- One of these guys, probably.
Their belief is that happiness comes from freedom and true freedom comes from lack of ego and that lack of ego comes from realising just how utterly tiny you are in the face of reality; both the shortness of life and how small you are physically in the face of it all. With this is supposed to come many other realisations, like that meditation is pretty neat and others.
Seeing first hand how tiny you are compared to the planet you look down on on the end of a rope from a ship, almost completely safe from death and yet feeling as if you're already falling towards your death, is a common exercise for newbies to be put through upon joining.
There's also another culture that takes that nihilism to much darker places, called the Pleasure Seekers, who don't generally get along with Voiders all that well.
Naming Traditions
Feminine names
Feliza, Felixa, and tonnes upon tonnes of other names that in general refer to happiness, freedom, peace, the void and so on.
Unisex names
You get the gist, but with Clancy being a common name as well because one of the main inspirations for the founders of this was them digging up old shows from back before the Goners first invaded humanity, before the huge inclination towards militarism and authoritarianism that knowledge of hostile threats to humanity and its independence brought, and finding the Midnight Gospel. Mostly names aren't too different from that of the main culture though, with naming kids after their relatives being very common.
Family names
Last names are taken from the wide variety of cultures that most within it have converted from, but there are a few cases of last names being changed to things like "Friunn" (derived from Free One) and "Traveller", although most of these last names already existed beforehand in previous cultural shifts and countercultures.
Shared customary codes and values
Not infringing on the freedom of others or being an asshole in general, really.
Beauty Ideals
Messy hair is pretty much a staple but otherwise in a counter-culture where the whole thing is freedom and realisation that you only live one short life in an almost infinite universe that doesn't give any damns about you. Otherwise this fact in of itself means most beauty ideals simply boil down to our most biological and primal instincts about what makes someone attractive or unattractive: their strength, how healthy they seem, how likely they would be to survive childbirth in a caveman setting in the case of women, etc.
Courtship Ideals
Respecting the freedom and autonomy of others is key in this culture, almost a direct insult towards certain police behaviours in this society that contribute to the push to the countless counter-cultures of the CHG. Not seeming egotistical and being purely honest are very much liked by most members of this culture.
Relationship Ideals
Enjoying it as it is, and splitting when it isn't mutually enjoyable.
Parent ethnicities
Diverged ethnicities