Khalismyr (kăl′-ĭz-mĭr)

Even before your ship rounds the first switchback of the broad Thuenelv Straights, shadows of wyverns cross your deck. High above, riders flying the colors of the Viceroy of Lysandre keep a vigilant eye, reminding you this land - these people - have suffered much and offer little in the ways of forgiveness and mercy. This place has a long memory. Turning North, the ancient spires of the Elven city of Khalismyr rise from the sea. Lush green foliage clings to the landscape like a courtesan's ballgown on a hot summer night.
  There is power here. An unseen energy buzzes in the air whether you approach by land or by sea; a reminder that the even though the Elves may have lost the Great War, they are still in command of their arcane secrets. The Empire remains a deadly force to be reckoned with, a coiled and venomous snake waiting to strike. Break no laws, for if the tales are true those who find their way to the dungeons of Khalismyr never again feel the salty breath of the sea upon their brow.



The First Age

Roughly 850 years ago, Shaviht Lysand discovered a protected cove in which he could anchor his ship. He was entranced by the untouched beauty of the land. The natural resources, direct access to the Thuenelv Straights, ample wildlife and flora, and a deep and sheltered natural harbor captured his heart. Where a creek fed into the cove he built a small cottage and named the place Khalismyr. Over the next decade, word of his small paradise would spread and people would flock to the rapidly growing village. It was in Year 55 of the First Age that Tuloni I, the High Lord and Overseer of Gokrenxia, recognizing the location's military and trade importance declared Khalismyr as the seat of power for the expanding province of Lysandre, and titled it a Lordship assigned to the Lysand family line.
  While the Great War raged, Elven cities fell like dominoes to the Kynekin forces of Amari Wa'la. Refugees fled North and East en masse toward the lands of Lysandre and Al'Jymoor.

Modern Khalismyr: The Second Age

Khalismyr had always been well resourced, but the massive influx of refugees following the Great War caused a rapid ballooning which both the city infrastructure and city leadership were wholly unprepared to handle. Seemingly overnight new neighborhoods sprawled far beyond the inherent safety of the city walls. Today, the city's roughly 6,000 buildings house nearly 50,000 people. With massive overcrowding and a shortage of honest work for refugees, crime is at all time high.
  Today, Khalismyr is the second most populous city in all Gokrenxia and the capital of Lysandre. The Lord or Lady of Khalismyr leads the city, a noble title of land ownership passed down along Elven family lines through the years. Since the city serves as the Capital of Lysandre, the holder of this title title is also typically appointed the Viceroy of the Kingdom of Lysandre, acting in the name of and service to the current Elven Emperor seated in Al'Jymoor.

Founding Date
  • 55 1A

  • Founder
  • Shaviht Lysand

  • Type
  • Capital

  • Leader Title
  • Lord/Lady of Khalismyr
  • Viceroy of Lysander

  • Population

    Owning Organization
  • Lysandre

  • Crime Rate
  • High
  • Districts

    Khalismyr Map by Koragath
      Khalismyr is comprised of seven districts of varying ages. Some districts have continued to expand beyond the walls of the city, and are colloquially thought of as "Old" when inside the walls and "New" when outside. From oldest to most recent:  


    Oldest of the districts. Said to house the original site where Shahvit Lysand built his home. High end district with all the trimmings.

    Rhea's Run

    Western district outside the city walls running North along the East bank of the creek. Said to be where Shahvit's daughter Rhea loved to hunt. Working class district.


    The docks and warehouse district. Goods and traders from all over available. Beware unsavories here!


    Heavy trade district. Sorcerers claim a pair of magical ley lines converge here. This would help explain why the Elves chose this location to build The Arcanum.


    Old Noorgrov is known for the best land-based trade goods. Many inns and taverns support travelers from the North. Moving away from the city walls, New Noorgrov boasts the freshest fruits and vegetables from the surrounding farmlands.


    The majority of the Great War's refugees settled sprawl of land stretching East of Khalismyr proper. Lack of resources and jobs have made this massive district an incredibly depressed economy.


    Some argue Southmarket, established across the creek-bed from Rhea's Run by those seeking a better and safer life than the one offered in Osthope, is technically not part of Khalismyr. However, city leadership is desperate to increase taxes to help manage the increasing pressure on the city's coffers. Many of those settling in Southmarket find it close enough to have access to everything Khalismyr has to offer, yet far enough away to not have to worry about the Guard. As a result, Southmarket tends to operate under its own set of unique rule.  
    Osthope District by dream by WOMBO

    Articles under Khalismyr

    Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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    Aug 22, 2023 07:42 by Menatith

    I love the map and the clear character of each district. Everything in your world already seems so developed, the city obviously has a place in history with all the reference to events.

    Aug 22, 2023 09:06

    Thank you so much! I definitely felt like this SC article took a more energy than most of the others. It took me out of my comfort zone in a lot of ways (like the map, and learning about WA formatting), but I was incredibly pleased with the results. Thanks again.

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