Mostly Hairless Monkeys Without Tails (Humans) Species in CHG/Central Human Gov't. "Where we at and how we at here?" | World Anvil
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Mostly Hairless Monkeys Without Tails (Humans)

Okay I'm pretty sure we all know what a human is so why is this here? Well, some humans in the CHG are different to the humans of today. Namely, there are both genetically modified humans and mutants. The CHG personally provides all GMO individuals and bans anyone from genetically modifying themselves outside of military purposes (and even then all changes must be reversible), and has chosen to make sure that all GMOs it provides are infertile. Despite that the fact that previous governments weren't always as restrictive on GMOs and that there are individuals who simply break the rules means that some modified genes have found their way into the main human gene pool. That said most of these modified genes don't actually offer those with them any advantages over regular humans...

Additionally, cyborgs exist. Cyborgification is only allowed for medical and military purposes and even then is tightly monitored so that the old lady who was getting a new kidney didn't also decide to sneak in the ability to shoot lasers out of her eyes by bribing the doctors who carried out the procedure.

Basic Information


Pick up an anatomy book. Now, for GMOs, it's basically the same internally but there are ones with different eye/hair/skin colours from normal and the proportions and sizes might change a bit.

Genetics and Reproduction

When a mummy human and a daddy human love each other very much / when a scientist has some cloning equipment and loves increasing the human population very much.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

How should I put this; lots of cultures, most of them resulting from people of different cultures being flung together into the same colonies and pulling a merge-a-roo, lots of naming conventions.

Major Organizations

The CHG is currently in charge of basically all of humanity (with exception to criminals and others living under radar), so they're pretty significant.

Before them was the Unified Human Nation, which received a lovely coup because its soldiers were annoyed about their non-soldier relatives being treated like trash.

Before those were the Britannian and Oriental (mostly Japanese) Empires, The United States (which dropped the America part for certain places-off-of-Earth-are-definitely-not-American reasons), the Nordic Union (resulting from expansion by the Scandinavian Union southwards into East Europe), the Indo-Asian League (the indo part just being there to remind everyone which country was in charge amongst them) and the People's Democratic Republic of Russia and its Allies (in which the opinions of the people mattered far less than the name indicated and the "allies" were better described as "hippitty hoppitty they're all Russia's property").

Beauty Ideals

Yeah that's gonna vary a bit from place to place but access to media and knowledge about genetics and general healthiness have resulted in a preference for people to be physically fit and not carry any visible disorders, especially genetic ones.

Average Technological Level

Humanity is breaking the law of the conservation of matter to produce large amounts of extremely dense iron in a space station larger than Jupiter so that said iron can be broken down to protons, neutrons and electrons and reformed proportionally into the elements present on Earth which are flung together into balls that are placed in the right trajectories around suns and then terraformed with giant devices which use light that is faster than light to make those elements bond together in all the right ways and places to make Earth-like planets and then those devices become invisible and deploy life onto this planet that is the same as or similar to that of Earth while using this same light to increase the rate of mutations so that natural selection can create balanced ecosystems faster. These planets are then populated with humans, both voluntary and otherwise, who live here and build up towns and cities. Yeah pretty advanced.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

English is the most popular language as a result of the US and Britannian Empire having it as their main language. This prompted the UHN to make it the main language, which leaves the CHG with English as the most popular language in all of humanity with 38percent of humans having it as their first language and only 43percent not knowing any English. That said there are tonnes of other languages lying around for various reasons such as Latin being used as a popular bridging tongue between people who don't know one another's main languages (almost everyone has to know multiple languages if they want to get anything done with people from other planets) and is still the language of science. Countless languages have come to be and some have been almost completely forgotten, retired to old online cross-language dictionaries that nobody bothers to use.

Common Etiquette Rules

Lots of cultures... but nonetheless the access to education means everyone knows what diseases are and prefers to avoid them. Shaking someone's hand when yours is visibly dirty is generally very rude and a few cultures have completely forgotten hand shaking. Eating with your mouth open is rude no matter where you are.

Common Dress Code

Lots of cultures yadi yada (seriously the humans occupy hundreds of thousands of planets as well as having bio-domes on many meteors/moons/etc and bio-spheres floating about in space, each containing multiple cultures so I ain't listing all that madness).

