Japan deals with the Australian force while Russia deals with the Siberian one, snatching Manchuria and Mongolia out of Chinese influence.
What of the Alaskan split? Those go through Canada and are stopped by mixed USA and Canadian forces. The USA, already having troops in Canada, is like "hey Canada wanna join the USA".
Canada: "uhhh" *looks at forces outnumbered 8 to 1*
USA: "You'll no longer be classed as a protectorate of the UK so the UCW won't be able to annoy you"
Canada: Wait really?
USA: "We'll give you a number of states disproportionate to your population so your people have more voting power than our own."
Canada: *flustered panting*
USA: "You can also have an over-state over the states you become. All the politicians get positions that are basically the same."
Canada: "YES"
2. Australia: Sorry ozzies you just don't have the numbers so Australia is taken pretty easily, although guerrilla forces fill the center of the continent and continue being a problem throughout the invasion, as does the local fauna. They head up to Indochina, taking almost all of the islands of the Indian and West Pacific oceans, and attack both India and China.
India does "just fine" (*coughs in 60% of male population dying, including boys as young as 10 who have to be used as well, in addition to using up their entire nuclear arsenal - but hey at least they ended up gaining some territory*) but China, trapped between 2 forces, needs Japan's help. Japan obliges and takes out what of the Australian force isn't taken out by India.
India takes half of the islands in the Indian Ocean and half of Indochina while Japan+China take Korea, the other half of Indochina, all the other islands and Australia. Japan establishes layers upon layers of trade and alliance deals with the nations it takes that basically make Japan own those nations, while India continues to have far more honest imperialism.
3. The Antarctic: The UCW is like "oh wow such a shame the rest of the world is busy with other stuff while the only invasion force on our territory is being nuked out of existence but we've gotta do something huh so how about Antarctica so we can free all 50 or so people who live there?"... Antarctica has huge rare earth metal deposits in this world. Other nations let them do this because A they've got their hands full and B it's better than the uranium being in the hands of the Goners.
Here, the UCW uses genetically modified wolves here. How terrifying are these wolves? Well, they're bigger than dire wolves, don't show up on heat detectors due to what brilliant insulators their pelts are and cool themselves down - *in the Antarctic, cooling themselves down* - by eating snow, have chimp-like intelligence, are completely white and very stealthy, won't get electric shocks from biting wires, have had their teeth replaced with wurtzite boron nitride w-BN ones and extremely strong gums that allow them to kill basically any Goner with the bad luck of their kinetic shielding running out, have hearing, eyesight and smell far better than any kind of domestic dog and are trained in how to receive and obey complex instructions from their masters. Oh, and there are 12 billion of them.
They scout, drop nuclear grenades in locations that they're told to, rip apart any Goner equipment that doesn't have kinetic shielding, have turrets attached to their backs that fire plasma bolts, and so on.
Nonetheless, it's a close one between the UCW and these Goners. The UCW has to get help from the Scandinavian Union and agrees to give them 100,000 Type E nuclear bombs (A is the lowest at Hiroshima level, the letters go up to Z by magnitude) for their help.
4. Greenland: Same as Australia when it comes to taking over. However, their transports are all destroyed by guerrilla forces and the regular sea-ships of the Greenlanders, along with many Greenlanders, all mysteriously disappear to Iceland, Canada, Ireland and the USA. These forces run out of food and so decide to eat the animals, followed by the humans, followed by every single soldier in a force sent by Canada and the USA, followed by each other until Scandinavian forces arrive and make war, which includes lots of nukes, with the fractured cannibalistic Goner factions.
Members of these Goner forces are bribed with food into joining the Nordic Union's forces, but the Nordic Union is very dismayed by the lack of any females among them that could be used to breed members of these ruthlessly deadly sub-species.
5. Brazil: South America just burns. Every major city is nuked. The Amazon rain-forest is mostly burned down as a means of dealing with guerrillas.
They go up to Central America, and take all of that as well.
Why are they doing so well?: Because their force disproportionately contains more members of the more dangerous Goner subspecies.
