MythXCross' Top Picks List WAWA '24

World Anvil World-Building Awards 2024

Thank You for Joining Me!

Already, we're approaching April, ending the 1st Quarter of the new year, 2024! I sincerely hope that your goals and resolutions are coming along well! Remember: Keep on keeping on, and don't ever stop! What you're doing here has value- to so many people! The impact of your Words- our Works and Worlds- will go on to inspire so many, in ways that you may not have initially even imagined, if we have the heart and courage to share that work with others!

I'd like to include a statement made by Tracy Hickman during this year's World-Building Convention! Each panelist gave splendid responses to questions throughout the weekend, creating an engaging and potent event! In regards to the story, his collaborative work, and the impact it has on people, Tracy Hickman responded:
"... initially, it was all about the Joy of Creation... the joy in that creation connects with people... and can eventually be shared with people all over the Globe! An unread book is an unrealized thing; a Book doesn't Live until it is opened and read! The Words are interpreted by the reader who creates something fresh and new! ... what you create here at World Anvil... is a gift of Joy and sharing it with everyone is the Second Creation of your project!"
— paraphrased, Tracy Hickman, WA World-Builder's Convention 24'
~ in response, "What was it like- seeing your ideas go from ideas to Literary RPG? Could you describe that feeling & process?"- MYTH X

Reading people's Works is as important as the work itself- because there is a World, in each of us, unique, selfsame! When you read other people's Works, you expand and nourish this inner World. This World is the essence of World-Building- when we build our Worlds, this is the World that we should attempt to create and develop! To the audience, we give them the Tools to interpret this world, their own meaning and thus, these Worlds will still turn!

World Anvil gives Anvilites the opportunity to share their Worlds & Works with events such as the World-Building Awards, World Ember, and a number of fun and miscellaneous events! I'll always take an opportunity to thank the WA Team for "World"-Class Service! : D

This is my 1st time participating in the World-Building Awards! This gave me a great opportunity to sit down and read other people's works! I'm often busy, as I wear many hats working on Arcs, so I'm thankful that this gave me a chance to sit down, with about a gallon of coffee, to browse and read through so many amazing Articles! Now I'm in the position of voting on my favorite, which isn't an easy endeavor!

I don't want to take too much of your time, but these are the Articles that I've considered for my nominations! I've chosen 4 (or less) from the Categories and have organized them here to share with the WA community! I'll also be creating a Journal Post to commemorate this event as transparency and keeping up with my time and progress on World Anvil has been a healthy, rewarding effort!

I'd like to conclude this introduction by taking a moment to personally thank everyone who submitted their work and in turn, expanded my own inner World! I had a good opportunity to see what the community has done and is doing; there are awesomely imaginative Worlds that I hope do well! I've met so many amazing people and I hope to meet many more! We, as writers, need readers- and we need to be readers. I hope you discovered something new, learned something new, or creating something new this year, as we continue through 2024 and the World Anvil World-Building Awards!

Let's have Fun with this Thing! Always ^.~

WAWA Article Categories

Hearts & Minds

Rise of Nations

Wondrous Nature

Strength & Honor

"Strength & Honor Award"
"Articles relevant to the interactions of the people of your world across a grand scale — diplomacy, war, trade and collaboration, and the people who drive and engineer them."

Pillars of Progress

"Pillars of Progress Award"
"Articles describing a technological or scientific (including metaphysical) accomplishment, or celebrating creations developed by the people of your world."

Myths & Legends

"Myths & Legends Award:"
"Articles describing an aspect of your worldbuilding that's mythical or fictional within the construct of your world, even if it's based on true events. "

WAWA Major Categories

Best World-Building

Beautiful World

MYTH X 2024 WAWA Entries

For your consideration...

I decided to enter Arc Sagas into the 2024 World-Building Awards! I have entered the Hearts & Minds, as well as Best Newcomer Categories! Year-Ender is my best work to date, as it represents not only a huge gain in understanding and new skills, but it also represents a commitment to not stop writing and world-building! I believe it is an exemplary example of what it means to share with others, your heart and mind; I wrote it during World Ember where I met a great group of friends to write with! I hope to continue the tradition of including others in Arc Sagas as I expand and build this project into a product! I believe in what I am doing- both here on World Anvil and as a World-Builder! Most importantly, I believe in myself as a Writer! I believe in Arc Sagas, and I'd like you to believe in it too! With your support, Arc Sagas will be a huge success! Thank you for your time and your consideration! I hope you enjoy this Article as there is more to come in 2024! Consider following- or reaching out through Discord!

I appreciate your support & encouragement!

Thanks for joining me through the short list! There were so many amazing Articles- I've easily read & liked countless scores of them! Amazing work- thanks for sharing! I'll be placing my Votes on the 1st, April! Happy Voting! Good Luck to All Participants! See you, WAWA 24'! : D

"Epic Sagas; Love & XP!"


Author's Notes

Wooo! WoW! I would like to reiterate that I have read SO much over the last couple of weeks o.o! LOL! It was difficult to put this together, but since I only had two entries, I figured it wouldn't hurt to include them here as well. Amazing entries and I look forward to the wild and amazing things that I read here often; the people that I meet are awesome! World Anvil is always doing things like this, and I look forward to the future!

As a side note, I had trouble getting the links for the Timelines and Maps, so I included the Worlds as an easy reference.   MYTH X

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Apr 1, 2024 08:46 by Mochi

I am honoured to have made several of your shortlists! Best of luck during WAWA <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Apr 1, 2024 08:50 by Elspeth

Thank you so much for the mentions! I really appreciate it! Best of luck to you too! :D

Apr 1, 2024 12:42

Oh wow! thank you for including me in your shortlist. Good luck :D

I can hear the stars, they are singing to me...
For more mystery and magic, check out the world of Starsong
Apr 1, 2024 15:03 by E. Christopher Clark

What a great article. Thanks for including my work amongst such excellent company.

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Apr 1, 2024 21:01

That's a collection of great picks! I'm flattered to see my Memories up there!

Hoo~ Hoo
Apr 1, 2024 23:04

Gasp! I'm honored to be included on your most beautiful short list, thank you. <3 And best of luck to you!