That said the biggest influences on dress code come from practicality, the government and the culture and ideals of the area; all of which interact together. Government employees are required to wear uniforms while on the job, but individuals with the exact same job may have different uniforms if they work in different places because of practicality and the culture of the area; specifically the CHG likes its workers to be dressed practically while only making changes for culture to get rid of things that might offend the people in a place (like if the badge used to show that a guy works at a toll booth looks too similar to what a culture views as a sign of evil). Meanwhile practicality affects everyone's clothing as nobody's wearing furs in a desert and culture will as well. There's only really a sense of fashion in very well off areas, usually amongst upper classes, but fashion in the form of counter-culture is fairly common in some places.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

There's one bit of culture everyone can agree on: any non-humans invading humanity can receive some heavy artillery fire. Almost every culture around either exists as a continuation of one that survived the human-Goner war, an attempt to re-reach roots that are believed to have been slashed by the Goners or began afterwards because the humans defeated the Goners. Therefore it's unsurprising that pretty much every culture is in agreement that "aliens bad, humans at least slightly better", especially since Goners set the precedent for humanity on how any other alien races would respond to humans, with the LIR's attempts to take out humanity compounding those ideals.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The power of No U is respected and acknowledged by all human cultures. This is a sign of utopia.

Common Taboos

Murder, theft, incest, paedophilia, rape, bestiality (wow a lot of these are relating to the hokey pokey is this because most taboos are related to "for the love of all that is good don't put this in that" or am I just dirty minded. Definitely the second one but probably the first one as well.), assault, being extremely unhygienic, lying, bullying and the like are generally considered wrong. That said there are (alarmingly) exceptions for each and every one of them (including murder) being considered wrong, although that's mostly amongst criminals, people in extremely tough areas and politicians.

Historical Figures

Nelson Mandela, Hitler, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Napoleon, George Washington, Winston Churchill and the like are vaguely remembered from the days before humanity met its first intelligent non-human foes. During and after the human-Goner war are the likes of Friedrich Shmiel, Klovak Sulskin, Alexa Alexander, Dr Jimothy, Jeff the Hyper-Intelligent AI, Alfred of Lemonstown (who led the inhabitants of the lemon farming community to victory against a far larger force of LIR troops... this also says a lot about how incompetent the LIR's military is), Xander Smith and the like.

Common Myths and Legends

There's a healthy mixture of real (mostly war) heroes that everyone remembers, usually with exaggerated or different stories, and non real heroes. The tale of Mustard Man and his fight to his last breath at the Suez Canal, for example, is mostly false as the one who came to be known as the Mustard Man for using mustard gas to land a lot of kills actually retreated from the battlefield on the orders of his commanders and fought in 3 further battlefields before finally getting sick with Salmonella and dying several weeks later in a hospital bed because of how weakened his immune system was by tiny bits of mustard gas getting through his mask.

Meanwhile the story of the skull sniper, who apparently shot Goners right through their eyes so that he or she (stories vary depending on which parent is telling it to their kid) could collect their intact skulls and then died in a battle where they killed over 100 Goners is a fantasy: the only individual to have ever gone for the eyes with Goners gave up on the practice because of how much quicker it was just to shoot anywhere on the head or torso so that more kills could be landed - said individual died because of a hole in their gas mask as a result of a near miss by a Goner who was firing in their direction just before mustard gas was deployed.

There are also plenty of stories involving magic and the like, but these are either for children, continuations of old stories from before humans started colonising worlds other than Earth or exist solely for entertainment.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humans and Goners: metaphorically speaking it's that humans stick their tongues out at the Goners, do silly dances and sing "haha we wo-on! You only keep one planet! And some of us also live on that one! You have no autonomy! Ha ha-ha ha-ha!". In other words the Goners are now subjects of the humans who aren't allowed to leave their planet of origin except when large chunks of their adult population are being sent to their deaths in the "very likely to die" roles of the military.

Humans and the LIR in general: humans generally hate the LIR and the LIR hates humans.

Humans and the Sagwalli, specifically the Sagwalli Templar (Sagwalli are in the LIR): yeah we get that you're religious about killing stuff: it's a cool motive. Still totally evil for you to systematically kill human civilians, including children, and make them fight in 1v1 fights to the death so that the most important guy among you can eat the winner since they "have better meat".

Humans and the less advanced species they've found and conquered: yeah we get it your lives are awful and would be far better if we weren't in charge of you BUT, here's an idea, SHUT UP OR WE SHOOT YOU
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens. GMOs are called Homo Mutatas and cyborgs aren't a separate species because their DNA is unchanged.
Well when a mummy human and a daddy human love each other very much / when a scientist loves his access to genetic modification and cloning equipment very much

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