Each force is equal in number and the fact that other forces are based largely around environmental issues, such as those of the Siberian, Greenlandic and Antarctic forces being subspecies made for the cold and the Australian forces being made for aquatic warfare as taking those islands was part of the plan, means that those made for more straight-up warfare like the Limbrarks (spiky tails that can shoot those spikes up to a meter away... not much until one remembers that, in practice, these spikes are launched with a swing of the tail and through outward-facing kinetic shielding and so are basically sniper bullets) have a much larger presence in the Brazilian force.
They add to the Northern Mexican force as they head into the USA.
6. Northern Mexico: They take out Mexico and then head North, where they fight half the USA's military and tonnes of civilian fighters (Texas intensifies) in a gruelling stalemate which is ended by the addition of the Brazilian force.
They begin pushing back and get all the way up to New York before Canada and the USA's forces come smashing through and push the Goners back.
Japan and its new allies invade the South American continent cos sure why not, forcing the Goners to send tonnes of their soldiers down to deal with that and ultimately resulting in the Goners being defeated.
7. Madagascar: They take Madagascar effortlessly and go into mainland Africa to face the UCW. The UCW, unlike in the Antarctic, doesn't have to worry about damaging any uranium supplies and so just chuckles in nuke-mines; literal nuclear bombs activated by Goners stepping on underground pressure plates. The UCW also uses all the survivors from the first invasion - with explosive collars, of course - against these guys.
This, combined with almost all of the UCW's human fighters, brings the UCW victory.
Between the 2nd Invasion and the Great Counterattack:
The Goners are very much saying "oh gods oh crap". 2 invasion forces, the latter of which was ridiculously more deadly than the first, have been wrecked, even if it required the primitives to turn around 30% of their planet's land into various nuclear hellholes.
The Goner Emperor gives the good ol': "This failure is clearly due to a lack of faithfulness from our people. Let us regain the favour of the gods by focusing on the LIR and leave these primitives be for later."
Humanity is offered a 15-year peace deal. Every country signs in agreement.
This can be considered one of many Cold Wars that have already happened and will come. Every one of what are colloquially called the "6 Empires" tries to extend their power as much as possible, but the knowledge of a common enemy, as well as there being enough nukes to end the world a thousand times over and that being proven by how damaged the Earth already is, prevents anyone from doing this too militarily.
The USA now consists of what used to be the USA, Canada, Mexico, Central America and half of South America. The Oriental Empire stretches its control to the other half of South America and keeps control of most of China, half of Indochina, most of those islands and Australia and adds New Zealand to its belt with the ol' reliable "Join us or we blockade you".
Male-female-female polygamy becomes a moderately common across the world due to how many more men than women died fighting the Goners, but is legally enforced in the Indian Republics through making it a legal requirement that all women be married before they're 20, forcing many women to rush into relationships with the first financially stable men they meet... some of you make think I'm very biased against India and... uhhh... I may have learned some things about both the culture and government and no amount of the billions of musicals that all follow the same one or a mixture of the same 8 plots, pretty dances, nice food or fancy architecture are gonna make up for it.
There are tonnes upon tonnes of orphans and kids whose mentally damaged parents can't take care of them who are perfect for training into supersoldiers, especially kids whose mothers were soldiers who took psycho drugs while pregnant or only stopped a few months before getting pregnant, who effectively formed a terrifyingly intelligent new section of the population.
America has an overcrowding problem in its urban areas, especially New York, due to people from parts of the newly beefed up nation where infrastructure was destroyed flocking to areas where they weren't like the Northern USA and Eastern Canada. Ireland says that anyone with an Irish great great grandparent can come get Irish citizenship because it sees all these meganations forming around it and wants to have more pops with which to get by. Tonnes of Americans flood in from the overcrowded areas, as do many British people.
The USA and UCW look and Ireland and go "I think the bloody hell not" and go all doe-eyed as they go "wow Ireland has people from our nations now and Britain in particular kinda has a little bit of a claim of rulership over Ireland" *India turns its head in militarized concern when this is mentioned* "So Ireland can have an election between independence, joining the UCW and joining the USA"
Some covert warfare happens and Ireland joins the USA, which is now the US. Several hundred specially trained UCW, Irish and USA soldiers die in this process.
