The Oriental Empire (aka: Japan and its unofficial vassals)
This was one of the 6 Nations of the 6 Nations Period and one of the original 2 to get couped and then proceed to conquer all of humanity. They were always oddballs in their approach to fighting the Goners, focusing (weirdly for nation that includes China, where some dudes once pushed a thingamajig along a rail using nothing but light) more on having bigger guns and robotic armour than, say, adapting Goner technology. Then again, they only started engaging the Goners later on in the war and so never got to pick up any Goner goodies so fair dos I guess.
So, you elect your regional fella, who votes for the guy in charge of your country, who votes for the emperor. Oh god this is where the CHG got its idea of how to be bad at democracy.
Public Agenda
Being a powerful nation against the Goners and working with the other nations to maintain human independence. Until it switched to "okay guys so now that the common enemy is dealt with we're back at each other's throats right?"
Pre-human offensive: navy, airforce, mechs, extremely powerful bullet weaponry and armour that could rival Goner equipment (let me clarify: this is the same as having crossbows so cool that they can rival guns), some of the earliest robot soldiers. Drones no larger than eagles that would fly practically invisible over battlefields dropping ammunition for troops and explosives in the midst of Goners.
During offensive on the Goners: SPACE FLEET, space army, a giant space station covered in solar panels, the Goner Remover 9000
Okay, so: China is getting wooped from 2 sides by Goner Forces and Japan shows up outta nowhere with tonnes of mechs, a few robot soldiers, soldiers whose armour was sort of like a robot and allowed them to carry far more, extremely heavy guns that could output tonnes of extremely powerful bullets and other cool stuff in East Indochina and just "liberates" the whole thing (India got Western Indochina).
China is like "help please" and Japan is like "puppet please" and China is like "no" for a month but then is like "okay I be puppet" so then Japan rolls in with its mechs and robot armour soldiers and clears out the Goners from Northern China, Mongolia and Siberia before eradicating those in Southern China and then moves south, taking the Eastern islands between Australia and Indochina. India got distracted with taking Madagascar and so Japan just snatched Australia without them.
Japan and the USA later teamed up on South America, clearing out the Goners there in a series of large battles.
Once all the Goners were dealt with, Japan consolidated its empire with puppetising and "oh but guys remember how I made them all vote on whether or not they belong to me they totally all voted for me to be their ruler"ing all of the islands that they'd missed. New Zealand was a special case as they ended up "quarantining (*cough* blockading *cough*) because guys look they totally might be infected with a disease the Goners put there so let's also send some troops in" (there was no disease) and then New Zealand mysteriously "declared itself a supreme ally of Japan that shall allow Japan to control its trade deals and military".
When the Goners gave humanity 15 years of peace, the response by all human nations was to build up their technology, weapons and military as much as possible. It was the Russians that were like "hey let's make a space army" and Japan was amongst the literally everyone who was like "hell yeah!". Japan's space ships were known for being thinner than most and having inadequate numbers of toilets for the sizes of the crews, resulting in some crews making stalls outside the toilets with buckets, the contents of which would be poured down the toilets just after the actual toilets had finished being in use.
Once the Goners were defeated, the Japanese received roughly a sixth of the overall value of taken planets and was an avid participant in the Mars and Moon races to build as many bio-domes as possible.
During the 6 Nations War, Japan took the side of the USA and Russia against the other nations of Britain, India and Scandinavia. Earth was utterly ravaged by this war and, after it, great cooperation was needed to prevent Earth from becoming a poisonous planet, with Japan being a major contributor to the air filtering project in the outer atmospheres to prevent the poisonous gases that had built up there from falling down the Earth.
Japan assisted in the Defence of Humanity against the LIR. Japan's leader at the time, Akiko, advocated for an invasion of the LIR in retaliation but this idea was shut down by humanity's generals openly stating that an invasion was currently impossible.
During the Goner revolt, Japan openly welcomed the vigilante terrorist group that had formed to counter-act the rebellion, suppressing news of the war crimes committed by the group such as in Spearfall (as the city's name translates from the Goner tongue) where [REDACTED]. Following this, the Japanese government pretended that it was an explosion of a fusion plant, even forging fake documents to pretend that any such thing had existed at Spearfall.
Getting a coup. The new leader from this coup then merged the Oriental Empire with the British Empire as the UHN, which then conquered everyone else.
Demography and Population
Japanese, Chinese, Mongolian, Australian, Kiwi, East Oceania islanders (let's see, Philippines, half of Indonesia, Papa New Guinea and others), East Indochinese (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and half of Thailand), Taiwanese. Plus lots of people moving across borders from other ones of the 6 Nations.
Area-wise, they've got barely more than India in planet count but have the same value of planets. They managed to snag 1/7 of Mars during the bio-dome race but made up for it with 1/4 of the moon.
HUGE SPACE ARMY! That aside, they've got a neat secret trick with the bullets their ships fire, with the other nations laughing at how they still use railguns rather than lasers (they still got lasers but these railguns are the primary weapons), in that these bullets are actually missiles disguised as bullets that can change direction in mid-vacuum in on enemies and use magnetic fields to weaken plasma shielding just before impact to up the damage.
Technological Level
1/80 of the speed of light is the max for these dudes. They've got plasma and lasers and robots and stuff but I don't see any physics being broke around here.
"Freedom of religion" really means "well sure you could worship whoever it is you worship but hey have you heard of one of these specific religions that we subtly promote in schools and fund?"
Foreign Relations
"C'mon boys we gotta grab the land before they do" being disguised as "Yay let's all cooperate to beat the aliens" turned to "Cowabunga it is" worryingly quickly.
Agriculture & Industry
Despite constantly seeming to be quite close to full automisation, there were always areas requiring more human labour such as on newish colonies and in the less hospitable parts of their territory such as Chinese deserts. Many simply chose to live simple lifestyles because it was considered more fulfilling.
Trade & Transport
Faster than light travel does not yet exist at this point. Yeahhh that's a big uh-oh so it takes 5 years to move from one side of Japan's territory to the other side at a hundredth of the speed of light in a time when nothing is going faster than 1/80 of the speed of light. Most trade is of food from fertile worlds to less fertile worlds in return for minerals.
Ahh, yes, the Oriental Education System. Heavy concentrations on maths, hating the xeno scum, sciences, loyalty to the empire, engineering and history but with tonnes of bias.
Wow. That's a pretty big city that Tokyo's become. I'd even say it's hella big. Anyways, ever seen a 60 story building where every floor is 10 meters tall?
"The Goners shall be crushed" -> "Humanity shall remain"
2062 - 2161
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Japanese Empire, Orient, Larger Japan,
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Yen, over some years, became the universal currency of the Oriental Empire. But for a long time other currencies such as Australian dollars were big boys on the block as well.
Major Imports
Yeah they do trade with the other 6 nations. The deliberate drawing of the borders means that the Oriental Empire could easily be self-sustaining so most goods traded across nations are consumer goods.
Legislative Body
The Council of the Orient, of course. 40% on the council are Japanese and the other 60 percent are under Japanese control.
Judicial Body
Most countries kept their own systems which slowly became more and more similar to the Japanese system until they were all the same.
Related Professions