Humanity War 4
Okay so first things first: World Wars 1+2 are referred to as Humanity Wars 1+2, because forgetting about them just because humanity is having fun among the stars was considered pretty disrespectful. Humanity War 3 wasn't that interesting and barely counts because all 6 of the existing nations that existed at the time declared war or had war declared during it, even though it only lasted 2 months. There were plenty of other wars but there were only 2 instances of all 6 nations partaking in the actual shooting rather than just providing weapons to the side whose success best served their interests.
Humanity War 4, however, is far more interesting. It started because of Indian Republics citizens emigrating to the Russian Federation + puppets and colonizing a remote Goner-terraformed planet with massive uranium reserves, fertile soil and a moon consisting of 60% titanium by mass. The Indian Republics were all like "hey Russki boi this planet is mine because it's the home of my citizens" and the Russian Federation was like "that's some BS we got that planet under the Treaty of Equal Standing, regardless of who's on it, and those people moved OUT of your nation so they're actually mine as well".
Normally, this would've led to a small theater war on the planet while each side built up and showed off the military forces it wasn't using, with neither side ever putting that much in because of a single planet not being worth that much when each nation has hundreds and can always just improve industry on existing planets to make up for it.
But this planet was worth a lot. It was worth a hell of a lot. It was worth so much that the Indian Republics launched a sudden attack not just on the planet itself but on several nearby solar systems to ensure a strong perimeter around this planet. The Indian Republics had a history of being aggressive in its expansion in this way and so it was worrying enough to 2 of the other powers, namely the The Oriental Empire (aka: Japan and its unofficial vassals), which had fought numerous theater wars with the Indian Republics in recent years, and the United Commonwealth, which was still pissed for the sheer number of times the Indian Republics had attempted to cock-block them during The entirety of the human-Goner war, for them to take a political stance with the Russian Federation on this issue.
And this is where a thing called escalation comes into play. The Indian Republics perform some war crimes within the area they've seized control of and, under agreements made back when the Goner Empire was split between the 6 Nations, this meant any other nation that wanted to could declare war on it. The United Commonwealth and Oriental Empire were quick to jump on the opportunity, hoping to quickly crush the Indian Republics, seize a tonne of territory off of it, and be happy.
The United States and Nordic Union, however, were worried that a triple alliance that had crushed the Indian Republics could turn around and do the same to them, and so unofficially fought alongside the Indian Republics by deploying special forces to sabotage the triple alliance and sending in soldiers wearing Indian Republics uniforms, who were officially classed as having emigrated into the Indian Republics, joined the army and been allowed to skip training because they already had it in their previous nations... without more than a few of them ever actually entering the Indian Republics. They also "sold weapons to the Indian Republics" (which was totally allowed so long as they actually paid for them... which the Republics barely did... I'm talking a warship being sold for the price of the average meal) that their soldiers were using, which also never actually went into the Indian Republics. Yeah they were seriously just going to war while changing the logos on their ships and the uniforms of their troops. Meanwhile the United Commonwealth, Oriental Empire and Russian Federation couldn't actually do anything about these other nations directly, relying on special forces, secret funding of terrorist groups and rebellions they made (which just happened to have many "ex-soldiers" from the UCOERF in their ranks) etc to mess with them.
However, the President of the Indian Republics made big joojoo when he claimed that the Indian Republics was gonna seize all the territory from the war for itself, as the armies fighting for it were technically its property, and keep all the equipment that had been sold to them. Oh-so-mysteriously, all of the soldiers from the Nordic Union and United States "defected", "emigrated to the United States and Nordic Union" and "joined their militaries" and then the Nordic Union and United States declared war openly on the UCOERF for the espionage and funding of terrorist groups so that they could actually get some of the spoils once the war was over.
Meanwhile, on Earth: things are meant to be all cool because there's a rule of no actually going to war on Earth because "cradle of humanity" etc but a whole lot of "terrorism/rebellions that totally isn't/aren't being funded, supplied, equipped and even having its ranks filled by any nations" occurs... complete with them having full combat gear and nuclear weapons. Keep in mind nuclear weapons then are different to nuclear weapons now because some have no radiation and all have far larger explosions. F in peace, Earth.
Lots of fighting later, and the UCOERF calls for a ceasefire and offers a conditional surrender. The odds were already tipped against them due to them not being able to directly attack the United States and Nordic Union during the first half of the war while themselves being almost directly attacked and this meant that, once it boiled down to a war of tactical attrition, the UCOERF were ultimately beaten and each had to surrender 15% of the value of their territory to be split equally (despite the Republic's attempts to take a larger portion for itself as it "fought the war for the longest", going so far as to threaten war, but never following through on the threat) among the victors, as well as pay reparations.
The war economically ruined all 6 nations, especially those that lost, and killed around 13% of humanity's population at the time - as well as leaving far more injured physically, mentally, or both.
It also led to The Unification War 17 years later, not least because it made the idea of a UHN (United Human Nation) free of human vs human war far more attractive.
The Conflict
Indian Republics trying to snag more territory with too much gusto and that territory actually mattering.
Both extra-planetary and planetary combat occurred. There was espionage, terrorist-group funding and all the other good stuff that's simply necessary for war.
Get a map of general humanity the size of a table and then go across the borders with a paintbrush to get a rough idea of how dummy thicc that battle lines were.
All 6 sides avoided breaking any laws for the sake of the fact that it was legal for literally everyone to attack anyone who broke the rules. Except the Indian Republics. The Indian Republics is too gangsta for rules.
13% of humanity dead, far more injured mentally or physically. Massive costs. 15% of the territory of each of the losers lost to and split among the victors.
Extreme economic depression for all nations, especially the losers. The one who would orchestrate the coups in the United Commonwealth and Oriental Empire that led to the United Human Nation, led it successfully in war against the Nordic Union, Indian Republics, United States and Russian Federation and ruled it until his death due to poisoning rose the ranks during this war to make it possible, as well as have the support necessary to pull it off because of how awful this war was.
Historical Significance
Viewed pretty similarly to World War 1 is today, as in a massive waste of life (the war itself) that led to another massive, considered more justifiable, war (World War 2/Unification War) that created a new period for humanity (Cold War/Human Unity).
In Literature
Wow, that's a lot of biographical movies, books, comics, etc you got there, 21/200s humanity. I guess there being so many stories to tell adds itself pretty well to there being so many storytellers to tell them.
Technological Advancement
Humans fighting in combat suits alongside robotniks after being dropped on from air-carriers that are dropped into atmosphere by space ships which are deployed near the world by much bigger ships that can't go near the world for gravity-related reasons. Plasma weapons used but railguns were more common as they were cheaper and large armies were being deployed rather than a small number of specialists like in a theater war.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Initially roughly equal to their enemies but sneaky loopholes led to them being at a massive disadvantage.
Initially around as strong as their enemies but pulling lots of sneaky loopholes allowed for them to be at a massive advantage in terms of production and position.
They suffered far more civilian casualties than their enemies, although soldier deaths were about the same.
The Indian Republics suffered the most casualties out of all the nations, but had the highest population. The United States and Nordic Union got off pretty well as they suffered comparatively few civilian casualties, even if soldier deaths were only slightly higher for the UCOERF.
Beat up the Indian Republics so it never pulls a sneaky again -> not get ass-whooped by Indian Republics, United States and Nordic Union.
Whoop the UCOERF so that they're too weak to become strong -> get some of their juicy territory.