Kynekin (kie-na-kin)

Sit now children, and listen. For you do not recall a time when you were not free. A time before the Great War. A time we call the First Age. And yet, the stories passed down to us by my grandparents, and their parents, and their parents before them cannot recall a time when we were not slaves. A time before the rule of the Myndikin, who were led by the Elves.
— A Shar'elum Storyteller


The term "Kynekin" is used to describe a wildly varied people of Gokrenxia evolved from and retaining many of the characteristics of animals. This diverse and beautiful people group suffered greatly under the rule of the Elves for nearly 900 years where they were considered lesser beings and treated as slaves. They were referred to with derogatory terms such as "beastmen," and regarded as little more than property. This lasted until their emancipation brought about through the Great War and the ushering in of the Second Age. Their shared struggle forged a deep identity among the nations.


Major language groups and dialects

The Kynekin have developed a common language separate and apart from that spoken by the Myndikin which they call Yarila.

Culture and cultural heritage

It was uncommon for Kynekin in the First Age to be taught to read and write the Myndikin marks. Items including cultural knowledge, understanding, customs, traditions, and family histories were passed down through a strong oral tradition from one generation to the next. This resulted in many Kyne becoming natural storytellers.

Shared customary codes and values

We have a right to choose our own path. Our destiny is our own. We have a right to be free from oppression. Our lives are not for sale. We have a right to be treated with respect and dignity. Our heads are held high. We have a right to be heard. Our voices are strong. We have a right to defend ourselves. Our claws are sharpened.
— An excerpt from Amari Wa'la's Call to Action

Art & Architecture

Since song and storytelling were leveraged to pass information down through the generations, they are the two arts forms found in common among the nations. Since winning their independence, the Kyne have begun exploring and embracing many new forms of art.

Foods & Cuisine

Kynekin dishes vary based on the locally available ingredients but tend to be wonderfully smelling savory dishes combining a grain, meat, spices, and vegetables.


Gender Ideals

Similar to the Myndikin peoples, Kynekin have well-defined concepts around two distinct genders: male and female. They are generally seen as having equal and vitally important roles in society and the survival of the nations, though the specifics of those roles vary from one species to the next.

Articles under Kynekin

Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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