Arjeev Species in Gokrenxia | World Anvil

Arjeev (är-jəəv)

A family of Kynekin descended from the feliformia suborder. This include large felines such as lions, tigers, and panthers, as well as cats. Throughout the First Age, Arjeev slaves were held in high regard as competent and effective servants, doing the bidding of their Myndikin masters. To own an Arjeev slave was considered a symbol of ones wealth and power. Throughout the Great War and following it, the Arjeev held a prominent role leading and shaping the Kynekin Kingdom of Vath'azen.   One of the most well-known and beloved families of Arjeev are the lions descended from Marshall Batu Ch'luun  

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Arjeev families tend to range from one to six children.


Arjeev are highly prideful, stubborn, and self-centered. They often come across as aloof, dismissive, and derogatory. They pride themselves on their intellect.
60 years

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