The UCW keeps control over Antarctica and sells uranium to the other nations.
A race to colonize Mars and the moon begins when it's decided that "whatever you build, you own it and 5 miles outwards of it".
Aramis dies of a drug overdose. Oh yeah fun fact those 3 younger kids of his and Inyoni all died in the 2nd Invasion and he doesn't know that his eldest daughter, who fought for the very UCW he commanded the military of and would fight in further wars, is still alive. He also had liver cancer because psycho drugs aren't without side affects... fun fact those kids whose mothers took psycho drugs while pregnant or shortly before pregnancy would have an average lifespan of 42 among those of them that didn't die in combat.
The space fleet is de-merged and the 6 major nations all try to build up their own fleets as much as possible. Private businesses make a killing, later to become a literal one, in building and selling warships.
A genetically modified disease with a 99%+ kill rate (the 1% or less being that the disease has a cumulative 1% chance to suddenly decide to kill itself when it infects a Goner, in which case its DNA breaks down into viruses specially made for fighting this disease that would make the Goner immune to the disease for the rest of their life by floating around in their bloodstream, but which wouldn't be able to be passed onto offspring as the body of any Goner who hadn't been put through the full process would reject the virus and so not be immune) is successfully created in a US laboratory, but Nordic Union covert troops straight-up just break in and take a load of vials of it for themselves. The US still has other vials.
The Nordic Union then grows more of the disease and sells vials of it to the other nations in return for favorable trade deals and warships.
Private companies spread out as much as possible in space. The usual set-up is robotniks that collect material that makes more robotniks and then most of the material gained goes to stations that yeet the material via via kinetic launchers into the outer atmosphere to be picked up by autonomous drones and taken to shipyards to be made into ships, more drones, repairs or sent to the moon and then Earth to become simpler weapons or consumer goods. Almost all of this is done autonomously, with just a few humans in badass suits on hand in case there's anything that the drones and robotniks can't deal with.
14 years into the peace deal, with just a few months left, the Goner Empire is like "okay I get we said we were gonna crush you about now but here's the thing the LIR really has our hands full so just another 15 years okay?"... humanity gladly agrees.
However, 6 years into that deal, the 6 Nations agree to launch their own attack and re-merged their space militaries, which they also transferred all of their ground forces into for a surprise trick that would help them later. This splitting of the space military, followed by its re-merging, was actually part of a deliberate plan that the nations agreed to in which those who made a larger portion of the ships would get a larger portion of the number of generals and commanders this force needed filled by individuals they picked, basically giving them more control over the fleet.
It was go-time.
The Human Counterattack:
Remember that disease? Yeah, humanity used it.
At first, once a planet's fleet, which would always be pathetic as all the warships were off fighting the LIR, was wiped out or subjugated (ships that attempted to retreat were generally hunted down to prevent them from being a problem later) and any still-functioning ships added to humanity's fleet, a single human ship would be left behind while whichever of humanity's fleets had attacked the planet moved on.
This single ship would release the disease onto the Goners inhabiting it if they didn't surrender within a certain period of time, usually 2 day, which they usually did. Survivors of the planets being disease-bombed would be subjugated by human ground forces, who would usually have to all stick around and receive reinforcements from Earth every now and then. This resulted in human communities on these planets, with actual producing of children raised right in the crossfire, who often never stopped being at war with the Goners.
Turns out the Empire, in addition to having problems with the LIR, was having problems with a rebellion. This rebellion saw hope in the 6 Nations and offered to help them in return that a utopia where all species could live alongside one another be formed... wait that's the main ideal of the LIR and it's because they want to join the LIR. The 6 Nations agreed to this.
However, there was a second condition that these rebels imposed: no using that disease anymore.
