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The Goner Uprising and Incursion

So, the Goners outnumber the humans 15 to 1 and are being kept in line almost solely by the threat of 99% of their species being wiped out by the Goner Remover 9000. Of course, they'd have to be utterly insane to rebel.

And nothing inspires collective insanity like a guy who can give rousing enough speeches and say what people are already thinking. The same applies to the Goners and they're fighting under the command of the grandson of the Emperor of Goner-kind, who was just a religious figurehead back in the day but now apparently has the authority to make 10% of an entire species rise up in armed rebellion against their human oppressors who their species previously tried to oppress.

So, world governments aren't using the Goner Remover 9000, something about it being "inhumane when less than 10% of them are rebelling for us to kill 99% of them". The UCW is even trying to negotiate by offering Goners full rights within their home planet and others are offering them free transport to this planet. Luckily for humanity, however, some angsty teens and old veterans form the Incursion, a militia group to fight the Goner Uprising that does 90% of the things that would be considered war crimes if these Goners were human.

So, some of them break into a UCW facility and steal some of the Goner Remover 9000. Then they farm it. Then they release it everywhere that there are Goners, killing ~99% of their species. The few remaining survivors go to this UCW sanctuary and live out their lives in absolute depression over how their friends are all dead.

The Incursion gets a hard roasting from most of the governments but only token punishments are given out. On top of that, the 6 Nations gave the Incursion a lot of weapons and, despite attempts to get those weapons back, it seems like there are just a lot of guns lying around in Veteran Tom's backyard.

One of the Incursion's founding and major leaders, Javlar Sush, calls for armed rebellion against the 6 Nations to form a united humanity and as revenge for how the Incursionists weren't receiving any monetary payment for the work they did while stopping the Goner Uprising.

Fun story short they lose. Funnily enough a lot of Goners sign up for the UCW military solely to fight these Incursionists, which results in most of them dying again but still. That said, it was a nice economy-crippler and was actually a close one with the Indian Republics only avoiding collapse because of the NU lending them some soldiers from the Viking project.

Overall 5 stars out of 5 would make a similarly weird and bloody war like this happen again in this Universe.

The Conflict


Well it turns out that if you let any of the enemy royals live and one of those surviving royals has a +1000 bonus on speech skills, they'll convince their people into basically committing mass suicide by fighting you despite being outmatched.


Goners = Red Army style, Incursion = Finnish style, 6 Nations = German style. It's a WW2 reference.


Well in space it was military cruisers (6 Nations) vs outdated military or civilian cruisers (Incursion and Goners).


Varied between planets but it generally suckled spheres.

The Engagement

I don't know what makes this different from deployment someone teach me how to Anglish properly.


Economic crisis and the appearance of a very profitable business in picking up scrap metal and reactors from space battlefields. Oh and so many dead Goners.


All Goners would continue to live on that singular planet for the next centuries, eventually turning it into what can be considered a hive world by building cities covering the entire planet that reached dozens of miles into the sky and just as many underground, one day likely to start building settlements inside the mantle of their planet itself.

Historical Significance

Well, after seizing the Goner Empire, humanity split it between the 6 Nations. Goners still outnumbered humans 15 to 1. Humanity had taken this turf by using a GMO disease that kills 99% of Goners it touches and to which immunity cannot be built up between generations and fear of this disease was what kept the Goners in line. There were a lot of weapons lying around from the Goner Empire's days and that the humans had made when fighting the Goners which both the rebelling Goners and the Incursion used.


UCW: "okay so maybe we shouldn't treat aliens under our rule like trash?"

Everyone else: "lol no if we got Goner problems we just gotta use the Goner Remover 9000 straight away."

UCW: "true dat but I'm still keeping my adorable little lizard puppet state."

In Literature

In CHG history books, the Incursionists are bad guys. In UHN books, they're the good guys. Both view the Goner Rebels as the bad guys.

Technological Advancement

Plasma guns, Scoob! Don't you, like, know how nasty those are man!?

Wrat doo yoo mehn raggy?

Like, dude, they can melt whatever you're trying to take cover behind Scoob! Like, I hear that if a bunch of dudes like, shoot the same thing at once for a bit with those plasma guns the thing explodes man!

Ruh roh! *hides behind a fusion bomb*
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The 6 Nations emerged victorious, and in economic crisis. But hey at least everyone was getting along be- oh there was another war but between the 6 Nations later on?


The Incursion

Led by


They started small but got very big very quickly. Once they got their hands on the Goner Remover 9000 the Goners were doomed. Lots of outdated weapons and warships but they make up for it with numbers.


Corpses here, corpses there, Incursionist corpses everywhere!


"Stop the Goners from rebelling" turned to "Gizzard that lizard" scarily quickly.


Up to date warships but comparatively small numbers. Before the Goner Uprising was crushed there was a lot of soldiers going to and from the Incursion to get away with stuff they wouldn't've been able to otherwise to get things done. Special soldiers included in their ranks.


Roughly a third of 6 Nations soldiers died over the course of the war.


Crush both rebellions.
Goner Uprising, The New Goner Empire

Led by


10% of a species that outnumbers humanity 15 to 1 still means their forces outnumber the humans, especially when you factor in that the majority of humans weren't fighting in this war. They had lots of Goner weapons from the days of the Goner Empire hidden in stashes that they knew of and got the weapons from for their uprising but this weaponry was outdated and most of it wasn't up-to-spec even in the days of the Goner Empire.


Well, first there's 20% of their species to the fighting, then there's 99% of what's left after that to the Goner Remover 9000.


At the very least to establish their own nation capable of surviving invasions by the 6 Nations, although their leader gave speeches about the full enslavement of humanity.


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