Conveniencium (non-cannon but probably worthy of its own story) Material in CHG/Central Human Gov't. "Where we at and how we at here?" | World Anvil
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Conveniencium (non-cannon but probably worthy of its own story)

Conveniencium is an insanely useful material. How useful? It's useful for everything!

[This is non-cannon. I got bored]

Okay now this is actually a fairly interesting idea I'm tempted to make a seperate book from the ones I'm currently working on solely about this. It'd even have some appeal as being about the height of overly convenient substances.


Material Characteristics

Conveniencium emits a slight green light and appears completely smooth in its natural form but can be made super rough as well.

Physical & Chemical Properties

If you look at some conveniencium and wish for it to have particular properties such as glowing a different colour or conducting electricity or having a low melting point it will have those properties and retain the ability to be further changed. This is only bad for when someone bad looks at it and makes whatever it's meant to be doing stop working.


Conveniencium doesn't come in compounds but is always purer than 7 year old me's idea of where babies come from.

Geology & Geography

This material used to be found only in a single asteroid around Jupiter but by wishing for it to duplicate itself and break the law of conservation of energy, Mr Fidelstyx was able to make the supply of it limitless.

Origin & Source

An asteroid orbiting Jupiter was where it all started. Since then humanity has gotten so OP and has conquered 87 galaxies as only humans can affect conveniencium and most aliens have just surrendered right away for the benefits of having humans around to control the conveniencium for them and not getting crushed by the might of humanity, which of course lives under the power of the Emperor who has changed his approach to xenos due to conveniencium.

Life & Expiration

It only has a half life or deterioration if you want it to. Many bad joojoo terrorists have tried to use this to end the existence of conveniencium altogether because it's unfair to aliens that such a thing exists but the emperor and his cool dudes always just role on in and destroy the heretic scum.

History & Usage


It was first found by Dr Fidelstyx on an asteroid floating around Jupiter in the year 47,000 when the Imperium of Man was being beat around by neighbouring empires. He quickly realised how it works and so made it duplicate itself endlessly for several weeks until he could make a ship to get off the asteroid (oh yeah and he was stuck on the asteroid) and inform the Emperor of his discovery. The conveniencium, as he named it, was used to revive the Emperor to be stronger than ever before and then put to military use to conquer - not exterminate as the Emperor went through a bit of an epiphany there - everything in the galaxy and then to go beyond it. Everything bad in the Chaos has now been defeated and the Immaterium is now where all souls go to live peacefully after their shells die. The Imperium of Man now stretches across 87 galaxies with almost everyone living happily within it.

Everyday use

Useful for everything, at least so long as you're a human.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Well it IS used for everything soooo yeah pretty important. Plus it saved humanity and made it on its way to being top doggo of the universe so there's that too.

Industrial Use

Well I mean you can make anything from it with just a thought so yeah lots of industrial use.


No refinement needed... unless someone wanted there to be refinement needed.

Manufacturing & Products


Byproducts & Sideproducts

None except those that you want it to make.


Can be made very hazardous if terrorists or edgelords are allowed near it

Environmental Impact

Earth is a paradise thanks to it.

Reusability & Recycling

Can break the law of conservation of matter so pretty reusable.


Trade & Market

Nobody needs money anymore. Except aliens.


Many planets are made of it now and the Imperium of Man has lots of secret stashed in case edgelords go around un-existing it.

Law & Regulation

Believe it or not, not everyone is allowed conveniencium. It's usually duplicated and then half of it is turned into other substances that are then given out. Otherwise it's very state-controlled.


Practically infinite demand and potential for infinite supply.
Can make it smell however you want it to.
Conveniencium can be made to be edible and taste however you want. However, it's best to eat it alone in case someone looks at it like "I diagnose you with being poisonous" right as it goes in your mouth. Safe once ingested as nobody can see it.
Can look however you want it to.
Boiling / Condensation Point
Has whatever boiling/condensation point you want it to have!
Melting / Freezing Point
Again, whatever you want!
Common State
It was originally found in poop-shaped nuggets inside the asteroid. Wait a second...


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