Humanity agreed under a single condition of its own: it would be allowed to direct the rebel forces due to concerns over incompetence among the Goner rebels. The Goner rebels eventually agreed to this, not least due to the fact that humanity basically had a reputation as a species built for war at this point... which know what is sort of true war has actually impacted human evolution due to how long we've been doing it, including evolutionary psychology and the nature of our sexual dimorphism, but the xenos still had very over-exaggerated ideas about how dangerous the average human was.
This was perfect. The Goner rebels were immediately sent ahead of human forces to smash apart as many fleets as possible and add to their forces. Overall, however, this wore them down to extreme weakness and merely paved the way for human forces to come further in with fewer casualties. Since humanity was no longer using the disease, planets that didn't surrender were instead subjugated with nuclear bombardment and ground forces, but this was very expensive.
Eventually, the rebels saw that they were being used as cannonfodder and decided to break off from the humans, but stated that they still wanted an alliance.
For now, humanity accepted this, but went back to disease bombing.
This enraged the rebels. They stated that, if humanity didn't stop disease bombing, it would be war between the rebels and humanity.
Humanity stated that a new deal had to be reached. Even as the Goner rebels sat down for talks, they decided that these rebels were just too much of a problem and shocked the Goner rebels:
They disease-bombed every planet they captured and switched to immediate disease bombing of every inhabited planet they found, followed by the use of those ground forces. The Goner rebel fleet was surprise attacked during talks.
The General of humanity's forces, Alric, had played a risky move here as it involved him and his guards whipping out their weapons and killing their way through all of the leaders of the Goner rebels. He lost his left arm and right foot during this, and when asked what he thought of his robotic limbs stated that they'd look better inside the skulls of Goners.
The Goner rebellion was fractured and had to rebuild as Goner worlds were being taken.
Right when this was happening, the Goners had finally come close to winning against the LIR. Not doing anything about this massacre of their civilians until the LIR was defeated was considered, but the idea was scrapped when humanity started disease-bombing every planet they hit.
So, humanity was up against the Goner rebels and a tenth of the Goner military? The key to success for humanity was:
1. Constantly getting more ships from planets they took.
2. The fact that the Goner rebels and Goner military ended up fighting one another.
3. Extremely clever tactics and utter ruthlessness.
The Emperor himself had to keep moving to get away from the human tide, getting closer and closer between the LIR and humans.
The LIR made a hard push into the Goner Empire. This was extremely costly for them, but wiped out most of the Goner military. Due to the number of Holy Goner Worlds present in the area the LIR took, the Goners were obligated to recapture the area at all costs.
Then humanity came slamming in. Humanity quickly negotiated an alliance with the LIR upon first contact, which also had an alliance with the rebels, but humanity and the rebels were enemies... ???
The death of the Emperor at the hands of a pair of human supersoldiers was the final nail in the coffin as the last Goner fleets were subjugated or destroyed.
The LIR was like "wow guys this is amazing thanks! So, about the beaurocratic processes necessary for you to joi-"
"Not joining" - humanity
"Waitaminnit this ain't right you're meant to join me right now-"
"How are you gonna make that happen?"
"With my massive multi-species mili-" *looks at military that has been worn down so thoroughly by fighting the Goners* "UHHHHHHH ATTACK WITH WHAT FORCES WE HAVE LEFT"
"You mean the ones we carried out covert attacks on and poisoned the food of, reducing their numbers to 30% of what they would've been otherwise?"
Humanity: "time for my ultimate weapon!" *whips out conscripted Goners*
So, that little spout of fighting resulted in the LIR and Humanity having a stalemate. The LIR would continue to complain about only getting 10% of the Goner territory, despite suffering hundreds of times more casualties and the humans using inhumane methods, for ages afterwards.
The 6 Nations agree to equally split the territory they captured, although the Indian Republics protests this due to almost half of the soldiers used being theirs, to which the other 5 nations respond with "IDGAF take yo damn share and STFU OR WE TEAM ON YOU!" There is, nonetheless, tonnes of arguing over what counts as "equal territory" as not all celestial bodies were created equal, and distances and old Goner machinery and survivors only further complicate things...
Many screaming matches, physical fights, threats of war and accusations both true and baseless are involved in these negotiations. As much as an agreement is reached, this definitely drove a strong wedge between every nation. It was agreed that all 6 Nations would have to work together if any outside force like the LIR, or whatever else happened to be out there, invaded, but the internal non-aggression pacts eventually expired without replacement.
Meanwhile, humanity is still outnumbered 15 to 1 by the Goners inside of its own empire/collection of loosely allied states.
*claps hands* and that's how it leads to The Goner Uprising and Incursion. Which won't be covered here.
The Conflict
Goners find out about Earth having intelligent life from radio signals and radiation from our nuclear tests in the Cold War and plan to invade but get held up by wars with the LIR. Eventually they decide to invade during a war and this goes badly. They try to invade again and this goes worse.
Ground: On Earth for Goners was by crash-landing here. 2nd Invasion was regular landing. Counterattack was humans on the offensive, who used drop pods from aerial craft deployed by spacecraft.
Space: Ships made, ships launched, ships encounter enemy ships, boom.
Earth and Mars followed by the entire Goner Empire
During invasion of Earth: earthy. During human counterattack in space: vacuumy. On Goner planets: ranges from chilly to earthy to watery to hotty.
The Engagement
At first it was under-equipped Goners vs humans. Then it was fully equipped Goners vs really well equipped humans. Then it was Goners vs humans in space with the 2 having roughly equal gear.
A collection of 6 ally human empires where Goners outnumbered humans 15 to 1 (this is after 99% of them went kashooey from the disease) and the LIR looking at the human race funny.
Goner populations would decline due to a rebellion being put down by a human terrorist group (that was sort of criticised for being terrorists but not really) with the disease. This terrorist group then proceeded to use the disease on all Goners, leaving their population at less than 1percent of what it was before and being part of why this terrorist group would try to conquer all of humanity. The Goner home-world was in British territory and the British said that it could be a Goner-only puppet state where Goners could have all sorts of cool things like rights and this caused almost every Goner in human territory to move there.
The LIR would later on attack humanity during this 6 Nations Period and would continue to be an enemy to humanity all the way to the 3000s and beyond.
Historical Significance
This was the first interstellar humanity: founded on conquest, war crimes and stolen technology. The fact that this is glorified would set a dark standard to future generations on how to treat non-human enemies in war.
In Literature
Countless, countless books. Children's books too, where little Timmy was a hero because he shanked a Goner soldier through the eye with a rusty nail.
Technological Advancement
Human technology was rushed along by copying Goner tech and then improving on it. The Goners themselves tried to implement human tricks into their equipment such as camouflage (they had forgotten what subtlety was long ago) against being seen with sight or heat vision but by this point humanity's victory was certain with the disease.
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
7th of January, 2028
Ending Date
13th of December, 2099
Conflict Result
The Big 6 had roughly equal value of Goner territory, humans lived in an empire outnumbered 15 to 1 by Goners who obeyed out of fear, the human race now had a rivalry with the LIR and the Goner Empire no longer existed.
The Goner Empire
Led by
Plasma guns and shielding, space lasers, big space ships, vast numbers, strong physical armour. Weaknesses of incompetence amongst generals that led to bad tactics and the fact that the LIR was hammering them.
60 percent of their population. The majority of those being civilian casualties.
Conquer humanity, beat back (and hopefully one day conquer) the LIR.
The Human Coalition
Led by
Brilliant strategies and tactics but small in number and generally weaker technology (except for when it advanced to being better than that of the Goners). However when you have a GMO disease that kills 98percent of your enemies you're pretty much assured victory.
Around 40percent of human deaths during this war were due Goner vs human combat
Prevent humanity from being conquered by the Goners --> Conquer the Goner Empire
Hordes upon hordes of aliens with technology slightly behind that of the Goner Empire (although troops are poorly equipped).
They suffered 3 times as many casualties as there were Goners in existence during the war.
Conquer the Goner Empire (they got less than 10percent despite having the most casualties and landing the most kills on actual Goner soldiers)